30 research outputs found

    Elokuva ja digitaaliset ihmistieteet

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    Elokuva ja digitaaliset ihmistieteet

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    Valtion palvelu- ja toimitilaverkon uudistaminen 2020-luvulla : Väliraportti

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    Hankkeen tavoitteena on koota valtionhallinnon käyntiasiointi julkisen hallinnon yhteisiin asiakaspalvelupisteisiin ja vähentää valtionhallinnon toimistotilaa muun muassa edistämällä virastojen ja laitosten siirtymistä yhteiskäyttöisiin toimistotiloihin. Uudistuksen elinkaareksi on arvioitu kuluva vuosikymmen ja hankkeen ensimmäinen vaihe asetettiin ajalle 24.2.2021-31.1.2024. Väliraportissa käsitellään hankkeen ensimmäisen vaiheen tuloksia ja todetaan, että asettamispäätökseen kirjatut tavoitteet ja tehtävät ovat toteutuneet hyvin ja hanke on edennyt toimeenpanosuunnitelman mukaisesti. Hankkeessa on laadittu yhteisten työympäristöjen konseptikokonaisuus, joka ohjaa toimitilahankkeiden suunnittelua ja toimeenpanoa ja varmistaa, että aiemmin toteutettujen toimitilahankkeiden opit siirtyvät toimitilahankkeesta toiseen. Uudistus on käynnistetty kolmen maakunnan alueella ja ensimmäisiä toteutuksia ovat olleet Lappeenrannan, Joensuun ja Lahden virastotalot. Ensimmäisten yhteisten työympäristöjen onnistumista on selvitetty eri menetelmin asiakkailta ja työntekijöiltä. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa on linjattu myös julkisen hallinnon strategiassa todetun valtion asiakaspalvelutoiminnan tehtävistä ja vastuutahosta. Raportissa tehdään useita jatkoehdotuksia, joiden perusteella uudistuksen toimeenpanoa jatketaan hankkeen toisessa vaiheessa (2024-2026

    Applying Modelica Tools to System Dynamics Based Learning Games: Project Management Game

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    Learning simulation games are interactive simulations with game characteristics. This paper presents a learning simulation game for EPCM (engineering, procurement, and construction management) project management training. The simulation model utilises system dynamics, which is a methodology for understanding the behaviour of dynamic complex systems of different domains using modelling and simulation. The system dynamics model in turn uses the equation-based Modelica modelling language: a system dynamics model created with the graphical user interface is converted to a pure Modelica model. Two Modelica environments, namely, OpenModelica and the custom Modelica solver, have been used to simulate the generated Modelica model. The focus of this article is on how generic systems modelling and simulation platforms such as Modelica based environments can be utilised in developing a learning simulation game: what benefits do they bring and what disadvantages do they have? On the one hand, it is evaluated how the Modelica language as such is suitable for being used in a learning game development. On the other hand, the suitability of the selected implementation environments, that is, OpenModelica, the custom Modelica solver, Simantics, and Simupedia, is evaluated. The paper also shortly presents how the project management game was received by its players

    The 6th Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Conference (DHNB 2022), Uppsala, Sweden, March 15-18, 2022

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    This paper traces signs of urban culture in Finnish fiction films from the 1950s by drawing on a multimodal analysis of audiovisual content. The Finnish National Filmography includes 208 feature films released between 1950–1959. Our approach to the automatic analysis of media content includes aural and visual object recognition and speech recognition. We concentrate on features that epitomize urbanity, including visual objects, such as forms of transportation (cars, horses) and sounds (rural and urban sounds, speech). Based on the scores and frequencies of these recognitions, we observe quantitative changes that took place during the 1950s. The paper demonstrates that aural and visual object recognition, as well as speech recognition, can successfully be applied in film historical analysis. The overall results support the idea that Finnish filmmakers fueled the imagination of urban life in the 1950s, paving the way for modern technologies and gradually pushing aside the signs of rural life.</p

    The Implementation of E-Marketing Communications in Micro-Companies : A Multiple-Case Study

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    Hietala, Timo. Salmi, Tommi. 2012. The Implementation of E-marketing Communications in Micro-Companies. A multiple-case study. Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences. Business and Culture. Pages 31. Appendices 2. The main objective of this Thesis is to study the implementation of E-marketing communications in micro-companies operating in the Kemi-Tornio region. The study was conducted in order to gain knowledge about factors impacting the implementation. Qualitative research method was used in this multiple-case study. Data was collected by conducting semi-structured interviews with the entrepreneurs of the six case companies and by literature review. Findings of this Thesis reveal that implementation of E-marketing communications to market micro-companies in the Kemi-Tornio region is common, but the implementation is unplanned and narrow. Personal assumptions and attitudes of the entrepreneurs impact the implementation positively as well as negatively. Further research on the topic of beneficiality of E-marketing for micro-companies in the Kemi-Tornio region, could inspire the entrepreneurs to widen their use of E-marketing communications

    ICT-investoinnit ja tuloksenjako Suomessa

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