1,054 research outputs found

    Presenting Modified Servqual Model to Evaluate Flight Attendant Services: Iran Air case study

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    Purpose: The investigation of the customer`s viewpoints and utilizing their ideas and expectations in improving the quality of the products, has turned out to be one of the key concerns of the companies working in all fields. Airline industry as one of the most extensive modes of transportation should be strictly accurate in providing services to their customers. This article attempts to investigate important dimensions from passengers' point of view and present a model which would evaluate the flight attendant's performance. Design/methodology: In order to achieve this purpose, on the basis of the literature and experts' and passengers' point of view, the SERVQUAL model has been modified with 26 factors in 6 dimensions. Then 300 data have been gathered for the Factor Analysis Model. Findings: As a result, a model with high goodness of fit has been developed which could be used as a tool of measuring quality of service with a high degree of certainty. In the end, running the model in Iran air, most differences were as below: 1-Improvement 2-Responsiveness 3-Empathy 4-Assurance 5-Tangibles 6-Reliability. Originality/value: In general, in this model, all services with which employees are involved are observed. However, the main issue in this research is related to attendant team. Consequently, considering that many of these indicators have different meanings in assessing customer satisfaction in relation to the performance of flight attendant; modifications should be made to the dimensions of the SERVQUAL model.Peer Reviewe

    Assessing the Role of Automation in Managing of Iranian E-banking and its Impact on Social Benefit

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    Banks in the field of commercial developments have attention to create structural changes in the receiving and payment systems and also have facilities in services process to customers. In fact we can claim one of the reasons of general tendency to electronic business is the banks managers’ attention to the importance and necessity of this phenomenon, thus have led to their trend and serious attention for providing banking structure, based on electronic method. What banking services makes it different in comparing with other conventional methods for using E-Banking systems, is, quantitative and qualitative expansion in customer service. In other words, E-Banking, prepares the situation to customer till have wider and more diverse services. Furthermore, time and spatial dimension will not have effect in reducing or increasing services to customers. Also the customer can control his/her financial activities in every time and everywhere without attending in bank’s branches. The aim of this paper is to illustrate the status of banking automation, its social and organizational consequences in Iranian E-banking system, and providing appropriate recommendations.Bank automation, ATM, E-banking, service quality.

    An investigation on the effect of organizational culture on knowledge management implementation

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of organizational culture on knowledge management implementation. The proposed study designed a questionnaire and distributed it among individuals 370 managers and employees of GOLDIRAN, an official agent of Korean firm named LG in Iran. The results of this study show that there were positive and meaningful relationships among 4 variables including adaptability, involvement, mission, stability in this firm. Based on the organizational cultures to component development, Stability) maintains the highest average (3.5984), and involvement maintains the lowest average (3.3871)

    Evaluación de riesgos para la salud humana y riesgos ecológicos por la presencia de contaminantes elementales y radiactivos en suelos y plantas autóctonas alrededor de la zona industrial de Puchuncaví-Ventanas, Chile

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    Nuestro trabajo se ha centrado en la optimización y validación experimental de estrategias para la evaluación de riesgos ecológicos y riesgos para la salud humana, derivados de la exposición a contaminantes ambientales, específicamente elementos traza y radioisótopos, presentes en suelos y plantas autóctonas como resultado de la deposición de emisiones atmosféricas desde diferentes fuentes, especialmente desde fuentes industriales. La mayor parte de la tesis se dedica a la investigación de riesgos ambientales en la comuna de Puchuncaví (región de Valparaíso, Chile), fuertemente impactada por emisiones industriales desde los años sesenta del siglo XX, pero se ha estudiado también la presencia de isótopos de uranio y plutonio en lugares seleccionados del hemisferio sur.Our work has been focused on optimization and experimental validation of strategies for human health and ecological risk assessment derived from exposition to environmental pollutants, specifically trace elements and radioisotopes, occurring in soils and native plants as the result of deposition of atmospheric emissions from different sources, especially of industrial origin. Most of the thesis is devoted to the investigation of environmental risks at the Puchuncaví area (Valparaíso Region, Chile), heavily impacted by industrial emissions from the beginning of the 1960s (industrial complex of Puchuncaví-Ventanas), but we have also studied the presence of natural radiation and of uranium and plutonium radioisotopes in selected southern hemisphere locations

    Utilizing Model Knowledge for Design Developed Genetic Algorithm to Solving Problem

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    One of the discussed topics in scheduling problems is Dynamic Flexible Job Shop with Parallel Machines (FDJSPM). Surveys show that this problem because of its concave and nonlinear nature usually has several local optimums. Some of the scheduling problems researchers think that genetic algorithms (GA) are appropriate approach to solve optimization problems of this kind. But researches show that one of the disadvantages of classical genetic algorithms is premature convergence and the probability of trap into the local optimum. Considering these facts, in present research, represented a developed genetic algorithm that its controlling parameters change during algorithm implementation and optimization process. This approach decreases the probability of premature convergence and trap into the local optimum. The several experiments were done show that the priority of proposed procedure of solving in field of the quality of obtained solution and convergence speed toward other present procedure

    Therapists’ perception of the healing variables of animal assisted intervention

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    The significance of the bond that is formed through animal companionship can be found in narratives throughout history. In fact, often a pet is viewed as an integral part of the family and valued as deeply as a member if not more. This has resulted in numerous studies regarding the incorporation of animals within the therapeutic environment and the unique positive impact of their presence on the client. This study aimed to highlight the healing variables of Animal Assisted Intervention (AAI) as perceived by therapists that actively and purposefully incorporated animals into the therapeutic milieu. A qualitative research approach was utilised for the purpose of this study and semistructured interviews were conducted with a sample of five participants selected through a nonprobability purposive and snowball sampling strategy. Participants included registered Psychologists and Counsellors that had incorporated an animal into the therapeutic environment on at least three separate occasions in order to facilitate the therapeutic process. The participants revealed that the presence of the animal within the therapeutic environment acted as a social lubricant for therapy. This allowed for increased interaction between the therapist and the client, thereby facilitating the process of rapport building and the formation of a therapeutic relationship between the therapist and the client. The presence of the animal was observed as influential in increasing clients’ self-esteem. Likewise, the animal’s presence acted as an instrument in teaching social skills, namely, empathy and responsibility. Clients were additionally observed as more present within the here and now, further enabling the therapist to gain more in-depth information regarding the client’s relational interaction outside of the therapeutic setting. The therapy animal also provided the client with therapeutic touch and affection, a source of distraction, a form of a transitional object or object of projection, as well as a buffer that enabled clients to access and express emotions more freely. This study adds to the body of knowledge available on AAI within the South African context
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