348 research outputs found

    Excentricité et forme des sections transversales de bois. Définitions, méthodologie, exemples sur l'épicéa commun (Picea abies Karst.)

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    Cette note fait le point sur plusieurs définitions importantes lorsqu'il s'agit de caractériser l'asymétrie de la croissance du bois en section transversale. Lorsque le contour des rondelles est discrétisé par intersection avec un certain nombre de rayons pairs (2n) équirépartis en direction sur [0.2pi) et originaires de la moelle, il est possible de définir le centre de gravité des points, de la surface et du contour. Ces points sont généralement distincts et sensibles au nombre de rayons utilisés ainsi qu'à leurs orientations. Pour calculer l'excentricité (position de la moelle par rapport au centre de gravité de la surface de la rondelle), ou le méplat (rapport entre le plus grand diamÚtre de la rondelle et son perpendiculaire, passants tous deux par le centre de la rondelle) l'utilisation de I'un ou l'autre de ces points donne des résultats trÚs différents. Les applications sont réalisées pour des figures géométriques simples (cercle. ellipse) et pour 168 rondelles d'épicéa commu

    Multivariate dynamic model for ordinal outcomes

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    Individual or stand-level biomass is not easy to measure. The current methods employed, based on cutting down a representative sample of plantations, make it possible to assess the biomasses for various compartments (bark, dead branches, leaves, . . .). However, this felling makes individual longitudinal follow-up impossible. In this context, we propose a method to evaluate individual biomasses by compartments when these biomasses are taken as ordinals. Biomass is measured visually and observations are therefore not destructive. The technique is based on a probit model redefined in terms of latent variables. A generalization of the univariate case to the multivariate case is then natural and takes into account the dependency between compartment biomasses. These models are then extended to the longitudinal case by developing a Dynamic Multivariate Ordinal Probit Model. The performance of the MCMC algorithm used for the estimation is illustrated by means of simulations built from known biomass models. The quality of the estimates and the impact of certain parameters, are then discussed

    Conventional analysis methods underestimate the plant-available pools of calcium, magnesium and potassium in forest soils

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    The plant-available pools of calcium, magnesium and potassium are assumed to be stored in the soil as exchangeable cations adsorbed on the cation exchange complex. In numerous forest ecosystems, despite very low plant-available pools, elevated forest productivities are sustained. We hypothesize that trees access nutrient sources in the soil that are currently unaccounted by conventional soil analysis methods. We carried out an isotopic dilution assay to quantify the plant-available pools of calcium, magnesium and potassium and trace the soil phases that support these pools in 143 individual soil samples covering 3 climatic zones and 5 different soil types. For 81%, 87% and 90% of the soil samples (respectively for Ca, Mg and K), the plant-available pools measured by isotopic dilution were greater than the conventional exchangeable pool. This additional pool is most likely supported by secondary non-crystalline mineral phases in interaction with soil organic matter and represents in many cases (respectively 43%, 27% and 47% of the soil samples) a substantial amount of plant-available nutrient cations (50% greater than the conventional exchangeable pools) that is likely to play an essential role in the biogeochemical functioning of forest ecosystems, in particular when the resources of Ca, Mg and K are low

    Clinical epidemiology of laboratory-confirmed Buruli ulcer in Benin: a cohort study

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    Background Buruli ulcer, caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans, was identifi ed as a neglected emerging infectious disease by WHO in 1998. Although Buruli ulcer is the third most common mycobacterial disease worldwide, understanding of the disease is incomplete. We analysed a large cohort of laboratory-confi rmed cases of Buruli ulcer from PobĂš, Benin, to provide a comprehensive description of the clinical presentation of the disease, its variation with age and sex, and its eff ect on the occurrence of permanent functional sequelae. Methods Between Jan 1, 2005, and Dec 31, 2011, we prospectively collected clinical and laboratory data from all patients with Buruli ulcer diagnosed at the Centre de DĂ©pistage et de Traitement de l’UlcĂšre de Buruli in PobĂš, Benin. We followed up patients to assess the frequency of permanent functional sequelae. All analyses were done on cases that were laboratory confi rmed. Findings 1227 cases of laboratory-confi rmed Buruli ulcer were included in the analysis. Typically, patients with Buruli ulcer were children (median age at diagnosis 12 years) presenting with a unique (1172 [96%]) large (≄15 cm, 444 [36%]) ulcerative (805 [66%]) lesion of the lower limb (733 [60%]). Atypical clinical presentation of Buruli ulcer included Buruli ulcer osteomyelitis with no identifi able present or past Buruli ulcer skin lesions, which was recorded in at least 14 patients. The sex ratio of Buruli ulcer widely varied with age, with male patients accounting for 57% (n=427) of patients aged 15 years and younger, but only 33% (n=158) of those older than 15 years (odds ratio [OR] 2·59, 95% CI 2·04–3·30). Clinical presentation of Buruli ulcer was signifi cantly dependent on age and sex. 54 (9%) male patients had Buruli ulcer osteomyelitis, whereas only 28 (4%) of female patients did (OR 2·21, 95% CI 1·39–3·59). 1 year after treatment, 229 (22% of 1043 with follow-up information) patients presented with permanent functional sequelae. Presentation with oedema, osteomyelitis, or large (≄15 cm in diameter), or multifocal lesions was signifi cantly associated with occurrence of permanent functional sequelae (OR 7·64, 95% CI 5·29–11·31) and operationally defi nes severe Buruli ulcer. Interpretation Our fi ndings have important clinical implications for daily practice, including enhanced surveillance for early detection of osteomyelitis in boys; systematic search for M ulcerans in osteomyelitis cases of non-specifi c aspect in areas endemic for Buruli ulcer; and specifi c disability prevention for patients presenting with osteomyelitis, oedema, or multifocal or large lesions. Our fi ndings also suggest a crucial underestimation of the burden of Buruli ulcer in Africa and raise key questions about the contribution of environmental and physiopathological factors to the recorded heterogeneity of the clinical presentation of Buruli ulcer

    Modeling soil organic carbon dynamics in temperate forests with Yasso07

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    In a context of global changes, modeling and predicting the dynamics of soil carbon stocks (CSs) in forest ecosystems are vital but challenging. Yasso07 is considered to be one of the most promising models for such a purpose. We examine the accuracy of its prediction of soil carbon dynamics over the whole French metropolitan territory at a decennial timescale. We used data from 101 sites in the RENECOFOR network, which encompasses most of the French temperate forests. These data include (i) the quantity of above-ground litterfall from 1994 to 2008, measured yearly, and (ii) the soil CSs measured twice at an interval of approximately 15 years (once in the early 1990s and around 2010). We used Yasso07 to simulate the annual changes in carbon stocks (ACCs; in tC ha−1 yr−1) for each site and then compared the estimates with actual recorded data. We carried out meta-analyses to reveal the variability in litter biochemistry in different tree organs for conifers and broadleaves. We also performed sensitivity analyses to explore Yasso07's sensitivity to annual litter inputs and model initialization settings. At the national level, the simulated ACCs (+0.00±0.07 tC ha−1 yr−1, mean ± SE) were of the same order of magnitude as the observed ones (+0.34±0.06 tC ha−1 yr−1). However, the correlation between predicted and measured ACCs remained weak (R2<0.1). There was significant overestimation for broadleaved stands and underestimation for coniferous sites. Sensitivity analyses showed that the final estimated CS was strongly affected by settings in the model initialization, including litter and soil carbon quantity and quality and also by simulation length. Carbon quality set with the partial steady-state assumption gave a better fit than the model with the complete steady-state assumption. With Yasso07 as the support model, we showed that there is currently a bottleneck in soil carbon modeling and prediction due to a lack of knowledge or data on soil carbon quality and fine-root quantity in the litter
