58 research outputs found

    Reporte de caso de necrosis apical en un cultivo de mango (Mangifera indica L.) establecido bajo condiciones del Caribe seco colombiano

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    Bacterial apical necrosis of mango (Mangifera indica L.) is an acute disease reported mainly in Southern Europe, characterized by the generation of necrotic lesions in buds and leaves that spread through the petioles towards the stems. Its incidence results in significant economic losses due to a decrease in production. Known causative agents of this disease are the bacteria Pseudomonas syringae and Pantoea spp., which survive as epiphytes on plant surfaces. In a two-year-old mango cv. Keitt orchard, established at the Colombian Corporation for Agricultural Research (AGROSAVIA), Motilonia Research Station, mango trees exhibited symptoms of necrosis in buds, leaves, and branches. The mango plants were affected downwards, causing their death 30 days after the first symptoms. Five samples of affected leaf tissue and petioles were taken to isolate the causative agent and make a diagnosis to manage the disease properly. The samples were superficially disinfected and incubated in a humid chamber and culture media for three days. After incubation, hyphae, exudates, and bacterial colonies were plated on solid culture media. The isolates obtained were characterized morphologically and biochemically. The results showed the presence of bacteria identified as Pantoea spp. by amplifying and sequencing the region coding for the 16S subunit of rRNA. In vitro pathogenicity tests preliminarily suggest Pantoea spp. as the causative agent of the disease. This work is the first report of apical necrosis by Pantoea spp. in mango for Colombia.La necrosis apical bacteriana del mango es una enfermedad crítica reportada principalmente en Europa, que se caracteriza por la generación de lesiones necróticas en yemas y hojas, las cuales se extienden a través de los peciolos hacia los tallos. Su incidencia resulta en pérdidas económicas importantes debido a una disminución de la producción. Los agentes causales conocidos de esta enfermedad son las bacterias Pseudomonas syringae y Pantoea spp., que sobreviven como epífitas en la superficie de las plantas.  En un cultivo de mango cv. Keitt de dos años, establecido en la Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA), Centro de Investigación Motilonia, se evidenciaron síntomas de necrosis en yemas, hojas y ramas.  Las plantas de mango se vieron afectadas de forma descendente hasta su muerte a los 30 días después los primeros síntomas. Se tomaron cinco muestras de tejido foliar afectado y pecíolos para aislar el agente causal y generar un diagnóstico a fin de realizar un manejo preciso de la enfermedad. Las muestras se desinfectaron superficialmente y se incubaron en cámara húmeda y medios de cultivo por tres días. Después de la incubación, las hifas, los exudados y las colonias bacterianas se sembraron en medios de cultivo sólidos. Los aislamientos obtenidos se caracterizaron a nivel morfológico y bioquímico. Los resultados arrojaron la presencia de bacterias identificadas como Pantoea spp. por amplificación y secuenciación de la región que codifica para la subunidad 16S del ARNr. Las pruebas de patogenicidad in vitro sugieren preliminarmente a Pantoea spp. como el agente causal de la enfermedad. Este trabajo es el primer reporte de necrosis apical por Pantoea spp. en mango para Colombia

    THE UNIVERSITY AS A COMMON POOL RESOURCE: a set of resources, moral and cultural values from the Academic Community of Universidad Politécnica Salesiana

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    This book contains information from Universidad Politecnica Salesiana’s Commons Research Group, created in 2016 to deepen as well as identify the implication and the possibilities of imagining the university as a “common pool resource” . This alternative must be explained because the connection of the use of commons – as explained by Elinor Ostrom in her book Governing the Commons. The evolution of institutions for Collective Action (2011) – with the possibility of reconsidering the university in all areas is not immediate nor casual and, at first, such connection seems odd in a time when we value belonging based on evidence accessible at first sight. In fact, what does a proposal which analyzes community and local government decision making methods regarding common resources have to do with university life? The aim of this preface is to answer this question and explain the connection that encourages and gives meaning to several contributions of this book. Each contribution deepens its derivations in the field of management, decision making and knowledge production

    Ex Vivo and In Vivo Anti-inflammatory Evaluations of Modulated Flavanones Solutions

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    Abstract: Interest has developed in natural molecules due to their clinically proven effects on skin deseases. Flavanones display several biological activities, and recently have been the focus of studies due to their anti-inflammatory effect. To improve their pharmacological profile four flavanones (A, B, C and D), were synthesized by structural modification of one natural flavanone 1 (semi-systematic name: (2S)-5,7-dihydroxy-6-prenylflavanone) extracted from Eysenhardtia platycarpa. The hydroalcoholic flavanone solutions (FS) were assayed to investigated their anti-inflammatory effect on two in vivo cutaneous inflammation models. Materials and methods: the topical anti-inflammatory effect of FS were evaluated against models of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol acetate (TPA) induced mouse ear edema and arachidonic acid (AA) in rat ear edema. Results: The vinylogous cyclized derivative (flavanone D) caused edema inhibition in the TPA- induced models with an inhibition of 96.27 ± 1.93 %; equally effective and potent in inhibiting the mouse ear edema as Indometacine had been. In addition, the AA-induced increase in ear thickness was reduced the most by the topical application of modulated ether (flavanone B). Conclusions: The in vivo and histology results suggest that flavanones B and D are effective as a topical anti-inflammatory agents in inflammatory processes. Thus, this new compounds represents a promising agent for the management of skin diseases with an inflammatory component

    Baricitinib Lipid-Based Nanosystems as a Topical Alternative for Atopic Dermatitis Treatment

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    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory skin disorder which causes a significant clinical problem due to its prevalence. The ongoing treatment for AD is aimed at improving the patient's quality of life. Additionally, glucocorticoids or immunosuppressants are being used in systemic therapy. Baricitinib (BNB) is a reversible Janus-associated kinase (JAK)-inhibitor; JAK is an important kinase involved in different immune responses. We aimed at developing and evaluating new topical liposomal formulations loaded with BNB for the treatment of flare ups. Three liposomal formulations were elaborated using POPC (1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-glycero-3-phosphocholine), CHOL (Cholesterol) and CER (Ceramide) in different proportions: (i) POPC, (ii) POPC:CHOL (8:2, mol/mol) and (iii) POPC:CHOL:CER (3.6:2.4:4.0 mol/mol/mol). They were physiochemically characterized over time. In addition, an in vitro release study, ex vivo permeation and retention studies in altered human skin (AHS) were also performed. Histological analysis was used to study the tolerance of the formulations on the skin. Lastly, the HET-CAM test was also performed to evaluate the irritancy capacity of the formulations, and the modified Draize test was performed to evaluate the erythema and edema capacity of the formulations on the altered skin. All liposomes showed good physicochemical properties and were stable for at least one month. POPC:CHOL:CER had the highest flux and permeation, and the retention in the skin was equal to that of POPC:CHOL. The formulations exhibited no harmful or irritating effects, and the histological examination revealed no changes in structure. The three liposomes have shown promising results for the aim of the study

    Amazonía ecuatoriana: construcción de imaginarios a través de los siglos

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    Como los espacios de disputa en el mundo, donde se enfrentan dos o más realidades, los discursos del poder construyen imaginarios, según su contexto. Esto parece ser el caso de la Amazonía ecuatoriana, un pequeño territorio en tan vasto entorno clave ahora en la situación ambiental, que a través de casi cinco siglos ha visto –y le han visto- desde diferentes maneras. El propósito de este artículo es, por un lado, analizar cuál ha sido los motivos de la creación de tal o cual narrativa, pero también evidenciar cómo a inicios del siglo XXI las miradas parecen repetirse. De allí la necesidad de, en primer término, acudir a los orígenes. Así, el 24 de junio de 1542 Francisco de Orellana, extremeño de 30 años, -en plenas campañas de conquista de la Corona española en el Nuevo Mundo- se enfrentó a unas mujeres aguerridas que portaban flechas mientras, sin conocerlo, conocía el Gran Río. A falta de una descripción, las llamó amazonas, con clara influencia del mito helénico. Si en el siglo XVI las especias eran una ilusión para los conquistadores, por el País de la Canela, ahora es, en menor grado, la ayahuasca en medio de sus alucinaciones. Sin embargo, como si la época colonial permaneciera inmutable, la ensoñación de El Dorado sigue presente: ahora la búsqueda del oro podría ser comparada con la explotación petrolífera y, en menor escala, por los nuevos destinos turísticos, que incluyen a los lodge con visión anglosajona, como la panacea para esta región que representa apenas el 2% del territorio de la cuenca amazónica pero que, al igual que ésta, enfrenta los mismos desafíos. En las revistas ecuatorianas especializadas como Ecuador Infinito y Terra Incógnita, aunque existe una mirada más condescendiente que se emparenta con lo ecológico, aún la construcción de una mirada poscolonial subsiste. Ese, acaso, sea el reto: mirar a la Amazonía como si alguien nos mirara desde la selva ya sin su carcaj

    LA UNIVERSIDAD: UN BIEN DE USO COMÚN. Conjunto de recursos, valores morales y culturales de la Comunidad Académica de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana

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    El colectivo de autores, docentes y autoridades de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana del Ecuador, se ha propuesto repensar la universidad —especialmente la universidad católica— como un bien de uso común a la luz de los aportes del premio Nobel de Economía (2009) Elinor Ostrom, quien analiza el gobierno de los bienes comunes en las instituciones de acción colectiva. A partir de imaginar la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana como un Recurso de Uso Común (RUC), y pensar su trayectoria de desarrollo y educación intercultural en las comunidades andinas y amazónicas, cada uno de los artículos profundiza las derivaciones en el ámbito de la identidad institucional, gestión, toma de decisiones y la producción de conocimiento. El libro enriquece la visión institucional de Ostrom y alimenta la noción de la universidad en tanto comunidad académica que genera pertenencias y territorialidades, de diverso tipo así como formas de gestión y organización derivadas de un sentido previo que obliga a reconsiderar la autonomía universitaria y los mecanismos de toma de decisiones

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamentos del Cesar, Córdoba y Guajira

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    La violencia en el país ha sido una larga lucha por el cual las víctimas han tenido que atravesar durante muchos años dejando como mayor consecuencia el desplazamiento forzoso; situación que los ha conllevado a adaptarse y aprender a vivir en una sociedad en donde son invisibles y también señalados, el cual va arraigado a las duras experiencias que han pasado dejando en ellos memorias colectivas. Las comunidades víctimas de la guerra han sido por mucho tiempo recuperadas a partir de objetivos claros que llevaron a fomentar la reconstrucción de sus tejidos sociales, es por ello que los diferentes escenarios de violencia pueden estar muy unidos por la gran memoria colectiva que han compartido, eventos traumáticos difíciles de olvidar, además de que la mayoría les ha costado superar sus diferentes situaciones como el destierro o la perdida de seres queridos, de tal forma que el acompañamiento social y comunitario son indispensables para minimizar estas duras situaciones, ya que la víctima no solo se debe recuperar a nivel emocional sino también a nivel social y familiar. Una forma de conocer las constantes experiencias vividas de las víctimas del conflicto armado es por medio de la narrativa, en donde se les da el espacio para que ellos puedan expresar los hechos de forma subjetiva; en el siguiente informe se evaluará eventos psicosociales traumáticos mediante la narrativa del relato N° 3 de Alfredo campos, tomado de Banco Mundial, (2009), el cual se analizará para luego proponer una serie de preguntas circulares, reflexivas y estratégicas orientadas hacia un acercamiento psicosocial y a la superación de condiciones de victimización. De igual forma, también se planteará el caso de Peñas Coloradas tomado de “El estado declaró al ejército dueño temporal de nuestro caserío y nos condenó al destierro” Comisión de la verdad, (2009) con la finalidad de crear estrategias psicosociales que faciliten la potenciación de recursos de afrontamientos a la situación expresada.Violence in our country has been a long struggle through which the victims have had to go through for many years, leaving forced displacement as a major consequence, a situation that has led them to adapt and learn to live in a society where they are invisible and also mentioned, which is rooted in the harsh experiences that have passed, leaving them with collective memories. The communities victims of the war have been recovered for a long time based on clear objectives that led to promoting the reconstruction of their social fabric, which is why the different scenarios of violence can be very united by the great collective memory they have shared, traumatic events that are difficult to forget, in addition to the fact that most of them have had a hard time overcoming their different situations such as exile or the loss of loved ones, in such a way that social and community accompaniment are essential to minimize these harsh situations, since the victim does not It should only be recovered on an emotional level but also on a social and family level. One way of knowing the constant lived experiences of the victims of the armed conflict is through the narrative, where they are given the space so that they can express the facts subjectively; In the following report, traumatic psychosocial events will be evaluated through the narrative of the story No. 3 by Alfredo Campos, taken from the World Bank, (2009), which will be analyzed to then propose a series of circular, reflective and strategic questions oriented towards an approach psychosocial and overcoming conditions of victimization. Similarly, the case of Peñas Coloradas will also be considered, taken from "The state declared the army temporary owner of our village and sentenced us to exile" Truth Commission, (2009) with the aim of creating psychosocial strategies that facilitate empowerment of coping resources to the expressed situation

    Self-reported side effects after vaccination against COVID-19 in Honduras

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    Background: In December 2019, in the community of Wuhan, in Hubei, China, a series of atypical pneumonia cases with severe course was identified and the new disease was called COVID-19. By March 2020, the World Health Organization declared a pandemic. Understanding SARS-CoV2 genomic allowed the scientific community to develop vaccine candidates against COVID-19. Over 41 scientific groups conducted clinical trials to prove vaccines efficiency, efficacy, and safety.Method: A cross sectional retrospective study performed in Honduras since July 21st, 2021, to December 1st, 2021. This study included the population who received at least one dose of any COVID-19 vaccine. The data were collected using an online survey using Google Forms and a QR code to make it easier for the participants to access the survey and to avoid collecting any personal data from the participants. The symptoms were self-reported. A total of 2108 participants were included in the study through the online survey.Results: The average age of the participants was 34.61±11.129 years with higher frequency of people between 20-29 years old. In 60.7% of the cases, side effects were reported after the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine or in cases when only one dose was required. Only 1916 received a second dose of COVID-19 vaccine and 38.9% of them presented side effects after that second dose. The most common side effect is pain in the injection site (49.7% and 30.7%). The most common systemic side effects are fever (34.8% and 17.5%), headache (33.5% and 19.1%) and myalgia (32.8% and 17.6%). Conclusions: The side effects reported by the population after any vaccination against COVID-19 are mainly systemic effects like fever, myalgia and headache, while the most common local side effect is pain in the injection site. The rates of side effects are higher in females, and younger participants after both doses, the differences are statistically significant

    Los retos de la didáctica: lecturas para el siglo XXI

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    Los retos de la didáctica: lecturas para el siglo XXI constituye el primer libro resultado de las investigaciones que adelantaron los directores de las líneas de investigación, los estudiantes, docentes e investigadores de la Escuela de Educación de la Universidad Sergio Arboleda (Bogotá, Colombia). Ocasionalmente estas publicaciones contarán con artículos y ponencias de invitados nacionales e internacionales. El presente libro es una estrategia que materializa los principios pedagógicos que entienden al estudiante como el protagonista del proceso educativo, a los docentes como los facilitadores de la formación y a la sociedad como la beneficiaria última del proceso llevado a cabo en la universidad. La Escuela de Educación trasciende de esta forma los enfoques tradicionales, para adherirse a través de ejercicios de eclecticismo reflexivo a una orientación que toma elementos de los enfoques constructivista, experiencial y de estructura de las disciplinas

    Long-Term Real-World Effectiveness and Safety of Ustekinumab in Crohn’s Disease Patients: The SUSTAIN Study

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    Background Large real-world-evidence studies are required to confirm the durability of response, effectiveness, and safety of ustekinumab in Crohn’s disease (CD) patients in real-world clinical practice. Methods A retrospective, multicentre study was conducted in Spain in patients with active CD who had received ≥1 intravenous dose of ustekinumab for ≥6 months. Primary outcome was ustekinumab retention rate; secondary outcomes were to identify predictive factors for drug retention, short-term remission (week 16), loss of response and predictive factors for short-term efficacy and loss of response, and ustekinumab safety. Results A total of 463 patients were included. Mean baseline Harvey-Bradshaw Index was 8.4. A total of 447 (96.5%) patients had received prior biologic therapy, 141 (30.5%) of whom had received ≥3 agents. In addition, 35.2% received concomitant immunosuppressants, and 47.1% had ≥1 abdominal surgery. At week 16, 56% had remission, 70% had response, and 26.1% required dose escalation or intensification; of these, 24.8% did not subsequently reduce dose. After a median follow-up of 15 months, 356 (77%) patients continued treatment. The incidence rate of ustekinumab discontinuation was 18% per patient-year of follow-up. Previous intestinal surgery and concomitant steroid treatment were associated with higher risk of ustekinumab discontinuation, while a maintenance schedule every 12 weeks had a lower risk; neither concomitant immunosuppressants nor the number of previous biologics were associated with ustekinumab discontinuation risk. Fifty adverse events were reported in 39 (8.4%) patients; 4 of them were severe (2 infections, 1 malignancy, and 1 fever). Conclusions Ustekinumab is effective and safe as short- and long-term treatment in a refractory cohort of CD patients in real-world clinical practice