17 research outputs found

    Halal Pharmaceuticals: Knowledge, Attitude And Perception Among Doctors, Pharmacists, Academicians And Public In Malaysia

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    Penduduk Muslim serata dunia menggunakan berbagai-bagai jenis ubat-ubatan yang mungkin mengandungi bahan-bahan yang bercanggah dengan kepercayaan mereka. Dengan meningkatnya kesedaran ini, keperluan untuk meninjau pengetahuan, atitud dan persepsi di kalangan pihak tertentu menjadi sangat penting. The Muslim population all over the globe is using countless number of drugs which may contain ingredients contradictory to their faith. As this awareness grows, the necessity for exploring into the knowledge, attitude and perception of various players of this field becomes imperative

    Efficacy and safety of atorvastatin and rosuvastatin in ischemic heart disease patients: A prospective study

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    Purpose: To compare the safety and efficacy of two commonly used statins namely; atorvastatin and rosuvastatin, and determine the efficiency of CoQ10 in the reversal of statin-induced myopathy. Methods: An investigational study design was adopted using randomized trials involving patients suffering from ischemic heart disease and receiving either atorvastatin or rosuvastatin. The study was conducted at Punjab Institute of Cardiology, Lahore, Pakistan during the period, November 2016 - February 2017. A total number of 95 male and female patients, between the ages of 40 and 80 years, were selected. Their blood samples were analyzed for lipid profile, total cholesterol, serum high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C), serum triglycerides, low-density lipoproteins-cholesterol (LDL-C) and total cholesterol/HDL-C ratio. Results: Gender and dose showed significant correlation with creatine phosphokinase (CPK) levels, (p = 0.001) and (p > 0.001), respectively. The patients using rosuvastatin 20 mg had a higher risk of developing myopathy than those treated with atorvastatin 40 mg (p = 0.023), while atorvastatin 20 mg patients were more prone to induce myopathy than 10 mg (p = 0.001) recipients. Atorvastatin 20 mg produced higher CPK levels than rosuvastatin 10 mg (p = 0.002). A substantial increase in CPK levels was found with rosuvastatin 20 mg and atorvastatin 20 mg usage (p > 0.001). It was observed that rosuvastatin 20 mg significantly increased the risk of myopathy compared to atorvastatin 10 mg (p > 0.001). However, rosuvastatin 20 mg/day considerably reduced the blood cholesterol as compared to atorvastatin 10mg/day (p = 0.001). CPK levels reduced significantly following treatment with CoQ10 (p = 0.022). Conclusion: Rosuvastatin users are more prone to the risk of myopathy, myalgic symptoms and rise in CPK levels than atorvastatin users, and these effects are dose related. CoQ10 is effective in lowering CPK levels and reversing myalgia

    Hypertension-related knowledge, medication adherence and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) among hypertensive patients in Islamabad, Pakistan

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    Purpose: To determine knowledge regarding hypertension, adherence to medication and HealthRelated Quality of Life (HRQoL), and their associations in hypertensive patients in Pakistan. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 384 hypertensive patients attending a tertiary health care public sector hospital in Islamabad, Pakistan. Data were collected using knowledge questionnaire regarding hypertension, Morisky Medication Adherence Scale, and EuroQol (EQ-5D) scale. Results: The mean systolic and diastolic blood pressures of the 384 patients were 140.39 ± 15.485 and 88.74 ± 10.683 mmHg, respectively. The coefficient of correlation between knowledge regarding hypertension and adherence was 0.638 (p < 0.001), showing a positive association. The correlation coefficient between knowledge and HRQoL was 0.709 (p < 0.001), suggesting a good association. The correlation coefficient between adherence to medication and HRQoL was 0.545 (p < 0.001), which indicated a positive correlation. Conclusion: These results indicate that there are statistically significant associations between hypertension knowledge and HRQoL, hypertension knowledge and medication adherence, and between adherence and HRQoL in the hypertensive patients studied

    Association of hypertension and dyslipidaemia with increasing obesity in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    The study was performed to estimate the association of hypertension and dyslipidaemia with increasing body weight and obesity in Type II diabetics of Lahore, Pakistan. An observational study was conducted by enrolling 2708 obese diabetics from four diabetes care centres of Lahore, Pakistan. Data was collected for a period of 7 months. Associations were estimated using chi-square, binary and multinomial logistic regression. Data suggested that blood pressure, systolic and diastolic, exhibited continual increase with increasing body weight and obesity class in diabetes patients with 41.8% increase in the prevalence of hypertension in obesity class III subjects (OR; 1.91, p=0.02). Likewise, triglycerides and total cholesterol exhibited continual increase in their mean values with increasing obesity, i-e., an overall increase in the prevalence of dyslipidaemia of 27.2% in obesity class 3 subjects (OR; 1.94, p=0.29). Taken together, this data suggested that hypertension is potentially associated with increasing obesity in diabetics, while dyslipidaemia demonstrated plausible association only with obesity class 3

    Do Males and Females Differ in Terms of Their KAP Regarding Halal Pharmaceuticals?

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    There is an increasing awareness amongst Muslim consumers to avoid all items containing  non-Halal ingredients including medications. Male and female are different both biologically and psychologically, it therefore, needed for a study to compare KAP of males and females regarding  Halal pharmaceuticals. Methods:This was a cross-sectional study using a structured , self-administered questionnaires to compare the knowledge, attitude & perception regarding Halal pharmaceuticals, among males and females in Penang state of Malaysia. Results revealed that there is no significance difference in the knowledge, attitude and perception of males and females. This is concluded that males and females are equally aware and have same attitude and perception regarding Halal pharmaceuticals. P value of .05 or less was taken as statistically significant

    Do Males and Females Differ in Terms of Their KAP Regarding Halal Pharmaceuticals?

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    There is an increasing awareness amongst Muslim consumers to avoid all items containing  non-Halal ingredients including medications. Male and female are different both biologically and psychologically, it therefore, needed for a study to compare KAP of males and females regarding  Halal pharmaceuticals. Methods:This was a cross-sectional study using a structured , self-administered questionnaires to compare the knowledge, attitude & perception regarding Halal pharmaceuticals, among males and females in Penang state of Malaysia. Results revealed that there is no significance difference in the knowledge, attitude and perception of males and females. This is concluded that males and females are equally aware and have same attitude and perception regarding Halal pharmaceuticals. P value of .05 or less was taken as statistically significant

    Do Males and Females Differ in Terms of Their KAP Regarding Halal Pharmaceuticals?

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    There is an increasing awareness amongst Muslim consumers to avoid all items containing  non-Halal ingredients including medications. Male and female are different both biologically and psychologically, it therefore, needed for a study to compare KAP of males and females regarding  Halal pharmaceuticals. Methods:This was a cross-sectional study using a structured , self-administered questionnaires to compare the knowledge, attitude & perception regarding Halal pharmaceuticals, among males and females in Penang state of Malaysia. Results revealed that there is no significance difference in the knowledge, attitude and perception of males and females. This is concluded that males and females are equally aware and have same attitude and perception regarding Halal pharmaceuticals. P value of .05 or less was taken as statistically significant

    Polycystic ovarian syndrome–related depression in adolescent girls: A Review

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    Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a common endocrinal disorder of reproductive age characterized by heterogeneous complications, is nowadays prevailing among females at adolescent stage. Infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods, excess hair growth, acne, and obesity can occur in women with PCOS. In adolescents, infrequent or absence of menstruation may raise chances for this condition. The increased prevalence of PCOS among general population throughout the world is found to be 5%–10% in the women of reproductive age, and about 40% women with PCOS experience depression, particularly young girls. The exact cause of PCOS is unknown. Early diagnosis and treatment along with weight loss may reduce the risk of long-term complications. Depression and anxiety are common in women with PCOS but are often overlooked and therefore left untreated. Along with the physical disturbances, many mental problems are also associated with PCOS. Therefore, PCOS not only has problems associated with reproduction but also has associated crucial metabolic and psychological health risks with increasing age of the patients. Because of the increased number of cases with PCOS around the world in present times, with prominent symptom of, specifically, depression at the adolescent stage, it is important to highlight the disease


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    The objective of the study was to develop a relationship between nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and enlarged prostate. This report emphasizes the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in benign prostatic hyperplasia both clinically and by changing the lifestyle. A questionnaire based study was carried on 50 benign prostatic hyperplasic patients from July to September 2016. The study was done at Mayo hospital and Services hospital, Lahore. The patients aged between 40-80 years were selected randomly and interviewed face to face. BPH is characterized by inflammation. So, anti-inflammatory drugs NSAIDs have beneficial effect in prostatic diseases such as prostatic hyperplasia. These medications were observed to lessen the symptoms and prevalence of BPH. The relation of NSAIDs and BPH is still controversial. These drugs are used to treat BPH but their prolonged use exerts some unwanted effects. Patients were advised some life style changes to minimize the risk. Keywords: Benign prostatic hyperplasia, NSAIDs, Nocturia, Inflammation


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    Background: Diabetic nephropathy being the leading cause of kidney transplant also affects major vital organs of the body. It increases the risk of mortality in diabetic patients along with hypertension, cardiopathy and other concurrent diseases. The main aim of study was to observe management and prevalence of nephropathy among the diabetic patients. Methods: An observational study was conducted during August-2016 to September- 2016 in different hospitals of Lahore. 50 patients of diabetic nephropathy were randomly selected and data was collected by filling questionnaires from patients. Collected data was analyzed and results were presented in the form of graphs and tables. Results: Results showed that the prevalence of diabetic nephropathy depends on socioeconomic background of the patients, as 42% of the patients were unemployed, 40% smokers, with a family history of diabetes type-II. The medications prescribed mostly consist of antihypertensives, antidiabetics and 70% of ACE inhibitors and Angiotensin-II. 88% of the patients found ACE inhibitors more beneficial than their previous medications as they had very few side effects, and 60% patients had HbA1c value in range due to use of regular medication. 56% of patients used tablets while 43% used injections. Conclusion: It was concluded that prescriptions of nephropathy patients indicated more ACE inhibitors. NSAIDs should be avoided in nephropathy as they increase GFR rate and affect kidney badly. Keywords: Diabetic nephropathy, End-Stage-Renal-Disease, Hypertension, ACE inhibitors, Urine protein, GFR