245 research outputs found

    Can social media networks like Facebook and Twitter influence the agenda-setting of traditional media? Two case studies from Egypt.

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    This research aims to examine if social media content that is widely shared or commented on can influence the agenda of traditional media on women issues namely the sexual harassment and undocumented marriages, to what extent and whether or not the same framing applies when the discussion moves from traditional media to social media. The topics chosen were related to sexual harassment and undocumented marriages which are two crucial, sensitive topics for Egyptian women. Three traditional media outlets were purposefully selected for this study channels. Interviews with the producers of the primetime TV showswere also conducted to assess how and to what extent they rely on social media to set their daily and weekly agenda of topics. These shows are “Sabaya Al Kheir” on Nahar TV, “Al Ashera Masaan” on Dream TV and “Hona Al Assema” on CBC Channel. An online analysis tool was used to measure the volume of online conversations and determine their sentiment. The results showed that social media trending topics such as sexual harassment and undocumented marriages do make it to traditional media especially if they are related to bigger societal issues like undocumented marriage and sexual harassment. Viral content also are more likely to reach traditional media, which follow the framing of online sentiment

    Aflatoxin level in selected spices in Abu Dhabi markets

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    Aflatoxins (AF) are toxic secondary metabolites secreted by the fungi Aspergillus or Penicillium. Four aflatoxins (AFB1, AFB2, AFG1 and AFG2) are common in foods and feeds produced or stored under unfavorable conditions of humidity and temperature AFB1 is considered the most toxic. Spices are significant ingredients in the UAE cuisine, used for the purpose of seasoning, coloring, and flavoring. In this research, 94 samples of spices (including pepper, chili, coriander, fennel seeds, paprika, turmeric, zataria, and mixed spices) purchased from different markets in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, were analyzed for their contents of AF. Sample were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) system, coupled with fluorescence detector. The results showed that only one paprika sample contained a level higher than the permissible limit set by the Ministry of Environment and Water (15 μg/Kg), while five other samples contained 4.3-6.7 μg/Kg of total AF. These levels are actually low compared to what was found in other countries having the same climate as the UAE. This may be due to the strict regulations implemented in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi on the process of food importation, storage and handling

    Risk disclosure, income smoothing and firm risk

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    Purpose: Evidence on whether firms with higher risk choose a more transparent or more opaque risk reporting strategy in their annual reports is mixed. A potential explanation is that firms choose an alternative reporting strategy to risk disclosure, namely income smoothing. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the association between both strategies in relation to firm risk levels. Design/methodology/approach: The authors use a balanced sample of 74 non-financial UK firms from the FTSE100 index over the period 2005–2015, examining the association between firm risk measures and both risk disclosure and income smoothing using a seemingly unrelated regression methodology. Findings: The authors find that firm financial risk measures are positively associated with both risk disclosure and income smoothing, implying a complementary association. Furthermore, non-risk-related factors are associated with both lower levels of risk disclosure and higher income smoothing, implying a substitutive effect. Research limitations/implications: The authors do not consider other factors such as managerial optimism, managerial financial incentives and analysts' earnings forecasts which might influence the association between risk disclosure and income smoothing, and hence, this may be a limitation of the current study. Practical implications: These results are important to regulators, investors and boards of directors who are interested in understanding the alternative reporting strategies that managers select when faced with high risk. The findings signal a need for closer regulatory scrutiny on not only the level of risk disclosure but also the financial reporting choices. Originality/value: The authors extend the literature on the reporting versus recognition decisions made by managers

    Bimbingan Terpadu: Pengabdian Kepada Siswa Tunarungu

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    In early 2022 the COVID-19 pandemic began to improve after the promotion of vaccination followed by a decrease in the number of Covid-19 cases. Several aspects of life, such as economics, politics, and education, have begun to be reorganized to face the new normal era. This change does not only have an impact on traders, farmers, or teachers. Students also feel the changes, including students with special needs. The service is carried out to deaf students who attend non-inclusive public high schools. Service activities are carried out in several stages, namely: 1) observation and interviews; 2) preparation of lesson plans (RPP); 3) implementation of learning. The learning activities went smoothly even though there were some obstacles that could be overcome immediately. Students can understand and follow learning activities well


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    The song by Band Silampukau contains many values of life and social values in it, especially social moral values, social protests and social aspects. This thesis becomes a depiction of these aspects as an important message to be conveyed to the wider community to deal with the moral crisis that occurs in the wider community today. The issues raised in this study are the elements of the poetry structure contained in song lyrics, social protest and what social aspects to convey through song lyrics, and the social moral values contained in the Silampukau Band song lyrics. The method used in this study is a qualitative method. The data collection phase uses literature study. The technique used is listening, listening, and noting. After conducting data collection, classification, identification. The data analysis stage, using paraphrase and hermeneutics to analyze its meaning, uses structural theory to find out its constituent elements, uses the sociology of literature theory to analyze relationships with its people, and uses social moral theory to analyze its social moral values. The data is reviewed qualitatively. Then the presentation of the results of the data analysis is presented descriptively in the form of a description of the words by providing an explanation of the song lyrics analyzed, namely the Silampukau Band work. The structural analysis results in the form of an analysis of the structure of song lyrics, diction contained in unique and harmonious song lyrics and the message is conveyed implicitly. The lyrics tell a portrait of people's lives by raising a number of samples of problems that are close to their environment. Moral values that can be taken from the Band Silampukau lyrics are that every behavior carried out by the community is influenced by the surrounding environment, therefore every human being has his own way to solve each problem. Every human being has the right to take lessons or benefits for his life from anywhere Keywords: Song Lyrics, Structure of Poetry, Sociology of Literature, Social Moral, Hermeneutics, Parafrasa

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Daring Terhadap Minat Belajar Matematika Siswa SMA Sederajat

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    Pandemi Covid sudah melanda berbagai negara sejak akhir tahun 2019. Untuk memutus rantai penyebaran Covid-19 maka pemerintah meminta masyarakat untuk melaksanakan physical distancing yaitu dengan menghindari segala bentuk kerumunan, perkumpulan, dan pertemuan yang mengikutsertakan banyak orang serta menjaga jarak di antara masyarakat. Agar kegiatan pendidikan tidak terhenti maka salah satu alternatifnya yaitu pembelajaran dilakukan secara daring atau online. Pada saat pembelajaran daring siswa dituntut untuk memanage kegiatan belajarnya sendiri. Hal ini lah yang menyebabkan kurangnya minat belajar siswa karena siswa seringkali lalai dalam me-manage waktu saat mengikuti pembelajaran daring. Maka dari itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya dan seberapa besar pengaruh pembelajaran daring dengan minat belajar siswa SMA Sederajat pada mata pelajaran matematika. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian korelasional. Penelitian korelasi adalah sebuah penelitian yang melibatkan suatu tindakan pengumpulan data untuk memastikan adanya hubungan dan tingkat hubungan dari dua variabel atau lebih. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis regresi non linear, yaitu salah satu metode analisis regresi untuk memperoleh model non linear yang digunakan untuk mengetahui adanya dan tingkat hubungan antara variabel dependen dan variabel independen. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu minat belajar siswa pada pembelajaran daring berada pada kategori sedang dan tinggi. Pembelajaran daring mempengaruhi minat belajar siswa sebesar 91.5%. Jadi pembelajaran daring sangat menentukan minat belajar siswa

    Determinants of Internal Audit Effectiveness: Case of Sudan Public Sectors

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    Determinants of internal audit effectiveness activities in the Sudan public sectors are the main purpose of this paper. The stimulation for the study is taken from the increased interest in the internal audits of local government units. For this study, five hypotheses using a survey way were developed and tested. The source of the required data to the researcher was the Internal Audit staff and managers across the public sector. The data collected using a Likert-Scale type questionnaire were distributed on a sample of the population of the study and filled out by 41 internal auditors and 27 managers.Descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, and multivariate regression model through Excel and SPSS evaluates the relevance between the effectiveness of internal audit department and its five main determinants: (management support, management’s perception of internal audit values, organizational independence of internal auditors, placement of adequate and competent internal audit staff, and the presence of approved internal audit charter).The results display that there was a significant positive relationship among the factors analysed in this study such as management's support and placement of adequate and competent internal audit staff to the internal audit effectiveness. Keywords: Internal audit, Internal audit effectiveness, Sudan public sector; Determinants of internal audit effectivenes


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    In recent years, there has been growing recognition of the effectiveness of an all-gender-inclusive approach to peacekeeping missions in conflict zones, as highlighted in the UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace and Security. UN has acknowledged the importance of female peacekeepers as potential role models for girls in male-dominated societies and has taken steps to increase their numbers. Pakistan has been a significant contributor to UN Peacekeeping missions over the past six decades and has also achieved the target of deploying female soldiers in its contingent forces. This study uses qualitative methods, primarily focus group discussions, to evaluate the constructive impact of UN female peacekeepers and their potential to enhance passive compliance towards International Humanitarian Law in conflict zones. It also explores whether female peacekeepers make a unique contribution and investigates the existing gap in research on their performance and the challenges they face in the field. The study highlights the need for further research and support to address the social and cultural factors that continue to restrict the contribution of female peacekeepers, particularly from countries like Pakistan, where women face significant challenges in the security sector.   Bibliography Entry Malik, Salma, Ahmed Hasan Awan and Talha Ibrahim. 2023. "Role of Pakistani Female Peacekeepers in Enhancing International Humanitarian Law: Opportunities and Challenges." Margalla Papers 27 (1): 186-198