65 research outputs found


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    Limbah padat hasil Penyulingan  minyak nilam banyak dijumpai diindustri penyulingan minyak nilam terutama dikota Lhokseumawe. Besarnya volume limbah padat penyulingan nilam belum termanfaatkan secara optimal. Dengan memanfaatkan limbah tersebut menjadi produk yang berguna dan mempunyai nilai tambah yang nyata. Ketersediaan limbah padat nilam sangat berpotensial untuk diolah menjadi asap cair karena memiliki komponen senyawa organik yaitu selulosa, hemiselulosa dan lignin. Penelitian ini sudah pernah dilakukan sebelumnya, yang belum pernah dilakukan pada pembuatan asap cair adalah menggunakan limbah padat nilam dan mengoptimasi dengan metode RSM.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk Mengoptimasi variable massa, suhu dan waktu Pirolisis pada  pembuatan asap cair dari limbah padat nilam menggunakan metode RSM (Respon Surface Method) dengan Software Design Expert 13. Penelitian ini menvariasikan massa 600, 1200 dan 1800 gr. Suhu 250, 300 dan 350oC. Waktu 60, 90 dan 120 menit. Dari hasil yang didapat, kadar asap cair paling besar terdapat pada suhu 350oC, waktu 120 menit dan massa 1200 gr dengan kadar asap cair sebesar 14.33 %. Dan densitas tertinggi 0.9949 g/m3 pada suhu 250oC, waktu 60 menit dan massa 1200 gr. Dan pH tertinggi yaitu 3,35 yang mana asap cair bersifat Asam. Kandungan asap cair pada uji menggunakan GC-MS adalah fenol sebesar 46,14% dan benzene sebesar 15,55%


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    Wisata Religi merupakan perjalanan spritual dalam mendekatkan kita kepada pencipta alam semesta Allah SWT, dengan melalui perantar kekasih nya yakni waliyulloh. Wisata Religi Makam Sunan Gunung Jati Desa Astana Kecamatan Gunung Jati Kabupaten Cirebon merupakan destinasi wisata religi yang sangat cocok sebagai salah satu tempat ziarah Wali Sanga, Makam Sunan Gunung Jati merupakan tempat peristirahatan salah satu Wali Allah yaitu Sunan Gunung Jati, seorang keturunan Rasullah SAW yang ke-21 menjadi daya tarik dan keunikan tersendiri bagi para pengunjung. Mendengar makam sunan gunung jati tidak luput dari jumlah peminta-minta dan sebagian orang yang memaksa agar para pengunjung memberikan sebagian uang nya, hal tersebut menimbulkan keresahan pada sektor kenyamanan serta pelayanan. Melihat ini penulis tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian secara mendalam mengenai Manajemen Pelayanan Wisata Religi Makam Sunan Gunung Jati Desa Astana Kecamatan Gunung Jati Kabupaten Cirebon.` Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana Manajemen Pelayanan Wisata Religi Makam Sunan Gunung Jati Desa Astana Kecamatan Gunung Jati Kabupaten Cirebon, Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan mengambil lokasi penelitian diWisata Religi Makam Sunan Gunung Jati Desa Astana Kecamatan Gunung Jati Kabupaten Cirebon. Data penelitian merupakan Data Kualitatif yang merupakan data Primer dan data Sekunder. Data diperoleh observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Data yang sudah terkumpul kemudian di analisis dengan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Manajemen Pelayanan Wisata Religi Makam Sunan Gunung Jati meliputi Planning, Organizing, Actuanting, Controlling dan Segitiga Pelayanan. Penulis mendapatkan temuan terkait perencanaan yang disusun melalui jangka pendek dan panjang, pembagian tugas yang berbeda penyebutannya, namun tidak mengurangi tupoksinya, diaplikasikan dalam pemberian motivasi oleh juru kunci kepada pengurus makam, serta selalu melakukan pengawasan rutin agar mengetahui situasi dan kondisi di lapangan, dan dijadikan sebagai tolak ukur kesesuaian atau tidak dengan tujuan yang sudah dirumuskan sehingga memiliki bahan untuk terus melakukan evaluasi dan peningkatan. Segitiga Pelayanan sebagai penyempurna proses manajemen pelayanan, pelayanan yang menekankan pada jasa, yaitu dengan cara pengurus makam menyapa, mengarahkan, kemudian membimbing. Kata Kunci :Manajemen Pelayanan, Wisata Religi, Makam Sunan Gunung Jati

    Serum Alpha 1 Antitrypsin and Pulmonary Emphysema

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    Using isoelectric focusing (lEE) and radial immunodiffusion (RID) techniques, serum samples from 100 normal healthy adults and 21 patients with pulmonary emphysema were analysed to identify varioud alpha 1 antitrypsin phenotypes and the Seru m concentrations,Ten percent of the patients had low serum values. The normal or most common genetic form, MM, is the predominant phenotype in both controls and patients (JPMA 46:102, 1996)

    Control of TCF-4 Expression by VDR and Vitamin D in the Mouse Mammary Gland and Colorectal Cancer Cell Lines

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    BACKGROUND: The vitamin D receptor (VDR) pathway is important in the prevention and potentially in the treatment of many cancers. One important mechanism of VDR action is related to its interaction with the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway. Agonist-bound VDR inhibits the oncogenic Wnt/beta-catenin/TCF pathway by interacting directly with beta-catenin and in some cells by increasing cadherin expression which, in turn, recruits beta-catenin to the membrane. Here we identify TCF-4, a transcriptional regulator and beta-catenin binding partner as an indirect target of the VDR pathway. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this work, we show that TCF-4 (gene name TCF7L2) is decreased in the mammary gland of the VDR knockout mouse as compared to the wild-type mouse. Furthermore, we show 1,25(OH)2D3 increases TCF-4 at the RNA and protein levels in several human colorectal cancer cell lines, the effect of which is completely dependent on the VDR. In silico analysis of the human and mouse TCF7L2 promoters identified several putative VDR binding elements. Although TCF7L2 promoter reporters responded to exogenous VDR, and 1,25(OH)2D3, mutation analysis and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays, showed that the increase in TCF7L2 did not require recruitment of the VDR to the identified elements and indicates that the regulation by VDR is indirect. This is further confirmed by the requirement of de novo protein synthesis for this up-regulation. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Although it is generally assumed that binding of beta-catenin to members of the TCF/LEF family is cancer-promoting, recent studies have indicated that TCF-4 functions instead as a transcriptional repressor that restricts breast and colorectal cancer cell growth. Consequently, we conclude that the 1,25(OH)2D3/VDR-mediated increase in TCF-4 may have a protective role in colon cancer as well as diabetes and Crohn's disease

    The Molecular Basis of Vitamin D Receptor and β-Catenin Crossregulation

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    The signaling/oncogenic activity of β-catenin can be repressed by activation of the vitamin D receptor (VDR). Conversely, high levels of β-catenin can potentiate the transcriptional activity of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25D). We show here that the effects of β-catenin on VDR activity are due to interaction between the activator function-2 (AF-2) domain of the VDR and C terminus of β-catenin. Acetylation of the β-catenin C terminus differentially regulates its ability to activate TCF or VDR-regulated promoters. Mutation of a specific residue in the AF-2 domain, which renders the VDR trancriptionally inactive in the context of classical coactivators, still allows interaction with β-catenin and ligand-dependent activation of VDRE-containing promoters. VDR antagonists, which block the VDRE-directed activity of the VDR and recruitment of classical coactivators, do allow VDR to interact with β-catenin, which suggests that these and perhaps other ligands would permit those functions of the VDR that involve β-catenin interaction.The authors wish to acknowledge the support of National Institutes of Health grants DK058196 and U54 CA100971 (S.W.B.), the AACR-Bristol Myers Squibb Translational Fellowship in Colon Cancer (S.S.), and the following LCCC Core Facilities: macromolecular analysis, microscopy, and tissue culture

    BALB/c Mice Infected with Antimony Treatment Refractory Isolate of Leishmania braziliensis Present Severe Lesions due to IL-4 Production

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    Leishmaniasis is a neglected disease that affects more than 12 million people worldwide. In Brazil, the cutaneous disease is more prevalent with about 28,000 new cases reported each year, and L. braziliensis is the main causative agent. The interesting data about the infection with this parasite is the wide variety of clinical manifestations that ranges from single ulcerated lesions to mucocutaneous and disseminated disease. However, experimental models to study the infection with this parasite are difficult to develop due to high resistance of most mouse strains to the infection, and the mechanisms underlying the distinct manifestations remain poorly understood. Here, the authors use a mouse experimental model of infection with different L. braziliensis isolates, known to induce diseases with distinct severity in the human hosts, to elucidate immune mechanisms that may be involved in the different manifestations. They showed that distinct parasite isolates may modulate host response, and increased IL-4 production and Arg I expression was related to more severe disease, resulting in longer length of disease with larger lesions and reduced parasite clearance. These findings may be useful in the identification of immunological targets to control L. braziliensis infection and potential clinical markers of disease progression

    Progressive Visceral Leishmaniasis Is Driven by Dominant Parasite-induced STAT6 Activation and STAT6-dependent Host Arginase 1 Expression

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    The clinicopathological features of the hamster model of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) closely mimic active human disease. Studies in humans and hamsters indicate that the inability to control parasite replication in VL could be related to ineffective classical macrophage activation. Therefore, we hypothesized that the pathogenesis of VL might be driven by a program of alternative macrophage activation. Indeed, the infected hamster spleen showed low NOS2 but high arg1 enzyme activity and protein and mRNA expression (p<0.001) and increased polyamine synthesis (p<0.05). Increased arginase activity was also evident in macrophages isolated from the spleens of infected hamsters (p<0.05), and arg1 expression was induced by L. donovani in primary hamster peritoneal macrophages (p<0.001) and fibroblasts (p<0.01), and in a hamster fibroblast cell line (p<0.05), without synthesis of endogenous IL-4 or IL-13 or exposure to exogenous cytokines. miRNAi-mediated selective knockdown of hamster arginase 1 (arg1) in BHK cells led to increased generation of nitric oxide and reduced parasite burden (p<0.005). Since many of the genes involved in alternative macrophage activation are regulated by Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription-6 (STAT6), and because the parasite-induced expression of arg1 occurred in the absence of exogenous IL-4, we considered the possibility that L. donovani was directly activating STAT6. Indeed, exposure of hamster fibroblasts or macrophages to L. donovani resulted in dose-dependent STAT6 activation, even without the addition of exogenous cytokines. Knockdown of hamster STAT6 in BHK cells with miRNAi resulted in reduced arg1 mRNA expression and enhanced control of parasite replication (p<0.0001). Collectively these data indicate that L. donovani infection induces macrophage STAT6 activation and STAT6-dependent arg1 expression, which do not require but are amplified by type 2 cytokines, and which contribute to impaired control of infection

    Heterogeneity of Microglial Activation in the Innate Immune Response in the Brain

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    The immune response in the brain has been widely investigated and while many studies have focused on the proinflammatory cytotoxic response, the brain’s innate immune system demonstrates significant heterogeneity. Microglia, like other tissue macrophages, participate in repair and resolution processes after infection or injury to restore normal tissue homeostasis. This review examines the mechanisms that lead to reduction of self-toxicity and to repair and restructuring of the damaged extracellular matrix in the brain. Part of the resolution process involves switching macrophage functional activation to include reduction of proinflammatory mediators, increased production and release of anti-inflammatory cytokines, and production of cytoactive factors involved in repair and reconstruction of the damaged brain. Two partially overlapping and complimentary functional macrophage states have been identified and are called alternative activation and acquired deactivation. The immunosuppressive and repair processes of each of these states and how alternative activation and acquired deactivation participate in chronic neuroinflammation in the brain are discussed

    Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kebiasaan Merokok Pada Mahasiswa Stikes Mega Rezky Makassar

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    xiv, 45 hlm.; 28,5 cm
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