478 research outputs found

    Deep Selection: A Fully Supervised Camera Selection Network for Surgery Recordings

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    Recording surgery in operating rooms is an essential task for education and evaluation of medical treatment. However, recording the desired targets, such as the surgery field, surgical tools, or doctor's hands, is difficult because the targets are heavily occluded during surgery. We use a recording system in which multiple cameras are embedded in the surgical lamp, and we assume that at least one camera is recording the target without occlusion at any given time. As the embedded cameras obtain multiple video sequences, we address the task of selecting the camera with the best view of the surgery. Unlike the conventional method, which selects the camera based on the area size of the surgery field, we propose a deep neural network that predicts the camera selection probability from multiple video sequences by learning the supervision of the expert annotation. We created a dataset in which six different types of plastic surgery are recorded, and we provided the annotation of camera switching. Our experiments show that our approach successfully switched between cameras and outperformed three baseline methods.Comment: MICCAI 202

    Theoretical and experimental investigation of the atomic and electronic structures at the 4H-SiC(0001)/SiO2 interface

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    Density functional theory calculations are carried out to investigate the atomic and electronic structures of the 4H-SiC(0001)/SiO2 interface. We find two characteristic interface atomic structures in scanning transmission electron microscopy images: One is an interface in which the density of atoms at the first interfacial SiC bilayer is greater than that in the SiC substrate, while the other is an interface where the density of atoms at the first interfacial SiC bilayer is lower. Density functional theory calculations reveal that the difference in the scanning transmission electron microscopy images is a reflection of the atomic structures of these two interfaces. In addition, it has been reported that the floating states, which appear at the conduction band edge of a 4H-SiC(0001)/SiO2 interface, affect the electronic structure of the interface and cause marked scattering of the electrons flowing along the interface [S. Iwase, C. J. Kirkham, and T. Ono, Phys. Rev. B 95, 041302(R) (2017)]. Interestingly, we find that the floating states do not appear at the conduction band edge of one of the two interfaces. These results provide physical insights into understanding and controlling the electronic structure and carrier mobility of electronic devices using wide-band-gap semiconductors

    Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) Operation Summary

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    The Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) is a joint U.S. and Japan mission to observe tropical rainfall, which was launched by H-II No. 6 from Tanegashima in Japan at 6:27 JST on November 28, 1997. After the two-month commissioning of TRMM satellite and instruments, the original nominal mission lifetime was three years. In fact, the operations has continued for approximately 17.5 years. This paper provides a summary of the long term operations of TRMM

    Superoxide Anion Radical Scavenging Activities of Herbs and Pastures in Northern Japan Determined Using Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometry

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    Free radicals are not only destructive to the living cells but also reduce the quality of animal products through oxidation. As a result the superoxide anion radical (O2・-), one of the most destructive reactive oxygen species, is a matter of concern for the animal scientists as well as feed manufacturers to ensure the quality of product to reach consumers demand. The superoxide anion radical scavenging activities (SOSA) of water and MeOH extracts of 2 herbs and 9 pasture samples collected from lowland and highland swards were determined against a 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyroline-N-oxide-O2・-spin adduct based on a hypoxanthine-xanthine oxidase reaction using electron spin resonance spectrometry. Both the water and MeOH extracted SOSA differed among the herbs and pastures. Species and altitudinal variations were observed between extraction methods. The herbs were higher in both water and MeOH extracted SOSA than the pastures except for water extracts of one pasture, white clover (Trifolium repens L.). Among the pastures, quackgrass (Agrophyron repens L.) showed higher SOSA in both the MeOH and water extracts, and timothy (Phleum pretense L.) showed higher MeOH extracted SOSA. It is apparent that the kind and amount of antioxidants differ among herbs and pastures. Animal health and quality of animal products could be improved by adequate selection and combining of herbs and pastures having higher SOSA

    大阪産業大学スポーツ健康学科に所属する学生の水泳能力の実態 : 温水プールの必要性

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    2008年から2011年にスポーツ健康学科に所属し,4年間に実施された水泳受講生の泳力と他のスポーツ系学部に所属する学生の泳力が比較された。水泳の授業(卒業必修)は,7日間の集中授業形式実施された。1回の講義と3時間の実技を7回で授業が,構成された。クロールと平泳ぎについて12分間泳と100mのタイムが,計測された。結果は,以下にまとめられた:1) 大阪産業大学スポーツ健康学科に所属する学生の4年間の100m平均タイムは,クロールで1:58.05, 平泳で2:29.88, 12分間泳は500.3m(クロール),474.6m(平泳)であった。2) 2種目ともに女子学生より男子学生は,泳力がすぐれていた。3) 他のスポーツ系学部の男子・女子大学生は,大阪産業大学スポーツ健康学科学生より速く・遠くに泳ぐことが可能である。他のスポーツ系学部の大学生と同じ程度の泳力を身につけるには,温水プールが必要である。The purpose of this study was to compare the swimming ability of Osaka Sangyo University students enrolled from 2008 to 2011 in the department of sport and health sciences with the swimming ability other college sports students. There was a sevenday intensive course with a three-hour lesson in every class. Swimming abilities were measured by 100m swim time and 12-minute swimming of crawl stroke and breast stroke. Swimming class consists of a lecture and 7 actual lessons. College sports students have to be a good swimmer until graduation as they are to be a teacher of physical education. The results of this investigation were as follows. 1) Osaka Sangyo University students were able to swim the 100m crawl in 1:58.05 and the 100m breast stroke in 2:29.88. The 12-minute swimming distances were 500.3m (crawl stroke) and 474.6m (breast stroke), respectively. Male students were able to swim faster, longer than female students. 2) We need a swimming pool because the swimming ability of Osaka Sangyo University students who belong to be the department of sport and health sciences is not faster than other college sports students. In order to match the swimming ability of other college sports students, Osaka Sangyo University requires a heated swimming pool

    Nongyrotropic electron velocity distribution functions near the lunar surface

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    We have analyzed nongyrotropic electron velocity distribution functions (VDFs) obtained near the lunar surface. Electron VDFs, measured at ∼10–100 km altitude by Kaguya in both the solar wind and the Earth's magnetosphere, exhibit nongyrotropic empty regions associated with the ‘gyroloss’ effect; i.e., electron absorption by the lunar surface combined with electron gyromotion. Particle-trace calculations allow us to derive theoretical forbidden regions in the electron VDFs, thereby taking into account the modifications due to nonuniform magnetic fields caused by diamagnetic-current systems, lunar-surface charging, and electric fields perpendicular to the magnetic field. Comparison between the observed empty regions with the theoretically derived forbidden regions suggests that various components modify the characteristics of the nongyrotropic electron VDFs depending on the ambient-plasma conditions. On the lunar nightside in the magnetotail lobes, negative surface potentials slightly reduce the size of the forbidden regions, but there are no distinct effects of either the diamagnetic current or perpendicular electric fields. On the dayside in the solar wind, the observations suggest the presence of either the diamagnetic-current or solar wind convection electric field effects, or both. In the terrestrial plasma sheet, all three mechanisms can substantially modify the characteristics of the forbidden regions. The observations imply the presence of a local electric field of at least 5 mV/m although the mechanism responsible for production of such a strong electric field is unknown. Analysis of nongyrotropic VDFs associated with the gyroloss effect near solid surfaces can promote a better understanding of the near-surface plasma environment and of plasma–solid-surface interactions

    Comparative study of the inial spikes of SGR giant flares in 1998 and 2004 observed with GEOTAIL: Do magnetospheric instabilities trigger large scale fracturing of magnetar's crust?

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    We present the unsaturated peak profile of SGR 1900+14 giant flare on 1998 August 27. This was obtained by particle counters of the Low Energy Particle instrument onboard the GEOTAIL spacecraft. The observed peak profile revealed four characteristic structures: initial steep rise, intermediate rise to the peak, exponential decay and small hump in the decay phase. From this light curve, we found that the isotropic peak luminosity was 2.3×10462.3\times10^{46} erg s1^{-1} and the total energy was 4.3×10444.3 \times 10^{44} erg s1^{-1} (EE\gtrsim 50 keV), assuming that the distance to SGR 1900+14 is 15 kpc and that the spectrum is optically thin thermal bremsstrahlung with kT=kT = 240 keV. These are consistent with the previously reported lower limits derived from Ulysses and Konus-Wind observations. A comparative study of the initial spikes of SGR 1900+14 giant flare in 1998 and SGR 1806-20 in 2004 is also presented. The timescale of the initial steep rise shows the magnetospheric origin, while the timescale of the intermediate rise to the peak indicates that it originates from the crustal fracturing. Finally, we argue that the four structures and their corresponding timescales provide a clue to identify extragalactic SGR giant flares among short GRBs.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, accepted by ApJ