4,793 research outputs found

    Advances in ubiquitous computing systems to support idea generation strategies and co-creation in open innovation schemes

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    La computación ubicua o pervasiva, pretende incorporar a los objetos de la vida cotidiana capacidad de computo, de comunicaciones inalámbricas y de iteracción entre los objetos para crear un nuevo modelo de la realidad en donde interoperan entre ellos para facilitar la realización de las tareas a las personas. Las plataformas de co-creación en internet, han encontrado un nuevo escenario de despliegue y comunicación en los últimos años gracias al crecimiento de las redes y han podido estar presentes de forma más continua en las actividades permanentes de los participantes a través de los dispositivos móviles. El interés del presente artículo es explorar las oportunidades que ofrece la computación ubicua o tecnología pervasiva para crear ambientes de co-creación que, dados los avances y la amplia disponibilidad de estos dispositivos, pueda beneficiar la integración de redes de computo de diferentes tamaños y capacidades para identificar actividades del ser humano, aprender de ellas y poner a disposición de las plataformas de co-creación la información necesaria para anticipar necesidades de los participantes. Los portales de co-creación sirven para facilitar el medio por el cual varias personas puedan participar en un proceso de creación de un producto o servicio, de forma que la innovación pueda extenderse a alcances colaborativos y permita que los participantes puedan desarrollar su creatividad como un trabajo colectivo. Teniendo esto como base, el enfoque del presente artículo tiene como finalidad exponer la situación actual de los portales o las aplicaciones que proveen estos ambientes de co-creación, pero evaluando la disponibilidad de implementar las estrategias de innovación de forma que estén disponibles a través de dispositivos que incluyan tecnología de cómputo ubicuo o pervasiva, para monitorear el comportamiento y actividades de los participantes con el fin de adaptar ciertas funcionalidades de un portal a las condiciones de cada uno ellos, facilitándoles su interacción con el proceso de co-creación.Ubiquitous or pervasive, computing seeks to bring objects of everyday life capacity computing, wireless communication and iteration between objects to create a new model of reality in which interoperate with each other to facilitate the tasks to people. The co-creation platform on the Internet, found a new deployment scenario and communication in recent years thanks to the growth of networks and were able to be present more continuously in the ongoing activities of the participants through mobile devices. The interest of this article is to explore the opportunities of pervasive or ubiquitous computing technology to create environments that co-creation, given the progress and the wide availability of these devices can benefit the integration of computer networks of different sizes and capacities to identify human activities, learn from them and make available to the co-creation platforms necessary to anticipate the information needs of participants. The co-creation portals serve to facilitate the means by which multiple people can participate in a process of creating a product or service, so that innovation can be extended to collaborative scope and allow participants to develop their creativity as a collective work. Taking this as a basis, the focus of this article is to present the current situation of the portals or applications provided by these environments co-creation, but evaluating the availability of implementing innovation strategies so that they are available through technology devices that include pervasive or ubiquitous computing, to monitor the behavior and activities of the participants in order to customize certain features of a website to the conditions of each of them, facilitating their interaction with the process of co-creation

    Control de riesgos en la generación de aplicaciones, utilizando el Desarrollo de Software Dirigido por Modelos (MDSD). Revisión de la literatura

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    El Desarrollo de Software Dirigido por Modelos tiene como principal objetivo especificar y explicitar los términos del negocio en modelos. Los modelos no solo al inicio del proceso de desarrollo de software, sino en todo el ciclo de vida a través de transformaciones. Con las transformaciones se le está ofreciendo a los desarrolladores la posibilidad de poder realizar la automatización de sus procesos llevando a un nivel de abstracción mayor la obtención de los artefactos. Utilizando los modelos, se mitigan los riesgos en los atributos de calidad del software, generados por la creciente complejidad de las aplicaciones, que han de satisfacer un mayor número de requisitos como: distribución, adaptabilidad, mantenibilidad y reutilización que hacen frente a la complejidad de las plataformas actuales. El presente artículo hace una revisión de diferentes artículos en los cuales se aborda el tema del uso del Desarrollo de Dirigido por Modelos para el control de riesgos en la generación de aplicaciones

    Why Does Executive Greed Prevail in the United States and Canada but Not in Japan? The Pattern of Low CEO Pay and High Worker Welfare in Japanese Corporations

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    According to a list of the 200 most highly-paid chief executives at the largest U.S. public companies in 2013, Oracle’s Lawrence J. Ellison remained the best paid CEO and earned 96.2millionastotalannualcompensationlastyear.Hehasreceived96.2 million as total annual compensation last year. He has received 1.8 billion over the past 20 years. The lowest paid on the same list is General Motors’ D. F. Akerson who earned 11.1million.TheaveragenationalpayforanonsupervisoryUSworkerwas11.1 million. The average national pay for a non-supervisory US worker was 51,200 last year and a CEO made 354 times more than an average worker in 2012. Hunter Harrison, Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd., was the best paid CEO in Canada for 2012 and received 49.2millionastotalannualcompensation,significantlyhigherthanthe2011bestpaidCEO,MagnasF.Stronachwhoreceived49.2-million as total annual compensation, significantly higher than the 2011 best paid CEO, Magna’s F. Stronach who received 40.9 million. In 2011, the average annual salary was 45,488andCanadastop50CEOsearned235timesmorethantheaverageCanadian.TheseexecutivepaypracticescontrastwiththegrowinginequalityinCanada,recentlyillustratedwiththefindingthat4045,488 and Canada’s top 50 CEOs earned 235 times more than the average Canadian. These executive pay practices contrast with the growing inequality in Canada, recently illustrated with the finding that 40% of Indigenous children live in poverty. In contrast, Japan’s highest paid CEO is Nissan Motor Co.’s Carlos Ghosn who earned 988 million yen (US10.1 million) in the year ended March 2013, little changed from the previous year and modestly improved from his US9.5millioncompensationfor2009.Thatdoesnotevenputhimamongthetop200mosthighlypaidU.S.companychiefsandthetop20bestpaidCEOsinCanadafor2012.WhyareJapaneseCEOspaidconsiderablylessthantheirAmericanorCanadiancounterparts?ThisessayarguesthattheactivismoflongtermorientedinstitutionalinvestorssuchasbanksandthetyingofexecutivepaytoworkerwelfareinthecontextofacultureofintolerancetoexcessiveexecutivecompensationexplaintoagreatextentthedevelopmentofapatternoflowexecutivepayinJapandespitetherecentweakeningofbankmonitoringasaresultoftheadoptionofU.S.governancestyleinsomeJapanesecompanies.TheJapaneseexperiencealsodemonstratesthatlowerexecutivecompensationdoesnotresultincompromisingfirmperformanceandisanecessaryconditiontobuildastakeholderfriendlycorporation.Forexample,theCEOofToyota(worldsbiggestautomaker),AkioToyoda,earned184millionyen( 9.5 million compensation for 2009. That does not even put him among the top 200 most highly-paid U.S. company chiefs and the top 20 best paid CEOs in Canada for 2012. Why are Japanese CEOs paid considerably less than their American or Canadian counterparts? This essay argues that the activism of long-term oriented institutional investors such as banks and the tying of executive pay to worker welfare in the context of a culture of intolerance to excessive executive compensation explain to a great extent the development of a pattern of low executive pay in Japan despite the recent weakening of bank monitoring as a result of the adoption of U.S. governance style in some Japanese companies. The Japanese experience also demonstrates that lower executive compensation does not result in compromising firm performance and is a necessary condition to build a stakeholder-friendly corporation. For example, the CEO of Toyota (world’s biggest automaker), Akio Toyoda, earned 184 million yen (1.9 million) in 2012, a 35 percent increase from the previous year. He is the lowest-paid chief of the world’s five biggest automakers and led Toyota to generate the highest return last year among the top five global automakers. Toyota’s outlook for increasing profit prompted the automaker to approve the biggest bonus for workers in the last years. Alan Mulally, Ford Motor’s chief and the best paid among the top five, took home $21 million in 2012

    Campaña audiovisual “artistas”

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    The lack of dissemination of cultural integration projects, aimed at children and young specialists, is lacking in the city of Guayaquil, thus affecting their development, not only because the letter must reach the foundations but also to families who are the form a partnership which seeks to include them. That's why we created in 2009 the campaign "Artist", an audiovisual production a social character, whose role is to disseminate a conceptual theme based on cultural integration for disabled children in the city of Guayaquil. The purpose of the "Artists" is a massive awareness to all individuals and organizations responsible for ensuring the acceptance of special children who live in our city. Likewise, the economic expectations of the campaign will be based on return auspices of commercial productions for half price, the company that can provide economically so as to effect the campaign "Artist", will have a commercial advertisement while projecting conceptual reflecting the message to be communicated at low cost. The money will be used to effect the campaign "artist" and to perform the cultural event that promotes

    Diseño de un sistema de control de nivel para la preparación de líquidos dializantes basado en señales ultrasónicas

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    Este proyecto de grado fue realizado por John de Jesús Cardona Salazar y Luis Alberto Restrepo Álvarez. Actualmente en Colombia algunas clínicas prestadoras de servicios de tratamientos para enfermedades renales continúan utilizando métodos desactualizados para el llenado de tanques donde se realizan las mezclas de líquidos para las hemodiálisis, esta mezclas deben ser exactas por lo que un error en las cantidades de los concentrados (ácido, bicarbonato) utilizados en estos procedimientos puede producir una descompensación del sistema renal del paciente. La propuesta de este diseño permite automatizar el llenado del tanque garantizando así la calidad de los líquidos dializantes y la optimización del servicio que se presta en la entidad

    Diseño de un sistema electrónico que mide el grado de alcoholemia y comprueba por biometría la identidad del conductor de un vehículo

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    Este proyecto tiene por objeto presentar el “Diseño de un sistema electrónico que mide el grado de alcoholemia y comprueba por biometría la identidad del conductor de un vehículo”, está desarrollado con el fin de reducir el número de accidentes automovilísticos que diariamente ocurren por conducir en estado de alicoramiento. Inicialmente se procede a investigar el funcionamiento de los sistemas que se encuentran actualmente instalados en los vehículos último modelo; con el fin de identificar el mejor método para introducir el nuevo sistema al automóvil sin invadir el cableado original de fábrica

    Linear-nonlinear duality for circuit design on quantum computing platforms

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    The unitary description of beam splitters (BSs) and optical parametric amplifiers (OPAs) in terms of the dynamical Lie groups SU(2)SU(2) and SU(1,1)SU(1,1) has a long history. Recently, an inherent duality has been proposed that relates the unitaries of both optical devices. At the physical level, this duality relates the linear nature of a lossless BS to the nonlinear Parametric Down-Conversion (PDC) process exhibited by an OPA. Here, we argue that the duality between BS and PDC can instead be naturally interpreted by analyzing the geometrical properties of both Lie groups, an approach that explicitly connects the dynamical group description of the optical devices with the aforementioned duality. Furthermore, we show that the BS-PDC duality can be represented through tensor network diagrams, enabling the implementation of a PDC as a circuit on a standard quantum computing platform. Thus, it is feasible to simulate nonlinear processes by using single-qubit unitaries that can be implemented on currently available digital quantum processors