167 research outputs found

    A Study of IoT-Optimized Low Power Asset Tracking with Cloud-enabled LoRaWAN

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    The world of technology is expanding very quickly today, including technologies like cloud-based asset monitoring, but this makes it difficult to keep up with this technology\u27s development and many other things. It is possible to monitor and manage your assets remotely with a cloud-based system thanks to its many features. The lifecycle of any commodity, including inventory, machinery, vehicles, and real estate, can be tracked using this kind of cloud-based system. Wide-area networks can be used to send data with the aid of low-power wide-area network (LPWAN) technologies like LoRa, SigFox, and NB-IoT. This project will examine traditional, cloud-based, LPWAN-based asset tracking systems while analyzing IoT-optimized asset tracking with Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) which is cloud-enabled. It also includes a number of case studies

    Evalution of patients' adherence to warfarin therapy among cardiovascular disease

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    Objectives: To evalution patients’ adherence about warfarin therapy and to find out the relationship between patients’ adherence and sociodemographic characteristics. Methodology: A descriptive study was carried out at Ibn Al-Bitar Specialized center for Cardiac Surgery for the period between between October 28, 2022.until May 28,2023. A non-probability sampling was used among (210) patients with cardiovascular disease. The study instrument used to collect data was composed of two parts namely: sociodemographic characteristics included (10) questions , patient's adherence regarding warfarin therapy consists of (11) questions,.Data were analyzed using IBM SPSS version 26. Descriptive and inferential data analysis were utilized to summarize the results. Results: The study indicated that patients had paritial adherence ((70%) about warfarin Therapy. Conclusions: There are significant relationship between patient's adherence and sociodemographic characteristics

    The Effect of Mechanical Combined Contact Stress with Buckling Load on the Stress Distribution in the Ball and SocketJoint Mechanism

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    The design of components subjected to contact stress as local compressive stress is important in engineering application especially in ball and socket Joining. Two kinds of contact stress are introduced in the ball and socket joint, the first is from normal contact while the other is from sliding contact. Although joining two long links (drive shaft in steering cars) will cause the effect of flexural and tensional buckling stress in hollow columns through the ball and socket ends on the failure condition of the joining mechanism. In this paper the consideration of the combined effect of buckling Load and contact stress on the ball and socket joints have been taken, epically on the stress distribution in the contact area. Different parameters have been taken in the design of joint. This is done by changing the angles for applied loads with the principle axis, the angle of contact between ball and socket and using different applied loads. <br />The problem has been solved using analytical solution for computing the critical loads and using these loads for calculating the stress distribution with finite element method using ANSYS 10. The numerical results have been compared with the experimental method using photo elasticity pattern which shows good agreement between experimental and simulation results

    Occurrence of severe cognitive impairment in elderly individuals with poor glycemic control Vs elderly individuals with good glycemic control or no DM: a case control study”

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    ABSTRACT: Background: There is substantiatial corroboration that diabetes (both T1DM and T2DM) plays an essential role in predisposition to cognitive decline thus leading to dementia in both human and animal studies. (1,2,3). Hypoglycemia has been associated with the increased risk of developing cognitive impairment. (4). There is lack of data from our community to support this. We aim to observe occurrence of cognitive impairment in individuals aged 65 or above with poor glycemic control and compare it with similar age group individuals with no DM or good glycemic control. Frailty independently contributes to the cognitive decline. We also assessed frailty index and incorporated it into our result interpretation. Methods: We conducted a case control study in the primary health care center of Ziauddin University from 1st December 2021 to 30th June 2022. Cases included 83 individuals 65yrs with HbA1c =7 and above and controls included 91 individuals 65yrs and above with HbA1c &lt;7. Both groups were assessed for cognitive decline using MMSE score and CFS score determined their dependency status. Results: Moderately uncontrolled Diabetes had highest association with severe cognitive decline(50%) p-value 0.000 and those who could not manage to do IADLS were severely dementic in our study( p-value 0.046). We also found DM to be associated with high frailty scores. Severely uncontrolled DM was associated with CFS of 5 meaning those who were dependent on others for instrumental activities of daily living. Those who managed well independently was associated with Pre DM in our study.( p-value 0.041) Conclusion: Severe cognitive decline has high association with uncontrolled glycemic control. Keywords: IADLS (instrumental activities of daily living), CFS (chronic frailty scale), MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment

    Assessing the Role of Mobile Banking Applications in Creating Brand Loyalty among the Consumers of Commercial Banks

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    The Internet is transforming the world and abruptly revolutionizing every field of life. Due to rampant advancement in internet technologies, the world is getting shrunk into the pocket and the concept of distances has been evoked. Advancement in the internet has given birth to many other distinguished technologies such as artificial intelligence, the internet of things, and metaverse, and these inventions have revolutionized the whole technological scenario In this modern era and especially after the pandemic COVID-19 world has shifted to smart technologies and the use of mobile banking applications has been boosted, Mobile Banking Applications are like a virtual bank where customers can experience the quality of banking services through the interface of applications. In this current research, we will try to root out how mobile applications create brand loyalty among the consumers of commercial banks in Bahawalpur. Key Words: Mobile Banking, Brand Loyalty, Artificial Intelligence, Commercial Banks, Loyalty Schemes, Financial Application

    Effectiveness of an electronic hand hygiene monitoring system on healthcare workers’ compliance to guidelines

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    SummaryHand hygiene is a growing concern among populations and is a crucial element in ensuring patient safety in a healthcare environment. Numerous management efforts have been conducted in that regard, including education, awareness and observations. To better evaluate the possible impact of technology on a healthcare setting, we observed the impact of a particular niche technology developed as an answer to the growing hand hygiene concerns. A study was conducted at Salmaniya Medical Complex (SMC) in Bahrain on a total of 16 Coronary Care Unit (CCU) beds where the system was installed, and the hand hygiene activity of healthcare workers (HCWs) in this area was monitored for a total period of 28 days. Comments, remarks and suggestions were noted, and improvements were made to the technology during the course of the trial. While resistance to change was significant, overall results were satisfactory. Compliance with hand hygiene techniques went from 38–42% to 60% at the beginning of the trial and then increased to an average of 75% at the end of the 28-day trial. In some cases, compliance peaked at 85% or even at 100%. Our case study demonstrates that technology can be used effectively in promoting and improving hand hygiene compliance in hospitals, which is one way to prevent cross-infections, especially in critical care areas

    Evaluating Safety And Efficiency Of Chemotherapy Among Patients With Advanced Colorectal Cancer

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    AIM: Evaluating safety and efficacy of chemotherapy among metastatic colorectal cancer patients The cultural, social, and religious differences in parenting and child-parent relationships in families make parenthood a sensitive domain for the research study. Accordingly, the changing nature of families, culture, and gender discrimination influence or affect parenting styles and parent-child relationships. The current study explored the conceptual understanding of parenthood, such as beliefs, views, expectations, and parental well-being in Indian families, especially in the states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Gujarat. The participants were nine parents living together and with children the age range between eighteen and thirty-five. The parents’ age ranged from 41 to 63 (M = 50.8 years, SD = 6.05) (Mother’s age M = 48.7 years, SD = 6.04; Fathers’ age M = 52.9 years, SD = 5.28). They were selected based on purposive sampling. The method had an exploratory and qualitative design with multiple case studies. The researcher conducted in-depth, open-ended, semi-structured interviews using the online platform Google Meet and Zoom and face-to-face meetings. The interview transcriptions were analyzed using Braun and Clarke's inductive thematic analysis. The resulting six themes were: Objectives: Primary objective: To determine objective response rate of MCRC patients with chemotherapeutic regimen assessed as complete/ partial response/ stable/ progressive disease according to RECIST version 1.1. to evaluate the efficacy of chemotherapeutic regimen with in terms of objective response in accordance with response evaluation criteria in solid tumors RECIST version1.1. Secondary objective: To asses patient’s performance status using ECOG scale and to estimate percentage of all grade toxicities in accordance with CTCAE version 4.03. MATERIAL AND METHODS: It is a retrospective single centered empirical study conducted at the medical record department of oncology at a tertiary hospital for the duration of 6 months. CONCLUSION: MCRC is one of the major cause of death globally as the treatment involves complexities alongside much complications with chemotherapy are seen together with better outcomes. Entire data comprises of 109 subjects diagnosed with MCRC recorded in this retrospective study among which the no. of Male patients were 80 and Female patients were 29. The information extracted from the above data was that male subjects of age group between 50-70Y were more effected with colorectal cancer than female subjects of age group 40-70Y and patient specific treatment response rates were determined. The study revealed efficacy of chemotherapeutic regimen was found more with capox (capecitabine) and it came out as the most trending treatment among folfox (fluorouracil, oxaliplatin) and folfirinox (fluorouracil, irinotecan, oxaliplatin and capox is widely preferred by oncologists. Study revealed that among 109 patients with mcrc, the patients of age group 40- 70Y were more effected with repeatedly occurring adverse events of chemotherapy using CTCAE and determining the patient activity status

    Recycling of Waste Glass in Concrete as Partial Replacement of Cement or Fine Aggregate

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    في هذا البحث، تم استخدام خليط الزجاج المعاد تدويره، والذي يحتوي على نسبة عالية من SiO2 (ثاني أكسيد السيليكون) ، لإنتاج الخرسانة الخضراء ذات الخصائص الرائعة. تم استخدام مخلفات الزجاج كإسمنت أو استبدال جزئي للركام الناعم بمحتوى مختلف (5٪ ، 10٪ ، 15٪ و 20٪) من وزن الأسمنت أو الركام الناعم. تم قياس مقاومة الانضغاط لثلاثة اعمار (7 ، 14 ، 28) يوما والهطول لكل خلطة خرسانية. أوضحت النتائج أن مقاومة الانضغاط المسجلة تزداد مع محتوى الزجاج بنسبة تصل إلى 10٪ ثم تنخفض عند استخدام الزجاج كبديل للأسمنت، بينما عند استخدام الزجاج كبديل للركام الناعم، تنخفض مقاومة الانضغاط في البداية ثم تزداد مع محتوى الزجاج. أظهرت نتائج اختبار الهطول أن قابلية تشغيل الخرسانة تزداد مع زيادة محتوى الزجاج سواء كان مسحوق الزجاج المستخدم كبديل للإسمنت أو بديل للركام الناعم.In this paper, mixing of the recycled glass, which possesses a high SiO2 (silicon dioxide) percentage, was utilized to produce a green concrete with remarkable properties. Waste glasses were utilized as cement or fine aggregate partial replacement with various contents (5%, 10%, 15% and 20%) via the weight of cement or fine aggregate. The compressive strength for three ages (7, 14, and 28) days and slump was measured for each concrete mix. Results evinced that the recorded compressive strength increased with the glass content up to10% and then decreased when using glass as replacement of cement, while when using glass as replacement for fine aggregate, the compressive strength decreased initially and then increased with the content of glass. The results of slump test manifested that the concrete workability increased with the content of glass whether the powder of glass employed as cement or fine aggregate replacement

    Racial Inequality and the Implementation of Emergency Management Laws in Economically Distressed Urban Areas

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    This study examines the use of emergency management laws as a policy response to fiscal emergencies in urban areas. Focusing on one Midwestern Rust Belt state, we use a mixed methods approach – integrating chronology of legislative history, analysis of Census data, and an ethnographic case study – to examine the dynamics of emer- gency management laws from a social justice perspective. Analysis of Census data showed that emergency man- agement policies disproportionately affected African Americans and poor families. Analysis indicated that in one state, 51% of African American residents and 16.6% of Hispanic or Latinos residents had lived in cities that were under the governance of an emergency manager at some time during 2008–2013, whereas only 2.4% of the White population similarly had lived in cities under emergency management. An ethnographic case study high- lights the mechanisms by which an emergency manager hindered the ability of residents in one urban neighbor- hood, expected to host a large public works project, to obtain a Community Benefits Agreement intended to provide assistance to residents, most of whom were poor families with young children. We conclude with a dis- cussion of how emergency management laws may impact social service practice and policy practice in urban communities, framed from a social justice perspective. We argue that these are not race neutral policies, given clear evidence of race and ethnic disparities in their implementation