6,029 research outputs found

    Menajemen Mutu Peningkatan dalam Peningkatan Profesional Tenaga Pendidik di MTs Al-Washliyah Bandar Sono.

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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang “Manajemen Mutu dalam Peningkatan Profesional Tenaga Pendidik di MTs Al-Washliyah Bandar Sono”. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsep, implementasi, upaya, dan hasil manajemen mutu dalam peningkatan tenaga pendidik di MTs Al-Washliya Bandar Sono. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif yaitu mendeskripsikan data yang telah didapat dilapangan. Adapun yang menjadi subjek penelitian adalah kepala madrasahAl-Washliyah Bandar Sono. Teknik yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data penelitian ialah dengan melakukan kegiatan observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan cara reduksi dat, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan, kemudian dilengkapi dengan pengecekan keabsahan data dengan tekni kreabilitas (keterpercayaan), transferabilitas (transferability), dependabilitas (dependability), komfirmabilitas (comfirmability). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Manajemen Mutu dalam Peningkatan Profesional Tenaga Pendidik Di MTs Al-washliyah Bandar Sono adalah kinerja guru yang semakin meningkat sehingga menghasilkan output madrasah yang berkualitas. Ini dapat dilihat dari cara guru mengajar di dalam kelas dengan menggunakan metode yang berbeda dan bervariasi setelah dilakukannya pelatihan dan bimbingan

    A cointegration analysis of crude palm oil price in Thailand

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    Reliazing the pass-through effects of global commodity prices on domestic prices, this study develops a vector error correction model (VECM) to test for the determinants and direction of causality between global prices and crude palm oil (CPO) price in Thailand. Malaysian crude palm oil, world soybean oil and world crude oil prices were investigated as factors affecting the Thai CPO price. Using the Johansen cointegration test, the result unveils a presence of long-run relationship among the determinants. This long-run relationship, proposes that CPO price flows in Thailand are positively influenced by the Malaysian CPO price and the error correction term suggests that approximately 35 percent of total disequilibrium in Thai CPO price was corrected in the following month. Moreover, the findings show Granger causality from each of the Malaysian CPO price and the world soybean oil price for the Thai CPO price. Information flow regarding the price movements of the Malaysian CPO and soybean oil affect the Thai CPO price and vice-versa. Whereas, the evidence for a causal relationship that runs from the world crude oil price to the Thai CPO price is found, but not in reverse

    Foreign direct investment, economic freedom and economic growth: international evidence

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    In this paper, we investigate the systemic link between economic freedom, foreign direct investment (FDI) and economic growth in a panel of 85 countries. Our empirical results, based on the generalized method-of-moment system estimator, reveal that FDI by itself has no direct (positive) effect on output growth. Instead, the effect of FDI is contingent on the level of economic freedom in the host countries. This means the countries promote greater freedom of economic activities gain significantly from the presence of multinational corporations (MNCs)

    Asymmetric adjustments in the Thai palm oil market

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    Drastic movements of global commodity prices and their impact on the Thai palm oil market is a major concern due to Thailand being the third largest producer of crude palm oil (CPO). Although the country is not a net importer, global price changes of the commodity can transmit to domestic markets for palm oil products. This paper analyzed the transmission of Malaysian CPO and world crude oil price changes to the changes in the Thai CPO price using an asymmetric error correction model. The price data used in this paper covers the period from January 1996 to September 2015. The findings showed that the speed of adjustments towards long-run equilibrium were asymmetric and the effects of the world prices on Thai CPO price were significant in both positive and negative deviations. This result calls for policy measures to mitigate the impact of global price movements because CPO is an essential intermediate input in various products and any changes in the Thai CPO price definitely affects the welfare of domestic consumers

    Test and characterization of a prototype silicon-tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter

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    New generation high-energy physics experiments demand high precision tracking and accurate measurements of a large number of particles produced in the collisions of lementary particles and heavy-ions. Silicon-tungsten (Si-W) calorimeters provide the most viable technological option to meet the requirements of particle detection in high multiplicity environments. We report a novel Si-W calorimeter design, which is optimized for γ/π0\gamma/\pi^0 discrimination up to high momenta. In order to test the feasibility of the calorimeter, a prototype mini-tower was constructed using silicon pad detector arrays and tungsten layers. The performance of the mini-tower was tested using pion and electron beams at the CERN Proton Synchrotron (PS). The experimental results are compared with the results from a detailed GEANT-4 simulation. A linear relationship between the observed energy deposition and simulated response of the mini-tower has been obtained, in line with our expectations.Comment: 13 figures, represents test beam data with PS beam line at CER

    SmartMocap: Joint Estimation of Human and Camera Motion using Uncalibrated RGB Cameras

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    Markerless human motion capture (mocap) from multiple RGB cameras is a widely studied problem. Existing methods either need calibrated cameras or calibrate them relative to a static camera, which acts as the reference frame for the mocap system. The calibration step has to be done a priori for every capture session, which is a tedious process, and re-calibration is required whenever cameras are intentionally or accidentally moved. In this paper, we propose a mocap method which uses multiple static and moving extrinsically uncalibrated RGB cameras. The key components of our method are as follows. First, since the cameras and the subject can move freely, we select the ground plane as a common reference to represent both the body and the camera motions unlike existing methods which represent bodies in the camera coordinate. Second, we learn a probability distribution of short human motion sequences (\sim1sec) relative to the ground plane and leverage it to disambiguate between the camera and human motion. Third, we use this distribution as a motion prior in a novel multi-stage optimization approach to fit the SMPL human body model and the camera poses to the human body keypoints on the images. Finally, we show that our method can work on a variety of datasets ranging from aerial cameras to smartphones. It also gives more accurate results compared to the state-of-the-art on the task of monocular human mocap with a static camera. Our code is available for research purposes on https://github.com/robot-perception-group/SmartMocap

    Exports, exchange rate movements and the credit markets imperfections: new evidence from threshold regression analysis

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    Based on an innovative threshold estimation technique, this study investigates whether the effect of exchange rate depreciation on exports is distinct with different channels of credit markets imperfections. The empirical results demonstrate the existence of a threshold effect in the relationship between exchange rate depreciation and exports flows. In particular, the impact of exchange rate depreciation on exports is negatively significant only after a certain threshold level of credit market imperfections has been attained. Until then, the exports effect of exchange rate depreciation seems to be non-existent. This finding suggests that the exchange rate depreciation-exports nexus is contingent on the level of credit market imperfection, thereby corroborating the view that credit market imperfection played an important role in impeding exports performance

    Cross-sectional study of effect of adiposity and hypertensive states on airway dynamics

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    Background: Adiposity and hypertensive states are major burden for community. It causes many health-related issues, including problems related to respiratory system. It is proposed that pulmonary functions can be affected in obese hypertensive and obese normotensive adults compared to non-obese normotensive adults. The objective of the study was to find out the effect of adiposity and hypertensive states on the airway dynamics.Methods: About 30 male obese normotensives and 30 male obese hypertensive subjects were selected as study participants. 30 age-controlled non-obese, normotensive males were selected as controls. All participants were in the age group of 40 to 60 years. The pulmonary functions measured were FVC, FEV1, FEV1% and PEFR. All the participants performed 3 attempts of spirometry and maximum among the three recordings were used for analysis. ANOVA followed by Post hoc analysis to find out any significant differences between these groups. Spearman’s rank correlation was used.Results: There was a statistically significant differences in BMI between the group I and group II and III. There was a significant difference in SBP and DBP between obese normotensive (group II) and obese hypertensive (group III) subjects. There were significant decline in % predicted values of PFT parameters, on comparing obese normotensive and obese hypertensive when compared to non-obese normotensive participants. There were statistically significant negative correlations between age and FEV1 as well as BMI and PEFR.Conclusions: There was a significant decrease the pulmonary functions in obese normotensive and obese hypertensive adults in comparison to non-obese normotensive adults. It can be concluded that body weight and adiposity as well as high blood pressure creates deleterious effect on airway dynamics


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    Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Memukul Anak Yang Tidak Sholat Menurut Hukum Islam dan Undang-Undang No. 35 Tahun 2014 Tentang Perlindungan Anak yang mana di dalam sebuah hadis rosul memerintahkan untuk mendidik anak dalam beribadah dan menyuruhnya sholat ketika berusia tujuh tahun, apabila telah mencapai sepuluh tahun namun si anak tidak juga melaksanakan shalat maka isyarat yang diperntahkan rosul adalah pukulah. Hal tersebut menimbulkan persoalan karena di Indonesia sebagai negara yang menjunjung tinggi nila-nilai asasi yang dikenal dengan HAM. Tentu dalam Undang-Undang perlindungan anak dilarang untuk memukul anak maupun menganiayanya.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatifdengan pendekatan penelitian Yuridis Empiris. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi pustaka dokumentasi. Sementara itu teknik analisis dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan maka diperoleh hasil dan kesimpulan sebagai berikut: Hukum memukul anak yang tidak melaksanakan shalat para ahli berpendapat bahwa boleh dengan alasan mendidik anak dalam beribadah. Namun dalam hukum wajibnya shalat terhadap anak usia sepuluh tahun tersebut terdapat perbedaan pendapat. San‟ani berpendapat bahwa hadis yang memerintahkan memukul anak pada usia sepuluh tahun itu tidak sholat secara tekstual maupun kontekstual beliau mengatakan bahwa hadis itu menandakan bahwa anak usia sepuluh tahun bisa termasuk ke dalam kategori mukalaf. Sedangkan dari hanbali mengatakan bahwa wajib shalat bagi anak yang sudah baligh

    Doctor, there's a lump in my mouth!: imaging aspects of torus palatinus; a case report

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    This is a case report of a 36-year-old lady who presented with a swelling on the hard palate of her mouth. She had undergone computed tomography (CT) scan of the oropharynx and paranasal sinuses and the diagnosis of torus palatinus, a normal anatomical variant of the hard palate was made. The authors discuss about the appearance of torus palatinus in various imaging modalities, specifically dental radiograph, CT scan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)