53 research outputs found

    A Big Data Architecture for Digital Twin Creation of Railway Signals Based on Synthetic Data

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    Industry 5.0 has introduced new possibilities for defining key features of the factories of the future. This trend has transformed traditional industrial production by exploiting Digital Twin (DT) models as virtual representations of physical manufacturing assets. In the railway industry, Digital Twin models offer significant benefits by enabling anticipation of developments in rail systems and subsystems, providing insight into the future performance of physical assets, and allowing testing and prototyping solutions prior to implementation. This paper presents our approach for creating a Digital Twin model in the railway domain. We particularly emphasize the critical role of Big Data in supporting decision-making for railway companies and the importance of data in creating virtual representations of physical objects in railway systems. Our results show that the Digital Twin model of railway switch points, based on synthetic data, accurately represents the behavior of physical railway switches in terms of data points

    The future of factories: Different trends

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    The technological advancements promote the rise of the fourth industrial revolution, where key terms are efficiency, innovation, and enterprises’ digitalization. Market globalization, product mass customization, and more complex products need to reflect on changing the actual design methods and developing business processes and methodologies that have to be data-driven, AI-assisted, smart, and service-oriented. Therefore, there is a great interest in experimenting with emerging technologies and evaluating how they impact the actual business processes. This paper reports a comparison among the major trends in the digitalization of a Factory of the Future, in conjunction with the two major strategic programs of Industry 4.0 and China 2025. We have focused on these two programs because we have had experience with them in the context of the FIRST H2020 project. European industrialists identify the radical change in the traditional manufacturing production process as the rise of Industry 4.0. Conversely, China mainland launched its strategic plan in China 2025 to promote smart manufacturing to digitalize traditional manufacturing processes. The main contribution of this review paper is to report about a study, conducted and part of the aforementioned FIRST project, which aimed to investigate major trends in applying for both programs in terms of technologies and their applications for the factory’s digitalization. In particular, our analysis consists of the comparison between Digital Factory, Virtual Factory, Smart Manufacturing, and Cloud Manufacturing. We analyzed their essential characteristics, the operational boundaries, the employed technologies, and the interoperability offered at each factory level for each paradigm. Based on this analysis, we report the building blocks in terms of essential technologies required to develop the next generation of a factory of the future, as well as some of the interoperability challenges at a different scale, for enabling inter-factories communications between heterogeneous entities

    Heme oxygenase-1 in the forefront of a multi-molecular network that governs cell–cell contacts and filopodia-induced zippering in prostate cancer

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    Prostate cancer (PCa) cells display abnormal expression of cytoskeletal proteins resulting in an augmented capacity to resist chemotherapy and colonize distant organs. We have previously shown that heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1) is implicated in cell morphology regulation in PCa. Here, through a multi 'omics' approach we define the HO-1 interactome in PCa, identifying HO-1 molecular partners associated with the integrity of the cellular cytoskeleton. The bioinformatics screening for these cytoskeletal-related partners reveal that they are highly misregulated in prostate adenocarcinoma compared with normal prostate tissue. Under HO-1 induction, PCa cells present reduced frequency in migration events, trajectory and cell velocity and, a significant higher proportion of filopodia-like protrusions favoring zippering among neighboring cells. Moreover forced expression of HO-1 was also capable of altering cell protrusions in transwell co-culture systems of PCa cells with MC3T3 cells (pre-osteoblastic cell line). Accordingly, these effects were reversed under siHO. Transcriptomics profiling evidenced significant modulation of key markers related to cell adhesion and cell–cell communication under HO-1 induction. The integration from our omics-based research provides a four molecular pathway foundation (ANXA2/HMGA1/POU3F1; NFRSF13/GSN; TMOD3/RAI14/VWF; and PLAT/PLAU) behind HO-1 regulation of tumor cytoskeletal cell compartments. The complementary proteomics and transcriptomics approaches presented here promise to move us closer to unravel the molecular framework underpinning HO-1 involvement in the modulation of cytoskeleton pathways, pushing toward a less aggressive phenotype in PCa

    Intracardiac echocardiography to guide transseptal catheterization for radiofrequency catheter ablation of left-sided accessory pathways: two case reports

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    Intracardiac echocardiography (ICE) is a useful tool for guiding transseptal puncture during electrophysiological mapping and ablation procedures. Left-sided accessory pathways (LSAP) can be ablated by using two different modalities: retrograde approach through the aortic valve and transseptal approach with puncture of the fossa ovalis. We shall report two cases of LSAP where transcatheter radiofrequency ablation (TCRFA) was firstly attempted via transaortic approach with ineffective results. Subsequently, a transseptal approach under ICE guidance has been performed. During atrial septal puncture ICE was able to locate the needle tip position precisely and provided a clear visualization of the "tenting effect" on the fossa ovalis. ICE allowed a better mapping of the mitral ring and a more effective catheter ablation manipulation and tip contact which resulted in a persistent and complete ablation of the accessory pathway with a shorter time of fluoroscopic exposure. ICE-guided transseptal approach might be a promising modality for TCRFA of LSAP

    Photopatterned antibodies for selective cell attachment

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    We present a phototriggerable system that allows for the spatiotemporal controlled attachment of selected cell types to a biomaterial using immobilized antibodies that specifically target individual cell phenotypes.o-Nitrobenzyl caged biotin was used to functionalize chitosan membranes and mediate site-specific coupling of streptavidin and biotinylated antibodies after light activation. The ability of this system to capture and immobilize specific cells on a surface was tested using endothelial-specific biotinylated antibodies and nonspecific ones as controls. Homogeneous patterned monolayers of human umbilical vein endothelial cells were obtained on CD31-functionalized surfaces. This is a simple and generic approach that is applicable to other ligands, materials, and cell types and shows the flexibility of caged ligands to trigger and control the interaction between cells and biomaterials.We thank Martina Knecht (MPIP) for help with the synthesis of caged biotin and Dr. Ron Unger and Prof. C. J. Kirkpatrick (University Clinic Mainz, RepairLab) for providing HUVECs. C.A.C. acknowledges funding support from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) (fellowship SFRH/BD/61390/2009) and from the International Max-Planck Research School in Mainz. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. REGPOT-CT2012-316331-POLARIS

    EphA3 Expressed in the Chicken Tectum Stimulates Nasal Retinal Ganglion Cell Axon Growth and Is Required for Retinotectal Topographic Map Formation

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    BACKGROUND: Retinotopic projection onto the tectum/colliculus constitutes the most studied model of topographic mapping and Eph receptors and their ligands, the ephrins, are the best characterized molecular system involved in this process. Ephrin-As, expressed in an increasing rostro-caudal gradient in the tectum/colliculus, repel temporal retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons from the caudal tectum and inhibit their branching posterior to their termination zones. However, there are conflicting data regarding the nature of the second force that guides nasal axons to invade and branch only in the caudal tectum/colliculus. The predominant model postulates that this second force is produced by a decreasing rostro-caudal gradient of EphA7 which repels nasal optic fibers and prevents their branching in the rostral tectum/colliculus. However, as optic fibers invade the tectum/colliculus growing throughout this gradient, this model cannot explain how the axons grow throughout this repellent molecule. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: By using chicken retinal cultures we showed that EphA3 ectodomain stimulates nasal RGC axon growth in a concentration dependent way. Moreover, we showed that nasal axons choose growing on EphA3-expressing cells and that EphA3 diminishes the density of interstitial filopodia in nasal RGC axons. Accordingly, in vivo EphA3 ectodomain misexpression directs nasal optic fibers toward the caudal tectum preventing their branching in the rostral tectum. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrated in vitro and in vivo that EphA3 ectodomain (which is expressed in a decreasing rostro-caudal gradient in the tectum) is necessary for topographic mapping by stimulating the nasal axon growth toward the caudal tectum and inhibiting their branching in the rostral tectum. Furthermore, the ability of EphA3 of stimulating axon growth allows understanding how optic fibers invade the tectum growing throughout this molecular gradient. Therefore, opposing tectal gradients of repellent ephrin-As and of axon growth stimulating EphA3 complement each other to map optic fibers along the rostro-caudal tectal axis

    QoS evaluation of constrained cloud manufacturing service composition

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    Cloud manufacturing is a paradigm that represents distributed cyber-physical systems in which software abstractions and services work in strict connection to manufacturing equipment and machines. In cloud manufacturing, the cloud platform receives high-level tasks that are decomposed into subtasks, which are fulfilled by appropriate services. Despite different approaches have been proposed to compose services in order to accomplish manufacturing tasks, physical constraints have not been considered.In this paper, we propose an approach that enacts a trade-off between quality of service and physical constraints of manufacturing services in order to adapt to equipment constraints. To show the effectiveness of the proposed approach, we quantitatively compare it with a straightforward approach which does not consider any physical constraint. Experimental results of our algorithm show that the trade-off between quality of service and capacity of physical manufacturing equipment is acceptable for efficient cloud service compositions
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