35 research outputs found

    Morphological variation of the labellum of Vanilla planifolia Andrews (Orchidaceae) in Oaxaca, Mexico

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    Infraspecific variation has transcendental ecological consequences for species adaptation to new niches. Estimating levels of variation is key for understanding the life history of a species, as well as for designing strategies for use and conservation. For this reason, the objective of this study was to characterize infra-specific morphological variation of the labellum of V. planifolia, of 122 flowers from 28 specimens from the state of Oaxaca and two specimens from Veracruz, Mexico. The labellum of each flower was dissected and analyzed by morphometry. Sixty variables were obtained and grouped into basal, middle and apical regions. An analysis of variance was performed considering the collections and the origin of each individual as sources of variation. Principal components and cluster analyses were also conducted. Differences in the 60 variables analyzed were highly significant among the collections. Among environments, 18 variables showed significant differences, which were situated in the lateral and middle lobes of the labellum. Thus, these structures were considered susceptible to environmental changes. The remaining 42 variables situated in the basal and middle regions of the labellum, which were fused to the edges of the floral column were not significantly different among environments. With the first three principal components, the model explained 73% of the total variation studied. Morphological variation of the flower labellum was represented by four morphotypes distributed in three environments. Highlights The evaluation of vanilla flowers wild does not allow to have the same number of treatments or repetitions, for the inaccessibility of the species. Morphometric analysis of the labellum revealed infra-specific variation in the germplasm of Vanilla planifolia. The features of the basal and middle regions of the labellum are the most informative in distinguishing the variation between vanilla specimens.Infraspecific variation has transcendental ecological consequences for species adaptation to new niches. Estimating levels of variation is key for understanding the life history of a species, as well as for designing strategies for use and conservation. For this reason, the objective of this study was to characterize infra-specific morphological variation of the labellum of V. planifolia, of 122 flowers from 28 specimens from the state of Oaxaca and two specimens from Veracruz, Mexico. The labellum of each flower was dissected and analyzed by morphometry. Sixty variables were obtained and grouped into basal, middle and apical regions. An analysis of variance was performed considering the collections and the origin of each individual as sources of variation. Principal components and cluster analyses were also conducted. Differences in the 60 variables analyzed were highly significant among the collections. Among environments, 18 variables showed significant differences, which were situated in the lateral and middle lobes of the labellum. Thus, these structures were considered susceptible to environmental changes. The remaining 42 variables situated in the basal and middle regions of the labellum, which were fused to the edges of the floral column were not significantly different among environments. With the first three principal components, the model explained 73% of the total variation studied. Morphological variation of the flower labellum was represented by four morphotypes distributed in three environments. Highlights The evaluation of vanilla flowers wild does not allow to have the same number of treatments or repetitions, for the inaccessibility of the species. Morphometric analysis of the labellum revealed infra-specific variation in the germplasm of Vanilla planifolia. The features of the basal and middle regions of the labellum are the most informative in distinguishing the variation between vanilla specimens

    Serum levels of LDH and protein/creatinine index in pregnant women with preeclampsia: A single-center retrospective study

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    "Introduction: Preeclampsia is the major cause of maternal death in Latin America, which presents with hypertension and proteinuria after 20 weeks of gestation, increasing the levels of inflammatory markers.We aimed to determine the ratio of LDH and protein/creatinine index (PCI) in Peruvian pregnant women with preeclampsia at the Hospital Nacional Docente Madre Niño San Bartolomé in 2017. Materials and methods: we conducted a cross-sectional study in 3415 pregnant preeclamptic women without eclampsia or HELLP syndrome. The kinetic method was used to determine urine creatinine (mg/dl), the turbidimetric method for protein quantification (mg/dl), and the kinetic method for LDH (U/L). Kendall’s Tau-b correlation and non-paired t-test were used. Results: Of the total, 168 (4.9%) had a clinical diagnosis of preeclampsia with a higher frequency in the 25-35 age group (41.7%). We observed 9-fold frequency of multiparous pregnant women (p<0.001). In 121 (72%) pregnant women, LDH was elevated (>414 U/L). The mean LDH was 536±206.7 U/L (range: 264 to 1715 U/L). Seventy-two (42.9%) pregnant women had LDH values between 416-599 U/L, 37 (22%) had LDH values between 600-800 U/L, and 12 (7.1%) had >800 U/L of LDH. Sixty-one percent of pregnant women (n=113) had CPI alterations. We found a correlation between LDH and CPI (p<0.001) and hypertension levels (p<0.05). Conclusions:Ourresults suggest a significant correlation between LDH and CPI in Peruvian pregnant women with preeclampsia allowing the diagnosis of >60% of cases. In addition, all corresponded to the third trimester of gestation, were ≤35 years-old and mostly multiparous.

    Efecto de ciclos hidratación-deshidratación durante la germinación en semillas del género ferocactus

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    El proceso de germinación para la planta es una etapa arriesgada durante su ciclo de vida, en especial para aquellas pertenecientes a zonas áridas como ocurre con las cactáceas, que pasan por períodos discontinuos de hidratación, por lo que, la memoria de hidratación es un proceso vital y una adaptación natural para estas plantas. En el presente trabajo se utilizaron las semillas de E. grusonii, F. clausen, F. peninsulae, F. pilosus, F. recurvus; de las cuales únicamente la última de estas evidenció dicho fenómeno al expresar curvas de germinación similares a F. peninsulae, planta que en el 2014 fue confirmada la presencia de este proceso; la temperatura, además del agua, fue un factor de restricción en los ensayos, al someter a las especies a distintas temperaturas que afectaron en mayor medida la germinación conforme esta disminuyó.The germination process for the plant is a risky stage during its life cycle, especially for those belonging to arid areas such as cacti, which go through discontinuous periods of hydration, so hydration memory is a process vital and a natural adaptation for these plants. In the present work the seeds of E. grusonii, F. clausen, F. peninsulae, F. pilosus, F. recurvus were used; of which only the last of these evidenced this phenomenon by expressing germination curves similar to F. peninsulae, a plant that in 2014 was confirmed the presence of this process; temperature, in addition to water, was a restriction factor in the tests, by subjecting the species to different temperatures that affected germination to a greater extent as it decreased

    Estandarización de RT-PCR durante la expresión diferencial de genes en el proceso de hidratacióndeshidratación de Ferocactus peninsulae y Ferocactus recurvus

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue estandarizar la técnica de RT-PCR para la expresión diferencial de genes durante la germinación de F. peninsulae y F. recurvus con tiempos de hidratación-deshidratación. Se empleó cDNA obtenido previamente a distintos tiempos de germinación con un tratamiento de hidratación y deshidratación. Previo a la estandarización, se diseñaron los iniciadores a utilizar por medio del programa primer3 para posteriormente evaluar su calidad junto con la del cDNA, la RT-PCR se llevó a cabo con kits comerciales. Se amplificaron regiones de los genes CASP, ULP, SEEP, LEAP, FEER, TRXH, junto con ACTINA para cactáceas como testigo. Los resultados de la RT-PCR determinaron en relación a la expresión de actina y la técnica fue capaz de reconocer diferencias de expresión entre cada tiempo, gen y especie.The objective of this study was to standardize the RT-PCR technique for differential gene expression during germination of F. peninsulae and F. recurvus with hydrationdehydration times. CDNA previously obtained at different germination times was used with a hydration and dehydration treatment. Prior to standardization, the first ones to be used were designed through the primerr program to subsequently evaluate their quality along with that of the cDNA. The RT-PCR was carried out with commercial kits. Regions of the CASP, ULP, SEEP, LEAP, FEER, TRXH genes were amplified, along with ACTINA for cacti as control. The results of the RT-PCR were determined in relation to actin expression and the technique was able to recognize differences in expression among each time, gene and species

    Percepción de los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso a la carrera de Biología acerca de un laboratorio de ciencias

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    La desigualdad educativa en México incluyendo el nivel bachillerato, dificulta la enseñanza del método científico y el trabajo del laboratorio como parte del conocimiento en el área de ciencias. El objetivo del trabajo es indagar sobre el conocimiento referente a un laboratorio, previo al ingreso a la carrera de Biología. Se aplicó un cuestionario a 241 estudiantes para indagar: las palabras relacionadas a un laboratorio de ciencias; sobre equipos e instrumentos de laboratorio identificados auditivamente o utilizados; el reconocimiento visual de equipos e instrumentos para su identificación y referir su función; las expectativas de aprendizaje. Los resultados indican que los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso en su mayoría escriben a lo sumo tres palabras relacionadas con este campo, se destacan: experimento, batas e investigación. Se establecieron diez categorías, la principal es insumos de laboratorio. La expectativa de aprendizaje primordial corresponde a la adquisición de habilidades para el laboratorio y el aprendizaje del método científico. Se requiere incrementar las actividades de uso de los equipos especializados como herramienta para generar respuestas, fortalecer los conceptos teóricos y el desarrollo del método científico.Educational inequality in Mexico, including high school, makes it difficult to teach the scientific method and work in the laboratory as part of knowledge in the area of science. The objective of the work is to inquire about the knowledge related to a laboratory, prior to entering the Biology degree. A question naire was applied to 241 students to inquire: the words related to a science laboratory; on laboratory equipment and instruments identified auditory or used; visual recognition of equipment and instruments for identification and refer their function; Learning expectations The results indicate that new students mostly write at most three words related to this field, they stand out: experiment, gowns and research. Ten categories were established, the main one is laboratory supplies. The expectation of primary learning corresponds to the acquisition of skills for the laboratory and the learning of the scientific method. It is necessary to increase the activities of using specialized equipment as a tool to generate responses, strengthen theoretical concepts and the development of the scientific method

    Aprovechamiento académico a través de una prueba objetiva estandarizada en contraste con la autoevaluación de los docentes en un módulo teórico-práctico

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    Las instituciones de educación superior buscan indicadores de eficiencia educativa, generalmente realizan pruebas objetivas, encuestas de opinión a los estudiantes y el ejercicio de autoevaluación docente es escaso. Se evaluó el aprovechamiento académico a través de la aplicación de una prueba objetiva a los estudiantes para relacionarla con la autoevaluación de los profesores sobre su desempeño académico. La prueba objetiva integró los 10 bloques temáticos del programa de Metodología Científica II. Se recabó la opinión de los profesores para conocer la utilidad que para ellos tiene este instrumento. Los resultados de estos instrumentos se analizaron por medio de correlaciones canónicas e índices de consistencia. Sólo un bloque presentó consistencia entre la prueba objetiva y la autoevaluación docente. La enseñanza en el módulo se enfoca principalmente en cuestiones técnicas, se requiere dirigir esfuerzos hacia la enseñanza del planteamiento del problema biológico y los objetivos. Para el 82% de los profesores es útil conocer los resultados la prueba objetiva.Higher education institutions propose indicators of educational efficiency, generally they realize objective tests, polls to the students and the exercise of autoevaluation of teacher´s it is poor. Was evaluated the academic progress by means objective test application to students, to relate it with the teachers autoevaluation. Objective test approaches 10 blocks thematic of Scientific Methodology the IInd program. The teacher’s opinion about if was obtained to know the usefulness of this instrument. Results of these instruments were analyzed by means of canonical correlations and indexes of consistency. Only a block presented consistency between the objective test and autoevaluation. The education in the module focuses principally in technical questions is needed to direct efforts to teaching of establish of the biological problem and the aims. For 82 % of teachers to know the results the objective test is useful

    Relación entre la enseñanza teórica y práctica en la materia de Biomoléculas de la carrera de Biología de la FES Iztacala

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    En el segundo semestre de la carrera de Biología impartida en la FES Iztacala de la UNAM, se ubica la asignatura de Biomoléculas, donde se enseña mediante teoría y práctica, la estructura, función y actividad de las moléculas biológicas. La materia presenta alto índice de reprobación, por lo que se requiere desarrollar estrategias que mejoren el aprendizaje de los alumnos. En el presente trabajo se propone el uso de un instrumento de medición que correlacione el aprendizaje en el salón de clases y el del laboratorio, con la finalidad de elegir las actividades prácticas a realizar durante el curso. Los resultados muestran diferencias significativas en la relación que existe entre el trabajo en laboratorio y la teoría entre las dos prácticas que se probaron. El instrumento utilizado permitió diferenciar la eficiencia de las prácticas, lo que posibilita seleccionarlas para mejorar el aprendizaje de la asignatura de Biomoléculas.The Biomolecules Module is located in the second semester of the Biology course that is taught at FES Iztacala, UNAM. In this module, the structure, function, and activity of biomolecules is taught through theory and laboratory practice. The Biomolecules course has a high failure rate; therefore, the development of strategies that improve student learning is needed. In the present work we propose the use of an evaluation instrument that correlates what students learn in the classroom and in the laboratory; this would allow us to choose correctly the laboratory practices to be performed during the course. The results show significant differences in the relationship between laboratory work and theory of the two laboratory practices that were assessed. Therefore the evaluation instrument tested in the present work does allow us to differentiate the efficiency of the practices for teaching the subject of Biomolecules, enabling to choose the best practice to improve the learning

    Diagnóstico del nivel de conocimientos de estudiantes que ingresan a Metodología Científica II de la carrera de Biología de la FES Iztacala, UNAM

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    En la carrera de Biología de la FES Iztacala, se impartió el módulo de Metodología Científica II, de 1994 a 2015, bajo un sistema de enseñanza modular. El cuerpo colegiado del módulo, interesado en conocer la eficiencia del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en este sistema, planteó la aplicación de un instrumento estandarizado con el objetivo de evaluar nivel de conocimiento sobre el contenido del programa en 10 bloques temáticos, dirigida a toda la generación de estudiantes a partir del 2013. Participaron 1076 estudiantes durante los años 2013 a 2015. Los datos se analizaron para obtener los promedios de calificación por grupo y generación y se analizó por un método de agrupamiento. Los resultados de la evaluación mostraron que la calificación aprobatoria (60.3%) se alcanzó hasta el 2015. Los participantes se agruparon en 4 perfiles de ingreso al módulo denominados: Teórico+Práctico+, Teórico+Práctico-, Teórico-Práctico+ y Teórico-Práctico-. La información generada permitirá al profesorado establecer las estrategias didácticas a utilizar en las asignaturas equivalentes que se imparten actualmente.The module ‘Scientific Methodology II’ was part of the BS Biology program at FES Iztacala, UNAM (Iztacala Department of Higher Studies, National Autonomous University of Mexico) from 1994 to 2015. From 2013 on, the Faculty of the module proposed the application of a standardized diagnostic test to assess the contents of the module in 10 subject areas. In the years 2013 to 2015, 1076 students took the test. The obtained data were analyzed to obtain group and class averages, and a grouping algorithm was applied. Results from the test showed that the passing grade (60.3%) was obtained only in 2015, while the participants were grouped in four entry profiles: Theoretical+Practical+, Theoretical+Practical-, Theoretical-Practical+, and Theoretical-Practical-. This information will enable the Faculty to fine tune the didactical approach of the equivalent subjets that are taught at present

    Conferencia internacional. Desafíos de la Investigación e innovación en tiempos de Covid-19

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    En 2018, Treinta y nueve estudiantes femeninas del X ciclo del periodo 2018-1 de la escuela de Psicología de una universidad particular del cono norte de Lima, ellas han descrito el romance de su personas cercanas a ellas. Se analizaron los 266 casos de parejas de enamorados estaban el rango de 17 a 25 años. El instrumento que se usó fue una CUESTIONARIO CUPIDO que es una escala nominal de conductas donde las estudiantes de psicología clasificaban los comportamientos en categorías preestablecidas, claramente definidas y mutuamente excluyentes. La conclusión más importante del estudio observacional fue que las parejas analizadas en un 64.4 % la mujer ero atrajo al varón y después el varón emo conectó con la mujer. También han observado otro estilo de romance cuando el varón ero atrajo a la mujer por su cuerpo atracción y después la mujer fue la que emo conectó con el varón y observaron este hecho en un 35.6 % de los casos

    Clonal chromosomal mosaicism and loss of chromosome Y in elderly men increase vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) had an estimated overall case fatality ratio of 1.38% (pre-vaccination), being 53% higher in males and increasing exponentially with age. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, we found 133 cases (1.42%) with detectable clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations (mCA) and 226 males (5.08%) with acquired loss of chromosome Y (LOY). Individuals with clonal mosaic events (mCA and/or LOY) showed a 54% increase in the risk of COVID-19 lethality. LOY is associated with transcriptomic biomarkers of immune dysfunction, pro-coagulation activity and cardiovascular risk. Interferon-induced genes involved in the initial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are also down-regulated in LOY. Thus, mCA and LOY underlie at least part of the sex-biased severity and mortality of COVID-19 in aging patients. Given its potential therapeutic and prognostic relevance, evaluation of clonal mosaicism should be implemented as biomarker of COVID-19 severity in elderly people. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, individuals with clonal mosaic events (clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations and/or loss of chromosome Y) showed an increased risk of COVID-19 lethality