680 research outputs found

    Time for a Marketing Curriculum Overhaul: Developing a Digital-First Approach

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    Academic programs and educators face numerous challenges related to teaching digital marketing. Today, the world of marketing is digital and marketing programs have struggled to maintain pace with the changes influencing marketing practice. The authors describe the M-School program at Loyola Marymount University, a program developed to address this challenge by placing digital marketing at the center of the curriculum. Through experiential learning and project-based learning, M-School courses expose students to real-life challenges involving ways in which companies and organizations generate consumer awareness, demand, and value given the significant digital shifts taking place in technology and consumer behavior. The authors highlight the creation of a digital-first curriculum that is aligned with industry practice and helps students develop the skills needed to become future proof and real-world ready. Quantitative and qualitative assessment over a three-year period points to the success of the M-School program in preparing students for careers in marketing. Lessons for the development of marketing curricula include the role of new course development, the need to integrate digital within existing courses, the role of a project-based learning approach with measurable outcomes, and the potential for designing transdisciplinary courses to foster students’ creative, critical thinking, communication, and collaborative skills

    Effects of domestic material consumption, renewable energy, and financial development on environmental sustainability in the EU-28 : Evidence from a GMM panel-VAR

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    Despite the high commitments of the European Union (EU) member countries toward achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs), on average, the region has reportedly under performed in the area of ensuring sustainable production and consumption. This paper uses the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimation of panel vector autoregressive (PVAR) with impulse response functions (IMFs) to assess the effects of domestic material consumption, renewable energy, financial development, and greenhouse gas emissions on environmental quality in the EU-28 countries based on the panel data for the period 2000:Q1–2017:Q4. The empirical results reveal that the shocks to domestic material consumption, renewable energy, economic growth, financial development, and greenhouse gas emissions affect the drives towards a sustainable environment. Particularly, the shocks to renewable energy and financial development improve environmental quality, while the shocks to domestic material consumption and greenhouse gas emission deteriorate environment quality. The shock to economic growth improves environmental quality up to the 4th horizon after which it begins to deteriorate environment quality. Furthermore, the panel causality results indicate bidirectional causality between greenhouse gas emissions and the rest of the variables except renewable energy, which is unidirectional. The causality between economic growth and renewable energy, economic growth and financial development, and financial development and renewable energy has a feedback effect while a unidirectional causality flows from economic growth to domestic material consumption. These findings have implications for sustainable production and consumption.©2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Design verification testing methodology for new Rosemount pH sensor

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    While pH instrumentation has advanced over the past few years, there continue to be challenges with this critical measurement. The Rosemount 550pH sensor addresses many of these challenges. The Rosemount sensor is a best-in-class sensor designed for bag applications such as those found in single-use bioreactor applications. A key feature of the sensor is its unique wet-storage technology. This innovative approach drives many user benefits including industry-leading stability and accuracy, a highly sensitive measurement, two-year shelf-life (Figure 1), and zero wet-in time. With this sensor, time-consuming, multi-point calibration is no longer required (Figure 2). The 550pH is very simple to start-up, requiring only a single-point standardization. It allows a user to check the sensor anywhere along the supply chain providing confidence that the sensor will work before starting a batch. This paper will describe the rigorous analysis and testing that validates these benefits. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Nonlinear aspects of the EEG during sleep in children

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    Electroencephalograph (EEG) analysis enables the neuronal behavior of a section of the brain to be examined. If the behavior is nonlinear then nonlinear tools can be used to glean information on brain behavior, and aid in the diagnosis of sleep abnormalities such as obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). In this paper the sleep EEGs of a set of normal and mild OSAS children are evaluated for nonlinear behaviour. We consider how the behaviour of the brain changes with sleep stage and between normal and OSAS children.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, 4 table

    Viability-based computation of spatially constrained minimum time trajectories for an autonomous underwater vehicle: implementation and experiments.

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    A viability algorithm is developed to compute the constrained minimum time function for general dynamical systems. The algorithm is instantiated for a specific dynamics(Dubin’s vehicle forced by a flow field) in order to numerically solve the minimum time problem. With the specific dynamics considered, the framework of hybrid systems enables us to solve the problem efficiently. The algorithm is implemented in C using epigraphical techniques to reduce the dimension of the problem. The feasibility of this optimal trajectory algorithm is tested in an experiment with a Light Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (LAUV) system. The hydrodynamics of the LAUV are analyzed in order to develop a low-dimension vehicle model. Deployment results from experiments performed in the Sacramento River in California are presented, which show good performance of the algorithm.trajectories; underwater vehicle; viability algorithm; hybrid systems; implementation;

    2004-2005 A Family Holiday Concert

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    Lynn University Conservatory of Music presents A Family Holiday Concerthttps://spiral.lynn.edu/conservatory_philharmonia/1054/thumbnail.jp