3,138 research outputs found

    The impact of social housing developments on nearby property prices: A Nelson Mandela Bay Case Study

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    Social housing projects often face substantial Ć¢ā‚¬Å“Not-in-my-backyardĆ¢ā‚¬ (NIMBY) sentiment and as a result are frequently plagued by local opposition from communities who argue that nearby property prices will be affected adversely by these developments. International hedonic pricing studies conducted have, however, produced mixed results with some concluding that social housing developments may in fact lead to an improvement in surrounding property values. There is, however, a paucity of South African evidence. This study considers the validity of the most pervasive NIMBY argument, the claim that social housing developments negatively affect nearby property values, by considering the property prices of 170 single-family homes in the Walmer neighbourhood, Nelson Mandela Bay, as a function of their proximity to an existing low-cost housing development. The results of this study indicate that in the case of one Nelson Mandela Bay low-cost housing development, a negative impact is exerted on the property values of nearby houses.

    The Singer Copy of Sir Charles Grandison

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    Reduced energy availability: implications for bone health in physically active populations

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    Purpose: The present review critically evaluates existing literature on the effects of short- and long-term low energy availability (EA) on bone metabolism and health in physically active individuals. Methods: We reviewed the literature on the short-term effects of low EA on markers of bone metabolism and the long-term effects of low EA on outcomes relating to bone health (bone mass, microarchitecture and strength, bone metabolic markers and stress fracture injury risk) in physically active individuals. Results: Available evidence indicates that short-term low EA may increase markers of bone resorption and decrease markers of bone formation in physically active women. Bone metabolic marker responses to low EA are less well known in physically active men. Cross-sectional studies investigating the effects of long-term low EA suggest that physically active individuals who have low EA present with lower bone mass, altered bone metabolism (favouring bone resorption), reduced bone strength and increased risk for stress fracture injuries. Conclusions: Reduced EA has a negative influence on bone in both the short- and long-term, and every effort should be made to reduce its occurrence in physically active individuals. Future interventions are needed to explore the effects of long-term reduced EA on bone health outcomes, while short-term low EA studies are also required to give insight into the pathophysiology of bone alterations

    Measuring the indirect costs associated with the establishment of a wind farm: An application of the Contingent Valuation Method

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    Although a green energy source, the location of electrical generating windmills may cause a disamenity effect (negative externality). The establishment of a wind farm is known as a locally undesirable land use (LULU) and leads to the not-in-my-backyard syndrome (NIMBY). In an application of the contingent valuation method, a willingness-to-accept framework was used to estimate the aggregate annual compensation required to allow the construction of a wind farm near Jeffreyā€™s Bay, South Africa. This compensation amounted to R490 695. A binary choice logit analysis found that retirement status, concern about climate change, concern about view-shed impacts and the offer amount are important predictors of voting for or against the project.Contingent Valuation Method, indirect cost, wind farm

    A New four-toed mongoose from Kenya, Bdeogale Crassicauda Nigrwscens, ssp. nov.

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    Volume: XXVII

    Inhibitory Effect of Leaf Extract and Leaf Mulch from Selected Tree Species on Physiology of Millet Under Nursery Condition

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    Inhibition of plant residues may release secondary metabolites that can favourably or adversely affects other plants. The overall objective of these study is to determine whether the leaf extract and decomposition products of leaf mulch of Acacia auriculiformis, Eucalyptus citriodora and Gliricidia sepium contain allelochemicals that are inhibitory to the physiology of millet (Panicum miliaceum L.). In a pot experiment, application of leaf extract depressed the dry weight of millet seedlings relative to the control with the observed phytotoxic interference not increasing with extract concentration except for Eucalyptus and Gliricidia extracts. The results also showed that in terms of duration, the inhibitory effect waned with time and was more pronounced at two weeks after application than at six weeks. It is evident from the results that the severity and persistence of the inhibitory effect of the extracts was in the order: Gliricidia > Eucalyptus > Acacia. The results of pot experiment also showed that there were difference between extract and mulch in their inhibitory effects as phytotoxic interference occurred earlier in pots that received extract solution compared to mulched pots. In contrast to results obtained when extracts were added, high rates of mulch application did not interfere to reduce dry weight but increased it relative to control. The present results demonstrate appreciable and varying degree of phytotoxity exhibited by the mulch species of millet plant through inhibition of its physiological processes such as seed germination, chlorophyll formation and growth. Keywords: Inhibition, Tree species, Physiology and Millet Plan

    Effects of reduced energy availability on bone metabolism in women and men

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    Background: The short-term effects of low energy availability (EA) on bone metabolism in physically active women and men are currently unknown. Purpose: We evaluated the effects of low EA on bone turnover markers (BTMs) in a cohort of women and a cohort of men, and compared effects between sexes. Methods: These studies were performed using a randomised, counterbalanced, crossover design. Eleven eumenorrheic women and eleven men completed two 5-day protocols of controlled (CON; 45 kcalĀ·kgLBM-1.d-1) and restricted (RES; 15 kcal.kgLBM-1Ā·d-1) EAs. Participants ran daily on a treadmill at 70% of their peak aerobic capacity (VO2 peak) resulting in an exercise energy expenditure of 15 kcalĀ·kgLBM-1Ā·d-1 and consumed diets providing 60 and 30 kcalĀ·kgLBM-1Ā·d-1. Blood was analysed for BTMs [Ī²-carboxyl-terminal cross-linked telopeptide of type I collagen (Ī²-CTX) and amino-terminal propeptide of type 1 procollagen (P1NP)], markers of calcium metabolism [( parathyroid hormone (PTH), albumin-adjusted calcium (ACa), magnesium (Mg) and phosphate (PO4)] and regulatory hormones [sclerostin, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), triiodothyronine (T3), insulin, leptin, glucagon-like- peptide-2 (GLP-2)]. Results: In women,Ī²-CTX AUC was significantly higher P=0.03) and P1NP AUC was significantly lower (P=0.01) in RES compared to CON. In men, neither Ī²-CTX (P=0.46) n or P1NP (P=0.12) AUCs were significantly different between CON and RES. There were no significant differences between sexes for any BTM AUCs (all P values>0.05). Insulin and leptin AUCs were significantly lower following RES in women only (for both P=0.01). There were no differences in any AUCs of regulatory hormones or markers of calcium metabolism between men and women following RES (all P values>0.05). Conclusions: When comparing within groups, five days of low EA (15 kcalĀ·kgLBM-1Ā·d-1) decreased bone formation and increased bone resorption in women, but not in men, and no sex specific differences were detected

    Identifying Factors of Microparticles Modified with Arginine Derivatives That Induce Phenotypic Shifts in Macrophages

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    Macrophages are key players in the progression of many diseases, ranging from rheumatoid arthritis to cancer. Drug delivery systems have the potential not only to transport payloads to diseased tissue but also to influence cell behavior. Here, poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylic acid) (pNIPAm-co-AAc) microparticles were modified with 14 different arginine derivatives. These particles were then incubated with interleukin-4 or lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages or naĆÆve macrophages (RAW 264.7). The phenotypic state of the macrophages was assessed by measuring arginase activity, tumor necrosis factor-Ī± (TNF-Ī±) secretion, and nitrite production. Partial least-squares analysis revealed material properties and descriptors that shifted the macrophage phenotype for the three cell conditions in this study. Material descriptors relating to secondary bonding were suggested to play a role in shifting phenotypes in all three macrophage culture conditions. These findings suggest that macrophage responses could be altered through drug delivery vehicles, and this method could be employed to assist in screening potential candidates

    Application of the contingent valuation method to estimate a recreational value for the freshwater inflows into the Kowie and the Kromme Estuaries

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    This paper assesses the amount recreational users are willing to pay to secure an increase in freshwater inflows into 2 South African estuaries, the Kowie and the Kromme. A questionnaire was administered to 150 respondents at each estuary site during the period December 2002 to January 2003. The values of freshwater inflows into the Kowie and the Kromme Estuaries were calculated at R0.072/m3 and R0.013/m3, respectively. Total WTP values were estimated at R938 296.59 and R974 019.20, respectively. A valuation function to predict willingness-to-pay was predicted using the Tobit model estimation of linear bid functions. Annual levies paid (consisting of fishing licences, boat registration fees, etc.), distance of current accommodation to estuary, number of household members, primary use of estuary (i.e. recreation or commercial), how informed the respondent was and investment in boats and vehicles were shown to be important predictors of willingness-to-pay in the case of the Kromme Estuary. Level of education, race of respondent, annual levies paid, investment in estuary access equipment and respondent status (i.e., visitor vs. non-visitor) were shown to be important predictors of willingness-to-pay in the case of the Kowie Estuary. An expectations validity assessment indicated that the estimates were credible
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