30 research outputs found

    Detection and isolation of airborne SARS-CoV-2 in a hospital setting

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    Transmission mechanisms for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) are incompletely understood. In particular, aerosol transmission remains unclear, with viral detection in air and demonstration of its infection potential being actively investigated. To this end, we employed a novel electrostatic collector to sample air from rooms occupied by COVID-19 patients in a major Swedish hospital. Electrostatic air sampling in conjunction with extraction-free, reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (hid-RT-PCR) enabled detection of SARS-CoV-2 in air from patient rooms (9/22; 41%) and adjoining anterooms (10/22; 45%). Detection with hid-RT-PCR was concomitant with viral RNA presence on the surface of exhaust ventilation channels in patients and anterooms more than 2 m from the COVID-19 patient. Importantly, it was possible to detect active SARS-CoV-2 particles from room air, with a total of 496 plaque-forming units (PFUs) being isolated, establishing the presence of infectious, airborne SARS-CoV-2 in rooms occupied by COVID-19 patients. Our results support circulation of SARS-CoV-2 via aerosols and urge the revision of existing infection control frameworks to include airborne transmission

    Эффективность работы сплит-системы в режиме теплового насоса

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    Рассмотрены проблемы, возникающие во время работы сплит-системы в режиме теплового насоса и предложена экспериментальная установка, которая даст возможность их исследовать, решить или минимизировать. Разработана методика проведения исследования, обработки полученных данных и расчета показателей эффективности работы сплит-системы в режиме воздушного теплового насоса. Введено понятие цикличности работы сплит-системы и выполнено разделение рабочего цикла на отдельные самостоятельные составляющие. Предложено использовать поправочный коэффициент, который дает возможность получать действительные значения эффективности любого воздушного теплового насоса сплит-системы. Проведена апробация полученных результатов с данными фирм-производителей сплит-систем и выделены особенности, влияющие на значение коэффициента трансформации при использовании разных методов расчета.The problems arising in the operation of the split systems in the thermal pump mode are considered and an experimental unit is proposed which will enable to study, to solve or to minimize them. The methods of the studying, data obtained processing and calculation of the efficiency indices for the split system operation in the mode of the air thermal pump are developed. The notion of cyclicity of the split system operation is introduced and the operation cycle division into separate independent components is provided. It is proposed to use coefficient of correction which enables to obtain actual efficiency values of any air thermal pump of the split system. Testing and comparison of the data obtained with the data of the split system manufacturing companies and their approbation are carried out. The specific features having an influence on the value of transformation ratio when using different methods of calculation are singled out

    Molecular Evolution of Neuropeptide Y Receptors in Vertebrates

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    The three evolutionarily related peptides neuropeptide Y (NPY), peptide YY (PYY) and pancreatic polypeptide (PP) are ligands to at least five G-protein coupled receptors in mammals, which are denoted by numbers. NPY has many physiological effects including stimulation of appetite and regulation of circadian rhythm and blood pressure. This work describes the ancient origin of the NPY receptor genes as deduced from molecular cloning of six receptors in four distantly related vertebrate species. Three of the receptors have been functionally expressed in vitro to determine ligand binding properties. The first Y2 receptor from any non-mammalian species was cloned from the chicken. The receptor was found to exhibit substantial structural and pharmacological differences to mammalian Y2, but showed similar anatomical distribution. A receptor was cloned in a primitive vertebrate, an agnathan fish, the river lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that it represents an orthologue to the ancestor of Y4 and the teleost subtypes Yb and Yc. Three NPY receptors were cloned from a shark, the spiny dogfish Squalus acanthias. These were found to correspond to the three mammalian subtypes Y1, Y4 and y6, and was thereby the first complete Y1 subfamily in any species outside the mammalian lineage. This suggests that all three receptor subtypes arose in the common ancestor of sharks and mammals 420-450 million years ago. The sixth described receptor was cloned from the zebrafish, Danio rerio, and was shown to have equal identity to all three mammalian Y1 subfamily receptors. Phylogenetic analyses including the shark and lamprey sequences suggested that Yb may represent a fourth Y1 subfamily gene. It has previously been found that the genes for Y1, Y4 and y6 are located on separate chromosomes. Taken together, these results show that the NPY receptor family expanded by chromosomal duplications early in vertebrate evolution, prior to the origin of gnathostomes. This work will be important for the determination of the time points for the origin of the many functions of NPY as well as for the understanding of the processes that shaped the vertebrate genome

    Soft tissue infection caused by Legionella bozemanii in a patient with ongoing immunosuppressive treatment

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    The Legionellaceae family consists of approximately 50 species, of which the most commonly identified species is L. pneumophila, the causative agent of Legionnaires’ disease. Other Legionella ssp. most often cause clinical infections in the immune-compromised patients, in which L. bozemanii has been known to cause both pneumonia and lung abscesses. In the presented case, a soft tissue infection in a patient with ongoing immunosuppression was determined to be due to L. bozemanii. Hence, in immune-deficient patients, L. bozemanii could be considered a possible agent in soft tissue infections when other common pathogens have been ruled out

    Mallard or chicken? Comparing the isolation of avian influenza A viruses in embryonated Mallard and chicken eggs

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    Background: To date, the most efficient and robust method for isolating avian influenza A viruses (IAVs) is using embryonated chicken eggs (ECEs). It is known that low-pathogenic avian IAVs undergo rapid genetic changes when introduced to poultry holdings, but the factors driving mutagenesis are not well understood. Despite this, there is limited data on the effects of the standard method of virus isolation of avian-derived viruses, that is, whether isolation in ECEs causes adaptive changes in avian IAVs. Eggs from a homologous species could potentially offer an isolation vessel less prone to induce adaptive changes. Methods: We performed eight serial passages of two avian IAVs isolated from fecal samples of wild Mallards in both ECEs and embryonated Mallard eggs, and hemagglutination assay titers and hemagglutinin sequences were compared. Results: There was no obvious difference in titers between ECEs and embryonated Mallard eggs. Sequence analyses of the isolates showed no apparent difference in the rate of introduction of amino acid substitutions in the hemagglutinin gene (three substitutions in total in embryonated Mallard eggs and two substitutions in ECEs). Conclusion: Embryonated Mallard eggs seem to be good isolation vessels for avian IAVs but carry some practical problems such as limited availability and short egg-laying season of Mallards. Our study finds isolation of Mallard-derived avian IAVs in ECEs non-inferior to isolation in embryonated Mallard eggs, but more research in the area may be warranted as this is a small-scale study

    Long-distance airborne dispersal of SARS-CoV-2 in COVID-19 wards

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    Evidence suggests that SARS-CoV-2, as well as other coronaviruses, can be dispersed and potentially transmitted by aerosols directly or via ventilation systems. We therefore investigated ventilation openings in one COVID-19 ward and central ducts that expel indoor air from three COVID-19 wards at Uppsala University Hospital, Sweden, during April and May 2020. Swab samples were taken from individual ceiling ventilation openings and surfaces in central ducts. Samples were subsequently subjected to rRT-PCR targeting the N and E genes of SARS-CoV-2. Central ventilation HEPA filters, located several stories above the wards, were removed and portions analyzed in the same manner. In two subsequent samplings, SARS-CoV-2 N and E genes were detected in seven and four out of 19 room vents, respectively. Central ventilation HEPA exhaust filters from the ward were found positive for both genes in three samples. Corresponding filters from two other, adjacent COVID-19 wards were also found positive. Infective ability of the samples was assessed by inoculation of susceptible cell cultures but could not be determined in these experiments. Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in central ventilation systems, distant from patient areas, indicate that virus can be transported long distances and that droplet transmission alone cannot reasonably explain this, especially considering the relatively low air change rates in these wards. Airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 must be taken into consideration for preventive measures

    Evaluation of a COVID-19 IgM and IgG rapid test; an efficient tool for 4 assessment of past exposure to SARS-CoV-2

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    COVID-19 is the most rapidly growing pandemic in modern time, and the need for 21 serological testing is most urgent. Although the diagnostics of acute patients by RT-PCR is 22 both efficient and specific, we are also crucially in need of serological tools for investigating 23 antibody responses and assessing individual and potential herd immunity. We evaluated a 24 commercially available test developed for rapid (within 15 minutes) detection of SARS-CoV-25 2-specific IgM and IgG by 29 PCR-confirmed COVID-19 cases and 124 negative controls. 26 The results revealed a sensitivity of 69.0 % and 93.1 % for IgM and IgG, respectively, based 27 solely on PCR-positivity due to the absence of a serological gold standard. The assay 28 specificities were shown to be 100 % for IgM and 99.2 % for IgG. This indicates that the test 29 is suitable for assessing previous virus exposure, although negative results may be unreliable 30 during the first weeks after infection. More detailed studies on antibody responses during and 31 post infection are urgently needed

    Spotted fever Rickettsia species in Hyalomma and Ixodes ticks infesting migratory birds in the European Mediterranean area

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    Background: A few billion birds migrate annually between their breeding grounds in Europe and their wintering grounds in Africa. Many bird species are tick-infested, and as a result of their innate migratory behavior, they contribute significantly to the geographic distribution of pathogens, including spotted fever rickettsiae. The aim of the present study was to characterize, in samples from two consecutive years, the potential role of migrant birds captured in Europe as disseminators of Rickettsia-infected ticks. Methods: Ticks were collected from a total of 14,789 birds during their seasonal migration northwards in spring 2009 and 2010 at bird observatories on two Mediterranean islands: Capri and Antikythira. All ticks were subjected to RNA extraction followed by cDNA synthesis and individually assayed with a real-time PCR targeting the citrate synthase (gltA) gene. For species identification of Rickettsia, multiple genes were sequenced. Results: Three hundred and ninety-eight (2.7%) of all captured birds were tick-infested; some birds carried more than one tick. A total number of 734 ticks were analysed of which 353 +/- 1 (48%) were Rickettsia-positive; 96% were infected with Rickettsia aeschlimannii and 4% with Rickettsia africae or unidentified Rickettsia species. The predominant tick taxon, Hyalomma marginatum sensu lato constituted 90% (n = 658) of the ticks collected. The remaining ticks were Ixodes frontalis, Amblyomma sp., Haemaphysalis sp., Rhipicephalus sp. and unidentified ixodids. Most ticks were nymphs (66%) followed by larvae (27%) and adult female ticks (0.5%). The majority (65%) of ticks was engorged and nearly all ticks contained visible blood. Conclusions: Migratory birds appear to have a great impact on the dissemination of Rickettsia-infected ticks, some of which may originate from distant locations. The potential ecological, medical and veterinary implications of such Rickettsia infections need further examination