12 research outputs found

    Influence of glycemic control on the levels of subgingival periodontal pathogens in patients with generalized chronic periodontitis and type 2 diabetes

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    Abstract Objective This study evaluated the influence of glycemic control on the levels and frequency of subgingival periodontal pathogens in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) and generalized chronic periodontitis (ChP). Material and Methods Fifty-six patients with generalized ChP and type 2 DM were assigned according to the levels of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) into one of the following groups: HbA1c<8% (n=28) or HbA1c&#8805;8% (n=28). Three subgingival biofilm samples from sites with probing depth (PD)<5 mm and three samples from sites with PD&#8805;5 mm were analyzed by quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for the presence and levels of Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, Treponema denticola, Eubacterium nodatum, Parvimona micra, Fusobacterium nucleatum ssp. and Prevotella intermedia. Results The mean counts of F. nucleatum ssp. were statistically significantly higher in the sites with PD&#8805;5 mm of the HbA1c&#8805;8% group (p<0.05). Frequencies of detection of T. forsythia, E. nodatum, P. micra and F. nucleatum ssp. were all higher in the sites with PD&#8805;5 mm of the patients with HbA1c&#8805;8%, compared with those of patients with HbA1c<8% (p<0.05). Frequency of detection of P. intermedia was higher in the sites with PD<5 mm of the patients with HbA1c&#8805;8% than those of the patients with HbA1c<8% (p<0.05). Conclusions Poor glycemic control, as indicated by HbA1c&#8805;8%, is associated with increased levels and frequencies of periodontal pathogens in the subgingival biofilm of subjects with type 2 DM and ChP

    Wpływ jakości CO<sub>2</sub> na młodą sałatę uprawianą pod zoptymalizowanym spektrum światła

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    The cost and yield are two the most important criteria in agriculture by which optimization of environmental factors are needed to carry out. In the present study, we investigated the efficient lighting spectrum and elevated CO2 concentration for cultivating healthier plants more rapidly. One of the aims of our study is to optimize LEDs light spectrum for healthier vegetable production in greenhouses and maximum economical benefits for growers. The impact of elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration on antioxidant and nutritional properties of green leaf ‘Multigreen 3’ and red leaf ‘Multired 4’ baby leaf lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), grown under optimized light spectrum was investigated. CO2 concentrations of 0.963 g · dm-3and 1.938 g · dm-3 were maintained in the growth chambers. Lettuce was grown under four wavelength (640, 455, 660 and 735 nm) light-emitting diode based (LED) illumination. Under 0.963 g · dm-3 CO2 conditions, ‘Multired 4’ lettuce represented higher antioxidant value due to higher ascorbic acid, anthocyanin, tocopherol contents and higher sucrose concentration, as compared to ‘Multigreen 3’ lettuce. Higher CO2 concentration (1.938 g · dm-3) had uneven effect on the quality of both baby leaf lettuce cultivars. Red leaf lettuce reacted to the higher CO2 level by lowered D tocopherol, ascorbic acid concentrations and significantly higher glucose contents in their leaves, when green leaf lettuce – contrarily – contained higher ascorbic acid and D tocopherol concentrations under 1.938 g · dm-3 of CO2.Koszty i plon to dwa najważniejsze kryteria w rolnictwie, według których należy wybierać optymalne czynniki środowiska. W niniejszym badaniu oceniano spektrum światła i podwyższone stężenie CO2 w celu szybszej hodowli zdrowych roślin. Jednym z celów badania było zoptymalizowanie spektrum światła LED w celu produkcji zdrowszych warzyw w cieplarniach oraz dla maksymalnych korzyści ekonomicznych hodowców. Badano wpływ podwyższonego stężenia dwutlenku węgla (CO2) na cechy anytoksydacyjne i żywieniowe młodej sałaty zielonej ‘Multigreen 3’ i czerwonej ‘Multired 4’ (Lactuca sativa L.) hodowanych w warunkach zoptymalizowanego spektrum światła. W komorach wzrostu utrzymywano stężenia CO2 wynoszące 0,963 g · dm-3 oraz 1,938 g · dm-3. Sałata wzrastała oświetlana diodą emitującą światło (LED) o czterech długościach fal (640, 455, 660 i 735 nm). W warunkach 0,963 g · dm-3 CO2 sałata ‘Multired 4’ miara większą wartość antyoksydacyjną ze względu na wyższy poziom kwasu askorbinowego, antocyjanin, tokoferolu oraz wyższe stężenie sacharozy w porównaniu z sałatą ‘Multigreen 3’. Wyższe stężenie CO2 (1,938 g · dm-3) miało nierówny wpływ na jakości obu odmian sałaty. Sałata czerwona reagowała na wyższy poziom CO2 obniżonym Į-tokoferolem i stężeniem kwasu askorbinowego oraz istotnie wyższą zawartością glukozy w liściach, natomiast zielona sałata miała wyższe stężenie kwasu askorbinowego i Į-tokoferolu w warunkach 1,938 g · dm-3 of CO2

    Effect of supplemental UV-A irradiation in solid-state lighting on the growth and phytochemical content of microgreens

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    In this study, we sought to find and employ positive effects of UV-A irradiation on cultivation and quality of microgreens. Therefore, the goal of our study was to investigate the influence of 366, 390, and 402 nm UV-A LED wavelengths, supplemental for the basal solid-state lighting system at two UV-A irradiation levels on the growth and phytochemical contents of different microgreen plants. Depending on the species, supplemental UV-A irradiation can improve antioxidant properties of microgreens. In many cases, a significant increase in the investigated phytochemicals was found under 366 and 390 nm UV-A wavelengths at the photon flux density (12.4 μmol m-2 s-1). The most pronounced effect of supplemental UV-A irradiation was detected in pak choi microgreens. Almost all supplemental UV-A irradiation treatments resulted in increased leaf area and fresh weight, in higher 2,2–diphenyl–1–picrylhydrazyl free-radical scavenging activity, total phenols, anthocyanins, ascorbic acid, and α-tocopherol

    Effect of supplemental UV-A irradiation in solid-state lighting on the growth and phytochemical content of microgreens

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    In this study, we sought to find and employ positive effects of UV-A irradiation on cultivation and quality of microgreens. Therefore, the goal of our study was to investigate the influence of 366, 390, and 402 nm UV-A LED wavelengths, supplemental for the basal solid-state lighting system at two UV-A irradiation levels on the growth and phytochemical contents of different microgreen plants. Depending on the species, supplemental UV-A irradiation can improve antioxidant properties of microgreens. In many cases, a significant increase in the investigated phytochemicals was found under 366 and 390 nm UV-A wavelengths at the photon flux density (12.4 μmol m-2 s-1). The most pronounced effect of supplemental UV-A irradiation was detected in pak choi microgreens. Almost all supplemental UV-A irradiation treatments resulted in increased leaf area and fresh weight, in higher 2,2–diphenyl–1–picrylhydrazyl free-radical scavenging activity, total phenols, anthocyanins, ascorbic acid, and α-tocopherol

    Application of heat and a home exercise program for pain and function levels in patients with knee osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled trial

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    Aim This study aimed to determine the effect of application of superficial local heat and a home exercise program on pain and function levels to patients with bilateral knee osteoarthritis. Methods This study was conducted in Turkey between January 2014 and February 2015. The sample group of the study consisted of 62 patients with osteoarthritis; 15 assigned to heat application, 15 to exercise, 15 to exercise after heat application, and 17 for the control group. While the patients in the control group received routine treatment only, the patients in the intervention group were treated with heat application, exercise, or exercise after heat application, suggested for 5 days a week for 4 weeks in addition to routine treatment. Results In this study, all of the intervention groups had decreases in Visual Analogue Scale Pain and Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index pain, stiffness, and function scores when compared with the control group. It was found that this decrease in Visual Analogue Scale Pain and Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index scores was mostly in the exercise group, but this condition was not statistically significant. Conclusions As a result, it is recommended that nurses train patients with osteoarthritis on heat application and home exercises and encourage them to apply these practices

    What is the influence of tonsillectomy on the level of periodontal pathogens on the tongue dorsum and in periodontal pockets

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    Abstract Background For periodontal treatment, the full mouth disinfection approach suggests disinfection of oral soft tissues, such as tongue and tonsils concomitant to scaling and root planning since patients might benefit from treatment of these oral niches either. Periodontopathogenes in tonsillar tissue support this hypothesis. This prospective controlled clinical study investigated the change in the oral flora of patients who underwent tonsillectomy. Pockets were tested for eleven bacterial species before and six weeks after the surgical intervention. Methods Fifty generally healthy adults were included in this study. The test group consisted of 25 patients with tonsillectomy. The control group included 25 patients with otorhinolarynologic surgery without involvement of the oral cavity. Clinical parameters such as probing pocket depth, bleeding-on-probing index and plaque index were registered the evening before surgery. Also bacterial samples from the gingival sulcus and dorsum linguae were taken, and an additional sample from the removed tonsils in the test group. Six weeks after the intervention microbial samples of pockets and tongue were taken again. Data were tested for significant differences using Wilcoxon rank and Whitney-u-test. Results No relevant intra- or intergroup differences were found for the change of the eleven investigated species. Conclusion Based on the results of the present study, tonsillectomy does not seem to have an immediate relevant effect on the bacterial flora of tongue or periodontium. This study design was approved by the ethical committee of Zurich (KEK-ZH-Nr.2013–0419). Trial registration The trial was retrospectively registered in the German Clinical Trials Register (DRK00014077) on February 20, 2018