95 research outputs found

    Kramers-Heisenberg dispersion formula for scattering of twisted light

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    An extremely active research topic of modern optics is studying how light can be engineered to possess forms of structure such as a twisting or a helical phase and the ensuing optical orbital angular momentum (OAM) and its interactions with matter. In such circumstances, the plane-wave description no longer suffices and both paraxial and nonparaxial solutions to the wave equation are desired. Within the framework of molecular QED theory, a general formulation is developed for the scattering of twisted light beams by molecular systems through the Kramers-Heisenberg dispersion formula and ensuing scattering cross section, which takes account of the effects of the phase and intensity structure of twisted light, revealing scattering effects not exhibited by unstructured, plane-wave light. The theory is applicable to linear scattering as well as to nonlinear optical effects for both chiral and nonchiral species, and explicit results are derived for Rayleigh and Raman scattering (including second-order contributions), Rayleigh and Raman optical activity, and their circular-vortex differential scattering analogs. These processes necessitate the inclusion of magnetic-dipole and electric-quadrupole coupling terms, as well as the usual leading electric-dipole interaction term. It is seen that the coupling of electric quadrupole moments to structured light affords a unique sensitivity to the phase properties of the beam, most importantly, its optical OAM, and its inclusion permits the contribution to the scattering cross section proportional to the square of the mixed electric dipole-quadrupole polarizability to be evaluated for which interesting features result. These include its discriminatory behavior arising from circularly polarized input radiation and its dependence on the topological charge, which can also serve to enhance scattering. Also presented are results for a contribution of identical order proportional to the pure electric-dipole and quadrupole polarizabilities

    Tata Kelola Pemerintahan Dalam Pengelolaan Kawasan Tanjung Bunga Kota Makassar

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    Artikel ini membahas tentang Tata Kelola Pemerintahan dalam pengelolaan Kawasan Tanjung Kota Makassar. Lokasi penelitian ini  bertempat di kawasan Tanjung Bunga khususnya kelurahan maccini sombala RW O5  Kota Makassar. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif yakni memberikan gambaran secara objektif terkait bagaimana keadaan sebenarnya objek yang diteliti, dan tipe penelitian yang digunakan adalah tipe fenomenologi. Adapun sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sumber data primer dan sumber data sekunder dengan jumlah Informan sebanyak 8 orang.Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu membandingkan antara pendapat informan yang satu dengan yang lainnya dengan mengajukan pertanyaan yang sama. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukakan bahwa Tata kelola pedagang kaki limata di kota makassar belum berjalan dengan efektif, Dikarenakan (a) Fairness atau Keadilan, keadilan yang diberikan pemerintah pada para pedagang belum sepenhnya adil, karna masih ada masyarakat (nelayan) yang mengeluhkan akses jalan terganggu dengan adanya pembangunan reklamsi, (b) Transparency atau transparansi, transparansi antara pemerintah dengan masyarakat belum sepenunuhnya belum transparan karna masih ada beberapa masyrakat (nelayan) yang belum tahu aka nada pembangunan reklamasi atau penimbunana pantai, (c) Accountability atau Pertanggung Jawaban sudah dijalankan dengan baik oleh pihak Pengelola, (d) Responsiveness atau Responsif menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah sudah berusaha untuk mengatasi masalah atau keluhan masyarakat


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    Proyek Nutrition Improvement through Community Empowerment (NICE) atau perbaikan gizi melalui pemberdayaan masyarakat adalah proyek pemberdayaan masyarakat agar rakyat dengan sumber daya dan potensinya mampu mengenali, mencegah, serta mengatasi masalah gizi. Jenis penelitian, yaitu penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara mendalam dan telaah dokumen. Jumlah informan sebanyak enam orang yang ditentukan berdasarkan keterlibatannya dalam pelaksanaan program proyek NICE. Pengolahan dan analisis data menggunakan content analysis dan disajikan dalam bentuk narasi. Hasil penelitian tahap input, Sumber daya manusia pada proyek ini adalah Kelompok Gizi Masyarakat (KGM) yang dipilih karena memiliki kemampuan lebih dalam menjalankan posyandu dan pandai bersosialisasi. Tahap proses, pelaksanaan dilihat dari kegiatan yang sering dilakukan setiap bulan seperti penyuluhan dan melaksanakan pendistribusian TABURIA sebagai program pokok proyek NICE. Tahap output, dilihat dari cakupan program dengan hasil setiap kegiatan dapat terlaksana sesuai dengan jadwal kegiatan. Kesimpulan penelitian bahwa kegiatan dilaksanakan sesuai dengan prosedur yang tertulis pada pedoman dan arahan Fasilitator Masyarakat (FM) dengan cakupan program terlaksana dan sesuai dengan target proyek

    A study of human capital on institutional system of horticultural agribusiness

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    Agricultural institutions are one of the supporting factors in the development of horticultural agribusiness. Various previous scientific studies explain that good human capital will have implications for strengthening agribusiness institutions. The primary objective of this study is to examine the characteristics of human capital in the horticultural agribusiness institutional system. In this study, there were 5 (five) parameters of human capital were measured: individual capability, individual motivation, leadership, the organizational climate, and workgroup effectiveness. The five parameters reflect the characteristics of human capital, which are related to the institutional system. This research was conducted in Bantaeng Regency with 120 sample respondents, which were selected at simple randomness. Then, the collected data were processed and analyzed using a Likert scale and descriptive statistics. Each parameter that is measured is assigned a value and category of assessment. The scores and categories used were with a score range of 3.67-5.00 (good), 2.34-3.66 (fairly good), and 1.00-2.33 (poor). The results of the study indicated that, in general, the characteristics and quality of the human capital of farmers who manage horticultural agribusiness institutions were in “fairly good” category. This is indicated by the average score of the parameters measured, namely for the individual capability at 3.60, the individual motivation at 3.14, the leadership at 3.38, the organizational climate at 3.63, and the workgroup effectiveness at 3.30. Based on these research results, it can be concluded that the farmers, as the main actors in the cultivation and development of horticultural crops in the research location, had good skills in managing the institutional system as part of the supporting factors for the development of horticultural agribusiness


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    Ecopreneurship merupakan ide yang belum digali oleh peneliti secara eksplisit dan menjadi inovasi pembelajaran di tahun 21st Namun, secara implisit konsep ini diyakini telah diterapkan di beberapa sekolah dasar namun belum ada penelitian lebih lanjut, oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan dan memberikan gambaran perkembangan ecopreneurship di sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui metode deskriptif dengan subjek penelitian sebanyak 22 guru di sekolah dasar. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat diketahui bahwa pengembangan ecopreneurship di sekolah dasar diintegrasikan dalam muatan kurikulum di sekolah yang berimplikasi pada terciptanya pembelajaran intrakurikuler, pembelajaran ekstrakurikuler dan ruang pamer berdasarkan konsep ecopreneurship. Secara kuantitatif terlihat bahwa 81,2% guru telah mencoba menerapkan prinsip-prinsip ekologi dalam pembelajaran di kelas dan 54.5% guru telah mencoba mengaitkannya dengan prinsip kewirausahaan. Hasil penelitian ini menjadi dasar peneliti dalam melakukan penelitian selanjutnya, selain itu hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi acuan bagi guru sekolah dasar dalam mengembangkan pembelajaran saat ini di 21st abad ini dan menjadi upaya preventif khususnya bagi Indonesia dalam mempersiapkan diri menuju Indonesia Emas 2045

    The Dynamic Relation between Technology Adoption, Technology Innovation, Human Capital and Economy: Comparison of Lower-Middle-Income Countries

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    The advent of technologies has stimulated the economic growth of western countries, however, some Asian and African countries are among the Lower Middle Income Countries due to lack of technology adoption and digitally skilled human capital. The use of technologies produces digital competent human capital stock that accelerates economic growth. The prime goal of this article is to explore dynamics of technology adoption, technology innovation, human capital and skill development for Lower Middle Income Countries region over the period 2000-2016 by Generalised Method of Moments and cross sectional dependence. New technology adoption, technology innovation and human capital & skill development indices are formulated. The empirical findings indicate that human capital development & skill and investment have positive linkage with Lower Middle Income Countries economic growth while technology adoption and innovation have different linkage across the Lower Middle Income Countries regions. The panel error correction method was applied to estimate short run dynamics and convergence rate. The fully modified ordinary least square was applied to authenticate whether the long run estimates are consistent and valid for policy implications. The findings propose policy implications for advance technology adoption and innovation with the focus on human capital development & skill and investment in Lower Middle Income Countries region

    ES12; The 24th Annual Workshop on Recent Developments in Electronic Structure Theory

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    ES12: The 24th Annual Workshop on Recent Developments in Electronic Structure Theory was held June 5-8, 2012 at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC 27109. The program consisted of 24 oral presentations, 70 posters, and 2 panel discussions. The attendance of the Workshop was comparable to or larger than previous workshops and participation was impressively diverse. The 136 participants came from all over the world and included undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and senior scientists. The general assessment of the Workshop was extremely positive in terms of the high level of scientific presentations and discussions, and in terms of the schedule, accommodations, and affordability of the meeting

    A quantum electrodynamics description of quantum coherence and damping in condensed phase energy transfer

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    Quantum coherence in condensed phase electronic resonance energy transfer (RET) is described within the context of quantum electrodynamics (QED) theory. Mediating dressed virtual photons (polaritons) are explicitly incorporated into the treatment and coherence is understood within the context of interfering Feynman pathways connecting the initial and final states for the RET process. The model investigated is that of an oriented three-body donor, acceptor and mediator RET system embedded within a dispersive and absorbing polarizable medium. We show how quantum coherence can significantly enhance the rate of RET and give a rigorous picture for subsequent decoherence that is driven by both phase and amplitude damping. Energy conserving phase damping occurs as a result of geometric and dispersive effects and is associated with destructive interference between Feynman pathways. Dissipative amplitude damping, on the other hand, is attributed to vibronic relaxation and absorptivity of the medium and can be understood as virtual photons (polaritons) leaking into the environment. This model offers insights into the emergence of coherence and subsequent decoherence for energy transfer in photosynthetic systems

    Mitigasi Bencana Berbasis Pengetahuan Lokal Masyarakat Majene

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui  peran aktif pemerintah daerah dalam penyusunan kebijakan mitigasi bencana berbasis pengetahuan lokal di Kabupaten Majene. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian Pemerintah daaerah dalam mengantisapasi bencana gempa di Kabupaten Majene dapat dilakukan dengan mengupayakan peringatan dini dimulai dari dunia pendidikan. Secara garis besar dunia pendidikan sangat berperang penting dalam upaya kesadaran guna kesiapsiagaan bencana yang akan terjadi di tengah masyarakat. Operasi penanggulangan bencana perlu dipastikan efektif, efisien dan berkelanjutan. kita bisa mengantisipasi bencana untuk meminimalisir korban melalui kebijakan yang berbasis teknologi dan pengetahuan lokal