75 research outputs found

    Effect of Visio-Motor Ability on Performance

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    For children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD), the acquisition and performance of everyday visual-motor activities such as buttoning, shoe tying, cutting with scissors or writing, presents a major challenge. Regardless of the activity considered, children with DCD are typically slower and less accurate than their peers. Given the well-acknowledged difficulties of children with DCD, it is surprising to find very few research studies systematically exploring visual-motor skill acquisition and performance in children with DCD Modulation of sensorimotor rhythms (SMR) was suggested as a control signal for brain-computer interfaces (BCI). Yet, there is a population of users estimated between 10 to 50% not able to achieve reliable control and only about 20% of users achieve high (80–100%) performance. Predicting performance prior to BCI use would facilitate selection of the most feasible system for an individual, thus constitute a practical benefit for the user, and increase our knowledge about the correlates of BCI control. Motor ability modulated the impact of task difficulty on visual-motor skill acquisition and task performance. Children with DCD were as fast and as accurate as their peers in their initial performance of the simple, well-learned task (mouse). However, they were slower and less accurate when performing the complex and novel visual-motor task

    Prevalence of latent tuberculosis infection in the household contacts of pulmonary tuberculosis, time to treat

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    Treatment of latent pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) in the household contacts of TB has been included in the National Tuberculosis Elimination Program (NTEP) to achieve the target of TB elimination of Govt of India by 2025. However, there are no clear estimates of the prevalence of latent TB among the contacts that could suggest the impact of this intervention. The study was conducted to find the prevalence of and factors predicting latent TB among household contacts of pulmonary TB. All microbiological confirmed pulmonary TB patients registered between January 2020 to July 2021 and their household contacts were enrolled. All contacts underwent Mantoux testing to find the prevalence of latent TB. All symptomatic patients also underwent CXR and sputum examination to diagnose active pulmonary TB. Thereafter different demographic and clinical factors were evaluated to find predictors of latent TB using logistic regression model.  A total of 118 pulmonary TB cases and their 330 household contacts were enrolled. The prevalence of latent TB and active TB among the contacts was found to be 26.36% and 3.03% respectively. The female gender of index TB cases was independently associated with a high proportion of latent TB cases in the family. (aOR-2.32; 95%CI-1.07-5.05; p=0.03). Neither the higher sputum smear positivity nor the severity of chest radiograph of index TB cases had any association with the number of contacts being diagnosed as latent TB or active TB. The results showed a significant prevalence of latent TB among household contacts with pulmonary TB. The severity of the disease in the index patient had no association with the prevalence of latent TB

    Phase Control of a Pulsed Laser

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    Study on Enhancement of Heat Transfer through Corrugated Plate Using In Heat Exchanger and Its Evaluations

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    This dissertation work is based on the performance evolution of heat exchanger using corrugated plates inside the heat exchanger. Basically heat exchanger is a type of device which is generally using for getting efficient heat transfer rate. Heat exchangers are widely classified on the basis of the direct and indirect contact wise. At the present age heat exchanger are mainly used in several industries like air conditioning, power stations, chemical processing plants, refineries of petroleum. In our study we have used corrugated tubes which have contained the specific properties. It has contained very larger rate of heat enhancement due to large surface area which also lead the increment of turbulence level.  The main aim of this study to evaluate the thermal performance of system and the characteristic of heat transfer using, mixed plat type configuration. The experimental heat enhancement data is get through single phase flow arrangement in corrugated plate. We have taken the chevron angle of the plate 54°/ 25 °. The important consideration, we have taken in this experimental setup  is Reynolds number between 84 to 590 and  prandtl number ranging from 3.8 to 5.7 will be taken for given experiment. The value of correlation is estimated from Nusselt number, Reynolds number and prandtl number. The validation of the result is drowning by Wilson plot technique

    Xestophrys namtseringa Kumar & Chandra & Saini 2019, sp. nov.

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    <i>Xestophrys namtseringa</i> Kumar & Chandra sp. nov. <p> <b>Holotype:</b> male, India, Arunachal Pradesh, Tawang, Namtsering, 27.53236N, 91.67328E, alt. 1180m., 16.iv.2018, (Collected by H. Kumar).</p> <p> <b>Description: Male (Figures: 1A–B):</b> Small-sized for the genus, robust. Fastigium of vertex (Figure 2A) elongate angular with obtusely rounded apex; slightly convex above, densely punctate; longer than both eye and scape. Fastigium of vertex without a ventral tubercle at the base of fastigium (Figure 2B). Frons (Figure 2F) convex in profile. Dorsum of pronotum (Figure 2A) densely rugose; anterior margin straight with slight median concavity, posterior margin convex; lateral carinae absent; transverse sulcus distinct throughout, placed in anterior part of pronotum; humeral sinus (Figure 2F) deep. Prosternum bispinose (Figure 2C). Mesosternal lobes (Figure 2C) deeply bifurcated in the middle, apex triangularly rounded and curved upward; metasternal lobes (Figure 2C) triangular. Tegmina surpassing the apex of hind tibia when stretched, narrowing towards obliquely truncated apex (Figure 2H); stridulatory file (Figure 2E) broad, narrow at both ends; mirror of right tegmina (Figure 2D) broad. Hind wing slightly shorter than tegmina. Thoracic auditory spiracle oval, covered by pronotum. Tympanum (Figure 2I) present on fore tibia, laterally closed, opening slit like and directed dorsally. All legs short and thick. All femora dorsally unarmed, genicular lobes unarmed on both sides. Fore coxae spined. Fore femora ventrally armed in apical half by 3 spines on inner margin, 2 spines on outer margin. For tibia unarmed dorsally, ventrally with 6 spines internally and 5 spines externally. Mid femora ventrally unarmed in apical half on inner margin; 3 spines present on outer margin. Mid tibia unarmed dorsally, ventrally with 5 spines on both internal and external margin. Hind femur surpassing the apex of the abdomen. Hind femora ventrally armed by 2 spines apically on inner margin, 8 spines on outer margin. Hind tibiae (Figure 2J) dorsally armed with 11 spines on inner margin, 7 spines on outer margin; ventrally armed with 5 spines on inner margin, 6 spines on outer margin; dorsal spurs one pair, ventral spur two pairs (inner small and outer large). Tenth abdominal tergite (Figure 2K) bifurcated almost from base to form two large triangular lobes. Supra-anal plate (Figure 2M) triangular, longer than wide. Cerci (Figures 2 K–M) robust, conical, apex terminated into large incurved spine; internal tooth well developed, conical, inner margin concave, curved upwards, apex obtuse. Subgenital plate (Figure 2N) long, posterior margin concave; styli long and cylindrical, converged apically, 2.6 times shorter than subgenital plate.</p> <p> <b>Female:</b> Unknown.</p> <p> <b>Coloration:</b> General colour yellowish-brown. Labrum and clypeus yellowish. Mandibles black on inner side.</p> <p> <b>Measurements (mm):</b></p> <p> <b>Female:</b> Length of body: 28.69; length of tegmina: 33.69; length of hind wing: 30.2; length of pronotum: 8.7; length of fore femur: 7.1; length of hind femur: 17.3; length of fore tibia: 7.0; length of hind tibia: 15.9.</p> <p> <b>Discussion:</b> The new species described in this paper is the second species of <i>Xestophrys</i> Redtenbacher, 1891 from India and differs from the previous Indian species, <i>Xestophrys agraensis</i> Farooqi & Usmani, 2018 by not only the characters outlined in the key to species but also by the presence of large spine of male cerci and deeply concave posterior margin of male subgenital plate. The new species is similar with <i>Xestophrys horvathi</i> Bolívar, 1905 but differs from latter by its smaller size, shape of mirror of right tegmen and other characters outlined in the key to species.</p> <p> <b>Etymology:</b> The geographic name of the new species is based on the locality (Namtsering) of Arunachal Pradesh, India.</p> <p> <b>Distribution:</b> India: Arunachal Pradesh.</p>Published as part of <i>Kumar, Hirdesh, Chandra, Kailash & Saini, Jagdish, 2019, A new species of Xestophrys Redtenbacher, 1891 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae; Conocephalinae; Copiphorini) from India, pp. 397-400 in Zootaxa 4652 (2)</i> on pages 397-400, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4652.2.14, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3363731">http://zenodo.org/record/3363731</a&gt

    Oxytauchira truncata Kumar & Chandra 2018, sp. nov.

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    <i>Oxytauchira truncata</i> Kumar & Chandra sp. nov. <p>(Figs 1–2)</p> <p> <b>Type material.</b> HOLOTYPE: ♂, Ê»India, Arunachal Pradesh, Changlang, Deban, N27.50611, E96.39611, Alt. 345.4m., 24.vi.2017 (Coll. by H. Kumar)ʼ. The holotype is deposited in the National Zoological Collection of Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata, India (NZSI).</p> <p> <b> Description. <i>Male</i></b> (holotype). <i>Coloration.</i> Antennae brown. Frons dark brown; genae ivory white with a dark brown stripe running from compound eye to mandible. Vertex and pronotal disc blackish brown with light bands bordering the fastigium, then running along inner margin of compound eyes and straight back, bordering pronotal disc and continuing on tegmina. Lateral lobes of pronotum blackish-brown above, ivory white below middle. Tegmina dark brown with a whitish band along cubital veins.Abdomen dark yellow. Sternum greenish yellow. Fore and mid legs green. Hind femur green, about apical half red, hind knees dark brown. Hind tibia blue. Hind tarsus yellow.</p> <p> <i>Structure.</i> Medium sized for the genus (Figs 1A, G). Face (Fig. 1G) slightly concave in profile. Fastigium of vertex (Fig. 1B) rounded. Frontal ridge (Fig. 1C) distinct up to clypeus. Interocular distance about 1.7 times broader than frontal ridge between the antennal sockets. Antennae (Fig. 1E) longer than head and pronotum together, filiform. Pronotum (Fig. 1B) rugose, almost flat, crossed by three transverse sulci; median carina weak, lateral carinae absent. Prosternal process (Fig. 1F) compressed and widened to apex; apex trilobate. Mesosternal lobes (Fig. 1D) broader than long; mesosternal interspace longer than wide; metasternal lobes separated. Tegmen (Fig. 1A) reaching up to the middle of third tergite; upper half of tegmen triangular with obtusely rounded apex. Hind femur (Fig. 1G) moderately slender; dorsal carina smooth and terminating in a small spine; ventral genicular lobes terminating in a spine. Hind tibia (Fig. 1G) slightly expanded apically; with 8 external and 9 internal spines; external apical spine present.</p> <p>Genitalia. Tenth abdominal tergite (Fig. 1H) with furculae. Supra-anal plate (Figs 1H, 2A) triangular, almost as long as wide, medially grooved in basal half, apical half flat, apex obtusely rounded. Cerci compressed and conical with truncated apex; more than 3.5 times longer than wide near the base. Subgenital plate (Figs 1I, 2B) broadly triangular, much wider than long with obtuse apex. Epiphallus (Fig. 2C) with bridge broad and divided; anchorae short and hook-shaped with pointed apex; outer lophi large and bilobate while inner lophi small and rounded. Aedeagus (Fig. 2D) flexured, apical valve broad with acute apex, narrower and shorter than basal valve, connected with basal valve by a weak flexure, basal valve broad and cylindrical, narrowing towards its obtuse apex, gonopore process large with truncated apex.</p> <p> <i>Measurements</i> (mm). Body length ‒ 17; length of antenna ‒ 11.13; length of fastigium vertex in front of eyes ‒ 0.87; eye length ‒ 2.03; width of frontal ridge between the antennal sockets ‒ 0.32; interocular distance ‒ 0.54; head length ‒ 3.22; pronotum length ‒ 4.17; length of tegmen ‒ 6.88; hind femur length ‒ 11.87; hind tibia length ‒ 10.35.</p> <p> <i>Female.</i> Unknown.</p> <p> <b>Differential diagnosis.</b> The male of the new species is similar to <i>O. jaintia</i> from Meghalaya in general appearance, but differs by its shorter tegmen (in <i>O. jaintia</i> tegmen length 10.2 mm), separated metasternal lobes, shorter supra-anal plate and truncated cercus. According to INGRISCH et al. (2004), the basic structure of the epiphallus, as well as the shape of the cerci and the color pattern of the hind femur are valuable diagnostic features. As the new species from the Himalaya differs in these characters, we reason that it is not conspecific with <i>O. jaintia</i>. The combination of coloration of the hind femora, trilobate prosternal process, truncated male cercus and very short tegmen make new species distinctly different from all other members of the genus.</p> <p> <b>Etymology.</b> The new species name is Latin adjective <i>truncatus</i> (- <i>a</i>, - <i>um</i>) referring to its truncated male cercus.</p> <p> <b>Distribution</b>. India: Arunachal Pradesh.</p>Published as part of <i>Kumar, Hirdesh, Chandra, Kailash & Saini, Jagdish, 2018, A new species of genus Oxytauchira from India (Orthoptera: Acrididae), pp. 495-498 in Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 58 (2)</i> on pages 496-498, DOI: 10.2478/aemnp-2018-0037, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/4488853">http://zenodo.org/record/4488853</a&gt
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