110 research outputs found

    Semantic model and updated screening criteria for polymer flooding

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    Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) processes produce oil that conventional methods leave behind, where interfacial forces, heavy oil viscosity, and reservoir heterogeneity make it difficult to produce. Many EOR methods are available but usually cannot be used at the same time for a candidate reservoir. Therefore, it is important to select the most appropriate EOR process from among the possible techniques. EOR screening criteria have been created using EOR datasets and serve as the first step to compare the suitability of each technique for a specific reservoir. Most of these datasets are based on field data collected from EOR surveys published in the Oil & Gas Journal and therefore are limited because they lack data from laboratory experiments and do not represent more recent research efforts. This project proposes a comprehensive study of data related to polymer flooding technology, from laboratory, pilot, and field applications. The project starts with intensive analysis of polymer flooding as a specified knowledge domain, extracting major concepts in the domain and data that can be generated from or by laboratory experiments, pilot and field applications. One of the goals of this project is to have easy access of polymer flooding techniques such a specialized domain to the public. Therefore, semantic modeling techniques are applied to construct semantic models based on the relations among the major concepts and measuring data. The models will also be published as one part of an ambition to build a semantic knowledge repository for EOR technologies. Then, laboratory data and pilot and field application data were collected and analyzed. Methodologies that can be applied to improve data quality have been studied and investigated; and screening criteria have been updated; and potential prediction methods based on the data we have are studied and investigated --Abstract, page iv

    Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan dan Nilai yang Dirasakan terhadap Niat Pembelian Ulang melalui Mediasi Kepuasan Pelanggan Restoran Solaria di Surabaya

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    Value to customer satisfaction, which in turn are as the determinants of repurchase intention at Solaria restaurant Surabaya. Service quality refers to perception of the extent to which the services are provided with customer expectation. Customer perceived value is based on the difference between what the customer got and what customer provided for the possibility of different options. Customer satisfaction is very important to the success of the company as it is assumed to be a major driver of post purchase phenomena, such as repurchase intention. This study used non random sampling with judgemental sampling. Respondents which were selected using the consideration of an individuals ability to provide a specific type of the information needed by the research. Data were collected from 150 respondents who had visited solaria restaurant in Surabaya more than once. The method analysis used in this research was Maximum Likelihood test using the program of AMOS version 18.0. It showed some of findings namely the service quality of positively and significantly affected the customer satisfaction while perceive value did not significantly affect the customer satisfaction and, finally, customersatisfaction positively and significantly affected the repurchase intention at Solaria restaurant


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    Semakin pesatnya pertumbuhan tekno1ogi dan pemerataan pendi d i kan memberi kan kesempa tan pada wan ita un t uk i ku t berperan da1am pembangunan. Ironisnya, kesempatan yang sangat baik untuk mengembangkan diri ini tidak se1amanya dimanfaatkan dengan baik oleh kaum wanita. Ada wanitawani ta yang t idak mau menunjukkan kemampuannya untuk mencapai suatu prestasi yang baik. Salah satu sebabnya ada1ah karena mereka memi1iki kecenderungan untuk cemas, bahwa apabi1a mendapatkan kesuksesan, maka mereka akan menemui konsekuensi-konsekuensi negatif, seperti adanya kecemburuan, eksp10itasi dan lain-lain. Hal ini nantinya akan dapat menghambat kaum wanita untuk berprestasi. Ada beberapa faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kecenderungan untuk takut sukses ini. Salah satu hal yang diduga mempunyai kore1asi dengan ketakutan akan kesuksesan ini ada1ah kepercayaan diri, yaitu salah satu ciri kepribadian manusia yang mengandung arti keyakinan akan kemampuan diri sendiri, sehingga seseorang tidak1ah per1u membandingkan dengan orang lain, tetapi tetap to1eran, bertanggung jawab, optimis, dapat bekerja secara efektif, berani mengambi1 keputusan serta memi1iki rencana tentang masa depannya

    Evaluation of resistance of some barley varieties to wheat stem sawfly (Hymenoptera: Cephidae) in Hama Governorate

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    Wheat stem sawfly (Hymenoptera: Cephidae) is a significant pest on wheat and barley in Syria, and host plant resistance is one of the most effective mitigation of wasps damage. The preference for laying eggs among females of wheat stem sawfly (WSS) was studied in some cultivation barley varieties in Syria, and the reasons for this preference, by comparing the characteristics of plant height in the stages of early wasp propagation, phenological development stages synchronized with late propagation wasps stages that are known having attraction influence for female wasps to put eggs, within the natural conditions at the place of experimenting in Soran region, northern of Hama, about 20 km. The results showed a great variation in the infection rates between the tested barley cultivar varieties. Female of wheat stem sawfly (WSS) preferred to lay eggs in the barley cultivar (Arabi Aswad) (Aswad means black), which was a sensitive variety for infection althoughit is not being the highest height plant in the early stages or the less developed in the late stages of wheat stem sawfly spread, whereas the rest of the tested varieties distinguished (Furat 1, Furat 3, Furat 4, Furat 5, Furat 6, Furat 9, Arabi Abiad, and Arabi Abiad Mohsan) (Abiad means white, Mohsan means improved) by its relative resistance to the injury. Our results suggest conducting other studies to reach the reasons forpredilection preference or lack of preference and benefit from them later for reducing losses resulting from this injury

    The influence of Transactional and transformational Leadership Styles, Organizational Commitment to Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)

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    This research wants to examine the effect of Transformational and transactional leadership to organizational commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Research conducted in four hospitals in Surabaya and involved 100 nurses as samples. Transformational was measured from three dimentions: Idealized Influence, Inspirational motivation, Intellectual inspiration, individualized consideration. Transactional leadership was measured from three dimensions: contingent rewards, active management by exception, passive management by exception. Organizational commitment was measured from three dimensions of commitment: affective commitment, normative commitment, and continuance commitment.OCB was measured from five dimensions: altruism, Conscientiousness, Sportsmanship, sportmansgip and civic virtue. By using structural equation model of the result Indicates that there are significantly positive effect transactional leadership to continuance commitment, there are significantly negative effect Transformational Leadership to normative commitment, and there are significantly positive effect normative commitment to OC

    The Influence of Transformational Leadership Style on Job Satisfaction in Cooperative and Small Business Entreprise (SME), The mediating Role of Trust in Supervisor

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    This research wants to examine the effect of Transformational and transactional leadership to organizational commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Research conducted in four hospitals in Surabaya and involved 100 nurses as samples. Transformational was measured from three dimentions: Idealized Influence, Inspirational motivation, Intellectual inspiration, individualized consideration. Transactional leadership was measured from three dimensions: contingent rewards, active management by exception, passive management by exception. Organizational commitment was measured from three dimensions of commitment: affective commitment, normative commitment, and continuance commitment.OCB was measured from five dimensions: altruism, Conscientiousness, Sportsmanship, sportmansgip and civic virtue. By using structural equation model of the result Indicates that there are significantly positive effect transactional leadership to continuance commitment, there are significantly negative effect Transformational Leadership to normative commitment, and there are significantly positive effect normative commitment to OC

    Exploring the Technology Readinnes of Business Students in an E-learning Environment Business College

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    Recently business schools are offering classes online or classes using a mix face to face or online elements. Current technology use within a college classroom learning environment may include items like Microsoft’s Power Point, E-mail, course web sites, multimedia, animation etc. However the technology readiness is the important thing of the success of business students. Technological Readiness is a well-established constructs that conceptualized by Parasuraman (2000). This construct consist of four dimensions: (1) optimism, (2) innovativeness, (3) discomfort (4) insecurity. The four dimensions are relatively independent of each other, therefore an individual could harbor both contributor and inhibitor feelings towards technology. The aim of this research is to explore the relationship between technological readiness constructs and the demographics variables of business college students in Surabaya who majoring in accounting and management field. Another aim of this research is to know the level of technological readiness in STIE Perbanas College. For the measurement we use 32 items technology readiness index presented by Parasuraman. The demographic variables used in this study included: gender, field of study, and the status of high school. We conduct an independent sample t-test to explore the differences between the demographic variable with the respects of technology readiness. The result is that there are no differences on technology readiness of business students with the respect of demographic variables. Based on the demographic variable : gender, field of study and senior high school, The technological readiness among the student is not different. Limitation and Implications for the development of the implementation of technology in teaching and learning are provided also the suggestion of future research

    Kinerja Karyawan Rumah Sakit di Surabaya atas Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional, Penghargaan dan Hukuman

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    This study aims to examine the effect of Transformational Leadership, Rewards, and Punish-ments on the Employee Performance of Hospital in Surabaya. The sample consists of 147 re-spondents in several sections and using the Slovin formula calculation and then has the charac-teristics of an age between 19-58 years and has a minimum service period of one year. This sampling uses the Proportional Random Sampling technique because it is carried out randomly in several parts without regard to level. The analysis of this study uses Structural Equating Modeling (SEM) with Partial Least Square (PLS) and in collecting data using a questionnaire in the form of google form. The results of this study indicate that there is an influence that shows Transformational Leadership has a positive and insignificant effect on employee performance, rewards have a positive and significant effect on employee performance, punishment has a posi-tive and significant effect on employee performance. Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Reward, Punishment, and Employee Performanc

    Assessment phenotypic diversity of rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes by multivariate analysis

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    An efficient way to achieve superior productivity is to determine the genetic variation of the various rice genotypes. This research was aimed at estimating potential variations between rice genotypes and identifying each trait contribution in total variation and classifying superior genotypes. The experiment was performed at the Rice Research and Training Centre, Sakha, Kafr El-Sheik, Egypt. Twenty-two genotypes of rice were analyzed using seven agronomic traits. Multivariate approaches were utilized including principal components and cluster analysis. Results showed that PC1 and PC2 represented 66.1% of the variation between studied genotypes, mainly 48% because of grain yield per plant variation in PC1 followed by the characteristics of its components i.e., number of panicles per plant, number of filled grains per panicle, and 1000-grain weight. The three Egyptian rice genotypes Giza 181, Giza 178, and Giza 177 were the best genotypes for grain yield. Cluster results revealed that the majority of genotypes originated from one source (except for Indian variety IET1444) or belonged to one classification were clustered together. Multivariate analytical approaches are ideal instruments for providing information on agronomic character variations. Consequently, the results of the current study should be taken into account when developing new rice varieties.  &nbsp
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