664 research outputs found

    Rubén Darío y la traducción en Prosas profanas.

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    Hemodynamic investigation of the flow diverter treatment of intracranial aneurysm

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    Flow diverter stents (FDS) are increasingly used for the treatment of complex intracranial aneurysms such as fusiform, giant, or wide-neck aneurysms. The primary goal of these devices is to reconstruct the diseased vascular segment by diverting blood flow from the aneurysm. The resulting intra-aneurysmal flow reduction promotes progressive aneurysm thrombosis and healing of the disease. In the present study, a numerical investigation was performed for modeling blood flow inside a patient-specific intracranial aneurysm virtually treated with FDS. The aim of the study is to investigate the effects of FDS placement prior to the actual endovascular treatment and to compare the effectiveness of devices differing in porosity. Numerical simulations were performed under pulsatile flow conditions, taking into account the non-Newtonian behavior of blood. Two possible post-operative conditions with virtual stent deployment were simulated. Hemodynamic parameters were calculated and compared between the pre-operative (no stent placement) and post-operative (virtual stent placement) aneurysm models. FDS placement significantly reduced intra-aneurysmal flow velocity and increased the Relative Residence Time (RRT) on the aneurysm, thus promoting thrombus formation within the dilatation and aneurysm occlusion. The results highlighted an increase in the effectiveness of FDS as its porosity increased. The proposed analysis provides pre-operative knowledge on the impact of FDS on intracranial hemodynamics, allowing the selection of the most effective treatment for the specific patient

    Análisis no-lineal de nudos de concreto sin refuerzo.

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    Introduction- Reinforced Concrete Frames (RCF) constitute a significant portion of the building stock in areas with seismic hazard. Many older buildings of this type were designed and constructed with little or no consideration of lateral load effects. When not properly designed, the Beam-Column Joints (BCJ) can be the weak links in the RCF. Unreinforced BCJ are still quite prevalent in older-type construction especially in Asia and Latin America. The unreinforced BCJ are key components that have a significant impact on the structure’s behavior of RCF. Regarding the analytical approaches applicable to BCJ, the approaches range from simplified to more elaborate and phenomenological-oriented. Unfortunately, most of them lack of simplicity, numerical stability and practicality to robustly evaluate the performance of unreinforced BCJ. This paper presents an analytical approach to modeling unreinforced BCJ. Objective- The aim of this paper is to present a modified modeling approach to simulate the nonlinear behavior of unreinforced BCJ in RCF structures. Method- The approach presented is based on the model presented in [1]. The model was modified to follow the same nomenclature of the [2]. In the proposed approach, the BCJ subassembly is represented by (1) a set of rigid links placed in cross-shape are used to represent the joint geometry, (2) a zero-length element with an empirical quad-backbone curve, placed at the middle point of the rigid links, to represent the joint shear behavior, and (3) columns and beams elements modeled with fiber formulation and five integration points to capture the material nonlinearity of the elements that frame into the joint. The approach was implemented in the OpenSEES platform, and this was validated with 13 test results of unreinforced BCJ documented in the literature. Results- The proposed modelling approach can satisfactorily predict the joint shear capacity. A 2% difference and a standard deviation of about 11% were obtained when compared to 13 test results of unreinforced BCJ documented in the literature. In terms of cyclic behavior, the proposed modelling approach shown to adequately capture the initial stiffness, strength degradation, reloading stiffness, pre-capping, and post-capping capacity. Conclusions- The method proposed presents satisfactory agreement with the test results analyzed. Taking into account the minor modifications applied to the proposed method and the uncertainties associated with the materials, test measurements, test setup, and the tolerances, the proposed method can satisfactorily predict the unreinforced BCJ shear capacity in RCF structures. It is assumed that the procedures presented here will contribute in the incorporation of the unreinforced BCJ flexibility when modeling older-type RCF construction in a pragmatic manner.Introducción- El Sistema estructural Pórticos de Concreto Reforzado (PCR) constituye una parte significativa del inventario de edificaciones en zonas sísmicamente activas en el mundo. Muchas de las edificaciones construidas antes de la década de los 80’s fueron diseñadas y construidas con poca, o ninguna consideración de cargas sísmicas. Cuando el nudo de concreto reforzado no se ha diseñado competentemente puede convertirse en el eslabón débil del sistemas de PCR. La presencia de nudos sin refuerzo, aun es común en países emergentes localizados en Asia y América Latina. Los nudos tienen un impacto significativo en el comportamiento de PCR. Las metodologías relacionadas con el análisis de nudos de concreto pueden catalogarse como aproximadas, o muy complejas, o de enfoque fenomenológico. Desafortunadamente la mayoría de ellas carece de la simplicidad, estabilidad, y practicidad requerida para evaluar el comportamiento de los nudos en PCR.  Este artículo presenta una alternativa analítica aplicable a este tipo de elementos estructurales. Objetivo- El propósito del presente artículo es presentar un método analítico modificado aplicable al análisis no lineal de nudos no reforzados en estructuras de PCR. Metodología- El método presentado se basa en el trabajo analítico y experimental encontrado en [1], el cual es modificado para seguir exactamente la nomenclatura de [2]. En el modelo analítico, el nudo es representado a través de: (1) elementos rígidos en cruz para idealizar la geometría del nudo, (2) un resorte rotacional con una curva empírica de comportamiento tetra-lineal localizado en la mitad de los elementos rígidos para representar el comportamiento en cortante del nudo, y (3) las vigas y columnas que llegan al nudos, son modeladas con análisis seccional basado en fibras, con 5 puntos de integración; con la finalidad de incorporar el comportamiento no-lineal de los elementos que llegan al nudo. El modelo propuesto fue implementado en la plataforma OpenSEES y al mismo tiempo se validó con el resultado de 13 ensayos de laboratorio encontrados en la literatura de nudos carentes de acero de refuerzo. Resultados- El modelo propuesto puede capturar adecuadamente la capacidad a cortante del nudo. Al comparar los resultados analíticos con 13 resultados de nudos de concreto encontrados en la literatura, se encontró una diferencia en la capacidad del 2% con una desviación estándar del 11%. En relación al comportamiento del nudo ante carga cíclica se observó que se captura en forma adecuada: la rigidez inicial, resistencia, degradación de la resistencia, rigidez de recarga y capacidad antes y después del pico de resistencia. Conclusiones- El método propuesto presenta una adecuada correlación con los resultados de laboratorio estudiados. La metodología propuesta competentemente captura la capacidad del nudo a cortante, a pesar de las modificaciones incorporadas, sin mencionar las incertidumbres asociadas a los materiales, resultados de laboratorio, y tolerancias. Se espera que el procedimiento presentado en el presente documento contribuya, de una forma práctica, en la incorporación de la flexibilidad del nudo en PCR diseñados primariamente para cargas gravitacionales

    Análisis de factibilidad técnica y económica de implementar energía solar fotovoltaica en una parcela de la provincia de Curicó

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    108 p.En el presente proyecto se realiza una evaluación de forma técnica y económica sobre implementar energía solar fotovoltaica para abastecer el consumo eléctrico de una parcela en la provincia de Curicó. Inicialmente se investiga la forma en que se realiza la conversión de energía solar en electricidad a partir de las celdas solares, componente básico de los paneles solares que se emplean para formar el generador eléctrico fotovoltaico. Seguidamente, se analiza el funcionamiento de sistemas fotovoltaicos autónomos, sus principales componentes y las recomendaciones que deben tomarse en cuenta a la hora de realizar el dimensionamiento y la escogencia de los equipos a utilizar. Enseguida se estima el nivel de radiación solar promedio en la zona de interés mediante la comparación de distintas fuente de datos sobre radiación solar, así como el consumo eléctrico diario debido a las cargas conectadas actualmente en la parcela a evaluar; se estimó que la potencia del sistema fotovoltaico debía ser de 15 kW y de esta forma siempre cubrir el consumo eléctrico de la parcela.Finalmente, se realiza una evaluación económica a un horizonte de 20 años, para cada alternativa de dimensionamiento. PALABRAS CLAVES: Energía Solar, Energías Renovables, Radiación Solar, Sistemas Fotovoltaicos Autónomos./ABSTRACT:In the present project an evaluation is made from a technical and economic perspective, about implementing photovoltaic solar energy with the objective of providing the consumption of electricity to a plot near the Curicó province. Initially, the conversion of solar energy to electricity using solar cells is investigated. These solar cells are the basic component of the solar panels that are used to create a photovoltaic electric generator. Next, the operation of the autonomous photovoltaic systems, their main components and the recommendations that must be considered when performing the sizing and selection of the equipment used, is analyzed. Immediately, the average level of solar radiation in the area of interest is estimated by the comparison of different solar radiation data sources, as well as the daily electric consumption caused by the currently connected charges in the evaluated plot. It was estimated that the potency of the photovoltaic system must be of 15 kW and thus, this way the electric consumption of the plot can always be covered.Finally, an economic evaluation is made considering a time frame of 20 years, for each alternative of sizing. KEY WORDS: Solar Energy, Renewable energies, Solar radiation, Autonomous Photovoltaic Systems

    Annealed Ising model on hierarchical structures: a transfer matrix approach.

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    Spin systems in the presence of disorder are described by two sets of degrees of freedom, associated with orientational (spin) and disorder variables, which may be characterized by two distinct relaxation times. Disordered spin models have been mostly investigated in the quenched regime, which is the usual situation in solid state physics, and in which the relaxation time of the disorder variables is much larger than the typical measurement times. In this quenched regime, disorder variables are fixed, and only the orientational variables are duly thermalized. Recent studies in the context of lattice statistical models for the phase diagrams of nematic liquid-crystalline systems have stimulated the interest of going beyond the quenched regime. The phase diagrams predicted by these calculations for a simple Maier-Saupe model turn out to be qualitative different from the quenched case if the two sets of degrees of freedom are allowed to reach thermal equilibrium during the experimental time, which is known as the fully annealed regime. In this work, we develop a transfer matrix formalism to investigate annealed disordered Ising models on two hierarchical structures, the diamond hierarchical lattice (DHL) and the Apollonian network (AN). The calculations follow the same steps used for the analysis of simple uniform systems, which amounts to deriving proper recurrence maps for the thermodynamic and magnetic variables in terms of the generations of the construction of the hierarchical structures. In this context, we may consider different kinds of disorder, and different types of ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic interactions. In the present work, we analyze the effects of dilution, which are produced by the removal of some magnetic ions. The system is treated in a “grand canonical" ensemble. The introduction of two extra fields, related to the concentration of two different types of particles, leads to higher-rank transfer matrices as compared with the formalism for the usual uniform models. Preliminary calculations on a DHL indicate that there is a phase transition for a wide range of dilution concentrations. Ising spin systems on the AN are known to be ferromagnetically ordered at all temperatures; in the presence of dilution, however, there are indications of a disordered (paramagnetic) phase at low concentrations of magnetic ions