39 research outputs found

    Workshop Report: Concepts and methods in the economics of nutrition - Gateways to better economic evaluation of nutrition interventions

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    Improving health through better nutrition of the population may contribute to enhanced efficiency and sustainability of healthcare systems. A recent expert meeting investigated in detail a number of methodological aspects related to the discipline of nutrition economics. The role of nutrition in health maintenance and in the prevention of non-communicable diseases is now generally recognised. However, the main scope of those seeking to contain healthcare expenditures tends to focus on the management of existing chronic diseases. Identifying additional relevant dimensions to measure and the context of use will become increasingly important in selecting and developing outcome measurements for nutrition interventions. The translation of nutrition-related research data into public health guidance raises the challenging issue of carrying out more pragmatic trials in many areas where these would generate the most useful evidence for health policy decision-making. Nutrition exemplifies all the types of interventions and policy which need evaluating across the health field. There is a need to start actively engaging key stakeholders in order to collect data and to widen health technology assessment approaches for achieving a policy shift from evidence-based medicine to evidence-based decision-making in the field of nutrition

    Mitä nikotiinin sydän- ja verisuonivaikutuksista tiedetään?:nikotiini paitsi koukuttaa myös lisää kansantautien riskikuormaa

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    Abstract Nikotiini on riippuvuutta aiheuttava, terveydelle haitallinen yhdiste. Se lisää monin tavoin sairastuvuutta ja kuolleisuutta sydän- ja verisuonitauteihin. Se aiheuttaa useilla mekanismeilla endoteelin toiminnan häiriöitä, ja sen sykettä tihentävä sekä verenpainetta nostava vaikutus välittyy sympaattisen hermoston aktivaation kautta. Nikotiini aktivoi reniini-angiotensiinijärjestelmää (RAS), jonka toiminnan häiriö liittyy moniin sydän- ja verisuonitauteihin. Nikotiini vaikuttaa hengitystä säätelevään kemorefleksiin. Nuorena alkanut nikotiinin käyttö kuormittaa sydän- ja verenkiertoelimistöä, ja pitkäaikaisvaikutukset kertautuvat aikuisiällä. Yhteiskunnan tulisi panostaa nikotiinittomuuteen ja kohdistaa toimet erityisesti nuoriin

    Immune colostrum in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori gastritis

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    The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) Consensus Statement on the Definition and Scope of Prebiotics

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    In December 2016, a panel of experts in microbiology, nutrition and clinical research was convened by the International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics to review the definition and scope of prebiotics. Consistent with the original embodiment of prebiotics, but aware of the latest scientific and clinical developments, the panel updated the definition of a prebiotic: a substrate that is selectively utilized by host microorganisms conferring a health benefit. This definition expands the concept of prebiotics to possibly include non-carbohydrate substances, applications to body sites other than the gastrointestinal tract, and diverse categories other than food. The requirement for selective microbiota-mediated mechanisms was retained. Beneficial health effects must be documented for a substance to be considered a prebiotic. The consensus definition applies also to prebiotics for use by animals, in which microbiota-focused strategies to maintain health and prevent disease is as relevant as for humans. Ultimately, the goal of this Consensus Statement is to engender appropriate use of the term ‘prebiotic’ by relevant stakeholders so that consistency and clarity can be achieved in research reports, product marketing and regulatory oversight of the category. To this end, we have reviewed several aspects of prebiotic science including its development, health benefits and legislation