19 research outputs found

    Outbreaks of Tularemia in Turkey

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    Tularemia, casued by Francisella tularensis, is a zoonotic disease presenting variousclinical forms. In the present study, three outbreaks of tularemia occurred fromJanuary to March and September in 2004 (first and second) and January to March in2005 (third) are reported from the north-eastern part of Turkey. All cases originatedfrom the same geographical location. In total, 56 patients having complaints of fever,malaise, chills and shivering, painful sore throat with swollen tonsils and enlargedcervical lymph nodes were affected and the patients were different in all cases.Forty-four, 7 and 5 people were affected in the first, second and third outbreak,respectively. The sera from all patients were analysed for the presence of F. tularensisantibodies using a microagglutination assay. Overall, of the 56 sera analysed, 39 (33, 3and 3 were from the first, second and third outbreak, respectively) showed antibodytitres of 1/160 and/or more against F. tularensis. The current report suggests thattularemia exists in north-eastern part of Turkey. The clinical manifestation of thecurrent cases were similar to those of oropharyngeal form of tularemia. It is consideredthat this region should be accepted as an endemic area for tularemia and kept undercontrol for a long period

    The role of staphylococci in subclinical mastitis of cows and lytic phage isolation against to Staphylococcus aureus

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    Aim: This study was conducted to determine the role of Staphylococcus in the formation of subclinical mastitis in cows and to isolate the phage against isolated Staphylococcus aureus strains. Materials and Methods: In this study, 400 milk cows were screened by California Mastitis Test (CMT) for subclinical mastitis and 235 udders of 96 cows, which were determined to be positive, were evaluated for Staphylococcus. Milk samples were evaluated using conventional and molecular methods. In addition, phage isolation studies were performed against S. aureus strains causing mastitis. Results: At the result of cultural examination, of 235 milk samples that were found as positive for mastitis by CMT, a total of 117 (49.7%) Staphylococcus spp. were isolated as a distribution of 74 (63.24%) coagulase-positive staphylococci and 43 (36.75%) coagulase-negative staphylococci. Of these isolates, 76 (64.95%) were characterized as S. aureus both conventional and molecular techniques. Lytic bacteriophages against two S. aureus strains which were isolated from mastitic milk samples were obtained from wastewater samples. Conclusion: The results of this study show that a significant portion of subclinical mastitis was formed by staphylococci. In addition, phage isolation against S. aureus strains isolated can be considered as one of the steps to be applied in the prophylaxis and treatment of such infections

    Isolation of various Arcobacter species from domestic geese (Anser anser)

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    In this study, the prevalence and distribution of various Arcobacter spp. were investigated in samples taken from the cloacae of healthy domestic geese raised in Turkey. A membrane filtration technique with a non-selective blood agar was employed after enrichment in Arcobacter enrichment broth (AEB) to isolate a wide range of Arcobacter spp. In addition, the isolates were characterized phenotypically and identified at species level using a multiplex-PCR assay. A total of 90 cloacal swab samples taken from geese, collected on three farms (18, 25, 47 samples, respectively), were examined. Of the samples examined, 16 (18%) were found positive for Arcobacter. One Arcobacter species was isolated from each bird. Of the 16 Arcobacter isolates, 7 (44%), 7 (44%) and 2 (12.5%) were identified by m-PCR as A. cryaerophilus, A. skirrowii and A. butzleri, respectively. The present study indicates that domestic geese can harbour a variety of Arcobacter spp. in their cloacae. The presence of Arcobacter in geese may be of significance as reservoirs in their dissemination. Detailed research is needed for better understanding of the epidemiology and zoonotic potential of this emerging pathogen

    Protection of farm goats by combinations of recombinant peptides and formalin inactivated spores from a lethal Bacillus anthracis challenge under field conditions

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    Background: Bacillus (B.) anthracis, the causal agent of anthrax, is effectively controlled by the Sterne live spore vaccine (34F2) in animals. However, live spore vaccines are not suitable for simultaneous vaccination and antibiotic treatment of animals being at risk of infection in an outbreak situation. Non-living vaccines could close this gap. Results: In this study a combination of recombinant protective antigen and recombinant Bacillus collagen-like antigen (rBclA) with or without formalin inactivated spores (FIS), targeted at raising an immune response against both the toxins and the spore of B. anthracis, was tested for immunogenicity and protectiveness in goats. Two groups of goats received from local farmers of the Kars region of Turkey were immunized thrice in three weeks intervals and challenged together with non-vaccinated controls with virulent B. anthracis, four weeks after last immunization. In spite of low or none measurable toxin neutralizing antibodies and a surprisingly low immune response to the rBclA, 80% of the goats receiving the complete vaccine were protected against a lethal challenge. Moreover, the course of antibody responses indicates that a two-step vaccination schedule could be sufficient for protection. Conclusion: The combination of recombinant protein antigens and FIS induces a protective immune response in goats. The non-living nature of this vaccine would allow for a concomitant antibiotic treatment and vaccination procedure. Further studies should clarify how this vaccine candidate performs in a post infection scenario controlled by antibiotics

    The Optimization of a Rapid Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis Protocol for the Typing of Acinetobacter baumannii, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp.

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    Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) is the most common genotyping method used for the typing of a number of bacterial species. Generally, investigators use their own custom-developed protocol, but a standardized PFGE protocol would allow the comparison of typing results between laboratories and the tracing of strains around the country. In the present study, we optimized a PFGE protocol for subtyping of Acinetobacter baumannii, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp., which are commonly isolated from nosocomial infections in many hospitals. Reproducibility of our PFGE procedure was studied three times at 2- to 3-week intervals. Epidemiological concordance of the optimized PFGE procedure was tested on seven isolates of A. baumannii from a previous outbreak and seven A. baumannii isolates randomly selected among the clinical isolates. The optimized PFGE procedure was evaluated on a total of 174 clinical isolates including 62 A. baumannii, 50 E. coli and 62 Klebsiella spp. The inter-laboratory reproducibility of the optimized protocol was tested at four laboratories. The optimized procedure is completed in 28 h after culturing. It is likely to be cost-effective, due to the reduction in the time, reagent volume and enzyme concentration needed. The procedure showed high concordance with epidemiological data. There were no non-typeable isolates among the tested bacteria. It is reproducible and versatile. This protocol can be used to identify outbreaks and monitor the spreading rate of nosocomial infections caused by the tested bacterial isolates. Furthermore, due to its high intra- and inter-laboratory reproducibility, the protocol has the potential to be useful for comparing PFGE fingerprinting profiles of the isolates from different settings

    The prevalence of tularemia in occupational groups that have contact with animals

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    Background/aim: The aim of the current study was to investigate the presence of antibodies against Francisella tularensis in individuals in different occupations that have contact with animals in the Kars region of northeastern Turkey