613 research outputs found

    Guided Imagery to Improve Mental Health in Cancer Patients with Chemotherapy: Literature Review

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    Aims: The purpose of this study was to review the research literature related to the use of Guided imagery on the mental health of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Methods: The design of this review is a literature review. Five quantitative experimental articles and RCTs were obtained from the database: PubMed, Proquest, Clinicalkey nursing, Science Direct, with the criteria of experimental articles providing guided imagery interventions for chemotherapy patients, published 2011-2021, in English and Indonesian. Results: The findings of this review article were guided imagery intervention, two articles combined PMR relaxation, and three articles carried out guided imagery with deep breath relaxation. The duration of guided imagery differed in some studies from 15 minutes to 30 minutes with various sessions either supervised or conducted independently with compact disc (CD) recordings. The results of the findings that guided imagery can reduce mental health problems such as stress, anxiety and depression experienced by cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Conclusion: Guided imagery is a practical, easy, and simple action that can be taken to reduce mental health problems in cancer patients with chemotherapy

    Technical Capability of Regional Development Planning Bodies in Absorbing Community Aspirations in development programs: Local Development Planning Perspectives

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    The Regional Development Planning Agency as a regional technical institution in the field of development planning is demanded for its technical capabilities in accommodating and accommodating the aspirations of the community in order to realize community welfare. This study aims to find out the organizational Ability of the Regional Development Planning Agency in absorbing the aspirations of the community in development planning and factors support and hinder the Organizational Ability of the Regional Development Planning Agency to absorb the aspirations of the community in Regional Development Planning. This research uses qualitative research by taking the setting or research location in Gorontalo District. The data collection technique is done by using interview, observation and documentation methods. Data analysis in this study used an interactive pattern analysis technique. Data collection, data condensation, data presentation, drawing conclusions or verification. The results showed that the Development Planning Agency Organization is still having difficulties in accommodating and accommodating people's aspirations through the development planning system so that the results have not been able to fulfill all existing aspirations, this is triggered by the ability of the apparatus owned by the Regional Development Planning, Research and Development Agency (BAPPEDA) either Technically, administrative, conceptual and communication have not been able to support the management of community aspirations running well. As for the supporting and inhibiting factors of the Regional Development Planning Agency in absorbing the aspirations of the community, namely as a Supporting Factor, there is extensive authority owned by Bappeda in coordinating, the availability of information technology, the presence of stakeholder participation, while the Inhibiting Factors are the ability and skills of officials, political intervention from authorities, as well as the low ability of Bappeda to identify quality proposals

    An analysis on compensation of claims regarding to personal Injury and loss of earning on several court cases

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    Road accident is a major contributor in personal injury cases. The plaintiff or accident victims are entitled to compensation from injuries. This study aims to analyse the amount of damages received compared to the amount of damages in personal injury guideline from Completion of the Review of the Compendium of Personal Injury Award. A comparison between the system multiplier set forth in Section 28A of the Civil Law Act (Amendment) Act 1984 will be carried out with Odgen Table from United Kingdom customised with the Expected Life Tables of Malaysians. A total of 30 court cases from 1989 to 2013 are analysed in this study which includes all accidents on the road. The results showed that there were two cases of injury beyond the maximum range of the guidelines which are scars and eye injuries. Therefore, it is suggested that we should look at multiplier which is fairer in dealing with loss of earnings.Keywords: quantum; loss of earnings; multiplier

    Effect of Pricing Methods and Public Paying Fee on Cleaning & Sanitation Service in Zanzibar: A Case of West B Municipality

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    The main objective of the study was to assess the effect of pricing methods and public paying fee on cleaning and sanitation services in West B Municipality, Zanzibar. The survey questionnaire was distributed to the business owner with sample size of 150 and data were collected and analysed based on both descriptive and inferential statistics through Pearson correlation using SPSS version 23.  The study results through descriptive the study shows that about 98 respondents which made 65.3% replied that there is no  impact brought by pricing methods and public paying fee on cleaning and sanitation services. Although the result from person correlation state that there is no significant positive relationship between pricing methods and public paying fee on Cleaning Service & sanitation services. The study recommends that the municipality should establish a specific model for pricing municipality services including cleaning and sanitation services. Keywords: Pricing Methods, Public Paying Fee and Cleaning and Sanitation Service DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-29-04 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Crypto-Semantic Method of Text Data Protection

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    A method of text data protection called crypto-semantic is proposed. In order to implement the method within the formally defined restrictions of the selected sphere of applied uses, it is necessary to develop a corresponding lexicographical system in the form of an applied linguistic corpus and semantically structure the information using the constructed linguistic corpus so that the encrypted text message samples present semantically plausible text fragments. Under certain conditions the method provides absolute guarantee of text data protection from confidentiality compromise.


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    This paper elaborates the social relationships in congregational prayers toward the social life in Makassar City during Covid 19 pandemic. The study used qualitative method and took place in Makassar City, South Sulawesi Province. The researchers applied phenomenological, normative, and anthropological approaches and used in-depth interviews, non-participatory observation, and documentation for data collection. The research instrument was interview guide and observation guide. After the data was collected, it was analyzed through three stages; data reduction, data presentation, and data verification/ conclusions drawing. The data triangulation involved credibility, dependability, confirmability, and transparency criteria. The results show that the role of congregational prayers on social problems in Makassar city during the Covid-19 pandemic is to educate the public directly to face the pandemic, encourage more self-reflection in interpreting the pandemic, and take wisdom from the situation

    An Analytical Study Towards the UAE Universities Smart Education Innovated Approaches

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    © 2017 IEEE. The world has become a global village and technology has a strong influence in every aspect of our daily lives and the fourth industrial revolution that will alter the way we live and learn. This inter-connectivity brings a need for greater engagement, experience and efficiency. Catch a sign on a day in a life of a student and how connectivity and technology helps enrich his/her daily activities. This research aims to study the beneficiary of adopting Smart Education technology among United Arab Emirates (UAE) Universities. This type of education is becoming a dominant in academia especially within universities around the globe. Since it was introduced, it demonstrates a significant change in educational instructional methods. The objective of this research is to investigate Smart Education instruments much as its significance and demands. This research used different tools for assessment. Surveys and interviews were conducted to group of universities learners and educators within the higher education system in the UAE. The outcome of the research has shown a significant support towards the usage of the Smart tools and technologies. The survey has also indicated that 72% of the participants preferred the technology approach within their curriculum. The research highlighted that there is a great impact of using the Smart technology tools. In the Future, the authors would like to investigate the risk of adopting such educational approach


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    Budidaya ikan lele memiliki prospek bisnis yang menjanjikan untuk dikembangkan di Kota Baubau Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Salah satu kelompok pembudidaya yang aktif melakukan produksi ikan lele di Kota Baubau adalah kelompok Bawal Subur. Permasalahan yang dihadapi kelompok adalah belum menerapkan manajemen keuangan usaha dengan baik. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari belum adanya pencatatan kegiatan usaha, sehingga pembudidaya tidak mengetahui perkembangan usahanya. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan manajemen keuangan usaha kepada kelompok pembudidaya ikan lele Bawal Subur Kelurahan Liabuku Kota Baubau. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dengan cara memberi pelatihan penyusunan laporan keuangan dan analisis usaha budidaya lele. Hasil yang dicapai dari kegiatan ini adalah kelompok pembudidaya telah terampil melakukan analisis biaya produksi lele dan mampu menyusun laporan keuangan