3,510 research outputs found

    Enhancing Social Protection in the Apparel and Footwear Industry

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    This document is part of a digital collection provided by the Martin P. Catherwood Library, ILR School, Cornell University, pertaining to the effects of globalization on the workplace worldwide.  Special emphasis is placed on labor rights, working conditions, labor market changes, and union organizing.FLA_ASEPROLA_Enhancing_Social_Protection.pdf: 371 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    Toray End-board Loading Station

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    Los Alamos National Laboratories presented team Atolla Nuclear the task of safeguarding a floating nuclear power plant. This new concept was narrowed down into protecting the spent nuclear fuel for floating nuclear reactors. The product designed was a remotely controlled flotation device for the spent nuclear fuel casks. This product, appropriately named Atolla Float, is capable of protecting the spent nuclear fuel up to twelve kilometers off of the coastline. Atolla Float was designed capable of remotely inflating at a depth of up to one hundred meters under the surface of the ocean, the maximum depth of the ocean at a distance of twelve kilometers from the coastline. To inflate at that depth, the flotation device is able to overcome the hydrodynamic pressure at a depth of one hundred meters. The engineering analysis determined a torus shape for flotation bladder that attaches to a steel collar secured to the spent nuclear fuel cask. This cask can remain under the ocean during an attack and be inflated remotely as soon as the reactor is secured. In this report, a time line was created for developing this product and a detailed financial analysis was done on the product. This includes the projected costs as well as the actual costs spent on the prototypes. A detailed market analysis was included. The patents researched and used were included in the report. Design specifications were evaluated for the product and explained in the report including numerical data to show what the Atolla Float must be capable of. From the design specifications, one hundred and twenty design concepts were generated. It was from these concepts that the design idea for Atolla Float was chosen. After Atolla Float was chosen, it was evaluated and put into a quality function deployment chart. This chart evaluated the design requirements and the customer requirements. Team Atolla Nuclear worked extremely hard to develop a detailed product design and corresponding models in solid works modeling software. A complete finite element analysis and engineering analysis on the design was completed. Through calculations and finite element analysis, the concept was proven for Atolla Float. With the help of Los Alamos, team Atolla Nuclear has developed an innovative design to secure spent nuclear material for floating nuclear reactor. It is the first of its design and will be valuable to companies and countries investing in floating nuclear reactors. This product encompasses the entirety of safeguards of design for a floating nuclear reactor

    Criterios de Análisis para la Resiliencia Regional en Áreas Afectadas por Desastres

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    The main objective of this research is to define resilience within the parameters of complex adaptive systems and to understand its dynamics within heuristic model of panarchy to evaluate the characteristics of the regional systems that could be affected by natural disasters. The analytical methods and variables identified are systemized and evaluated considering the reality of the territories located in developing countries where information is deficient or non-existent. Resilience is considered multidimensional, so that eight dimensions of analysis can be identified. We propose 56 study criteria that were obtained from various cases and opinions of experts from Ecuador and Chile.El objetivo principal de esta investigación es definir la resiliencia dentro de los parámetros de los sistemas adaptativos complejos y comprender su dinámica dentro del modelo heurístico de panarquía para evaluar las características de los sistemas regionales que podrían verse afectados por los desastres naturales. Los métodos analíticos y las variables identificadas son sistematizados y evaluados considerando la realidad de los territorios ubicados en países en desarrollo donde la información es deficiente o inexistente. La resiliencia es considerada multidimensional, de manera que se pueden identificar ocho dimensiones de análisis. Se propone 56 criterios de estudio que fueron obtenidos de diversos casos y opiniones de expertos de Ecuador y Chile

    Lean Organization of Press tools At FBS Ltd.

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    This dissertation describes 12 weeks internship at Fluorocarbon. The aims of this project are to improve the storage system and setup area in the press shop through application of 5S Which means that everything is displayed, marked, documented, and reported, so that any individual can be able to identify and allocate tooling and other parts needed to carry on production. The company faces problems in delays and unnecessary extra cost for tools that are missing or broken. It is not uncommon for an operator to spend long time looking for common parts, tools or equipment to accomplish all the tasks necessary to make a setup. These issues cause an increase in idle time of the press shop. The project starts with the observation of the press shop, identification of setup area and storage area then understanding the process and tools for each product family. From the observation it is seen that there is a lack of planning, organization, and structure in the storage area system; everything is done in a personal manner. The information from Department design to the shop floor is not well aligned having significant effect on the organization and its performance. At FBS there is not any procedure for the storage area, tools are placed everywhere and mixed with other product families; therefore there is not clear understanding between things which are useful and which are scrap. Obsolete tools, broken tools and unneeded tools are kept in the storage area. The company feels that 5S initiative might help remove variability by standardizing where tools can be found and making everything visual and eliminating misplaced and lost tools in the storage are. 5S program is an integral part of all Lean tools

    Large Eddy/Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Simulations of CUBRC Base Heating Experiments

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    ven with great advances in computational techniques and computing power during recent decades, the modeling of unsteady separated flows, such as those encountered in the wake of a re-entry vehicle, continues to be one of the most challenging problems in CFD. Of most interest to the aerothermodynamics community is accurately predicting transient heating loads on the base of a blunt body, which would result in reduced uncertainties and safety margins when designing a re-entry vehicle. However, the prediction of heat transfer can vary widely depending on the turbulence model employed. Therefore, selecting a turbulence model which realistically captures as much of the flow physics as possible will result in improved results. Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) models have become increasingly popular due to their good performance with attached flows, and the relatively quick turnaround time to obtain results. However, RANS methods cannot accurately simulate unsteady separated wake flows, and running direct numerical simulation (DNS) on such complex flows is currently too computationally expensive. Large Eddy Simulation (LES) techniques allow for the computation of the large eddies, which contain most of the Reynolds stress, while modeling the smaller (subgrid) eddies. This results in models which are more computationally expensive than RANS methods, but not as prohibitive as DNS. By complimenting an LES approach with a RANS model, a hybrid LES/RANS method resolves the larger turbulent scales away from surfaces with LES, and switches to a RANS model inside boundary layers. As pointed out by Bertin et al., this type of hybrid approach has shown a lot of promise for predicting turbulent flows, but work is needed to verify that these models work well in hypersonic flows. The very limited amounts of flight and experimental data available presents an additional challenge for researchers. Recently, a joint study by NASA and CUBRC has focused on collecting heat transfer data on the backshell of a scaled model of the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV). Heat augmentation effects due to the presence of cavities and RCS jet firings were also investigated. The high quality data produced by this effort presents a new set of data which can be used to assess the performance of CFD methods. In this work, a hybrid LES/RANS model developed at North Carolina State University (NCSU) is used to simulate several runs from these experiments, and evaluate the performance of high fidelity methods as compared to more typical RANS models.

    Orion EFT-1 Catalytic Tile Experiment Overview and Flight Measurements

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    This paper describes the design and results of a surface catalysis flight experiment flown on the Orion Multipurpose Crew Vehicle during Exploration Flight Test 1 (EFT1). Similar to previous Space Shuttle catalytic tile experiments, the present test consisted of a highly catalytic coating applied to an instrumented TPS tile. However, the present catalytic tile experiment contained significantly more instrumentation in order to better resolve the heating overshoot caused by the change in surface catalytic efficiency at the interface between two distinct materials. In addition to collecting data with unprecedented spatial resolution of the "overshoot" phenomenon, the experiment was also designed to prove if such a catalytic overshoot would be seen in turbulent flow in high enthalpy regimes. A detailed discussion of the results obtained during EFT1 is presented, as well as the challenges associated with data interpretation of this experiment. Results of material testing carried out in support of this flight experiment are also shown. Finally, an inverse heat conduction technique is employed to reconstruct the flight environments at locations upstream and along the catalytic coating. The data and analysis presented in this work will greatly contribute to our understanding of the catalytic "overshoot" phenomenon, and have a significant impact on the design of future spacecraft

    Supervisión de la aplicación del subsidio “Bono Electricidad” en Arequipa, en el marco de la Resolución Osinergmin N° 096-2020- OS/CD, en el periodo de julio a setiembre de 2020

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    Informa sobre el resultado de la supervisión de la aplicación del subsidio “Bono Electricidad” en la región de Arequipa en el periodo de julio a setiembre de 2020, en el marco de la Resolución Osinergmin N° 096-2020-OS/CD. La supervisión se realizó sobre 303,726 suministros beneficiarios del referido subsidio a octubre de 2020, obteniendo como resultado el incumplimiento de la normativa por parte de la concesionaria a cargo de la comercialización en la región Arequipa, lo cual conllevó a disponer una medida administrativa a la concesionaria, para que realice las acciones correctivas que correspondan, por cada caso y en cada mes que omitió la aplicación del subsidio en el orden comercial (incluido los intereses generados por el incumplimiento). La identificación del mencionado incumplimiento se pudo realizar debido a aplicación del flujograma que se implementó para supervisar la aplicación del subsidio “Bono Electricidad”. Como conclusión relevante, la concesionaria efectuó acciones correctivas sobre la aplicación del subsidio a favor de los beneficiarios, las cuales son evaluadas en el presente trabajo, con la finalidad de verificar el cumplimiento de la medida administrativa, y de ser el caso, recomendar el inicio de un procedimiento administrativo sancionador

    Development and Verification of Enclosure Radiation Capabilities in the CHarring Ablator Response (CHAR) Code

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    With the recent development of multi-dimensional thermal protection system (TPS) material response codes, the capability to account for surface-to-surface radiation exchange in complex geometries is critical. This paper presents recent efforts to implement such capabilities in the CHarring Ablator Response (CHAR) code developed at NASA's Johnson Space Center. This work also describes the different numerical methods implemented in the code to compute geometric view factors for radiation problems involving multiple surfaces. Verification of the code's radiation capabilities and results of a code-to-code comparison are presented. Finally, a demonstration case of a two-dimensional ablating cavity with enclosure radiation accounting for a changing geometry is shown