418 research outputs found


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    Village head has the main task of creating a democratic life, encouraging community development and provide good public services. The role of the village head is very important for the governance of the village, contributing to realize a good administration. This study aims to determine and analyze which is the role of village chief of Olong Siron in realizing a good governance. The research used a qualitative descriptive approach. Data were collected by interview, observation and documentation; the key informants were the Tanah Siang district head, the village head of Olong Siron, the chairman Olong Desa Siron BPD, the secretary Olong Desa Siron and other community leaders. The results showed that the role of the village head Olong Siron in realizing good governance was good enough. The main investigated aspects were participation, fair application of law, transparency, vision strategy, orientation, justice, effectiveness, accountability, responsiveness, and interdependence in all aspect. The participation rate was increasingly wide spreading and the decision-making was effective.  Article visualizations

    Lifetime Measurements in 120Xe

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    Lifetimes for the lowest three transitions in the nucleus 120^{120}Xe have been measured using the Recoil Distance Technique. Our data indicate that the lifetime for the 21+01+2_{1}^{+} \to 0_{1}^{+} transition is more than a factor of two lower than the previously adopted value and is in keeping with more recent measurements performed on this nucleus. The theoretical implications of this discrepancy and the possible reason for the erroneous earlier results are discussed. All measured lifetimes in 120^{120}Xe, as well as the systematics of the lifetimes of the 21+_{1}^{+} states in Xe isotopes, are compared with predictions of various models. The available data are best described by the Fermion Dynamic Symmetry Model (FDSM).Comment: 9 pages, RevTeX, 3 figures with Postscript file available on request at [email protected], [email protected]. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Fibrates downregulate apolipoprotein C-III expression independent of induction of peroxisomal acyl coenzyme A oxidase. A potential mechanism for the hypolipidemic action of fibrates.

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    Epidemiological and transgenic animal studies have implicated apo C-III as a major determinant of plasma triglyceride metabolism. Since fibrates are very efficient in lowering triglycerides, it was investigated whether fibrates regulate apo C-III gene expression. Different fibrates lowered rat liver apo C-III mRNA levels up to 90% in a dose- and time-dependent manner, whereas intestinal apo C-III mRNA remained constant. This decrease in liver apo C-III mRNA was rapid (1 d) and reversible, since it was restored to control levels within 1 wk after cessation of treatment. In addition, fenofibrate treatment abolished the developmental rise of hepatic apo C-III mRNA observed during the suckling-weaning period. Administration of fibrates to rats induced liver and intestinal expression of the acyl CoA oxidase gene, the rate-limiting enzyme for peroxisomal beta-oxidation of fatty acids. In primary cultures of rat and human hepatocytes, fenofibric acid lowered apo C-III mRNA in a time- and dose-dependent manner. This reduction in apo C-III mRNA levels was accompanied by a decreased secretion of apo C-III in the culture medium of human hepatocytes. In rat hepatocytes fenofibric acid induced acyl CoA oxidase gene expression, whereas acyl CoA oxidase mRNA remained unchanged in human hepatocytes. Nuclear run-on and transient transfection experiments of a reporter construct driven by the human apo C-III gene promoter indicated that fibrates downregulate apo C-III gene expression at the transcriptional level. In conclusion, these studies demonstrate that fibrates decrease rat and human liver apo C-III gene expression. In humans the mechanisms appears to be independent of the induction of peroxisomal enzymes. This downregulation of liver apo C-III gene expression by fibrates may contribute to the hypotriglyceridemic action of these drugs

    Association between ovarian hormones and smoking behavior in women.

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    Studies examining the association between menstrual cycle phases and smoking behavior in women have yielded mixed results. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the associations between ovarian hormones and smoking by directly measuring ovarian hormone levels and obtaining a laboratory assessment of smoking behaviors. Four hypotheses were tested: increased smoking will be associated with 1) low absolute levels of estradiol and progesterone; 2) decreasing (i.e., dynamic changes in) estradiol and progesterone; 3) lower ratios of progesterone to estradiol, and 4) higher ratios of estradiol to progesterone. Female smokers (≥10 cigarettes/day) with regular menstrual cycles were recruited as part of a larger, ongoing study examining the influence of ovarian hormones on smoking cessation treatment. Participants completed two study visits, including a one-hour adlib smoking topography session, which provided a detailed assessment of smoking behavior. Both the change in hormone levels over time and the relative ratios of ovarian hormones were associated with smoking behavior, but each to a limited extent. Decreases in estradiol (r=−.21, p=.048), and decreases in progesterone (r=−.23, p=.03) were associated with increased puff intensity. Lower ratios of progesterone to estradiol were associated with a greater number of puffs (r=−.26, p=.01) and weight of cigarettes smoked (r=−.29, p=.005). The best predictors of smoking behavior were the ratio of progesterone to estradiol (z=−2.7, p=.004) and the change in estradiol and progesterone over time (z=−2.1, p=.02). This pattern of results may help to explain inconsistent findings in previous studies and suggest potential mechanisms by which hormones influence nicotine addiction

    Measurement of Conversion Coefficients in Normal and Triaxial Strongly Deformed Bands in \u3csup\u3e167\u3c/sup\u3eLu

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    Internal conversion coefficients have been measured for transitions in both normal deformed and triaxial strongly deformed bands in 167Lu using the Gammasphere and ICE Ball spectrometers. The results for all in-band transitions are consistent with E2 multipolarity. Upper limits are determined for the internal conversion coefficients for linking transitions between TSD Band 2 and TSD Band 1, the nw = 1 and nw = 0 wobbling bands, respectively

    Restructuring Reward Mechanisms in Nicotine Addiction: A Pilot fMRI Study of Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement for Cigarette Smokers

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    The primary goal of this pilot feasibility study was to examine the effects of Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement (MORE), a behavioral treatment grounded in dual-process models derived from cognitive science, on frontostriatal reward processes among cigarette smokers. Healthy adult (N=13; mean (SD) age 49 ± 12.2) smokers provided informed consent to participate in a 10-week study testing MORE versus a comparison group (CG). All participants underwent two fMRI scans: pre-tx and after 8-weeks of MORE. Emotion regulation (ER), smoking cue reactivity (CR), and resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) were assessed at each fMRI visit; smoking and mood were assessed throughout. As compared to the CG, MORE significantly reduced smoking (d=2.06) and increased positive affect (d=2.02). MORE participants evidenced decreased CR-BOLD response in ventral striatum (VS; d=1.57) and ventral prefrontal cortex (vPFC; d=1.7) and increased positive ER-BOLD in VS (dVS=2.13) and vPFC (dvmPFC=2.66). Importantly, ER was correlated with smoking reduction (r’s = .68 to .91) and increased positive affect (r’s = .52 to .61). These findings provide preliminary evidence that MORE may facilitate the restructuring of reward processes and play a role in treating the pathophysiology of nicotine addiction

    Uso de morteros catalíticos sobre paneles, para el análisis de la reducción de partículas contaminantes en el aire

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    Trabajo de Investigación TecnológicaEste proyecto de grado se enfoca en la contaminación del aire y el uso de las nuevas tecnologías en la construcción para combatir este problema que genera afectaciones no solo ambientales, sino en la salud humana, en la flora y la fauna. La nanotecnología, es una rama que se desprende de las nuevas tecnologías y que se ha abierto paso en la industria de la construcción, por medio de la implementación de materiales y aditivos te tamaño nanométrico que mejoran y generan nuevas propiedades en los materiales comunes de construcción como el acero, concretos, morteros, pinturas, etc. En este proyecto se elaboró un concreto y mortero adicionando el Dióxido de titanio (TiO2), el cual actúa como un catalizador al combinarse con el cemento y los rayos ultra violeta, y su función principal es oxidar las partículas contaminantes suspendidas en el aire, por lo cual se categoriza como un descontaminante. Adicionalmente, el TiO2 puede mejorar las propiedades del concreto. Para comprobar el efecto del TiO2 en el concreto, se elaboraron cuatro cilindros de concreto común y de concreto adicionado, los cuales se fallaron en las edades típicas de falla y se compararon los resultados obtenidos. De igual manera, se fabricó un mortero adicionado, el cual se colocó sobre paneles y se dejó expuesto ocho días en un área de monitoreo de aire, y con los datos obtenidos se realizó el análisis correspondiente.1 INTRODUCCIÓN 2 ANTECEDENTES 3 PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 4 OBJETIVOS 5 JUSTIFICACIÓN 6 DELIMITACIONES 7 MARCO DE REFERENCIA 8 METODOLOGÍA 9 DISEÑO METODOLÓGICO. 10 CONCLUSIONES 11 RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍAPregradoIngeniero Civi

    Molecular identification of CTX-M and blaOXY/K1 β-lactamase genes in Enterobacteriaceae by sequencing of universal M13-sequence tagged PCR-amplicons

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Plasmid encoded <sup><it>bla</it></sup>CTX-M enzymes represent an important sub-group of class A β-lactamases causing the ESBL phenotype which is increasingly found in <it>Enterobacteriaceae </it>including <it>Klebsiella </it>spp. Molecular typing of clinical ESBL-isolates has become more and more important for prevention of the dissemination of ESBL-producers among nosocomial environment.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Multiple displacement amplified DNA derived from 20 <it>K. pneumoniae </it>and 34 <it>K. oxytoca </it>clinical isolates with an ESBL-phenotype was used in a universal CTX-M PCR amplification assay. Identification and differentiation of <sup><it>bla</it></sup>CTX-M and <sup><it>bla</it></sup>OXY/K1 sequences was obtained by DNA sequencing of M13-sequence-tagged CTX-M PCR-amplicons using a M13-specific sequencing primer.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Nine out of 20 <it>K. pneumoniae </it>clinical isolates had a <sup><it>bla</it></sup>CTX-M genotype. Interestingly, we found that the universal degenerated primers also amplified the chromosomally located K1-gene in all 34 <it>K. oxytoca </it>clinical isolates. Molecular identification and differentiation between <sup><it>bla</it></sup>CTX-M and <sup><it>bla</it></sup>OXY/K1-genes could only been achieved by sequencing of the PCR-amplicons. <it>In silico </it>analysis revealed that the universal degenerated CTX-M primer-pair used here might also amplify the chromosomally located <sup><it>bla</it></sup>OXY and K1-genes in <it>Klebsiella </it>spp. and K1-like genes in other <it>Enterobacteriaceae</it>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The PCR-based molecular typing method described here enables a rapid and reliable molecular identification of <sup><it>bla</it></sup>CTX-M, and <sup><it>bla</it></sup>OXY/K1-genes. The principles used in this study could also be applied to any situation in which antimicrobial resistance genes would need to be sequenced.</p

    Antagonistic interactions between filamentous heterotrophs and the cyanobacterium Nostoc muscorum

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    Background: Little is known about interactions between filamentous heterotrophs and filamentous cyanobacteria. Here, interactions between the filamentous heterotrophic bacteria Fibrella aestuarina (strain BUZ 2) and Fibrisoma limi (BUZ 3) with an axenic strain of the autotrophic filamentous cyanobacterium Nostoc muscorum (SAG 25.82) were studied in mixed cultures under nutrient rich (carbon source present in medium) and poor (carbon source absent in medium) conditions. Findings: F. aestuarina BUZ 2 significantly reduced the cyanobacterial population whereas F. limi BUZ 3 did not. Physical contact between heterotrophs and autotroph was observed and the cyanobacterial cells showed some level of damage and lysis. Therefore, either contact lysis or entrapment with production of extracellular compounds in close vicinity of host cells could be considered as potential modes of action. The supernatants from pure heterotrophic cultures did not have an effect on Nostoc cultures. However, supernatant from mixed cultures of BUZ 2 and Nostoc had a negative effect on cyanobacterial growth, indicating that the lytic compounds were only produced in the presence of Nostoc. The growth and survival of tested heterotrophs was enhanced by the presence of Nostoc or its metabolites, suggesting that the heterotrophs could utilize the autotrophs and its products as a nutrient source. However, the autotroph could withstand and out-compete the heterotrophs under nutrient poor conditions. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the nutrients in cultivation media, which boost or reduce the number of heterotrophs, were the important factor influencing the outcome of the interplay between filamentous heterotrophs and autotrophs. For better understanding of these interactions, additional research is needed. In particular, it is necessary to elucidate the mode of action for lysis by heterotrophs, and the possible defense mechanisms of the autotrophs

    Thiazolidinediones repress ob gene expression in rodents via activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma

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    The ob gene product, leptin, is a signaling factor regulating body weight and energy balance. ob gene expression in rodents is increased in obesity and is regulated by feeding patterns and hormones, such as insulin and glucocorticoids. In humans with gross obesity, ob mRNA levels are higher, but other modulators of human ob expression are unknown. In view of the importance of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) in adipocyte differentiation, we analyzed whether ob gene expression is subject to regulation by factors activating PPARs. Treatment of rats with the PPARalpha activator fenofibrate did not change adipose tissue and body weight and had no significant effect on ob mRNA levels. However, administration of the thiazolidinedione BRL49653, a PPARgamma ligand, increased food intake and adipose tissue weight while reducing ob mRNA levels in rats in a dose-dependent manner. The inhibitory action of the thiazolidinedione BRL49653 on ob mRNA levels was also observed in vitro. Thiazolidinediones reduced the expression of the human ob promoter in primary adipocytes, however, in undifferentiated 3T3-L1 preadipocytes lacking endogenous PPARgamma, cotransfection of PPARgamma was required to observe the decrease. In conclusion, these data suggest that PPARgamma activators reduce ob mRNA levels through an effect of PPARgamma on the ob promoter