167 research outputs found

    Les exploitations agricoles familiales face aux risques agricoles et climatiques : stratégies développées et assurances agricoles

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    Family farming undeniably appears as a pillar of national food security. It represents nearly 80% of farms in sub-Saharan Africa and employs 75% of assets. In the groundnut basin, family farms generally have an average size between one and five hectares, but they face the various challenges of food security, social equity and environmental sustainability. In addition, they face structural constraints of organizational and economic order in a context of climate uncertainty. Thus, this thesis seeks to understand the strategies used by family farms toward the various risks and alternative proposals from other actors in the sector's development. It is, at once, to identify the main constraints arising farms and strategies they cause to propose additional or alternative strategies in the analysis of the risk management framework. For such an aim, we arrested the concepts of family farm, risk, vulnerability and agricultural insurance to reflect the dimensions of this subject for research. This theoretical and conceptual framework was operationalized on the field within farms, giving a voice to farm managers. Several investigations have been conducted and focused on socio-demographic, structural and technical indicators, principal risks and constraints at the farm level, the perception of agricultural insurance. It appears from this study that the main risks identified are agriculture and climate. Family farms consider access to inputs (fertilizer and seed) and farm equipment as a structural constraint in the rainfall deficit. Also, it appears a significant vulnerability in its three components at farm level Basin. This reflection shows the limits of the strategies developed by the farms to improve their resilience in the context of rained groundnut basin; and justifies the need to go to new complementary strategies. One of the tracks that we have explored is the agricultural index insurance. Its coupling to credit, as collateral to financial institutions and to provide working capital is positively appreciated by the subscribers who, up to 95%, are willing to extend the use of insurance policies.L’agriculture familiale s’affiche indéniablement comme un pilier de la sécurité alimentaire nationale. Elle représente près de 80% des exploitations en Afrique sub-saharienne et emploie 75% des actifs. Dans le Bassin arachidier, les exploitations agricoles familiales ont généralement une superficie moyenne comprise entre un et cinq hectares mais, elles font face aux divers défis de sécurité alimentaire, d’équité sociale et de durabilité environnementale. En outre, elles sont confrontées à des contraintes structurelles d’ordre organisationnel et économique dans un contexte d’incertitude climatique. Ainsi, cette thèse cherche à comprendre les stratégies mises en œuvre par les exploitations familiales face aux différents risques ainsi que les propositions alternatives des autres acteurs du développement du secteur. Il s’agit, à la fois, d’identifier les principales contraintes se posant aux exploitations et les stratégies qu’elles occasionnent pour proposer des stratégies complémentaires ou alternatives dans le cadre d’analyse de la gestion du risque. Pour une telle visée, nous avons appréhendé les concepts d’exploitation agricole familiale, de risque, de vulnérabilité et d’assurance agricole pour prendre en compte les dimensions de cet objet de recherche. Ce cadre théorique et conceptuel a été opérationnalisé sur le terrain au sein d’exploitations agricoles, en donnant la parole aux chefs d’exploitation. Plusieurs enquêtes ont été réalisées et ont porté sur les indicateurs sociodémographiques, structurels et techniques, sur les principaux risques et contraintes au niveau des exploitations, sur la perception de l’assurance agricole. Les principaux risques identifiés sont agricoles et climatiques. Les exploitations agricoles familiales considèrent l’accès aux intrants (engrais et semences) et au matériel agricole comme une contrainte structurelle, en plus du déficit pluviométrique. Aussi, il ressort une vulnérabilité importante dans ses trois composantes au niveau des exploitations agricoles du Bassin. Cette réflexion montre les limites des stratégies développées par les exploitations agricoles pour améliorer leur résilience dans le contexte pluvial du Bassin arachidier ; et justifie la nécessité d’aller vers de nouvelles stratégies complémentaires. L’une des pistes que nous avons explorée est l’assurance indicielle agricole. Son couplage au crédit, comme garantie pour les institutions financières et pour disposer de fonds de roulement, est positivement apprécié par les souscripteurs qui, à hauteur de 95%, sont prêts à prolonger l’utilisation des polices d’assurance

    Ecritures et alphabetisation en Afrique noire

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    This article deals with the issue of the evolution of literacy in African national languages. It is about the existence/non existence of local literacy systems in black Africa. Findings show that there exist ancient unknown or neglected hieroglyphics which have been hidden by foreign languages. The history of literacy in national languages is a process that cannot be separated from the cultural and sociopolitical context which is not only related to latin characters borrowed from the colonizer. Black South Sahara Africa has also known a literacy system in national language based on a borrowal of Arabic characters


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    N° ISBN - 978-2-7380-1284-5International audienceFamily farms in the region of Kolda, characterized by poverty, experiencing the drastic face changes in their social, cultural and technical. Agriculture being the main activity was less important because of the deterioration of the means of production. To cope and maintain social cohesion, new activities are highlighted because of the stability of the income they generate. Through traditional poultry farming, we intend to see the impact of these activities within the family farm. Specifically, how the improvement of traditional poultry farming makes it increased revenue, especially through women and durability in its new configuration, within the farm. To try to answer them, we used the concepts of family farm, system activities, innovation and sustainable livelihoods. We have also mobilized two projects that have introduced innovations related to poultry farming in the region of Kolda. The surveys were conducted at the farm level and recipients were sent to their various active members particularly the heads of families and dependents (men and women). It appears from these investigations that agricultural activities remain important, but those outside farming are becoming more over. Poultry traditional, long left stranded, knows a revival of interest especially with the stability of income provided for women who begin to have a financial role in the operation. With the support of projects, this activity is becoming more secure through better organization at the farm level and within umbrella organizations. This has resulted in improved and stable income poultry. Finally, we tried to demonstrate the sustainability of this activity within the family farm focusing on improvements to the human, social, physical, natural and financial as well as the involvement of politicians

    Modeling Interrelated Inputs Adoption in Rainfed Agriculture in Senegal

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    The adoption of certified seeds and chemical fertilizers is central for African agri- culture which is characterized by very low productivity. This paper analyzes the technology adoption of certified seeds and inorganic fertilizers for two central crops in Senegal: rice and groundnut. The joint adoption of these two technologies is modeled in the presence of production risk using a flexible bivariate probit model. A recent agricultural survey, representative country-wide, collected in 2017 is used for our application. Descriptive statistics confirm the low rate of agricultural technology adoption. In the rainfed system, the average inorganic fertilizer used is about 28 kg/ha. The analysis reveals that in rural Senegal de- cisions to adopt certified seeds and inorganic fertilizers are interrelated for both rice and groundnut systems. For the rice system, a heterogeneous dependency is revealed, while for groundnut technology adoptions, a homogeneous correlation is found. Production risk is found to have a significant impact on technology adoption. We also found that determinants of individual technologies and their joint adoption vary widely across crops. However, the main determinants of technology adoption in rainfed agriculture in Senegal include cooperative membership, access to extension services, access to credit, education, family size, and farm size

    Comprehensive Livestock Driven Typology for Food and Nutrition Security in Mali

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    To guide the selection and design of appropriate interventions for increasing the production and consumption of animal-sourced foods, in this paper we propose a spatial typology based on a comprehensive food and nutrition security (FNS) framework for livestock in Mali. This framework has four dimensions or pillars, i.e. potential, availability, access and utilization. Using data for each of the four dimensions, efficiency and average performance in terms of livestock production, access and utilization are estimated at sub-national levels. Whereas nutritional status will be used to set priority levels, measure of efficiency is used to guide locations where appropriate investments in livestock will produce more benefits in terms of food security, employment and poverty alleviation. To assess production potential for the livestock sector, we use the stochastic frontier framework (SFF) which allows for the estimation of both livestock efficiency and its drivers

    Measuring Inconsistencies Propagation from Change Operation Based on Ontology Partitioning

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    International audienceInconsistency measure is an activity related to the ontology evolution. Being a coherent entity, an ontology must change and a modification operation in ontology could generate inconsistencies in its other parts. It is then important to measure these inconsistencies and follow the impact propagation. In this paper, we propose an inconsistency measure of an ontological change and its propagation effects on the other entities of the ontology. The measure is based on the weight of the dependencies between concepts in a community. Ontology is divided into communities which are a set of concepts that have preferential relations. To follow the impact propagation, we propose a process that uses the Change-and-Fix' approach to mark the impacted entities
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