10 research outputs found

    Two Small Planets Transiting HD 3167

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    We report the discovery of two super-Earth-sized planets transiting the bright (V = 8.94, K = 7.07) nearby late G-dwarf HD 3167, using data collected by the K2 mission. The inner planet, HD 3167 b, has a radius of 1.6 R_e and an ultra-short orbital period of only 0.96 days. The outer planet, HD 3167 c, has a radius of 2.9 R_e and orbits its host star every 29.85 days. At a distance of just 45.8 +/- 2.2 pc, HD 3167 is one of the closest and brightest stars hosting multiple transiting planets, making HD 3167 b and c well suited for follow-up observations. The star is chromospherically inactive with low rotational line-broadening, ideal for radial velocity observations to measure the planets' masses. The outer planet is large enough that it likely has a thick gaseous envelope which could be studied via transmission spectroscopy. Planets transiting bright, nearby stars like HD 3167 are valuable objects to study leading up to the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope.Comment: Accepted by ApJL. 6 pages, 1 figure, 2 table

    Five Planets Transiting a Ninth Magnitude Star

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    The Kepler mission has revealed a great diversity of planetary systems and architectures, but most of the planets discovered by Kepler orbit faint stars. Using new data from the K2 mission, we present the discovery of a five planet system transiting a bright (V = 8.9, K = 7.7) star called HIP 41378. HIP 41378 is a slightly metal-poor late F-type star with moderate rotation (v sin(i) = 7 km/s) and lies at a distance of 116 +/- 18 from Earth. We find that HIP 41378 hosts two sub-Neptune sized planets orbiting 3.5% outside a 2:1 period commensurability in 15.6 and 31.7 day orbits. In addition, we detect three planets which each transit once during the 75 days spanned by K2 observations. One planet is Neptune sized in a likely ~160 day orbit, one is sub-Saturn sized likely in a ~130 day orbit, and one is a Jupiter sized planet in a likely ~1 year orbit. We show that these estimates for the orbital periods can be made more precise by taking into account dynamical stability considerations. We also calculate the distribution of stellar reflex velocities expected for this system, and show that it provides a good target for future radial velocity observations. If a precise orbital period can be determined for the outer Jovian planet through future observations, it will be an excellent candidate for follow-up transit observations to study its atmosphere and measure its oblateness.Comment: Accepted by ApJL. 12 pages, 6 figures, 2 table


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    Two transiting planets have been identified orbiting K2 target EPIC 220674823. One object is an ultra-short-period planet (USP) with a period of just 0.57 days (13.7 hr), while the other has a period of 13.3 days. Both planets are small, with the former having a radius of R_(p1) = 1.5 R⊕ and the latter R_(p2) = 2.5 R⊕. Follow-up observations, including radial velocity (with uncertainties of 110 m s−1) and high-resolution adaptive optics imagery, show no signs of stellar companions. EPIC 220674823 is the 12th confirmed or validated planetary system in which a USP (i.e., having an orbital period less than 1 day) is accompanied by at least one additional planet, suggesting that such systems may be common and must be accounted for in models for the formation and evolution of such extreme systems

    LASSO: Large Adaptive optics Survey for Substellar Objects using the new SAPHIRA detector on Robo-AO

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    We report on initial results from the largest infrared AO direct imaging survey searching for wide orbit (>100 AU) massive exoplanets and brown dwarfs as companions around young nearby stars using Robo-AO at the 2.1-m telescope on Kitt Peak, Arizona. The occurrence rates of these rare substellar companions are critical to furthering our understanding of the origin of planetary-mass companions on wide orbits. The observing efficiency of Robo-AO allows us to conduct a survey an order of magnitude larger than previously possible. We commissioned a low-noise high-speed SAPHIRA near-infrared camera to conduct this survey and report on its sensitivity, performance, and data reduction process.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, SPIE conference proceeding

    Precision astrometry with adaptive optics: constraints on the mutual orbit of Luhman 16AB from GeMS

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    ELTs equipped with MCAO systems will be powerful astrometric tools in the next two decades. With sparse-field precisions exceeding 30 uas for V > 18, the ELTs will surpass even GAIA's per-epoch precision for faint stars (V > 12). We present results from an ongoing astrometry program with Gemini GeMS and discuss synergies with WFIRST and GAIA. First, we present a fit to the relative orbit of the individual L/T components of Luhman16 AB, the nearest brown dwarf binary known. Exploiting GeMS' wide field of view to image reference stars, we are able to track the relative motion to better than 0.2 mas. We find that a mutual Keplerian orbit with no perturbing planets fits the binary separation to within the measurement errors, ruling out companions down to 14 earth masses for certain orbits and periods.This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Individual, Model-independent Masses of the Closest Known Brown Dwarf Binary to the Sun

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    Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 2nd version: Added a referenceInternational audienceAt a distance of 2~pc, our nearest brown dwarf neighbor, Luhman 16 AB, has been extensively studied since its discovery 3 years ago, yet its most fundamental parameter -- the masses of the individual dwarfs -- has not been constrained with precision. In this work we present the full astrometric orbit and barycentric motion of Luhman 16 AB and the first precision measurements of the individual component masses. We draw upon archival observations spanning 31 years from the European Southern Observatory (ESO) Schmidt Telescope, the Deep Near-Infrared Survey of the Southern Sky (DENIS), public FORS2 data on the Very Large Telescope (VLT), and new astrometry from the Gemini South Multiconjugate Adaptive Optics System (GeMS). Finally, we include three radial velocity measurements of the two components from VLT/CRIRES, spanning one year. With this new data sampling a full period of the orbit, we use a Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm to fit a 16-parameter model incorporating mutual orbit and barycentric motion parameters and constrain the individual masses to be~27.91.0+1.127.9^{+1.1}_{-1.0}~MJM_{J} for the T dwarf and~34.21.1+1.334.2^{+1.3}_{-1.1}~MJM_{J} for the L dwarf. Our measurements of Luhman 16 AB's mass ratio and barycentric motion parameters are consistent with previous estimates in the literature utilizing recent astrometry only. The GeMS-derived measurements of the Luhman 16 AB separation in 2014-2015 agree closely with Hubble Space Telescope (HST) measurements made during the same epoch Bedin et al. 2017, and the derived mutual orbit agrees with those measurements to within the HST uncertainties of - 0.4 milliarcseconds