328 research outputs found

    An overview of the hydrology of the Zayandeh Rud Basin

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    River basins / Hydrology / Water use / Reservoirs / Water balance / Climate / Irrigation systems / Iran / Esfahan Province / Zayandeh Rud Basin / Chadegan Reservoir

    Integrating palliative care into the community:the role of hospices and schools

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    Objectives: Palliative care services have, up to now, paid insufficient attention to social aspects of dying and bereavement and this has affected how patients and their families experience end of life and bereavement within their communities. New public health approaches to palliative care offer a different way forward by seeking to develop communities that support death and bereavement. Such approaches are now a priority for the majority of hospices in the UK and work with schools has been identified as a key area of work. Practice that engages schools and children on issues concerning end-of-life care is, however, underdeveloped and underdocumented. This research explored the role of hospices in working with schools to promote education and support around end-of-life and bereavement experiences. Methods: Action research was used to explore the potential for hospices to work with schools and engage participants in change processes. The research was conducted in 1 hospice and 2 primary schools in Scotland. Participants included children, parents and school and hospice staff. Results: Seven innovations were identified that were found to be useful for the school curriculum and the relationship between hospices, school communities and wider society. A model for integrated practice between hospices and schools is suggested. Conclusions: This research adds to knowledge about how hospices might engage in community engagement activities that encourage school staff to develop greater openness and support around end-of-life and bereavement care for their children. This will require a rethinking of normal hospice services to also participate in community capacity building

    Water management for sustainable irrigated agriculture in the Zayandeh Rud Basin, Esfahan Province, Iran

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    Irrigation systemsCropping systemsIrrigated farmingRiver basinsTopographyGeomorphologyClimateHydrologyWater qualityGroundwaterSoil salinitySustainable agricultureIranEsfahan ProvinceZayandeh Rud BasinChadegan Reservoir

    A national registry for juvenile dermatomyositis and other paediatric idiopathic inflammatory myopathies: 10 years' experience; the Juvenile Dermatomyositis National (UK and Ireland) Cohort Biomarker Study and Repository for Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies

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    Objectives: The paediatric idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIMs) are a group of rare chronic inflammatory disorders of childhood, affecting muscle, skin and other organs. There is a severe lack of evidence base for current treatment protocols in juvenile myositis. The rarity of these conditions means that multicentre collaboration is vital to facilitate studies of pathogenesis, treatment and disease outcomes. We have established a national registry and repository for childhood IIM, which aims to improve knowledge, facilitate research and clinical trials, and ultimately to improve outcomes for these patients. Methods: A UK-wide network of centres and research group was established to contribute to the study. Standardized patient assessment, data collection forms and sample protocols were agreed. The Biobank includes collection of peripheral blood mononuclear cells, serum, genomic DNA and biopsy material. An independent steering committee was established to oversee the use of data/samples. Centre training was provided for patient assessment, data collection and entry. Results: Ten years after inception, the study has recruited 285 children, of which 258 have JDM or juvenile PM; 86% of the cases have contributed the biological samples. Serial sampling linked directly to the clinical database makes this a highly valuable resource. The study has been a platform for 20 sub-studies and attracted considerable funding support. Assessment of children with myositis in contributing centres has changed through participation in this study. Conclusions: This establishment of a multicentre registry and Biobank has facilitated research and contributed to progress in the management of a complex group of rare muscloskeletal conditions

    Enhanced surveillance of COVID-19 in Scotland: population-based seroprevalence surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 during the first wave of the epidemic

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    This work was funded by the Scottish Government.Objectives: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Scotland has been amongst the most severe in Europe. Serological surveillance is critical to determine the overall extent of infection across populations and to inform the public health response. This study aimed to estimate the proportion of people who have antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 ('seroprevalence') in the general population of Scotland and to see if this changes over time. Study Design/Methods: Between International Organization for Standardization (ISO) week 17 (i.e. week commencing 20th April) and ISO week 25 (week commencing 15 June), 4751 residual blood samples were obtained from regional biochemistry laboratories in six participating regional health authority areas covering approximately 75% of the Scottish population. Samples were tested for the presence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies using the LIAISON®SARS-CoV-2 S1/S2 IgG assay (DiaSorin, Italy). Seroprevalence rates were adjusted for the sensitivity and specificity of the assay using Bayesian methods. Results: The combined adjusted seroprevalence across the study period was 4.3% (95% confidence interval: 4.2%-4.5%). The proportion varied each week between 1.9% and 6.8% with no difference in antibody positivity by age, sex or geographical area. Conclusions: At the end of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, only a small fraction of the Scottish population had antibodies to SARS-CoV-2. Control of COVID-19 requires the ability to detect asymptomatic and mild infections that would otherwise remain undetected through existing surveillance systems. This is important to determine the true number of infections within the general population which, in turn, can help to understand transmission, inform control measures and provide a denominator for the estimation of severity measures such as the proportion of infected people who have been hospitalised and/or have died.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Life History, Growth, and Reproductive Biology of Four Mobulid Species in the Bohol Sea, Philippines

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    In light of the global decline of mobulid populations and the necessity for sustainable fisheries management, baseline data for population dynamics were collected from a targeted fishery in the Bohol Sea, Philippines. This study focused on life-history parameters and reproductive cycles of four mobulid rays (Mobula thurstoni, Mobula japanica, Mobula tarapacana, and Manta birostris), and re-estimated their intrinsic population growth rates. Size and reproductive data were collected from 1,509 specimens (30% of catch) landed in two fishing seasons in 2015 and 2016. Size-at-birth was reviewed, and analysis of the embryos and follicles did not show any clear seasonality in the reproductive cycle, but supported an interbreeding interval. Females of all species matured at a larger size than males, and exhibited a larger size-at-pregnancy than -at-maturity. This delay in reproduction resulted in population growth rates lower than the actual rmax when based on size-at-pregnancy (rmat = rmax = 0.016–0.055 year−1 and rpreg = 0.008–0.044 year−1), and a population doubling time of 15.8–86.6 years. This study suggests that population growth rates previously reported were overestimated. In light of the Convention on International Trades of Endangered Species (CITES) and Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) assessments, while fisheries management should reflect the delayed maturation of these species and the slower population growth potential, at the current status of these population, the sustainability of any exploitation level seems unrealistic and strongly discouraged

    Towards establishing consistency in triage in a tertiary specialty

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    Clinical Genetics services provide a diagnostic, counselling and genetic testing service for children and adults affected by, or at risk of, a genetic condition, most of which are rare, and/or genetically heterogeneous. Appropriate triage of referrals is crucial to ensure that the most urgent referrals are seen as quickly as possible, without negatively impacting the waiting times of less urgent cases. We aimed to examine triage practice in six Clinical Genetic centres across the United Kingdom and Ireland. Thirteen simulated referrals were drafted based on common referrals to Clinical Genetics. Copies of each referral were forwarded to each centre, where 10 nominated clinicians were asked to triage each referral. Triaged referrals were returned to the coordinating author for analysis. An electronic questionnaire was contemporaneously completed by clinical leads in each unit to gather local demographic details and local operating procedures relevant to triage. Widespread inconsistencies were noted both within and between units, with respect to the acceptance of referrals to the services, prioritisation and designated clinic type. Referral rates, staffing levels and waiting lists varied widely between units. Inconsistencies observed between units are likely influenced by a number of factors, including staffing levels, referral rates and average family size. Inconsistency within units likely reflects the complex nature of many Clinical Genetic referrals, and triage guidelines should help improve decision-making in this setting

    Satellite tracking of juvenile whale sharks in the Sulu and Bohol Seas, Philippines

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    The whale shark Rhincodon typus was uplisted to ‘Endangered’ in the 2016 IUCN Red List due to >50% population decline, largely caused by continued exploitation in the Indo-Pacific. Though the Philippines protected the whale shark in 1998, concerns remain due to continued take in regional waters. In light of this, understanding the movements of whale sharks in the Philippines, one of the most important hotspots for the species, is vital. We tagged 17 juvenile whale sharks with towed SPOT5 tags from three general areas in the Sulu and Bohol Seas: Panaon Island in Southern Leyte, northern Mindanao, and Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park (TRNP). The sharks all remained in Philippine waters for the duration of tracking (6–126 days, mean 64). Individuals travelled 86–2,580 km (mean 887 km) at a mean horizontal speed of 15.5 ± 13.0 SD km day−1. Whale sharks tagged in Panaon Island and Mindanao remained close to shore but still spent significant time off the shelf (>200 m). Sharks tagged at TRNP spent most of their time offshore in the Sulu Sea. Three of twelve whale sharks tagged in the Bohol Sea moved through to the Sulu Sea, whilst two others moved east through the Surigao Strait to the eastern coast of Leyte. One individual tagged at TRNP moved to northern Palawan, and subsequently to the eastern coast of Mindanao in the Pacific Ocean. Based on inferred relationships with temperature histograms, whale sharks performed most deep dives (>200 m) during the night, in contrast to results from whale sharks elsewhere. While all sharks stayed in national waters, our results highlight the high mobility of juvenile whale sharks and demonstrate their connectivity across the Sulu and Bohol Seas, highlighting the importance of the area for this endangered species

    HST STIS Observations of PG 0946+301: the Highest Quality UV Spectrum of a BALQSO

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    We describe deep (40 orbits) HST/STIS observations of the BALQSO PG 0946+301 and make them available to the community. These observations are the major part of a multi-wavelength campaign on this object aimed at determining the ionization equilibrium and abundances (IEA) in broad absorption line (BAL) QSOs. We present simple template fits to the entire data set, which yield firm identifications for more than two dozen BALs from 18 ions and give lower limits for the ionic column densities. We find that the outflow's metalicity is consistent with being solar, while the abundance ratio of phosphorus to other metals is at least ten times solar. These findings are based on diagnostics that are not sensitive to saturation and partial covering effects in the BALs, which considerably weakened previous claims for enhanced metalicity. Ample evidence for these effects is seen in the spectrum. We also discuss several options for extracting tighter IEA constraints in future analyses, and present the significant temporal changes which are detected between these spectra and those taken by the HST/FOS in 1992.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figures, to appear in ApJ. See also companion paper by Arav, Korista and De Koo

    Continuous hyperfractionated accelerated radiotherapy - Escalated dose (CHART-ED): A phase i study

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    Patients who present with locally advanced inoperable non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) may be suitable for radical radiotherapy. A randomised trial of 563 patients compared CHART and conventional radical radiotherapy (60 Gy/30f) given over 6 weeks and suggested that CHART resulted in a 9% improvement in 2-year survival (Saunders et al., 1999). RT dose escalation for both conventional and CHARTWEL (CHART-WeekEndLess) - fractionation schedules is feasible with modern 3-dimensional CT-based planning techniques and we initiated a phase I CHART dose escalation study in 2009. Methods Patients with WHO performance status 0-2 histologically confirmed, inoperable, stage I-III non-small cell lung cancer were recruited into an open phase I dose escalation trial. Three cohorts of six patients were recruited sequentially. Total dose was escalated from standard CHART radiotherapy of 54 Gy/36f/12 days to 57.6 Gy (2 × 1.8 Gy fractions on day 15, Group 1), 61.2 Gy (4 × 1.8 Gy fractions on days 15-16, Group 2) and 64.8 Gy (6 × 1.8 Gy fractions on days 15-17, Group 3). Results Between April 2010 and May 2012, 18 patients were enrolled from 5 UK centres and received escalated dose radiotherapy. 14 were male, 16 squamous cell histology and 12 were stage IIIA or IIIB. The median age was 70 years and baseline characteristics were similar across the three dose cohorts. One patient did not start escalated radiotherapy but all remaining patients completed their planned radiotherapy schedules. Of these 9 patients have died to date with a median survival of 2 years across the three cohorts. Grade 3 or 4 adverse events (fatigue, dysphagia, nausea and anorexia - classified according to the National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) version 4.0) were reported in 6 patients but the pre-specified dose limiting toxicities (grade 4 early oesophagitis; grade 3 cardiac, spinal cord and pneumonitis) were not observed. Conclusions CHART remains a radiotherapy schedule in routine use across the UK and in this dose escalation study no dose limiting toxicities were observed. We feel the dose of 64.8 Gy/42f/17 days should be taken forward into further clinical trials. The sample size used in this study was small so we plan a randomised phase II study that includes other radiotherapy schedules to confirm safety and select an accelerated sequential chemo-radiotherapy schedule to take into phase III studies