55 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Disiplin Kerja dan Motivasi Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Daerah (BPSDMD) Provinsi Banten

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    The lack of implementation of employee performance in carrying out tasks so that work is not immediately resolved in compiling reports based on their responsibilities, currently there are still employees who arrive late when they come to work. This study aims to determine: 1. The Effect of Work Discipline on Employee Performance, 2. The Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance, 3. The Effect of Work Discipline and Motivation on Employee Performance at the Office of the Regional Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMD) Banten Province. The type method in this study uses an associative quantitative method which is causality, which is a study to determine the relationship / influence of independent variables on the dependent variable without making additional changes or manipulation of existing data. The population and sample used in this study were employees of the Banten Province Regional Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMD), totaling 82 employees. The sampling technique in this study uses a saturated sample where the population is less than <100 employees. The results of this study indicate that: 1. There is a positive and significant effect of Work Discipline on Employee Performance. 2. There is a positive and significant influence of Motivation on Employee Performance. 3. There is a positive and significant influence of Work Discipline and Motivation together on Employee Performance at the Regional Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMD) Banten Province

    Spiritual teaching in the novel Khotbah di atas Bukit : sermon on the hill

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    This thesis tries to explain about the discourse of spirituality in the Sufi literature perspective by examining Khotbah di Atas Bukit written by Kuntowijoyo. The texts in the novel become the object of study. Novel Khotbah di Atas Bukit can not be separated from the discourse of modernity, the socio-political reaction, as well as the criticism of reality (people with social, nature, God, and with self) in 1970 to 1980 period. In addition, Khotbah di Atas Bukit gives new discourse presents the transcendent or mystical themes in Indonesian Sufi literature. This research uses semiotics approach (heuristic and hermeneutic readings). That is an attempt to describe the symptoms or signs and events what looked like as what has been described in the text and then researcher interpret the novel where he makes and arranges it systematically or comprehensively. Through this method, the researcher tried to describe spiritual teachings through dialogues conducted the main character in novel Khotbah di Atas Bukit as a whole. The researcher finds that the socio-historical background of novel Khotbah di Atas Bukit is the author attempts to explore experimental themes with the spirit of liberation. In its relation with modernity, the novel Khotbah di Atas Bukit tries to give a reaction, response, and resistance to the discourse of modernism in Indonesia during 1970 to 1980 period. The conflicts that arise within it are the tension between the individual and his social environment, nature, God, particularly among individuals with his self in finding the meaning of life. Theologically, Sufi literature which Kuntowijoyo calls it prophetic literature is based on Qur’a>n in S{urah Ali ‘Imra>n (3): 110. In being the best people (The Chosen People), humans must engage in activism of history. This premise is also an ethical foundation for the author’s philosophy. Technically, spiritual teachings revealed through dialogues that underlie the problems of novel Khotbah di Atas Bukit can be divided into four categories: First, the journey to go into seclusion in finding meaning life is human effort to purify and cleanse the soul from being dependence to worldly pleasure. This trend shows different attitude of human life in general. This action−doing seclusion−due to ignore the spiritual life in the midst of modernity; Second, in an effort to affirm and understand self, spiritual teacher were able to make the man free from the narrow limits of material pleasures and to provide guidance to recognize the reality on spiritual life. Without the guidance and encouragement of teachers, the one who seeks self knowledge may fall into huge lost. Third, self-actualization is the highest effort in using all talent and potential include accomplishment of capacity and quality which human being has. Self-actualization is a process, not the end result of fulfillment of human needs; and fourth, self-awareness is the result of processing intellectuality and morality in a balanced way. With self-awareness, humans are able to know him self and God. Keywords: spiritual teaching, modernity, semiotics, Sufi literatur

    Manajemen Mutu Pendidikan di SMP Islam Al Arief Muaro Jambi Berbasis Pesantren

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    This study aims to determine the quality component planning carried out at Al Arief Islamic Middle School, the implementation of the quality components carried out in an effort to develop Islamic Boarding School-Based Education Management, Quality Control carried out related to the implementation of the development of Islamic Boarding School-Based Education Management, and Follow-up efforts carried out by schools regarding the implementation development of Islamic Boarding School-Based Education quality management. This study uses a qualitative research approach that is analytical-descriptive in nature. Data collection is done by observation (Observation), Interview (Interview), Documentation and Audio and Visual Data. The results of the study stated that in the preparation of educational planning. it was found that planning was adjusted to the availability of human resources in the environment and supplemented by external resources, taking into account conditions and situations in society, based on a sense of responsibility to foster the interests of educational institutions. Pesantren-based education quality planning is based on eight National Education Standards (SNP) covering: Graduate competency standards, Content Standards, Process Standards, Education Assessment Standards, Education Personnel Standards, Facilities and Infrastructure Standards, Management Standards, Financing Standards. Implementation of Islamic Boarding School-based Quality Components for SMP Islam Al-Arief Muaro Jambi through habituation and self-development for students. Quality control in the implementation of quality management in Islamic boarding schools, namely the production of teaching materials and learning tools, student evaluation plans, student development evaluation plans, guidance and counseling evaluations carried out at the beginning of the semester before teaching and learning activities take place. Follow-up efforts by teachers and principals took the form of supervision and self-evaluation and were followed up on evaluating the learning process at the end of semester internal meetings. Al Arief Islamic Middle School is a quality school because it meets the National Education Standards (SNP). Keywords: Quality Management, Education, Islamic Boarding School

    A rare case of hemophilia with Ewing’s sarcoma - A case report

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    Malignancies are rare in children with inherited coagulation disorders like hemophilia except for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and liver malignancies in hepatitis C positive hemophiliacs. Ewing sarcoma of bone is the second most common primary malignant bone cancer in children and adolescents; particularly, the extra skeletal variety. There is limited data available in the literature reporting hemophilia with Ewing’s sarcoma. The authors report a case of 16-year-old boy with hemophilia A, who was diagnosed to have pelvic Ewing’s sarcoma, which is a rare occurrence. This case could have been mistaken for hemophilic pseudotumor because of the non-specific clinical presentation. Magnetic resonance imaging and open biopsy helped to arrive at a diagnosis. The patient is now being treated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy


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    Abstract: this research aimed at describing the effectivity of teaching method and basic phisical act toward dribling ball skill in football section of elemenary students. This research was done by using exprimental study. The analysis of the data used Anava 2 ways method. The result showed that: (1) there are significant differences of dribling ball skill between the students who taught by applying drilling method and TAKTIS. (2) A drilling method in groups which have higher motoric than TAKTIS method. (3)There are no significant differences in groups of low basic phisical act that is taught with drilling teaching method and TAKTIS method. (4) There are no influences factors of interaction beween teaching method with basic motoric ability toward dribling skill in football.Keywords: teaching method, basic motoric, dribling ball.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efektivitas metode pembelajaran dan kemampuan gerak dasar terhadap keterampilan dribling permainan sepak bola siswa SD. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen. Analisis data menggunakan Anava 2 jalur. Hasil: (1) terdapat perbedaan signifikan keterampilan dribling permainan sepak bola antara siswa yang diajar dengan metode drill dengan siswa yang diajar dengan metode pembelajaran taktis. (2) Metode drill pada kelompok berkemampuan motorik tinggi lebih dari metode taktis. (3) Tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan pada kelompok berkemampuan gerak dasar rendah antara kelompok siswa yang diajar dengan metode pembelajaran drill dengan siswa yang diajar dengan metode pembelajaran taktis. (4) Tidak terdapat pengaruh faktor interaksi antara metode mengajar dengan kemampuan motorik dasar terhadap keterampilan dribling permainan sepak bola.Kata kunci: Metode pembelajaran, motorik dasar, dribling bola


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan berangkat dari tiga rumusan masalah, antara lain: 1. Bagaimana konsep cryptocurrency di indodax, 2. Bagaimana transaksi jual beli cryptocurrency menurut ekonomi Islam, 3. Bagaimana pandangan Hukum jual beli cryptocurrency dalam perspektif Fatwa Majelis Ulama Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kepustakaan (library research). Penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan cara membaca jurnal, buku-buku ilmiah, skripsi, website resmi Indodax yang berguna untuk mengumpulkan data mengenai transaksi cryptocurrency melalui aplikasi indodax. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan konseptual dengan pola fikir deduktif yang dilakukan dengan cara menjelaskan teori-teori Fatwa Majelis Ulama Indonesia tentang Cryptocurrency untuk menganalisis permasalahan transaksi Cryptocurrency melalui Aplikasi Indodax. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan sebagai berikut: 1) Berdasarkan Analisis Pertimbangan Konsep Cryptocurrency di indodax, penulis berpendapat bahwa pertimbangan. 2. Berdasarkan Analisis Pertimbangan Transaksi Jual Beli Cryptocurrency menurut ekonomi islam, penulis berpendapat bahwa pertimbangan. 3. Berdasarkan Analisis pertimbangan hukum jual beli cryptocurrency dalam perspektif fatwa Majelis Ulama Indonesia, penulis berpendapat bahwa pertimbangan hukum yang dilakukan oleh Majelis Ulama Indonesia sebagai pengayom umat Islam sudah tepat, yakni dengan tegas menyatakan bahwa menggunakan cryptocurrency sebagai alat transaksi ialah haram karena mengandung gharar, dharar dan bertentangan dengan Undang Undang nomor 7 tahun 2011 tentang mata uang dan Peraturan Bank Indonesia nomor 17 tahun 2015 tentang Kewajiban Penggunaan Rupiah di Wilayah NKRI. Keharaman tersebut berhubungan dengan permasalahan dalam penerapan praktiknya, yakni nilai nya yang fluktuatif, rentan kejahatan cyber dan tidak ada regulasi yang mengaturnya


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    KSU Mitra Saudara Merupakan Koperasi Karyawan PT. Bank Woori Saudara Indonesia. Koperasi ini memiliki 5 (lima) unit usaha. Permasalahan yang di hadapi Waserda KSU Mitra Saudara terdapat pada pelayanan. Kerugian yang dialami setiap tahun, serta pendapatan usaha yang rendah setiap tahunnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksaanaan relationship marketing, pelayanan, dengan upaya meningkatkan pelayanan di Waserda KSU Mitra Saudara Bandung, untuk mengetahui tanggapan pelanggan tentang relationship marketing yang ada di Waserda KSU Mitra Saudara Bandung, Untuk mengetahui penilaian anggota terhadap pelayanan yang ada di Waserda KSU Mitra Saudara Bandung. Untuk mengetahui upaya-upayaa yang di lakukan Waserda KSU Mitra Saudara Bandung untuk meningkatkan pelayanan melalui relationship marketing yang berpengaruh ke pendapatan usaha. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kasus, data yang diperoleh melalui wawancara, observasi dan kuesioner. Hasil data yang diperoleh dianalisis melalui analisis deskriptif. Sehingga penulis bisa menyimpulkan bahwa indikator mana saja yang harus dipertahankan dan ditingkatkan lagi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa relationship marketing dan pelayanan bisa di sebut cukup baik. dilihat dari jawaban responden secara keseluruhan kriteria baik, namun perlu di tingkatkan lagi
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