4,929 research outputs found

    Issues of WTA in shrimp aquaculture for exports and options for way forward

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    The global trade agreements under the ambit of World Trade Organization(WTO) (hereafter called as WTA), cover goods, services and intellectual property. They spell out the principles of liberalization, and the permitted exceptions. They include individual countries’ commitments to lower customs tariffs and other trade barriers, and to open and keep open services markets. They also set procedures for settling disputes. They prescribe special treatment for developing countries. They require governments to make their trade policies transparent by notifying the WTO about laws in force and measures adopted, and through regular reports by the secretariat on countries’ trade policies. As fisheries is not having the protection as agriculture under WTO regime, un understanding of WTA is important for fisheries professionals. Though WTA is put in place to ensure free trade among nations, many trade barriers are government-induced restrictions on international trade. The barriers can take many forms, including the following: tariffs, non-tariff barriers to trade import licenses, export licenses, import quotas, subsidies, voluntary export restraints, local content requirements, embargo, currency devaluation. Other trade barriers include differences in culture, customs, traditions, laws, language and currency. Most trade barriers work on the same principle: the imposition of some sort of cost on trade that raises the price of the traded products. If two or more nations repeatedly use trade barriers against each other, then a trade war results. Economists generally agree that trade barriers are detrimental and decrease overall economic efficiency, this can be explained by the theory of comparative advantage. In theory, free trade involves the removal of all such barriers, except perhaps those considered necessary for health or national security. In practice, however, even those countries promoting free trade heavily subsidize certain industries, such as agriculture and steel. Trade barriers are often criticized for the effect they have on the developing world. Because rich-country players call most of the shots and set trade policies, goods such as crops that developing countries are best at producing still face high barriers. Trade barriers such as taxes on food imports or subsidies for farmers in developed economies lead to overproduction and dumping on world markets, thus lowering prices and hurting poor-country farmers. Tariffs also tend to be anti-poor, with low rates for raw commodities and high rates for labour-intensive processed goods. The Commitment to Development Index measures the effect that rich country trade policies actually have on the developing world. Another negative aspect of trade barriers is that it would cause a limited choice of products and would therefore force customers to pay higher prices and accept inferior quality. Trade barriers affecting fisheries and shrimp exports from India are discussed hereunder


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah ketentuan-ketentuan kekerasan persekusi menurut hukum pidana dan bagaimanakah perlindungan HAM terhadap korban kekerasan persekusi, di mana dengan mnggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan bahwa: 1. Kekerasan persekusi adalah bentuk-bentuk kekerasan yang berintikan pada penganiayaan dalam segala bentuk dan macamnya yang oleh KUHP dan berbagai instrumen HAM Nasional ditentukan sebagai tindak pidana yang pelakunya bersifat individual (orang-perorangan), sedangkan dalam Instrumen HAM Internasional, lebih bersifat massal yang dilakukan secara sistematis dan meluas. 2. Perlindungan hukum dan HAM terhadap korban kekerasan persekusi selain dibebaninya kewajiban dan tanggung jawab hukum bagi pelakunya maka bagi korban kekerasan persekusi lebih dilindungi hak-haknya sebagai HAM.Kata kunci: persekusi, kekerasa

    The Core Composition of a White Dwarf in a Close Double Degenerate System

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    We report the identification of the double degenerate system NLTT 16249 that comprises a normal, hydrogen-rich (DA) white dwarf and a peculiar, carbon-polluted white dwarf (DQ) showing photospheric traces of nitrogen. We disentangled the observed spectra and constrained the properties of both stellar components. In the evolutionary scenario commonly applied to the sequence of DQ white dwarfs, both carbon and nitrogen would be dredged up from the core. The C/N abundance ratio (~ 50) in the atmosphere of this unique DQ white dwarf suggests the presence of unprocessed material (14N) in the core or in the envelope. Helium burning in the DQ progenitor may have terminated early on the red-giant branch after a mass-ejection event leaving unprocessed material in the core although current mass estimates do not favor the presence of a low-mass helium core. Alternatively, some nitrogen in the envelope may have survived an abridged helium-core burning phase prior to climbing the asymptotic giant-branch. Based on available data, we estimate a relatively short orbital period (P <~ 13 hrs) and on-going spectroscopic observations will help determine precise orbital parameters.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Virus Chikungunya in Colombia, a simple matter of time?

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    Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an RNA alphavirus of the family Togaviridae. The alphaviruses consist of 29 species, including eastern, western, and Venezuelan equine encephalitis viruses among others. CHIKV is transmitted by vector mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti and Aedes albipictus, which are abundant in the South American tropics

    Modelling and simulation of advanced semiconductor devices

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    This paper presents a modelling and simulation study of advanced semiconductor devices. Different Technology Computer Aided Design approaches and models, used in nowadays research are described here. Our discussions are based on numerous theoretical approaches starting from first principle methods and continuing with discussions based on more well stablished methods such as Drift-Diffusion, Monte Carlo and Non-Equilibrium Green’s Function formalism