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    owe (al-qardl) is one of the transactions that is allowable in Islam. To lend, from the perspective of fiqh muamalah it is known as al-Qardl, is the process of hand over of wealth or al-mitsliyat to other people that the payment must be collected. In other word, it is a transaction that aimed to give al-mitsliyat over other people to be recollected with the similar al-mitsliyat. This kind of transection had been done in the era of prophet. As it becomes a phenomenon at Grugek, one of the sub-villages of Sejati village, Camplong district in Sampang regency. In Grugek, people owe money from a mobile-bank mostly for a consumptive objective and only a few of them use the money for something productive. Based on this phenomenon, the research is focused on the following problems: (a) how is the implementation of al-qardl transection promoted by mobile bank in Grugek sub-village, Sejati Village, Camplong district, Sampang Regency? (b) Why do people of Grugek sub-village, Sejati Village, Camplong district, Sampang regency tends to owe money from the mobile-bank than from official bank? This is a qualitative field research in form of case study that employs the result of interview and observation as primary data. The instruments that have been used to collect and check the data validity are intent observation, description, triangulation, and case analysis.  The research result designates that: (1) the implementation of al-qardl is completed in easy ways; showing ID, no prerequisite and regulation as must be fulfilled in fiqh muamalah about the execution of interest in its implementation; (2) the people of Grugek owe money from mobile bank with several reasons: firstly, the process of credit is simpler than official bank does, easiness, no survey, only ID identification, people are allow to owe many times; secondly,  people still do not know syariah finance institution that offers the product of al-qardl al-hasan


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    Sejak dunia Islam berhasil bebas secara fisik dari Imperialisme Barat dan sekutunya sekitar abad XX-an, umat islam mulai berfikir dengan cara setahap demi setahap yang dilakukan oleh kalangan intelektual, tokoh ulama dan pergerakan Islam.Diantara mereka ada yang memulai dari segi ekonomi dengan cara mendirikan bank yang bebas riba atau dikenal dengan Bank Syari’ah/Bank Islam. Bank ini mulai dirintis sejak tahun 1963 diSaudi Arabiadiprakarsai oleh Raja Faisal. Disusul Malasyia (1 Juli 1963), di Mesir Bank Sosial Naser, kemudian tahun 1975 berdiri Dubai Islamic Bank dan Islamic Development Bank diprakarsai oleh OKI dan masih banyak lainnya termasuk Bank Syari’ah Mandiri Pamekasan juga Bank Muamalat di Surabaya.Bank Syari’ah/Bank Islam merupakan hal baru di dunia perbankan yang mungkin belum begitu familiar bagi sebagian masyarakat dibandingkan pendahulunya; Bank Konvensional. Oleh karena itu tidaklah berlebihan bila Bank Islam harus lebih ekstra memperkenalkan diri (sosialisasi) agar lebih dikenal oleh masyarakat luas terutama komunitas muslim itu sendiri meskipun Bank Islam terbuka untuk umum, muslim dan non muslim dengan cara mengenal produknya yang variatif. Tulisan ini akan membahas 2 produk Bank Syari’ah; Musyarakah dan Murabahah

    Peran strategis Ulama dalam Sosialisasi Bank Syariah

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    Clerics is a leader who has the charisma in the eyes of society. What is said, exemplified by clerics be an interesting thing for the community. He holds a very glorious and special viz as the inheritors of the Prophet. As the inheritors of the Prophet. As heir of the Prophet, Clerics have the roles, functions, and strategic position in delivering a moral message to the nation due to its position this glorious, people glorify and personifying them. All the words and actions of the clerics bocome a role model of its community. One of functions of the clergy is to preach (suggest to do good deeds / merits) and away from the prohibitions of Allah ((nahi-munkar) in the affairs of religious, social, political, cultural, and others. In the field of economics known as Muamalah Maliyah rarely this role functionalized and submitted to societies. Aspects of material / study propaganda theologian still struggling in the field of fiqh be only, not much touching economics. Therefore, Clerics are expected to maximize their role in the community with a way to invite people carry out economic activities in accordance with Islamic law through the dissemination of Syari’a Banking which is one of many Syari’a Transactions. This aspect has not been widely communicated to the public


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    Business realm is a field that promise the doer a large profit. Even so, it is commonly recognized that most of business  persons commit the dishonest and unfair actions. They are even careless of norm-ethic and business regulation to gain an utmost profit but provide smallest amount capital. This secular concept emerges counterfeit or fake such as unauthorized copying, reproduction, hiring, lending etc. The act of fake could be indentified in the following cases, counterfeiting cosmetic products, medical-traditional herbs mixing with white cement, illegal expiring food, gelatinized milk. These gives negative impact to the costumers economically and healthily.  Then, this article is about to discuss the moral decadence of business person, Islamic view on business, business ethic, the essence of illegal transaction in order to avoid a prohibited syara’. It includes al-akl bi al-bâthil, ribâ, gharar , al-Quran terminologies, to explain an illegal business that it is an action ofstripping anyone else’s rights by consuming an authorized (haram)things


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    Investasi dalam Islam merupakan kegiatan yang sangat dianjurkan. Hal ini secara eksplisit tertuang dalam berbagai ayat seperti QS. Al-Hasyr:18, QS. Lukman : 34, QS. Al-Baqarah : 261, Qs. Al-Nisa' 9, dan lain-lain. Tidak semua jenis investasi diperbolahkan dalam Islam. Hanya investasi yang sesuai dalam ajaran Islam yang boleh diikuti oleh investor muslim. Prinsip-prinsip tersebut meliputi jenis usaha dan transaksi yang harus mengikuti norma-norma syariah Islam. Artinya, pada jenis usaha, produk atau jasa yang diberikan serta cara pengelolaan perusahaan emiten bukan usaha yang dilarang oleh syari'at seperti usaha perjudian, perdagangan yang dilarang : bukan ke uangan ribawi atau perbankan dan asuransi konvensional :  bukan produsen distributor serta pedagang makanan dan minuman yang diharamkan ; bukan usaha/perusahaan baik produsen maupun distributor yang menyediakan barang atau jasa yang bisa merusak moral dan bersifat mudarat. Begitu pula dengan jenis transaksinya harus dilakukan dengan prinsip sangat hati-hati, tidak boleh melakukan spekulasi yang didalamnya ada unsur-unsur gharar, gharar, maysir, dzulm, tadlis, dan sebagainya. Maraknya kasus-kasus investasi bodong dengan kedok investasi menyadarkan kita, apa sebenarnya  investasi dalam Islam. Tulisan ini mencoba mengeksplornya

    Peran Strategis Ulama Dalam Sosialisasi Bank Syariah

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    Clerics is a leader who has the charisma in the eyes of society. What is said, exemplified by clerics be an interesting thing for the community. He holds a very glorious and special viz as the inheritors of the Prophet. As the inheritors of the Prophet. As heir of the Prophet, Clerics have the roles, functions, and strategic position in delivering a moral message to the nation due to its position this glorious, people glorify and personifying them. All the words and actions of the clerics bocome a role model of its community. One of functions of the clergy is to preach (suggest to do good deeds / merits) and away from the prohibitions of Allah ((nahi-munkar) in the affairs of religious, social, political, cultural, and others. In the field of economics known as Muamalah Maliyah rarely this role functionalized and submitted to societies. Aspects of material / study propaganda theologian still struggling in the field of fiqh be only, not much touching economics. Therefore, Clerics are expected to maximize their role in the community with a way to invite people carry out economic activities in accordance with Islamic law through the dissemination of Syari'a Banking which is one of many Syari'a Transactions. This aspect has not been widely communicated to the public

    Investasi Dalam Islam

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    Investasi dalam Islam merupakan kegiatan yang sangat dianjurkan. Hal ini secara eksplisit tertuang dalam berbagai ayat seperti QS. Al-Hasyr:18, QS. Lukman : 34, QS. Al-Baqarah : 261, Qs. Al-Nisa' 9, dan lain-lain. Tidak semua jenis investasi diperbolahkan dalam Islam. Hanya investasi yang sesuai dalam ajaran Islam yang boleh diikuti oleh investor muslim. Prinsip-prinsip tersebut meliputi jenis USAha dan transaksi yang harus mengikuti norma-norma syariah Islam. Artinya, pada jenis USAha, produk atau jasa yang diberikan serta cara pengelolaan Perusahaan emiten bukan USAha yang dilarang oleh syari'at seperti USAha perjudian, perdagangan yang dilarang : bukan ke uangan ribawi atau perbankan dan asuransi konvensional : bukan produsen distributor serta pedagang makanan dan minuman yang diharamkan ; bukan USAha/Perusahaan baik produsen maupun distributor yang menyediakan barang atau jasa yang bisa merusak moral dan bersifat mudarat. Begitu pula dengan jenis transaksinya harus dilakukan dengan prinsip sangat hati-hati, tidak boleh melakukan spekulasi yang didalamnya ada unsur-unsur gharar, gharar, maysir, dzulm, tadlis, dan sebagainya. Maraknya kasus-kasus investasi bodong dengan kedok investasi menyadarkan kita, apa sebenarnya investasi dalam Islam. Tulisan ini mencoba mengeksplornya

    Strategi Promosi Produk Asuransi Jiwadi PT Prudential Syariah Cabang Binjai

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    Business competition in today's modern era is increasing and also fierce, where every company is required to carry out attractive promotional strategies in order to get and attract customers. In this case, researchers are interested in researching sharia insurance products, namely life insurance. Which is where the purpose of this study is to find out what promotional strategies can be used by companies to attract customers. Because promotion is very necessary for the company because on the one hand it convinces consumers of the products offered, while on the other hand it determines the success of the company in facing competition in the market. In the context of business competition, each company makes maximum efforts to implement marketing strategies in order to increase product sales and maintain its name and market share
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