2,043 research outputs found

    Wind energy in the desert. The case of the Gulf of Suez

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    Wind resources of the Gulf of Suez and Northern Red Sea, Egypt

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    Penggunaan KIT IPA Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Konsep Pesawat Sederhana Di Kelas V SDN Potil Pololoba Kecamatan Banggai Kabupaten Banggai Kepulauan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa melalui penggunaan KIT IPA pada konsep pesawat sederhana di kelas V SDN Potil Pololoba Kecamatan Banggai Kabupaten Banggai Kepulauan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang terdiri 4 tahap yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V SDN Potil Pololoba Kecamatan Banggai Kabupaten Banggai Kepulauan sebanyak 18 orang siswa yang terdiri dari 11 orang laki-laki dan 7 orang perempuan. Indikator keberhasilan dikatakan tuntas secara klasikal apabila mencapai 80% dengan daya serap individu mencapai 65. Hasil penelitian pada tahap Pra tindakan (tes awal) siswa yang tuntas hanya 44% atau 8 orang siswa dan daya serap klasikal 64,44%. terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar siswa setelah diterapkan penggunaan KIT IPA pada Konsep Pesawat Sederhana. Dengan tingkat ketuntasan klasikal pada siklus I adalah 67% atau 12 orang siswa dan daya serap klasikal 69,44, Pada siklus II mengalami peningkatan menjadi 83% atau 15 orang siswa dan daya serap klasikal 78,33. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan KIT IPA dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada konsep pesawat sederhana di kelas V SDN Potil Pololoba Kecamatan Banggai Kabupaten Banggai Kepulauan

    Primary healthcare policy and vision for community pharmacy and pharmacists in Germany.

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    Germany is the highest populated country in Europe with a population of 82.3 million in 2019. As in many other developed countries, it has an aging population. Approximately 10% of the gross domestic product is spent on healthcare. The healthcare system is characterized by its accessibility. Patients are generally free to choose their primary care physicians, both family doctors and specialists, pharmacy, dentist, or emergency service. Up to a certain income, health insurance is mandatory with the statutory health insurance (SHI) system, covering 88% of the population. Major challenges are the lack of cooperation and integration between the different sectors and healthcare providers. This is expected to change with the introduction of a telematic infrastructure that is currently being implemented. It will not only connect all providers in primary and secondary care in a secure network but will also enable access to patients' electronic record/medical data and at the same time switch from paper to electronic prescriptions. Approximately 52,000 of the 67,000 pharmacists are working in approximately 19,000 community pharmacies. These pharmacies are owner-operated by a pharmacist. Pharmacists may own up to three subsidiaries nearby to their main pharmacy. Community pharmacy practice mainly consists of dispensing drugs, counselling patients on drug therapy and safety, and giving advice on lifestyle and healthy living. Many cognitive pharmaceutical services have been developed and evaluated in the past 20 years. Discussions within the profession and with stakeholders on the national level on the roles and responsibilities of pharmacists have resulted in nationally agreed guidelines, curricula, and services. However, cognitive services remunerated by the SHI funds on the national level remain to be negotiated and sustainably implemented. A law passed in November 2020 by parliament will regulate the remuneration of pharmaceutical services by the SHI funds with an annual budget of EUR 150 million. The type of services and their remuneration remain to be negotiated in 2021. The profession has to continue on all levels to advocate for a change in pharmacy practice by introducing pharmacy services into routine care

    Diagnóstico socioeconômico dos municípios da região noroeste do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.

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    O diagnóstico do noroeste fluminense tem por objetivo avaliar a situação atual de cada município da região, destacando os principais pontos socioeconômicos. Os resultados obtidos mostram a precariedade em diversos setores da sociedade, onde as estatísticas revelam números insatisfatórios. Na educação, foram registrados altos índices de analfabetismo, destacando ainda a presença significativa do trabalho infantil. O êxodo rural é uma realidade na região, onde todos os municípios vêm sofrendo sucessivas quedas nas populações de campo. Neste contexto, a produção agropecuária (lavoura e leite) é razoavelmente baixa no Noroeste, onde a produtividade nos diversos setores se encontra abaixo dos níveis estaduais. Melhorias nas condições de produção agropecuária, assim como projetos que visem atender às demandas sociais, tornam-se extremamente necessários para o desenvolvimento da região.bitstream/item/63326/1/bpd41-2003-socioeconomia-noroeste-rj.pd

    Ring seine fishery of Kerala: An overview

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    Among the various fishing gears employed for pelagic schooling fishes along the Kerala coast, seines are the most efficient. Contribution of ring seine to total marine fish landings of Kerala has steadily increased since its introduction during the early eighties. It was 21.4 % in the nineties rising to 36.7 % during the period 2000-2004 and contributing more than 50 % since then. In recent years, about 90 % of the oil sardine and about 60 % of the mackerel landed in Kerala were caught in ring seines. Ring seines were introduced during the early eighties by traditional fishers of Alappuzha District which became highly successful

    Tensile Properties of Angle Cured Laminated Composites Structures under Gravity Effects

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    As the usage of composites materials are significant in the industries of automobiles,shipping and constructions due to their non-corrosive and high strength to weight ratio. Anyway, the production of composites needed to be increased to meet the demand. At this stage, problem faced by Small and Medium Industries / Entrepreneurs (SMI/E) is the confined and limited space available that restricts the optimum productivity. They commonly cure the composites horizontally that requires ample space and unable to afford for high-end equipment such as mechanical oven and autoclave in the production as a result of high capital cost.This research is carried out to study the feasibility of the gravity effects on curing position of the laminated composite structures to enhance the curing space needed. The aim of the research was to investigate the tensile properties of the thermosetting laminated composite by curing the laminate at different angle using vacuum bagging technique. From the testing, SN 5 which denominated to be 60˚ found to have the best tensile properties in term of maximum force exerted and Young’s modulus


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    Purpose: After the trade liberation, Bangladesh has faced the crisis of trade imbalance. Therefore, trade liberation is considered as the driving force behind the crisis. To investigate this historical allegation, this study aims at analysing the factors that determined the post trade liberalisation aggregate import demand function of Bangladesh.   Design/Methodology/Approach: Based on quarterly data from trade liberalisation period to reaching the economic stability period, 1992Q1 - 2007Q4, an autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach to cointegration and an error correction model (ECM) have been utilised to estimate the impacts of natural calamity, gross domestic product, foreign exchange reserve, relative price and tariff on aggregate import demand of Bangladesh. Findings: Empirical results revealed that the natural calamity is identified to be nonresponsive to the nation's aggregate import demand both in the short and long run. This indicates that Bangladesh can meet the natural crisis related demand by herself without influencing its aggregate import demand. Results also revealed that the import volume of Bangladesh is cointegrated with relative import price, actual GDP and real foreign exchange reserve of the country. The import demand of the country can largely be described by its real GDP, while it is found inversely associated with relative price ratio in the long run. The long run association among import demand and tariff rate indicates that trade liberalisation has a significant positive impact on the country's aggregate import demand, as well as real foreign exchange reserve, as explained by the reduction in tariff rate.   Research Implication: Developing countries like Bangladesh and the relevant business stakeholders would have considerable implications of such empirical findings with their trade policies, particularly how they should respond to unpredictable scenarios caused by the factors such as natural calamity, foreign exchange reserve, tariff, etc.   Originality Value: The originality of the study lies in its uniqueness in using the historical data and factors that no studies have so far used in analysing the import demand function of Bangladesh.   Keywords: Natural calamity, import demand, foreign exchange reserve, gross domestic product, tariff, trade liberalisation, Bangladesh.   Cite as: Shikha, H. A., Alam, M. M., Murad, M. W., Said, J., & Ahmed, Z. U. (2023). A historical perspective of trade liberalisation dynamics in Bangladesh: impacts of natural calamity risk, gross domestic product, foreign exchange reserve, relative price and tariff on import demand. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 8(TI), 177-208. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol8issTIpp177-20

    Knockout of the folate transporter folt-1 causes germline and somatic defects in C. elegans

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The <it>C. elegans </it>gene <it>folt-1 </it>is an ortholog of the human reduced folate carrier gene. The FOLT-1 protein has been shown to transport folate and to be involved in uptake of exogenous folate by worms. A knockout mutation of the gene, <it>folt-1(ok1460)</it>, was shown to cause sterility, and here we investigate the source of the sterility and the effect of the <it>folt-1 </it>knockout on somatic function.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our results show that <it>folt-1(ok1460) </it>knockout hermaphrodites have a substantially reduced germline, generate a small number of functional sperm, and only rarely produce a functional oocyte. We found no evidence of increased apoptosis in the germline of <it>folt-1 </it>knockout mutants, suggesting that germline proliferation is defective. While <it>folt-1 </it>knockout males are fertile, their rate of spermatogenesis was severely diminished, and the males were very poor maters. The mating defect is likely due to compromised metabolism and/or other somatic functions, as <it>folt-1 </it>knockout hermaphrodites displayed a shortened lifespan and elongated defecation intervals.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The FOLT-1 protein function affects both the soma and the germline. <it>folt-1(ok1460) </it>hermaphrodites suffer severely diminished lifespan and germline defects that result in sterility. Germline defects associated with folate deficiency appear widespread in animals, being found in humans, mice, fruit flies, and here, nematodes.</p