68 research outputs found

    Ympäristöherkkyyden hoidon ja kuntoutuksen järjestäminen Suomessa

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    Ympäristöherkkyys voi aiheuttaa merkittävää kärsimystä ja haittaa. Useat suomalaiset ja eurooppalaiset tahot, mukaan lukien Euroopan parlamentti, ovat esittäneet, että ympäristöherkkyyteen tulisi kiinnittää aiempaa enemmän huomiota. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön ympäristöherkkyysverkosto on todennut, että ympäristöherkkyyden tunnistusta terveydenhuollossa tulee parantaa ja hoitomalleja kehittää. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön toimeksiannosta Työterveyslaitoksella on laadittu ehdotus (2016) ympäristöherkkyyden hoidon ja kuntoutuksen järjestämisestä Suomessa

    Toimintakykyä rajoittava sisäilmaoireisto

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    Työterveyslaitos sai Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitokselta toimeksiannon arvioida sisäilmasta vakavasti sairastuneiden määrää ja miten sisäilmaongelmista kärsivät ihmiset ovat saaneet hoitoa tai sosiaalietuuksia ja miten heidän työkykyään on pyritty edistämään ml. sen, millaisia kuntoutustoimia on tehty tai on suunnitteilla. Tavoitteena oli koota käytettävissä oleva tieto ja kuvata tämänhetkiset käytännöt. Julkisen keskustelun perusteella ei ole selvää, mitä tarkoitetaan, kun puhutaan sisäilmasta vakavasti sairastuneista. Sisäympäristön altisteet ja olosuhteet voivat selittää ohimeneviä oireita, jotka korjaantuvat, kun olosuhteet saatetaan kuntoon. Luvussa 2 kuvattu lyhyesti sisäilmaan liittyvät terveysvaikutukset. On ihmisiä, joilla on rakennusten sisäilmaongelmiin liittyen invalidisoivia, toimintakykyä pitkäaikaisesti rajoittavia oireita. Oireet ilmenevät tietyissä sisäympäristöissä, ja oireet väistyvät, kun henkilö ei oleskele kyseisissä rakennuksissa. Tällaista oirekokonaisuutta ei selitä mikään lääketieteellinen sairaus, kuten astma. Vakavasti toimintakykyä rajoittavassa oireilussa on kyse pitkäaikaisesta oireilu- ja reaktioherkkyydestä rakennuksissa, töissä, kotona tai muualla, joissa ei ole merkittäviä puutteita sisäilman laadussa. Pitkäaikainen oireiluherkkyys ympäristötekijöille on jatkumo lievästä sietokyvyn heikentymisestä invalidisoivaan toimintakykyä heikentävään oireistoon. Tämän vuoksi havainnot ja arviot esiintyvyydestä vaihtelevat sen mukaan, miten oireiluherkkyyttä kysytään. Pitkäaikainen oireiluherkkyys näkyy terveydenhuollossa, esimerkiksi työterveyshuollossa. Se näkyy myös ammattitautitutkimuksiin sisäilmaongelmien (kosteusvauriot) vuoksi lähetetyillä työntekijöillä. Silloin kun oireisto rajoittaa työllistymistä, ilmiö näkyy TE-toimistossa asioinnin yhteydessä, ja kun oireisto aiheuttaa ongelmia asumisessa, haetaan apua sosiaalipalveluista. Kuntoutusta järjestävillä tahoilla, Kelassa ja työeläke- ja tapaturmavakuutusjärjestelmässä, sisäilmaan liittyvä toimintakyvyn heikkeneminen on tunnettu ilmiö. Selvitimme joko kyselyllä tai haastattelemalla, mitä tukitoimia on tehty ja miten vakava oireilu näkyy työterveyshuollossa, TE-toimistoissa, sosiaalitoimessa ja sosiaalivakuutusjärjestelmässä sekä keskisuuren kaupungin henkilöstöhallinnon näkökulmasta (luku 4)

    Environmental Intolerance, Symptoms and Disability Among Fertile-Aged Women

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    The purpose was to study the prevalence of environmental intolerance (EI) and its different manifestations, including behavioral changes and disability. Fertile-aged women (n = 680) of the Kuopio Birth Cohort Study were asked about annoyance to 12 environmental factors, symptoms and behavioral changes. We asked how much the intolerance had disrupted their work, household responsibilities or social life. We chose intolerance attributed to chemicals, indoor molds, and electromagnetic fields to represent typical intolerance entities. Of the respondents, 46% reported annoyance to chemicals, molds, or electromagnetic fields. Thirty-three percent reported symptoms relating to at least one of these three EIs, 18% reported symptoms that included central nervous system symptoms, and 15% reported behavioral changes. Indicating disability, 8.4% reported their experience relating to any of the three EIs as at least "somewhat difficult", 2.2% "very difficult" or "extremely difficult", and 0.9% "extremely difficult". Of the latter 2.2%, all attributed their intolerance to indoor molds, and two thirds also to chemicals. As the number of difficulties increased, the number of organ systems, behavioral changes and overlaps of the three EIs also grew. EI is a heterogeneous phenomenon and its prevalence depends on its definition. The manifestations of EI form a continuum, ranging from annoyance to severe disability.Peer reviewe

    Health-related quality among life of employees with persistent nonspecific indoor-air-associated health complaints

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    Objective: Nonspecific health complaints associated with indoor air are common in work environments. In some individuals, symptoms become persistent without an adequate explanation. The aim was to study factors that associate with the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of employees with persistent, nonspecific indoor-air-related symptomatology. Methods: We present baseline results of a randomized controlled trial of interventions targeted on the HRQoL of the employees with indoor-air-associated nonspecific symptoms. The main participant-inclusion criterion was the presence of persistent indoor-air-related multiorgan symptoms with no known pathophysiological or environment-related explanation. As a comparison for participants' HRQoL (n = 52) we used data from the general-population Health 2011 study (BRIF8901) including information on subjects matched to the participants' working status and age and subjects with asthma, anxiety or depressive disorder, or other chronic conditions with work disability. Results: The participants showed greater and a clinically significant impairment of HRQoL [M = 0.83, SE = 0.013] than individuals from the general population [M = 0.95, SE = 0.001, p <.001, Hedges' g = 2.33] and those with asthma [M = 0.93, SE = 0.005, p <.001, Hedges' g = 1.46], anxiety and depressive disorder [M = 0.89, SE = 0.006, p <.001, Hedges' g = 0.73], or a chronic condition with work disability [M = 0.91, SE = 0.003, p <.001, Hedges' g = 1.11]. Prevalent symptoms of depression, anxiety, and insomnia and poor recovery from work were associated with a poor HRQoL. Conclusions: Individuals with nonspecific indoor-air-associated symptoms have a poorer HRQoL than individuals in the general population with a globally burdensome disease. Psychological distress associated with a poor HRQoL should be considered in the making of decisions about the treatment of these patients.Peer reviewe

    Simple 3D culture of dissociated kidney mesenchyme mimics nephron progenitor niche and facilitates nephrogenesis Wnt-independently

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    Kidney mesenchyme (KM) and nephron progenitors (NPs) depend on WNT activity, and their culture in vitro requires extensive repertoire of recombinant proteins and chemicals. Here we established a robust, simple culture of mouse KM using a combination of 3D Matrigel and growth media supplemented with Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) and Src inhibitor PP2. This allows dissociated KM to spontaneously self-organize into spheres. To reassess the requirement of WNT activity in KM self-organization and NPs maintenance, cells were cultured with short pulse of high-dose GSK3 beta inhibitor BIO, on a constant low-dose or without BIO. Robust proliferation at 48 hours and differentiation at 1 week were observed in cultures with high BIO pulse. Importantly, dissociated KM cultured without BIO, similarly to that exposed to constant low dose of BIO, maintained NPs up to one week and spontaneously differentiated into nephron tubules at 3 weeks of culture. Our results show that KM is maintained and induced to differentiate in a simple culture system. They also imply that GSK3 beta/WNT-independent pathways contribute to the maintenance and induction of mouse KM. The robust and easy 3D culture enables further characterization of NPs, and may facilitate disease modeling when applied to human cells.Peer reviewe

    Comparing cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy and psychoeducation for non-specific symptoms associated with indoor air : a randomised control trial protocol

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    Introduction Indoor air-related conditions share similarities with other conditions that are characterised by medically unexplained symptoms (MUS)-a combination of non-specific symptoms that cannot be fully explained by structural bodily pathology. In cases of indoor air-related conditions, these symptoms are not fully explained by either medical conditions or the immunological-toxicological effects of environmental factors. The condition may be disabling, including a non-adaptive health behaviour. In this multifaceted phenomenon, psychosocial factors influence the experienced symptoms. Currently, there is no evidence of clinical management of symptoms, which are associated with the indoor environment and cannot be resolved by removing the triggering environmental factors. The aim of this study is to compare the effect of treatment-as-usual (TAU) and two psychosocial interventions on the quality of life, and the work ability of employees with non-specific indoor air-related symptomatology. Methods and analyses The aim of this ongoing randomised controlled trial is to recruit 60 participants, in collaboration with 5 occupational health service units. The main inclusion criterion is the presence of indoor air-related recurrent symptoms in 2 organ systems, which have no pathophysiological explanation. After baseline clinical investigations, participants are randomised into interventions, which all include TAU: cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy, psychoeducation and TAU (control condition). Health-related quality of life, measured using the 15D-scale, is the primary outcome. Secondary outcomes include somatic and psychiatric symptoms, occupational factors, and related underlying mechanisms (ie, cognitive functioning). Questionnaires are completed at baseline, at 3, 6 and 12-month follow-ups. Data collection will continue until 2017. The study will provide new information on the individual factors related to indoor air-associated symptoms, and on ways in which to support work ability. Ethics and dissemination The Coordinating Ethics Committee of the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa, Finland, has granted approval for the study. The results will be published in peer-reviewed journals.Peer reviewe