3,206 research outputs found


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    Since the beginning of the 70s, studies have been published showing the benefits of teams of nutritional support to implement the Enteral Nutrition (EC) in an efficient way in patients that need it. Additionally, health care is a very important aspect in the management and running of the health system and it has direct implications in the quality of patients care. For this reason, nursing training is a relevant factor for the execution of general care and particularly for Nutritional Support. For Nutritional Support to be efficient and safe knowledge about Nutritional Evaluation, medical indications, management of specific techniques, implementation, monitoring and possible complications of Enteral Nutrition is needed.Desde principio de la década del ‘70 se publican estudios que demuestran las ventajas de equipos de soporte nutricional para implementar la Nutrición Enteral (NE) de manera eficiente en los pacientes que lo requieran, además la seguridad en la atención de la salud es un aspecto prioritario en la organización y funcionamiento del sistema de salud y posee implicancias directas en la calidad de atención de personas. En tal sentido la capacitación de enfermería es un factor de relevancia para la ejecución de cuidados en general y para el Soporte Nutricional (SN) en particular. Para que el SN sea efectivo y seguro son necesarios conocimientos sobre Evaluación Nutricional (EN), indicación, manejo de técnicas específicas, implementación, monitoreo y posibles complicaciones de la N

    Blue Light Induces A Neuroprotective Open Access Gene Expression Program in Drosophila Photoreceptors

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    Background: Light exposure induces oxidative stress, which contributes to ocular diseases of aging. Blue light provides a model for light‑induced oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation and retinal degeneration in Drosophila melanogaster. In contrast to mature adults, which undergo retinal degeneration when exposed to prolonged blue light, newly‑eclosed fies are resistant to blue light‑induced retinal degeneration. Here, we sought to characterize the gene expression programs induced by blue light in fies of diferent ages to identify neuroprotective pathways utilized by photoreceptors to cope with light‑induced oxidative stress. Results: To identify gene expression changes induced by blue light exposure, we profled the nuclear transcriptome of Drosophila photoreceptors from one‑ and six‑day‑old fies exposed to blue light and compared these with dark controls. Flies were exposed to 3 h blue light, which increases levels of reactive oxygen species but does not cause retinal degeneration. We identifed substantial gene expression changes in response to blue light only in six‑day‑old fies. In six‑day‑old fies, blue light induced a neuroprotective gene expression program that included upregulation of stress response pathways and downregulation of genes involved in light response, calcium infux and ion transport. An intact phototransduction pathway and calcium infux were required for upregulation, but not downregulation, of genes in response to blue light, suggesting that distinct pathways mediate the blue light‑associated transcriptional response. Conclusion: Our data demonstrate that under phototoxic conditions, Drosophila photoreceptors upregulate stress response pathways and simultaneously, downregulate expression of phototransduction components, ion transporters, and calcium channels. Together, this gene expression program both counteracts the calcium infux resulting from prolonged light exposure, and ameliorates the oxidative stress resulting from this calcium infux. Thus, six‑day‑old fies can withstand up to 3 h blue light exposure without undergoing retinal degeneration. Developmental transitions during the frst week of adult Drosophila life lead to an altered gene expression program in photoreceptors that includes reduced expression of genes that maintain redox and calcium homeostasis, reducing the capacity of six‑day‑old fies to cope with longer periods (8 h) of light exposure. Together, these data provide insight into the neuroprotective gene regulatory mechanisms that enable photoreceptors to withstand light‑induced oxidative stress

    Burning mouth syndrome: update

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    Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS) is a chronic disorder that predominately affects middle-aged women in the postmenopausal period. The condition is distinguished by burning symptoms of the oral mucosa and the absence of any clinical signs. The etiology of BMS is complex and it includes a variety of factors. Local, systemic and psychological factors such as stress, anxiety and depression are listed among the possible causes of BMS. BMS may sometimes be classified as BMS Type I, II or III. Although this syndrome is not accompanied by evident organic alterations and it does not present health risks, it can significantly reduce the patient's quality of life. This study analyzes the available literature related to BMS, and makes special reference to its therapeutic management. The pages that follow will also discuss the diagnostic criteria that should be respected, etiological factors, and clinical aspects. We used the PubMed database and searched it by using the keywords 'burning mouth syndrome', 'BMS and review', and 'burning mouth and review', in the title or abstract of the publication. BMS treatment usually steers towards the management of the symptoms; however, the specific local factors that could play a significant role in worsening the oral burning sensation should be eradicated. The most widely accepted treatment options that show variable results include tricyclic antidepressants, benzodiazepines and antipsychotic drugs; nevertheless there are other therapies that can also be carried out. Professionals that work in the field of dentistry should formulate standardized symptomatic and diagnostic criteria in order to more easily identify the most effective and reliable strategies in BMS treatment through multidisciplinary research

    Niños y niñas migrantes de retorno a México y problemáticas educativas

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    The objective of this research was to know the problems faced by migrant children returned from the United States to Mexico, in their incorporation into basic education institutions. It is a qualitative research, an exploring study, carried out in five elementary schools (public and private) in the municipality of Jerez de García Salinas, Zacatecas, México, distinguished by his historical and important participation in the migration of its population to the United States, with techniques such as non-participant observation and semi-structured interview (to key indirect informants: directors, teachers, and parents of returning migrant children). The results obtained allow us to conclude that they are children who have made visible the absences that subsist in the Mexican Educational System to attend this population segment that is incorporated to the schools, to continue their schooling, already initiated in the US, highlighting as the main problems the language, teachers without training from bilingualism, the organization of special courses that favor the learning of Spanish (communication, writing and reading) for returning students, as well as training for the integration and inclusion of children return.El objetivo de esta investigación fue conocer los problemas que enfrentan los niños y niñasi migrantesretornados de Estados Unidos a México en su incorporación a las instituciones de educación básica. Se utiliza la metodología cualitativa, un estudio exploratorio realizado en cinco escuelas de educación primaria, localizadas en la cabecera municipal de Jerez de García Salinas, Zacatecas, México, municipio que se distingue por su histórica e importante participación en la migración de su población hacia Estados Unidos. Se recurrió a la observación no participante y la entrevista semiestructurada aplicada a informantes indirectos clave(directivos y docentes de los planteles, y los padres de los menores de retorno). Los resultados obtenidos permiten concluir que los menores de retorno han visibilizado las ausencias que subsisten en el Sistema Educativo Mexicano para la atención de este segmento poblacional, que se incorpora a las escuelas para dar continuidad a su escolaridad ya iniciada en Estados Unidos, destacando como principales problemáticas el idioma, docentes sin formación desde el bilingüismo, la organización de cursos especiales que favorezcan el aprendizaje del español (comunicación, escritura y lectura) para los menores de retorno, así como capacitación para la integración e inclusión de los niños y niñas de retorno. Palabras Clave:niños, niñas, migración, retorno, problemáticas educativas

    La perspectiva de los estudiantes sobre la pertinencia de la tutoría en el posgrado

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    This work is part of a broader descriptive research that involved teachers and students. He caught investigate the tutorial process from the concept of relevance and east, the way they respond to educational quality for Two objectives were set: determine the tutorial teacher support graduate students in transit and determine the relevance of the tutorials based on the criteria of educational quality that allows the design of strategies and lines of research in the field of tutorials in graduate school. In this, through case study, using survey questionnaire and interview students, which concluded that the relevance and mentoring are aspects of evidence through action and adaptation between what society expects were applied IES and what they do through teacher and student.ste trabajo es parte de una investigación descriptiva más amplia, que involucró a docentes y estudiantes. Se pretendió investigar el proceso tutorial desde el concepto de pertinencia y de este, la manera en que responde a la calidad educativa, para ello se plantearon dos objetivos: determinar el apoyo tutorial del docente de posgrado al estudiante en tránsito y determinar la pertinencia de las tutorías en función de los criterios de calidad educativa que permita el diseño de estrategias y líneas de investigación en el campo de las tutorías en el posgrado. En este, a través del estudio de caso, mediante encuesta se aplicaron un cuestionario y entrevista a los estudiantes, donde se concluye que la pertinencia y la tutoría son aspectos de evidencia a través de la acción y la adecuación, entre lo que la sociedad espera de las IES y lo que éstas hacen a través del profesorado y del estudiante

    La migración desde las percepciones y experiencias de los jóvenes adolescentes

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    This document presents the results of a research which objective was identify the perceptions and experiences that the young adolescent has about migration, from a reflexive approach of the state of knowledge, using a documentary-bibliographic and hemerographic study. Begins with presentation of statistics of children migrants repatriated, if does not reflect the actual amount of minors participating on the migration, it allows have a reference of the dynamism that in recent years has been registered. Subsequently two crucial moments of migration in the lives of young people are included; one related to the imaginary created on the young adolescents by the information received from those who have already migrated, and the other, relative to the feeling and criteria of the young who stay in their home communities, facing the consequences of participating indirectly in that process.El presente documento constituye un acercamiento reflexivo al estado del conocimiento sobre las percepciones y experiencias que tienen los jóvenes adolescentes sobre el fenómeno migratorio. Se trata de una investigación documental-bibliohemerográfica, con una revisión de las estadísticas de menores migrantes repatriados, las que si bien no reflejan una cuantía real de la participación de los menores mexicanos en la migración, constituyen un referente sobre el dinamismo que en los últimos años ha registrado, asimismo; se incluye información de investigaciones realizadas en diferentes contextos, en torno a dos momentos cruciales de la migración en la vida de los jóvenes; el primero, relacionado a las percepciones, imaginarios y constructos realizados a partir de la información que reciben de quienes ya han participado en la experiencia migratoria; el segundo, relativo a la mirada y el sentir de los jóvenes que se quedan en sus comunidades de origen enfrentando las consecuencias de participar de manera indirecta en el mencionado fenómeno

    Migración parental y efectos socioeducativos en los hijos que se quedan. Algunas reflexiones

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    The objective of this research was to analyze the socioeducational effects of parental migration in the children who remain and who are students of the Telesecundaria School of Río Florido, Fresnillo, Zacatecas, Mexico, who share the experience of parental migration. It is a qualitative case study, with techniques such as non-participant observation and semi-structured interview. From the results obtained it can be concluded that with the migration of the father, in the community there is an increase of extended homes, where the grandparents live with the migrant's family, which sometimes results in intergenerational conflicts, especially when it comes to impose norms of coexistence to grandchildren; emotional affectation, along with neglect of school activities of the children of migrants, although also the desire of some of them to study, but without ruling out the possibility of migrating in the near future.El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar los efectos socioeducativos que origina la migración parental en los menores que se quedan, quienes son alumnos de la Escuela Telesecundaria de Río Florido, Fresnillo, Zacatecas, México, los que comparten la experiencia de la migración parental. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo, con el estudio de caso, y la aplicación de técnicas como la observación no participante y la entrevista semiestructurada. De los resultados que se obtienen se puede concluir que con la migración del padre, en la comunidad se da un incremento de hogares extensos, donde conviven los abuelos con la familia del migrante, que deriva algunas veces en conflictos intergeneracionales, sobre todo cuando se trata de imponer las normas de convivencia a los nietos; una afectación emocional, junto a la desatención de las actividades escolares de los hijos de migrantes, aunque también el deseo de algunos de ellos de estudiar, pero sin descartar la posibilidad de migran en el futuro próximo

    Protocol for studying cough frequency in people with pulmonary tuberculosis.

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    INTRODUCTION: Cough is a key symptom of tuberculosis (TB) as well as the main cause of transmission. However, a recent literature review found that cough frequency (number of coughs per hour) in patients with TB has only been studied once, in 1969. The main aim of this study is to describe cough frequency patterns before and after the start of TB treatment and to determine baseline factors that affect cough frequency in these patients. Secondarily, we will evaluate the correlation between cough frequency and TB microbiological resolution. METHODS: This study will select participants with culture confirmed TB from 2 tertiary hospitals in Lima, Peru. We estimated that a sample size of 107 patients was sufficient to detect clinically significant changes in cough frequency. Participants will initially be evaluated through questionnaires, radiology, microscopic observation drug susceptibility broth TB-culture, auramine smear microscopy and cough recordings. This cohort will be followed for the initial 60 days of anti-TB treatment, and throughout the study several microbiological samples as well as 24 h recordings will be collected. We will describe the variability of cough episodes and determine its association with baseline laboratory parameters of pulmonary TB. In addition, we will analyse the reduction of cough frequency in predicting TB cure, adjusted for potential confounders. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Ethical approval has been obtained from the ethics committees at each participating hospital in Lima, Peru, Asociación Benéfica PRISMA in Lima, Peru, the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia in Lima, Peru and Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA. We aim to publish and disseminate our findings in peer-reviewed journals. We also expect to create and maintain an online repository for TB cough sounds as well as the statistical analysis employed

    Metabolomics for Biomarkers of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Advances and Nutritional Intervention Trends

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    Abstract Metabolic characterization of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is crucial for the identification of individuals at risk for developing diabetes and T2DM-related vascular complications as well as for monitoring disease progression. The application of metabolomics to diabetes research may lead to the identification and discovery of diagnostic and prognostic T2DM biomarkers, in addition to elucidating disease pathways. In the present review, we summarize the distinct classes of metabolites that have been proposed as potential biomarkers for progressing stages of T2DM by metabolomic approaches. Several studies have demonstrated that the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and amino acids is considerably altered in prediabetes and continue to vary over the course of T2DM progression. The identification of intermediate metabolites involved in glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, the tricarboxylic acid cycle, lipolysis, and proteolysis have provided evidence of these metabolic dysfunctions. Finally, given the increasing worldwide incidence of T2DM and its related complications, research should focus on the impact of lifestyle factors, particularly diet, at the metabolomic level for better understanding and improved healthcare strategie
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