224 research outputs found

    International genomic evaluation of Brown Swiss and Holstein dairy cattle

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    International genomic evaluation for Brown Swiss population known as InterGenomics, was officially launched in 2011 by Interbull Center in Uppsala, Sweden. The routine evaluation is currently carried out using a single-trait approach where estimated breeding value from multi-trait across countries evaluation (MACE EBV) are used as a dependent variable and genetic corre-lations are assumed to be equal to one between countries. The current study is exploring a multi-trait approach as an alternative to the routine one. This approach uses the estimated breeding value (EBV) from the national genetic evaluations as a dependent variable and make use of the genetic correlations estimated between countries as well. In this study, we compared reliability from both approaches for Brown Swiss (BSW) and Holstein (HOL) dairy cat-tle in traits with different heritabilities. Findings show that single-trait ap-proach resulted in higher reliability than multi-trait approach. There were some cases where multi-trait approach showed a small gain in evaluations variance for traits where heritability and genetic correlations were low. Fur-ther work may be required to check the extent of bias that could exist in both approaches

    Strategies for rapid and reagent-less electrochemical detection of RPA products

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    Avui en dia, hi ha la necessitat de desenvolupar un sistema per a la detecció d'ADN que sigui ràpid, simple, econòmic i reproduïble per al diagnòstic en diferents camps com malalties genètiques, detecció de patògens, medicina forense i medicina personalitzada.Els mètodes convencionals per a la detecció de seqüències d'ADN específiques es basen en assajos de seqüenciació directa o d'hibridació, essent aquest últim el més utilitzat en genosensors. Aquest mètode consisteix en l'ús de superfícies transductores modificades amb sondes d'ADN monocatenari, que reconeixen la seva seqüència complementària (diana) amb alta afinitat i especificitat.Una de les limitacions de l'aplicació d'aquests sensors a dispositius portàtils és la necessitat de la realització d'etapes posteriors a l'amplificació. Aquestes etapes inclouen la generació d'ADN monocatenari o la seva modificació amb un marcador abans de assolir la detecció.En aquest treball, es combina l'amplificació isotèrmica i l'ús d'encebadors modificats per simplificar les etapes necessàries per la detecció electroquímica d'ADN. Aquests encebadors, contenen una seqüència d'oligonucleòtids monocatenària unida a un espaiador de carboni, que bloqueja eficaçment l'elongació, abans de la seqüència del encebador. Per tant, el producte final està compost per un ADN de doble cadena flanquejat per dues cues d'ADN monocatenàries. Una de les cues es va utilitzar per hibridar a una sonda immobilitzada en la superfície i l'altra a una sonda marcada amb enzims o nanopartícules d'or. L'ús d'aquests encebadors modificats van permetre detectar l’ADN electroquímicament sense necessitat d'un tractament posterior a l'amplificació de la mostra, disminuint el temps d'assaig i presentant un enfocament més portable per ser aplicat en qualsevol situació.Hoy en día, existe la necesidad de desarrollar un sistema para la detección de ADN que sea rápido, simple, económico y reproducible para el diagnóstico en diferentes campos como enfermedades genéticas, detección de patógenos, medicina forense y medicina personalizada.Los métodos convencionales para la detección de secuencias de ADN específicas se basan en ensayos de secuenciación directa o de hibridación, siendo este último el más utilizado en genosensores. Este método consiste en el uso de superficies transductoras modificadas con sondas de ADN monocatenario (ssDNA), que reconocen su secuencia complementaria (diana) con alta afinidad y especificidad.Una de las limitaciones de la aplicación de estos sensores a dispositivos portátiles es la necesidad de la realización de etapas posteriores a la amplificación. Estas etapas incluyen la generación de ADN monocatenario o su modificación con un marcador antes de pasar a la detección.En este trabajo, se combina la amplificación isotérmica y el uso de cebadores modificados para simplificar los pasos necesarios para la detección electroquímica de ADN. Estos cebadores, contienen una secuencia de oligonucleótidos monocatenaria unida a un espaciador de carbono, que bloquea eficazmente la elongación, antes de la secuencia del cebador. Por lo tanto, el producto final está compuesto por un ADN de doble cadena flanqueado por dos colas de ADN monocatenarias. Una de las colas se usó para hibridar a una sonda inmovilizada en la superficie y la otra a una sonda marcada con enzimas o nanopartículas de oro. El uso de estos cebadores modificados permitió detectar ADN electroquímicamente sin necesidad de un tratamiento posterior a la amplificación de la muestra, disminuyendo el tiempo de ensayo y presentando un enfoque más portable para ser aplicado en cualquier situaciónNowadays, there is a need to develop a rapid, simple, inexpensive and reliable DNA testing system for diagnosis in different fields such as genetic diseases, pathogens detection, forensics, and personalised medicine. Conventional methods for the detection of specific DNA sequences are based on direct sequencing or hybridisation assays, being this last one approach, the most widely used in genosensors. It consists on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) tethered probes on a transducer surface, which recognises its complementary sequence (target) with high affinity and specificity. One of the limitations of these DNA sensors to apply them for a portable molecular diagnostics devices is the multi-step procedures needed, since post-amplification treatment is necessary for its detection by generating ssDNA or adding a hapten labelling. In this work, the isothermal amplification and modified tailed primers to simplify the steps required for the electrochemical DNA detection are combined. Modified tailed primers are based on a single stranded oligonucleotide sequence linked to a carbon spacer, which effectively blocks elongation, prior to the primer sequence. Thus, resulting in an amplicon with a duplex flanked by two single stranded DNA tails. One of the tails was used to hybridise to a surface immobilised probe and the other to an enzyme or gold nanoparticles labelled reporter probe. Using these modified primers allowed us to detect DNA electrochemically without any need for post-amplification sample treatment decreasing the assay time and presenting an approach that can facilely find application at the point of need

    Interesting Presentation of Statin-induced Necrotizing Myopathy

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    Introduction: It is well know that statins can be associated with myopathy, myalgias and elevation in CPK. These aforementioned events resolve on discontinuation of statins. One unique presentation is autoimmune myopathy that persists despite discontinuation of statins. This entity requires immunosuppression following the insult in addition to statin discontinuation to help with symptoms. Case description: 67-year-old male with past medical history of hepatitis C, type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension and hyperlipidemia. He presents with diffuse weakness and muscle pain. Patient’s medications include atorvastatin and enalapril. Patient had CPK of 35,000.Enalapril and atorvastatin were discontinued and patient improved with intravenous fluids and steroids. Patient presents again 1 month later for elevated CPK of 19,000.Patient had a muscle biopsy done which showed signs of necrotizing myopathy. Patient was treated with intravenous solumedrol and was discharge on oral steroids. Patient continued to have weakness and presented again to the hospital few weeks later. At that time, patient had difficulty swallowing and changes in speech. Patient’s labs showed elevated CPK, Aldolase of 113.2 and myositis panel was negative. HMG-CoA reductase antibody test sent and was positive. Patient treated with intravenous immunoglobulin and intravenous steroids. Patient was discharged following improvement and had 3 months of weekly intravenous steroids and monthly intravenous immunoglobulin following discharge. One year later, patient presents from primary care office for elevated CPK of13,000 and generalized weakness. Patient given intravenous solumedrol for 5 days and intravenous fluids and his symptoms improved. Patient was discharged with a prednisone taper over 4 weeks. Patient presented again 2 months later with progressive weakness and muscle pain. At that time patient was treated with intravenous fluids and intravenous steroids again. Patient was started on a long prednisone taper and started on Rituximab. Patient with continued improvement in symptoms but did not return back to baseline strength. Discussion: It is important to recognize complex disease processes. Despite having stopped the statin, patient continued to have recurrent episodes of rhabdomyolysis. With the proper follow-up and understanding of the disease, patient could have had much fewer complications, hospitalizations and strain on his life. This entity is very hard to recognize as it may appear to be a single event of rhabdomyolysis. Further research needs to be done for deeper understanding of this disease process. This disease may appear very rare and it is but it is also likely to be very underrecognized.https://scholarlycommons.henryford.com/merf2020caserpt/1088/thumbnail.jp

    Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Presenting as an Acute Coronary Syndrome

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    Introduction: Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura is a thrombotic microangiopathy caused by severely reduced activity of the von Willebrand factor-cleaving protease ADAMTS13. It is considered a medical emergency and could be fatal if appropriate medical management if not initiated in time. Rarely, it can present as an acute coronary syndrome. Case presentation: We present a case of an 80-year-old female with a past medical history of hypertension and irritable bowel syndrome who presented to the emergency department with chest pain. Her chest pain was centrally located, exertional and relieved by sublingual nitroglycerin. The patient also reported having dizziness, generalized fatigue and headache. On arrival, she was noted to be hypertensive but otherwise hemodynamically stable. Physical examination was unremarkable. Laboratory evaluation revealed elevated high sensitivity troponin with an initial value of 434 ng/L (reference range/L) and peaking at 817 ng/L, elevated creatinine at 1.61 mg/dL (reference range Discussion: Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) is described by the classic pentad of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, renal involvement, central nervous system manifestations and fever. Our patient presented with chest pain and neurological symptoms and was found to have anemia, thrombocytopenia and elevated creatinine. Those findings with elevated troponin and EKG changes should raise the suspicion of TTP-related acute coronary syndrome. The exact mechanism of how TTP can cause acute coronary syndrome is not well understood, especially that this has been rarely described but is thought to be secondary to thrombosis of the small vessels supplying the myocardium. Given its rarity, there is no consensus regarding the exact management strategy but emergent plasmapheresis should be started to improve blood counts and improve clinical symptoms. Coronary angiopathy should be deferred until blood counts improve and as it may exacerbate TTP. For our patient, immediate initiation of plasmapheresis and steroids corrected her laboratory abnormalities and relieved her symptoms. Conclusion: This case represents a rare disease process that required plasmapheresis and immunosuppressives.https://scholarlycommons.henryford.com/merf2020caserpt/1112/thumbnail.jp

    Intensive care unit psychosis after cardiac surgery

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    Background: Postoperative psychosis after cardiac surgery is associated with increased morbidity, length of hospital stay, and mortality. We aimed to assess the risk factors and outcomes of postoperative psychosis after cardiac surgery. Methods: This research is a retrospective observational case-control study that included 100 patients divided into two groups. Group 1 included 50 patients with postoperative psychosis, and Group 2 included 50 patients with no postoperative psychosis. Data were collected from the Cardiac Surgery Department database from October 2020 to April 2021. Results: The mean age was 67.94 ± 11.69 years in patients with psychosis and 68.98 ± 10.19 years in the control (P= 0.636). Males patients presented 66% (n= 33) in patients with psychosis versus 70% (n= 35) in the control group. Cardiopulmonary bypass (144.9 ± 35.61 vs. 109.1 ± 17.19 min, P˂0.001) and ischemic times (61.96 ± 15.93 vs. 50.52 ± 9.62 min, P˂0.001) were significantly longer in patients with psychosis. The mean arterial pressure (MAP) (61.93± 13.44 vs. 80.78 ± 5.91 mmHg, P˂0.001) and oxygen saturation  (79.82 ± 8.81 vs. 90.12 ± 4.91%; P˂0.001) were significantly lower in patients with psychosis. Central venous pressure was 11.76± 2.33 in patients with psychosis versus 3.58± 1.70 mmHg in the control group (P˂0.001). ICU was significantly longer in patients with psychosis (4.82 ±2.14 vs. 1.62 ± 0.55 days; P˂0.001), while there was no difference in the hospital stay. By multivariable analysis, lower MAP was an independent predictor of postoperative psychosis (OR: 0.930 (95% CI: 0.737–0.999), P= 0.045). Conclusion: Low mean arterial pressure could predict postoperative psychosis. Proper blood pressure control could decrease the incidence of psychosis after cardiac surgery

    Productive Performance of F1- (Damascus Goat × Desert) under Traditional Management in North Kordofan

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    This study carried out in North Kordofan state, Western Sudan (latitudes 12:15-16:32 N and longitudes 27-32 E), during the period Feb 2018 - Aug 2021 to assessment the productive and reproductive performance of crossed F1 (Desert× Damascus) under the traditional management systems, to evaluate adaptation of crossed to environmental conditions of study area, to study milk production of the crossed goats. 44 females crossed goat F1 (Damascus×Desert goat) were selected at weaning age. Two mature Damascus bucks were used in the experiment all animals were identified using ear tags and treated against external and internal parasites. All animals will set free during the day and kept in closed pen during the night. The behavior of the animals and the adaptation on the environment was observed and recorded in addition to any problems like disease; Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences, software package (SPSS, V23, 2017). In this study, the Damascus Bucks were severely affected under the conditions of nature grazing and suffered from parasites and high temperature, Bucks have died as a result of tick fever according to Anatomical symptoms, The parameters of dams varied according to litter size, Females were born as a single reached puberty at (278.2±7 days) with body weight of 20.01 kg while the twins females was puberty age (291.6±9 days), and weight was 16.91kg , The average lactation period was 120 days with average total milk production of 40.46± 1.74 kg, this study conclude that the crossed Females are late in sexual maturity, So The genetic cross as a way to improve the herd without taking into account environmental conditions does not lead to the desired results.&nbsp

    Improving collaborative filtering using lexicon-based sentiment analysis

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    Since data is available increasingly on the Internet, efforts are needed to develop and improve recommender systems to produce a list of possible favorite items. In this paper, we expand our work to enhance the accuracy of Arabic collaborative filtering by applying sentiment analysis to user reviews, we also addressed major problems of the current work by applying effective techniques to handle the scalability and sparsity problems. The proposed approach consists of two phases: the sentiment analysis and the recommendation phase. The sentiment analysis phase estimates sentiment scores using a special lexicon for the Arabic dataset. The item-based and singular value decomposition-based collaborative filtering are used in the second phase. Overall, our proposed approach improves the experiments’ results by reducing average of mean absolute and root mean squared errors using a large Arabic dataset consisting of 63,000 book reviews

    Stay-at-home myopia among school children during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background: Uncorrected myopia represents a major cause of visual disability in children, especially in low-income and middle-income countries. However, there is still debate about the effect of e-learning and “stay-at-home” guidelines on the refractive status of school children, especially in the absence of long-term follow-up data. This study aimed to assess the impact of stay-at-home enforcement during the COVID-19 pandemic on myopia development or progression in students in the Suez Canal Area, Egypt. Methods: This longitudinal observational study included 1650 students. All students aged 8–15 years with visual complaints, who had attended routine annual vision checks since 2018, were enrolled and assessed annually for myopia development and progression until 2021. Cycloplegic and noncycloplegic refraction, axial length (AL), corneal curvature, and uncorrected and best-corrected distance visual acuity were measured. The participants were administered a questionnaire that focused mainly on collecting information on their visual habits. Results: Our study included 3,300 eyes of 1,650 school students with myopia during the 4-year study period from 2018 to 2021. The mean cycloplegic spherical equivalents (CSE) were - 1.02, - 1.52, - 2.00, and - 3.50 diopters (D) in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021, respectively. This myopic shift in CSE over time was significant (P < 0.001). The average keratometric reading (Avg K) increased significantly during the follow-up period (P < 0.001). The Avg K measurements were 42.32, 42.62, 43.02, and 44.19 D in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021, respectively. The changes in Avg K were significant (P < 0.001). The mean AL measurements were 22.53, 22.59, 22.69, and 22.71 mm in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021, respectively. Although statistically significant (P < 0.001), changes in AL were clinically insignificant throughout the study period. The mean durations spent on electronic devices at home were 2.12, 2.46, 3.10, and 6.00 hours in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021, respectively. The changes over time were significant (P < 0.001). Conclusions: During the COVID-19 pandemic, studying at home accelerated the degree of refraction toward myopia in school children in Egypt. Further studies are needed to assess the academic performance of students with progressive myopia

    Prevalence of Elevated Blood Pressure and Association with Obesity in Egyptian School Adolescents

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    Aim. To investigate the relationship between high blood pressure (HBP) and obesity in Egyptian adolescents. Methods. A cross-sectional study of 1500 adolescents (11–19 years) in Alexandria, Egypt, was conducted. Resting BP was measured and measurements were categorized using the 2004 fourth report on blood pressure screening recommendations. Additional measures included height, weight, and waist and hip circumferences. Obesity was determined based on BMI, waist circumference (WC) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) indicators. Crude and adjusted odds ratios were used as measures of association between BP and obesity. Results. Prevalence rates of prehypertension and hypertension were 5.7% and 4.0%, respectively. Obesity was seen in 34.6%, 16.1%, 4.5%, and 16.7% according to BMI, WHR, WC, and WHtR, respectively. Adjusting for confounders, HBP was significantly associated with overall obesity based on BMI (OR = 2.18, 95%, CI = 1.38-3.44) and central obesity based on WC (OR = 3.14, 95%, CI = 1.67-5.94). Conclusion. Both overall obesity and central obesity were significant predictors of HBP in Egyptian adolescents

    The Role of Open Land Spaces in Solving the Problem of Lack of Green Areas

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    تعاني مدينة صنعاء من نقص شديد في مساحة المناطق الخضراء الحالية إذ يبلغ نصيب الفرد منها 0.176م2، كما إن نسبتها تقدر بأقل من 1% من استعمالات الأراضي المختلفة في المدينة وما تزال نسبة ومساحة المناطق الخضراء تتناقص في ظل استمرار تزايد النمو السكاني واتساع الكتلة العمرانية المتسارعة للمدينة. إن الهدف من البحث هو حل مشكلة النقص من مساحة المناطق الخضراء ورفع المستوى البيئي للمدينة من خلال اقتراح رؤية لزيادة نسبة المساحات الخضراء للمدينة وكذلك زيادة نصيب الفرد منها وذلك بالاستعانة بما توفره المدينة بوضعها الحالي من مساحة الأراضي الفضاء الواسعة وغير مستغلة، ولتحقيق هذا الهدف فإن المنهجية المتبعة اعتمدت على الدراسات التحليلية الوصفية والمقارنة للمناطق الخضراء وأنواعها في المدن، والمعايير التخطيطية للمساحات الخضراء ومقارنتها بالمدن المتقدمة، ثم واقع الحال لمدينة صنعاء من خلال الدراسات التحليلية الوصفية والمقارنة لكل من الأراضي الفضاء والمناطق الخضراء، وتوصل البحث إلى مقترحات ضمن رؤية يتم وتوظيفها في حل مشكلة نقص مساحة المناطق الخضراء وزيادة نصيب الفرد في مدينة صنعاء وبالتالي التوصل إلى نتائج وتوصيات. الكلمات المفتاحية: المساحات الخضراء، نصيب الفرد، مدينة صنعاء.Sana'a city suffers from a sever lack of green land spaces since per capita green land spaces is 0.176 m2, it is estimated at less than 1% of the different land uses in the city. The percentage and green land spaces continue to decline due to the continued increasing of population and expansion of the urban blocks of the city. This study aims at solving the problem of lack of green land spaces and upgrading the environmental level of the city of Sana'a  by suggesting a vision to increase the percentage of green land spaces as well as per capita in the city. That can be achieved by using the recent wide open land spaces which are available and not used in the city. To achieve this aim, the methodology adopted was analytical, descriptive, and comparative of green lands and their types in cities. It also compared  the planning standards with advanced cities and the recent situation of Sana'a city by analytical, descriptive, and comparative studies for open lands and green spaces. The study resulted in some suggestions for solving the problem of lack of green land spaces and increasing the per capita in   Sana`a city and thus reached conclusions  and recommendations. Keywords: green land spaces, per capita, Sana'a city