16 research outputs found

    LAS – Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale

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    Salvatore D’Onofrio, professeur à l’Université de Palerme Analyse structurale, sexe et parenté Dans le cours que nous avons tenu dans le second semestre de l’année, nous avons abordé toute une série de problèmes qui sont au croisement de la sexualité et de la parenté. Nous sommes partis de la constatation que la sexualité est au cœur des différentes formes de parenté – anciennes, exotiques et nouvelles – sur lesquelles travaillent les anthropologues. Il s’est agi ainsi, tout d’abord, de réflé..

    Calenge par Bertrand, parcours de lecture dans le Carnet d’un bibliothécaire

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    Nous sommes tous redevables à Bertrand Calenge, bibliothécaire de renom, théoricien et praticien des bibliothèques, disparu en 2016. Un collectif de bibliothécaires fait revivre cet auteur, en proposant un parcours de lecture à travers son blog Carnet de notes. Ces parcours thématiques et transversaux recontextualisent les billets selon les principaux sujets traités par l’auteur – collections, médiation, évaluation, métier, numérique, etc. – autant dire toutes les questions vives des bibliothèques. Ce livre expérimente une mise en book du blog d’un professionnel, pour nous inviter, comme l\u27écrit Martine Poulain dans sa préface, « à penser, échanger, proposer »

    Population dynamics of modern planktonic foraminifera in the western Barents Sea

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    International audienceThis study reports on diversity and distribution of planktonic foraminifera (PF) in the Barents Sea Opening (BSO). Populations of PF living in late summer (collected by means of stratified plankton tows) and recently deposited individuals (sampled by interface corer) were compared. High abundances reaching up to 400 unit ind.m-3 in tow samples and 8000 unit ind.m-3 in surface sediments were recorded in the centre of the studied area while low abundances were observed in coastal areas, likely due to continental influences. The living and core-top assemblages are mainly composed of the same four species Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, Neogloboquadrina incompta, Turborotalita quinqueloba and Globigerinita uvula. The two species G. uvula and T. quinqueloba dominate the upper water column, whereas surface sediment assemblages display particularly high concentrations of N. pachyderma. The unusual dominance of G. uvula in the water sample assemblages compared to its low proportion in surface sediments might be the signature of (1) a seasonal signal due to summer phytoplankton composition changes at the BSO, linked to the increase in summer temperature at the study site, and/or (2) a signal of a larger timescale and wider geographical reach phenomenon reflecting poleward temperate/subpolar species migration and consecutive foraminiferal assemblage diversification at high latitudes due to global change. Protein concentrations were measured on single specimens and used as a proxy of individual carbon biomass. Specimens of all species show the same trend, a northward decrease in their size-normalized-protein concentration. This suggests that foraminiferal biomass is potentially controlled by different constituents of their organelles (e.g. lipids). The coupling of data from plankton tows, protein measurements and surface sediments allows us to hypothesize that PF dynamics (seasonality and distribution) are decoupled from their metabolism

    A proximity-labeling proteomic approach to investigate invadopodia molecular landscape in breast cancer cells

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    International audienceMetastatic progression is the leading cause of mortality in breast cancer. Invasive tumor cells develop invadopodia to travel through basement membranes and the interstitial matrix. Substantial efforts have been made to characterize invadopodia molecular composition. However, their full molecular identity is still missing due to the difficulty in isolating them. To fill this gap, we developed a non-hypothesis driven proteomic approach based on the BioID proximity biotinylation technology, using the invadopodia-specific protein Tks5α fused to the promiscuous biotin ligase BirA* as bait. In invasive breast cancer cells, Tks5α fusion concentrated to invadopodia and selectively biotinylated invadopodia components, in contrast to a fusion which lacked the membrane-targeting PX domain (Tks5β). Biotinylated proteins were isolated by affinity capture and identified by mass spectrometry. We identified known invadopodia components, revealing the pertinence of our strategy. Furthermore, we observed that Tks5 newly identified close neighbors belonged to a biologically relevant network centered on actin cytoskeleton organization. Analysis of Tks5β interactome demonstrated that some partners bound Tks5 before its recruitment to invadopodia. Thus, the present strategy allowed us to identify novel Tks5 partners that were not identified by traditional approaches and could help get a more comprehensive picture of invadopodia molecular landscape

    Annuaire 2004-2005

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    Annuaire 2003-2004

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