635 research outputs found

    The Qur\u27an as the Only Constitutive Source of Islamic Law

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    In The Problem of Dealing with the Prophet’s Sunnah (originally in Arabic), Al-\u27Alwani proposes a comprehensive and coherent concept of Prophet Muhammad’s Sunnah based on the linguistic, Qur\u27anic and Prophetic usages of the term Sunnah, and argues that a prophet’s saying, action or approval is authentic if evidently rooted in the Qur\u27an, not only narrated in a correct, honest and accurate way. Al-\u27Alwani stresses the Prophet’s humanness and contends that the Qur\u27an proves his fallibility in his ijtihad and corrects it if it was not in full conformity with the Qur\u27an. Hence, the Qur\u27an’s authority over the Sunnah. Al-\u27Alwani links the authentic legislative Sunnah to the Qur\u27an and denies that one source can abrogate the other because there can be no contradiction between them. He argues that the authentic legislative Sunnah constitutes no laws; rather, it only illustrates the Prophet’s interpretation and implementation of the laws already constituted in the Qur\u27an. Hence, Al-\u27Alwani’s argument that the Qur\u27an is the only constitutive source of Islamic law. He asserts that the Qur\u27an contains all laws explicitly or implicitly, and the Sunnah is its application. Al-\u27Alwani sends a clear message in this book, that is, the unity of Muslim Ummah can be reestablished only through the recognition of the Qur\u27an’s role in life, and the Prophet’s role in implementing it

    Promoting or resisting change?: The United States and the Egyptian uprising, 2011–2012

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    © 2018 selection and editorial matter, Geoffrey F. Gresh and Tugrul Keskin; individual chapters, the contributors. After President Barack Obama’s electoral victory in 2008, an advisor of the outgoing president, Christian Brose, expressed the expectation that President Obama’s foreign policy would resemble that of President George W. Bush’s second administration and that the variance between the two foreign policies would be thinner than the variance between the foreign policies of Bush’s first and second administrations (Brose, 2009, p. 53). But President Obama was keen to distinguish himself, at least on the surface, from his unpopular predecessor, especially in foreign policy. As he arrived in office, Obama’s apparent embrace of “realism” was therefore a clear indication that his foreign policy was the opposite of Bush’s, which was characterized as “idealist” (to use International Relations Theory terms), particularly as far as the global spread of democracy was concerned (Cohen, 2016)

    Acute kidney injury after ascending aorta and aortic arch replacement surgery with moderate hypothermia, circulatory arrest and cardiopulmonary bypass

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    The correlation between deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA) and cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and their effect on renal function is still not clear enough. Renal failure after surgical replacement of ascending aorta in DHCA und CPB in patients due to aneurysm or calcification represents nowadays a major concern. This major study focused on the impact of DHCA and CPB on renal function in those patients. In the presented retrospective cohort study, the database for Kiel University clinic was searched for patients with aortic arch and aortic ascending replacement surgeries with HCA and CPB techniques. Between January 1, 2001, and December 31, 2017. 1359 patients were found in our database with different causes for those operations such as ascending aortic and aortic arch -aneurysm, -dissections or -calcifications, who were operated upon. The patient records were abstracted, and the data were entered into a database and then revised for accuracy by randomly checking chart data with data on the computer. Pre- and postoperative renal function are observed and documented. Acute kidney injury (AKI) was classified according to the current ‘Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes’ (KDIGO} Guidelines. The potential correlation of the length of DHCA-CPBT and worsening renal function was evaluated using Spearman’s rank correlation. The data obtained from our analysis outlined the predictive role of longer moderate HCA and CPB times a for AKI. The complex multifactorial pathophysiology plays an underlying prognostic role regarding the outcome for this life-threatening complication and requires more focused clinical trials to illustrate the contradicting results from the previous analyses regarding the causing pathophysiology. In addition to that we found out that the incidence of AKI after ascending aorta and aortic arch replacement surgery using moderate HCA and CPB is approximately 15 %. And those patients with Postopertaitve AKI have an increase in the mortaliy rate by more than 6 times and 3 times longer ICU sta

    System level modelling and design of hypergraph based wireless system area networks for multi-computer systems

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    This thesis deals with issues pertaining the wireless multicomputer interconnection networks namely topology and Medium Access Control (MAC). It argues that new channel assignment technique based on regular low-dimensional hypergraph networks, the dual radio wireless hypermesh, represents a promising alternative high-performance wireless interconnection network for the future multicomputers to shared communication medium networks and/or ordinary wireless mesh networks, which have been widely used in current wireless networks. The focus of this work is on improving the network throughput while maintaining a relatively low latency of a wireless network system. By means of a Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) based design of the MAC protocol and based on the desirable features of hypermesh network topology a relatively high performance network has been introduced. Compared to the CSMA shared communication channel model, which is currently the de facto MAC protocol for most of wireless networks, our design is shown to achieve a significant increase in network throughput with less average network latency for large number of communication nodes. SystemC model of the proposed wireless hypermesh, validated through mathematical models, are then introduced. The analysis has been incorporated in the proper SystemC design methodology which facilitates the integration of communication modelling into the design modelling at the early stages of the system development. Another important application of SystemC modelling techniques is to perform meaningful comparative studies of different protocols, or new implementations to determine which communication scenario performs better and the ability to modify models to test system sensitivity and tune performance. Effects of different design parameters (e.g., packet sizes, number of nodes) has been carried out throughout this work. The results shows that the proposed structure has out perform the existing shared medium network structure and it can support relatively high number of wireless connected computers than conventional networks

    Novi metod merenja ekshalacije radona iz građevinskih materijala

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    Seismic Velocities and Depth Conversion across the Intisar "D" Field, Sirte Basin, Libya

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    The Intisar "D" field is one of the oldest fields in the Sirte Basin (Libya), It was discovered by Occidental company in 1966. In 1986 a new 2-D seismic survey was carried out to define the field more accurately, as well as 3-D work being done in the eastern part of the field. This study is concerned mainly with the recent seismic lines and well logs, to produce a new interpretation. The field is situated on the southeast of the Concession 103 area, which lies to the southeast of the Agedabya trough, with the Rakb high to the east and the Zelten platform somewhat farther to the west. The geology of the Intisar "D" field and the Concession 103 was outlined previously by two papers published, more than ten years ago. One was a study of the geology and the depositional history of Intisar "A" field in the northern part of the Concession, while the second paper described the geology and depositional history of Intisar "D" field, together with the exploration techniques and the production system used. The main reservoir is an Upper Palaeocene pinnacle reef containing more than one billion bbl (160 million cu m) of recoverable oil. The reef grew at the same time as the Upper-Sabil platform carbonates were being deposited, At the end of reef growth time near the end of the Palaeocene time, the reefs stopped growing with the introduction of the lower Kheir shales. Seven seismic lines are available, U-14, U-25, U-51, U-53, U-54, U-6, and U-9, and nineteen wells in the field selected for different purposes lithological information, correlation, and velocity information. The main aim of this study, new seismic interpretation of important horizons, and velocity interpretation, with a discussion of why the seismic velocities in the area are inaccurate, and the reprocessing part of line U-14. The tying of well (D1/103) and seismic sections (U14, U25, U51, U53, and U54) are reasonably closely particularly at the Lower Eocene and Upper Palaeocene levels. The other horizons match with small mis-ties approximately (+30 ms). The interpreted horizons are the Upper-Sabil (Upper Palaeocene), Kheir (Upper Palaeocene - Lower Eocene), Gir (top of Lower Eocene), and El-giza (Middle Eocene). The seismic characteristics indicate strongly contrasting acoustic impedance mostly between the sequences of shales from one side and the limestone from the other. The reprocessing of part of line U-14 has resulted in a better defined seismic section, displayed both in migrated time and in depth

    Dynamic modelling of pollution flashover on high voltage outdoor insulators

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    The high voltage outdoor insulators are one of the most important components in the electrical power transmission system. During its lifetime, insulators are exposed to several failures. For this reason, it is crucial to continuously monitor its condition and investigate insulator performance under varying degrees of contamination. In this work, new techniques have been used to diagnose insulators' conditions based on Fast Fourier Transformer (FFT) Analysis of the leakage current. FFT analysis is commonly employed to investigate insulator statements under varying degrees of contamination and wetting rate using harmonic components and phase-shift angle of leakage current. It can be noted that proposed techniques have shown high efficiency in evaluating insulator status. The increase in pollution levels on insulators surfaces has affected the performance of insulators which leads to the occurrence of flashover on the insulator surface. The investigations carried out to understand the performance of polluted insulators may be grouped into three categories: natural testing, artificial testing or laboratory testing, and mathematical models. However, the method of actual testing of insulators suffers from limitations, for example, it is uneconomical, highly time-consuming, and gives non�reproducible results. So, artificial testing (experiments) and mathematical models have been used to understand and predict pollution flashover voltages of polluted insulators. In this study, a new mathematical model, based on the dimensional analysis method (DAM), is proposed. This model is used to forecast the contamination flashover voltage gradient of insulators under varying contamination and wetting conditions when subjected to AC voltages. The arc constants have been extracted from the V-I characteristics curve to estimate the dimensional constant. The Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Adaptive Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) were utilised also for the prediction of the mathematical model. Also, in this study, an improved static and dynamic mathematical model of critical parameters of polluted insulators is proposed based on an extended equivalent electric-circuit model of a polluted insulator. The effect of arc length and resistance of the pollution layer on critical flashover voltage investigated using the (RLC) circuit model. Finally, the experimental test results validate the competency of the proposed dynamic model via accurate performance prediction of polluted insulators. There is a good agreement between the results of the experiments of polluted insulators obtained in the laboratory and values calculated from the developed mode

    Effect of Thermal Cycling on Corrosion Rate of Carbon Steel (0.4%C), Water Cooled

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    The effect of thermal cycling was carried out on steel bars (0.4 %C). A single run was performed at a lower temperature of 320C and an upper temperature of 5000C cooled in water and seawater. For several numbers of cycles up to 30 cycles for an accurate determination of heating and cooling times. The effect of thermal cycling on the corrosion rate was evaluated. The effect of thermal cycling on the following properties was evaluated the corrosion rate. The comparison between the effect of thermal cycling on carbon steel (0.4% C) seawater cooled (previous results, sea-water cooled [1]) and the effect of thermal cycling on carbon steel (0.4 C %) (in this manuscript, water-cooled) has been studied. From the obtained test results (previous and in this paper, it was found that the type of corrosion is uniform, the corrosion rate of the first stage gradually increases with the number of thermal cycling up to 15 cycles, then it takes steady-state up to 30 cycles. It was found that the rate of corrosion (previous results, seawater cooled) is more than (the results in this paper, water-cooled)

    Synthesis of Electromagnetic Metasurfaces: Principles and Illustrations

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    The paper presents partial overview of the mathematical synthesis and the physical realization of metasurfaces, and related illustrative examples. The synthesis consists in determining the exact tensorial surface susceptibility functions of the metasurface, based on generalized sheet transition conditions, while the realization deals with both metallic and dielectric scattering particle structures. The examples demonstrate the capabilities of the synthesis and realization techniques, thereby showing the plethora of possible metasurface field transmission and subsequent applications. The first example is the design of two diffraction engineering birefringent metasurfaces performing polarization beam splitting and orbital angular momentum multiplexing, respectively. Next, we discuss the concept of the "transistor" metasurface, which is an electromagnetic linear switch based on destructive interferences. Then, we introduce a non-reciprocal non-gyrotropic metasurface using a pick-up circuit radiator (PCR) architecture. Finally, the implementation of all-dielectric metasurfaces for spatial dispersion engineering is discussed