57 research outputs found

    Chronologie des monuments funéraires sahariens

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    Nous avons publiĂ©, il y a une quinzaine d’annĂ©es (Paris 1996), une chronologie des monuments funĂ©raires sahariens du Niger, Ă©tablie en grande partie Ă  partir de datations par le 14C de la bioapatite de l’os. Nous avions alors dĂ©montrĂ© que c’était la meilleure mĂ©thode pour Ă©tudier la chronologie des sĂ©pultures du Sahara (SaliĂšge, Person & Paris 1995). Toutefois, les contraintes mĂ©thodologiques de l’époque qui exigeaient notamment une certaine quantitĂ© de matĂ©riau ne nous avaient pas permis d’exploiter totalement nos Ă©chantillons. Les nouvelles possibilitĂ©s qu’offre la spectromĂ©trie de masse par accĂ©lĂ©rateur (Sma) permettent de reprendre le sujet puisqu’il est possible, avec cette nouvelle technologie, de diminuer Ă  1 g environ la quantitĂ© d’ossement nĂ©cessaire pour une datation. Nous pourrons donc Ă  l’avenir complĂ©ter et prĂ©ciser la chronologie des architectures funĂ©raires du Sahara nigĂ©rien, en particulier quand nous n’avions pas pu les dater du fait de la trop petite quantitĂ© de restes osseux. Cette technologie permet d’atteindre des prĂ©cisions de l’ordre de ± 30-40 BP, ce qui Ă©tait inaccessible avec les techniques classiques

    Trois inhumations sous tumulus pierrier à Dialaka (Ouest malien, bassin supérieur du Sénégal)

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    International audienceThe Dialaka necropolis, located on the mountainside at the mouth of the Gari valley, comprises 27 tumuli. Excavation of the largest of these – 12 m in diameter and 1,50 m high - has brought to light the remains of three adult individuals lying at ground level. The absence of any coxal elements prevents the determination of their sex. Two subjects are of relatively high stature. Aged between 20 and 35 years, they were positioned perpendicularly in decubitus. The position and age of the third individual, of a much smaller stature, are impossible to determine due to the very poor state of preservation of his skeleton and the lack of anatomical connection of the five identifiable long bones supposedly belonging to him. The hypothesis of a secondary burial associated with two primary burials is possible. The bioapatite from the bones provided a radiocarbon age of 1515 ± 60 BP, which, after dendrochronological correction, gives a real age of between 425 and 643 AD (95% confidence).La nĂ©cropole de Dialaka situĂ©e Ă  flanc de montagne au dĂ©bouchĂ© de la vallĂ©e du Gari comprend 27 tumulus. La fouille du plus imposant d’entre eux – 12 m de diamĂštre pour 1,50 m de hauteur – a permis la mise au jour des restes de trois individus adultes reposant au niveau du sol. L’absence de tout Ă©lĂ©ment du coxal empĂȘche de dĂ©terminer leur sexe. Deux sujets sont de stature relativement Ă©levĂ©e. AgĂ©s de 20 Ă  35 ans, ils Ă©taient placĂ©s perpendiculairement en dĂ©cubitus. La position et l’ñge du troisiĂšme individu d’une stature nettement infĂ©rieure sont impossibles Ă  cerner en raison du trĂšs mauvais Ă©tat de conservation de son squelette et de l’absence de connexion anatomique des cinq os longs identifiables supposĂ©s lui appartenir. L’hypothĂšse d’une inhumation secondaire associĂ©e Ă  deux inhumations primaires est envisageable. La bioapatite tirĂ©e des os a fourni comme Ăąge radiocarbone : 1515 ± 60 BP soit, aprĂšs correction dendrochronologique, un Ăąge rĂ©el compris entre 425 et 643 apr. J.-C. (95% de confiance)

    Trois inhumations sous tumulus pierrier à Dialaka (Ouest malien, bassin supérieur du Sénégal)

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    International audienceThe Dialaka necropolis, located on the mountainside at the mouth of the Gari valley, comprises 27 tumuli. Excavation of the largest of these – 12 m in diameter and 1,50 m high - has brought to light the remains of three adult individuals lying at ground level. The absence of any coxal elements prevents the determination of their sex. Two subjects are of relatively high stature. Aged between 20 and 35 years, they were positioned perpendicularly in decubitus. The position and age of the third individual, of a much smaller stature, are impossible to determine due to the very poor state of preservation of his skeleton and the lack of anatomical connection of the five identifiable long bones supposedly belonging to him. The hypothesis of a secondary burial associated with two primary burials is possible. The bioapatite from the bones provided a radiocarbon age of 1515 ± 60 BP, which, after dendrochronological correction, gives a real age of between 425 and 643 AD (95% confidence).La nĂ©cropole de Dialaka situĂ©e Ă  flanc de montagne au dĂ©bouchĂ© de la vallĂ©e du Gari comprend 27 tumulus. La fouille du plus imposant d’entre eux – 12 m de diamĂštre pour 1,50 m de hauteur – a permis la mise au jour des restes de trois individus adultes reposant au niveau du sol. L’absence de tout Ă©lĂ©ment du coxal empĂȘche de dĂ©terminer leur sexe. Deux sujets sont de stature relativement Ă©levĂ©e. AgĂ©s de 20 Ă  35 ans, ils Ă©taient placĂ©s perpendiculairement en dĂ©cubitus. La position et l’ñge du troisiĂšme individu d’une stature nettement infĂ©rieure sont impossibles Ă  cerner en raison du trĂšs mauvais Ă©tat de conservation de son squelette et de l’absence de connexion anatomique des cinq os longs identifiables supposĂ©s lui appartenir. L’hypothĂšse d’une inhumation secondaire associĂ©e Ă  deux inhumations primaires est envisageable. La bioapatite tirĂ©e des os a fourni comme Ăąge radiocarbone : 1515 ± 60 BP soit, aprĂšs correction dendrochronologique, un Ăąge rĂ©el compris entre 425 et 643 apr. J.-C. (95% de confiance)

    Datation de la bioapatite de restes osseux d'origine marine : application Ă  des sites du Makran (Pakistan)

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    accessible via http://www.persee.fr/docAsPDF/paleo_0153-9345_2005_num_31_1_4785.pdfInternational audienceThe presence of sites on the Makran coast (Pakistan), in a semi-arid region, with numerous faunal remains of marine origin (shell, otoliths and bones offish, marine mammals and turtles allows us to test the validity of dates on bioapatite and otoliths, and to compare them to results from shell. These first results are satisfying and encouraging for the future.The presence of sites on the Makran coast (Pakistan), in a semi-arid region, with numerous faunal remains of marine origin (shell, otoliths and bones offish, marine mammals and turtles allows us to test the validity of dates on bioapatite and otoliths, and to compare them to results from shell. These first results are satisfying and encouraging for the future. Résumé La présence sur des sites du Makran cÎtier (Pakistan), dans une région semi-aride, de nombreux restes animaux d 'origine marine (coquillages, otolithes et os de poissons, de mammifÚres marins et de tortues), a permis de tester la validité de la datation de la bioapatite et des otolithes, et de la comparer aux résultats obtenus sur les coquilles. Ces premiers résultats sont satisfaisants et encourageants pour l'avenir

    Les débuts de la métallurgie au Niger septentrional

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    Research conducted from 1976 to 1981 in Niger's southern Saharan areas have uncovered new information relevant to the question formulated about metallurgy a few years earlier following discoveries in Termit. The ancient dates then obtained reinforced the idea that the metallurgy of both copper and iron might have been invented in this area following various technical episodes. Recent results from the field and laboratory lead us to discuss certain of these ideas and to raise, once again, the question of this metallurgy's age and technical originality.Les recherches menées entre 1976 et 1981 dans les régions méridionales du Sahara, au Niger ont réactualisé la question de la métallurgie posée par les découvertes faites quelques années plus tÎt à Termit. Les ùges anciens alors obtenus ont conforté l'idée d'un possible foyer d'invention dans ces régions, avec une succession de différents épisodes technologiques, tant pour le fer que pour le cuivre. Les résultats récemment acquis, sur le terrain comme en laboratoire, nous conduisent à discuter ici certaines de ces notions et à reposer le problÚme de l'ancienneté et de l'originalité technique de cette métallurgie.Paris François, Person Alain, Quéchon Gérard, SaliÚge Jean-François. Les débuts de la métallurgie au Niger septentrional. In: Journal des africanistes, 1992, tome 62, fascicule 2. Mémoire de sable. pp. 55-68

    The End of a Hundred-Year-Old Archaeological Riddle: First Dating of the Columns Tomb of Kumbi Saleh (Mauritania)

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    International audienceOne century after its discovery, the Columns Tomb of Kumbi Saleh (Mauritania) remains an archaeological riddle. Since 1914, six field programs have been successively carried out at the medieval urban site of Kumbi Saleh, which now is commonly identified as Ghana. The latter was the famous capital city of the medieval West African state, which controlled the gold mines of West Africa and was involved in the gold trade with North Africa and the Mediterranean Basin. However, interpretation of the tomb, the largest structure from the necropolis, is still an issue as its dating itself has never been firmly established. As a consequence, scholars have usually referred to an unsatisfactory timeframe spanning 1000 years. The study of this monument was recently resumed, motivated by the rediscovery of bones collected in the tomb in 1914 and stored at the Musée de l'Homme (Paris, France). AMS radiocarbon dating of the bone and tooth apatite fraction of three skulls demonstrates that the three individuals occupying the main vault of the tomb died between the end of the 11th century and the 12th century, precisely at the time of expansion of the Muslim Almoravid movement south of Sahara

    Bilan chronologique de la culture nok et nouvelles datations sur des sculptures

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    Since the beginning of the nineties, the Jos region (central Nigeria) has suffered considerable plunder of its archaeological sites, and several thousands of sculptures have thus been unearthed essentially to supply the western art market. Inside some of these sculptures, studied as part of a dissertation thesis, pieces of charcoal were discovered and dated by radiocarbon. The publication of these new data gives us the opportunity to draw up a critical evaluation of the chronological information presently known and to review the chronological time span of the Nok culture. The display of the presence of these pieces of charcoal within the sculptures provides also information on the techniques of fabrication, and in particular, about the use of bracing structures placed inside some of the sculptures before the firing phase

    Late Holocene sedimentary forcing and human settlements in the Jerf el Oustani - Ras el Sass region (Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania)

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    L’étude de la rĂ©gion de Ras el Sass et Jerf el Oustani (zone littorale du banc d’Arguin en Mauritanie), a permis : 1°) l’identification, la localisation et la datation directe ou indirecte des amas coquilliers, et 2°) la reconstruction des Ă©tapes de la formation de la zone littorale par colmatage du palĂ©o-estuaire de l’oued ech Chibka, entre 5 500 ans BP et l’Actuel. Les amas coquilliers ont Ă©tĂ© cartographiĂ©s Ă  partir des images satellitaires gĂ©orĂ©fĂ©rencĂ©es et datĂ©s par le radiocarbone ou la typologie des tessons archĂ©ologiques. De 5 500 Ă  2 600 ans BP, les lignes de rivages successives sont marquĂ©es par des alignements d’amas qui en suivent la progradation. Les conditions biotiques dans la baie estuarienne sont favorables au dĂ©veloppement d’Anadara, principal organisme exploitĂ© par les populations nĂ©olithiques. De façon complĂ©mentaire, l’analyse morphologique et sĂ©dimentologique des bermes, laisses de mer et cordons littoraux rencontrĂ©s rend compte des processus actifs mis en oeuvre dans la rĂ©gularisation du trait de cĂŽte. Au cours des diffĂ©rentes Ă©tapes, les dĂ©pĂŽts se conforment aux plans de vagues successifs imposĂ©s par l’évolution de la morphologie. Les formes et la nature des dĂ©pĂŽts observĂ©s ainsi que leur rĂ©partition verticale ne permettent pas de retenir l’hypothĂšse d’un niveau marin Ă  2 ou 2,5 m au-dessus du niveau marin actuel depuis 5 500 ans BP. Le forçage sĂ©dimentaire apparaĂźt le facteur le plus important.In the Ras el Sass and Jerf el Oustani region (Banc d’Arguin coastal area of Mauritania), a study was carried out involving: (1) the identification, location and direct or indirect dating of shell middens; and (2) reconstruction of the infilling of the Oued ech Chibka palaeo-estuarine embayment, between 5500 years B.P. and the present. The shell middens were mapped using satellite image georeferencing, and dated by 14C or ceramic shards found in the shell layers. Successive shorelines emplaced between 5500 and 2600 years B.P. are shown to account for the alignment of shell middens, which highlight the progradation pattern of the palaeo-estuarine embayment. Low salinity in the embayment created environmental conditions particularly favourable to the biological cycle of Anadara, exploited by the Neolithic populations. Geomorphological and sedimentological approaches are adopted in order to identify beach ridges, berms, Zostera mats and surge drift lines. The palaeomorphological changes induced by littoral drift and aeolian transport are consistent with the progressive closure of the Oued ech Chibka embayment. The morphological evolution and the presence of Ras el Sass, Jerf el Oustani and Jerf Sghir islands constrain the development of wave fronts in the embayment. Coastal processes have formed a series of beach ridges and tombolos on the leeward side of the islands. The observed morphology, the nature of deposits and their height distribution do not corroborate a high sea-level stand at +2 or +2.5 m above MSL over the period 5500 years B.P. to present. Sediment forcing is clearly at the origin of the infilling pattern
