10 research outputs found

    Molecular Phylogeny of the Genus Lolliguncula Steenstrup, 1881 Based on Nuclear and Mitochondrial DNA Sequences Indicates Genetic Isolation of Populations from North and South Atlantic, and the Possible Presence of Further Cryptic Species

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    Squid of the genus Lolliguncula Steenstrup, 1881 are small bodied, coastal species capable of tolerating low salinity. Lolliguncula sp. are found exclusively in the New World, although only one of the four recognized species (Lolliguncula brevis) occurs in the Atlantic Ocean. Preliminary morphological analyses suggest that Lolliguncula brevis populations in the North and South Atlantic may represent distinct species. The principal objective of the present study was to verify the phylogenetic relationships within the genus and test for the presence of possible cryptic species. Both gene and species tree topologies indicated that Lolliguncula brevis specimens from the North and South Atlantic represent distinct phylogenetic clades. In contrast with previous studies, L. panamensis was identified as the basal species of the genus. Our results provide important insights into the phylogenetic relationships among the Lolliguncula specimens analyzed, and confirm the genetic separation of Lolliguncula brevis populations of the North and South Atlantic at the level of sister species

    New molecular phylogeny of the squids of the family Loliginidae with emphasis on the genus Doryteuthis Naef, 1912:Mitochondrial and nuclear sequences indicate the presence of cryptic species in the southern Atlantic Ocean

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    The family Loliginidae Lesueur, 1821, is currently considered to include seven genera and approximately 50 species of neritic and coastal squids. These commercially important species occur in tropical and temperate coastal waters around the world. The taxonomy of the family has been revised a number of times in recent years, focusing in particular on genera such as Doryteuthis, Sepioteuthis, Alloteuthis, and Uroteuthis, which are represented by populations in the New World, Oceania, Europe/Africa, and Asia. However, no detailed phylogenetic analysis is available for the loliginids of the southern Atlantic, in particular the genus Doryteuthis. The present molecular study analyzed 81 loliginid taxa from around the world. The partial sequencing of the mitochondrial 16S and Cytochrome Oxidase I genes, and the nuclear rhodopsin gene revealed a number of important patterns, recovering the monophyletic status of the majority of the genera and revealing possible cryptic species in Doryteuthis plei D. pealei, Uroteuthis duvauceli and Sepioteuthis lessonianaPeer reviewe

    Assigning shark fin origin using species distribution models needs a reality check

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    [Extract] The conservation and management of shark populations have become urgent issues to ensure the future health of our oceans [1]. There are many drivers of the decline of shark populations, with the demand for shark fins being one of the more important [2]. Understanding fin origin can help identify regions for improved management, and hence has been the focus of recent research (e.g. Fields et al. [3], Cardeñosa et al. [4]). In a recent Biology Letters article, Van Houtan et al. [5] contributed to this work using data on species composition of shark fins at four markets and species distribution models (SDMs) to predict the probability of fin origin. Their purpose was to address knowledge gaps in source and trade routes of shark products, which currently limit the effective allocation of management resources. While the broad concept behind their paper is novel, we disagree with the results and conclusions owing to flaws in methodology and interpretation