1,714 research outputs found

    The State of Disproportionate Minority Confinement (DMC) in Mississippi’s Juvenile Detention Facilities

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    Disproportionate Minority Confinement (DMC) has become a national issue due to several amendments to the JJDP Act of 1974 requiring compliance of all states’ participating in the formula grants program. All participating states, including the State of Mississippi, have thus introduced several programs to tackle the DMC problems in their various states for six years running. Giving these programmatic interventions, this study seeks to determine if DMC still exist in the juvenile detention facilities in the State of Mississippi. A survey instrument designed to measure racial composition of detainees was administered to the 18 juvenile facilities. The resulting data were compared with the State’s 2000 National Census data of juveniles by race. The study finds a strong evidence of DMC in the juvenile detention facilities of the State of Mississippi

    Queer binge: harmful alcohol use among sexual minority young people in Australia

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    © 2019 The Royal Society for Public Health Objectives: The literature suggests that sexual minority young people (SMYP) use alcohol at disproportionate levels when compared with their heterosexual counterparts. Little is known about alcohol dependency symptoms and correlations between high-risk alcohol use/dependency symptoms and minority stress in this population in general and between subgroups. Study design: Cross-sectional study. Methods: Descriptive statistics, adjusted odds ratios, and analysis of covariance were used to determine high-risk alcohol use, dependency symptoms, differences between subgroups, and correlations between alcohol use, dependency symptoms, and minority stress. Results: A total of 1556 Australian SMYPs aged 18 to 35 years completed the survey. Fifty percent of the participants reported high-risk alcohol consumption with significant differences between subgroups. Typical dependency symptoms such as ‘health, social, legal or financial problems due to alcohol consumption’ (16.8%, n = 247) were identified in large parts of the sample. High-risk consumption and dependency symptoms were significantly correlated with minority stress. Conclusion: High levels of high-risk alcohol use and dependency symptoms were found, largely consistent with existing literature. However, disparities are not distributed equally in this population, suggesting that future health promotion interventions should focus on SMYP subgroups. Significant correlations between minority stress and dependency symptoms/high-risk use suggest a potential route for future interventions in these populations

    Determination of the scope of the experimental-calculation method for measuring the touch voltage

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    The work is devoted to the improvement of methods for determining the normalized parameters of the grounding system (GS) of operating power stations and substations. The aim of the work is determination of the scope of the experimental-calculated method for measuring the touch voltage, depending on short-circuit (SC) current value for the given dimensions of the GS and the type of soil. Methodology. The study analyzed the non-linear effect of the SC current value on the touch voltage, taking into account such factors as the GS size and the soil type. The calculation used statistical data on the GS size and the characteristics of the soil obtained by monitoring the GS state of 585 operating electrical substations with a voltage class of 110-750 kV using the induction method and the method of vertical soil sounding, respectively. For the calculation, a mathematical model of a non-equipotential GS located in a three-layer semiconductor space with plane-parallel boundaries was used, this model was developed using the method of integro-differential equations. Results. To determine the scope of the method, in this work it is proposed to use the linearity criterion, which is determined due to the ratio of the constant of reduced touch voltage to the current value. The example shows the method for determining the threshold minimum and maximum values of the measuring current of the soil, in the range between which the measurements by experimental-calculated methods are impossible. A table of threshold current values has been formed and recommendations have been developed on the possibility of using experimental-measuring methods for determining the touch voltage depending on the GS size and soil characteristics.Метою роботи є визначення області застосування експериментально-розрахункового методу вимірювання напруги дотику в залежності від значення струму короткого замикання для заданих розмірів заземлювального пристрою (ЗП) та типу ґрунту. В дослідженні було проаналізовано нелінійний вплив величини струму КЗ на напругу дотику з урахуванням таких факторів як розмір ЗП та тип ґрунту. Для розрахунку була використана математична модель нееквіпотенційного ЗП, розташованого у тришаровому напівпровідному просторі з плоско-паралельними границями поділу, що була розроблена за допомогою методу інтегро-диференційних рівнянь. Для визначення області застосування методу в роботі запропоновано використовувати критерій лінійності, який визначається через відношення сталої приведеної напруги дотику до поточного значення. Сформовано таблицю значень порогових струмів та розроблено рекомендації щодо можливості використання експериментально-вимірювальних методів визначення напруги дотику в залежності від розміру ЗП та характеристик ґрунту

    Method of integro-differential equations for interpreting the results of vertical electrical sounding of the soil

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    The paper is devoted to the problem of determining the geoelectric structure of the soil within the procedure of testing the grounding arrangements of existing power plants and substations to the required depth in conditions of dense development. To solve the problem, it was proposed to use the Schlumbergers method , which has a greater sounding depth compared to the Wenner electrode array. The purpose of the work is to develop a mathematical model for interpreting the results of soil sounding by the Schlumberger method in the form of a four-layer geoelectric structure. Methodology. To construct a mathematical model, it is proposed to use the solution of a particular problem about the field of a point current source, which, like the observation point, is located in the first layer of a four-layer soil. Based on this expressions, a system of linear algebraic equations of the 7-th order with respect to the unknown coefficients ai and bi was compiled. On the basis of its analytical solution, an expression for the potential of the electric field was obtained for conducting VES (the point current source and the observation point are located only on the soil surface). Results. Comparison of the results of soil sounding by the Schlumberger installation and the interpretation of its results for the same points shows a sufficient degree of approximation: the maximum relative error does not exceed 9.7 % (for the second point), and the average relative error is 3.6 %. Originality. Based on the obtained expression, a test version of the program was implemented in Visual Basic for Applications to interpret the results of VES by the Schlumberger method. To check the obtained expressions, the interpretation of the VES results was carried out on the territory of a 150 kV substation of one of the mining and processing plants in the city of Kriviy Rih. Practical significance. The developed mathematical model will make it possible to increase the sounding depth, and, consequently, the accuracy of determining the standardized parameters of the grounding arrangements of power stations and substations.Робота присвячена проблематиці визначення геоелектричної структури ґрунту в межах випробування заземлювальних пристроїв діючих електричних станцій та підстанцій на необхідну глибину в умовах щільної забудови. Для вирішення проблеми запропоновано використати установку Шлюмберже, яка має більшу глибину зондування у порівнянні з установкою Веннера. За допомогою методів інтегро-диференційних рівнянь було отримано аналітичні вирази для інтерпретації результатів зондування ґрунту установкою Шлюмберже у випадку чотиришарового ґрунту. Для перевірки отриманих виразів була проведена інтерпретація результатів вертикального електричного зондування на території підстанції 150 кВ одного з гірничо-збагачувальних комбінатів: максимальна відносна похибка не перевищує 9,7 %, а середня – 3,6 %

    Hospital fall prevention: a systematic review of implementation, components, adherence, and effectiveness.

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    ObjectivesTo systematically document the implementation, components, comparators, adherence, and effectiveness of published fall prevention approaches in U.S. acute care hospitals.DesignSystematic review. Studies were identified through existing reviews, searching five electronic databases, screening reference lists, and contacting topic experts for studies published through August 2011.SettingU.S. acute care hospitals.ParticipantsStudies reporting in-hospital falls for intervention groups and concurrent (e.g., controlled trials) or historic comparators (e.g., before-after studies).InterventionFall prevention interventions.MeasurementsIncidence rate ratios (IRR, ratio of fall rate postintervention or treatment group to the fall rate preintervention or control group) and ratings of study details.ResultsFifty-nine studies met inclusion criteria. Implementation strategies were sparsely documented (17% not at all) and included staff education, establishing committees, seeking leadership support, and occasionally continuous quality improvement techniques. Most interventions (81%) included multiple components (e.g., risk assessments (often not validated), visual risk alerts, patient education, care rounds, bed-exit alarms, and postfall evaluations). Fifty-four percent did not report on fall prevention measures applied in the comparison group, and 39% neither reported fidelity data nor described adherence strategies such as regular audits and feedback to ensure completion of care processes. Only 45% of concurrent and 15% of historic control studies reported sufficient data to compare fall rates. The pooled postintervention incidence rate ratio (IRR) was 0.77 (95% confidence interval = 0.52-1.12, P = .17; eight studies; I(2) : 94%). Meta-regressions showed no systematic association between implementation intensity, intervention complexity, comparator information, or adherence levels and IRR.ConclusionPromising approaches exist, but better reporting of outcomes, implementation, adherence, intervention components, and comparison group information is necessary to establish evidence on how hospitals can successfully prevent falls

    Teaching Maltese as a second language to adults

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    Recognition and Assessment of Geomorphosites in Malta at the Il-Majjistral Nature and History Park

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    The Il-Majjistral Nature and History Park, located on the northwestern coast of the Island of Malta, is a protected area with natural, cultural and tourist interests. The Park, which was registered in 2008, is characterised by a landscape dominated by limestone and clay. Geomorphological features are highly controlled by the presence of faults and rock masses characterised by different physical and mechanical properties. Coastal cliffs, bays and sandy beaches are the most outstanding geomorphological features of the Park, creating a breathtaking landscape which is an attraction for a number of visitors. In the framework of an international research project, a study for the identification, selection and enhancement of the rich geomorphological heritage of the area has been carried out. In particular, a recognition and a quantitative assessment of geomorphosites on the basis of two different methodologies has been developed, and the results have been compared to establish the reliability of the methodologies. The results represent the first step and the necessary basic knowledge for possible enhancement of geomorphosites in Malta and the promotion of tourism activities at the Il-Majjistral Nature and History Park through the auspices of environmental agencies

    Risky alcohol consumption, dependency symptoms and minority stress in sexual minority young people

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    Background Sexual Minority Young People (SMYP) use alcohol, tobacco and other drugs at disproportionate levels when compared to their heterosexual counterparts. Limited research has been conducted on dependency symptoms in this population as well as correlations between risky use of alcohol and minority stress including potential differences between identity subgroups. Methods A cross-sectional online survey was completed by 1,556 SMYPs (mean age: 22.6 years) from Australia. Variables include demographics, alcohol use, dependency symptoms and different dimensions of minority stress. Descriptive and correlational analyses, and binary logistic regressions were conducted. Results Most participants surveyed identified as gay or lesbian (59%) and as men (55%). Regular binge drinking (43%) as well as general high-risk alcohol use (52%) was prevalent in the sample. Dependency symptoms were also common in the sample including health, social, legal or financial problems as a result of alcohol consumption (17%). Meaningful differences in consumption and symptoms between subgroups were identified. Minority stress, including negative family reactions and homophobic harassment were significantly correlated with higher alcohol use and dependency symptoms. Conclusions High-risk alcohol consumption including binge drinking as well as dependency symptoms are highly prevalent in Australian SMYP but are not distributed equally across subgroups. Public health initiatives should consider targeting SMYP subgroups and concentrate on the role of alcohol as a potential maladaptive coping mechanism for minority stress. Main Message Sexual minority young people drink alcohol at risky levels. Minority stress likely to be linked to risky alcohol consumption and dependency symptoms

    Coherent Population Trapping with Controlled Interparticle Interactions

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    We investigate Coherent Population Trapping in a strongly interacting ultracold Rydberg gas. Despite the strong van der Waals interactions and interparticle correlations, we observe the persistence of a resonance with subnatural linewidth at the single-particle resonance frequency as we tune the interaction strength. This narrow resonance cannot be understood within a meanfield description of the strong Rydberg--Rydberg interactions. Instead, a many-body density matrix approach, accounting for the dynamics of interparticle correlations, is shown to reproduce the observed spectral features