5,851 research outputs found

    Analisis Kinerja Simpang Stagger Pada Jl. Sultan Abdurrahman – Jl. Johan Idrus – Jl. Putri Candramidi Kota Pontianak

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    The rapid growth of vehicles and the limited capacity of urban roads lead to problems in the field of transport. Particularly in the area of ​​the intersection, which is often congested and long lines. Setting the intersection with the traffic light control to be planned in accordance with the amount of traffic passing through the intersection, so that traffic can be served well and generate optimum performance intersection. The purpose of this study to determine the amount of traffic flow and the level of performance stagger signalized intersection Jl. Sultan Abdurrahman-Jl. Johan Idrus-Jl. Putri Candramidi Pontianak, and find alternative solutions to problems that can be applied to optimize the performance of the intersection. The data used in this study consisted of primary data include: geometry conditions, the environment, traffic and signaling, as well as secondary data comprising: a map of the location of research and population. Performance optimization on the existing conditions using the Indonesian Highway Capacity Manual (MKJI) 1997, www.harianregional.com with performance parameters, including capacity (C), the degree of saturation (DS), delay (D), and the long lines (QL). Based on the analysis of existing analysis obtained intersection signalized intersection performance stagger Jl. Sultan Abdurrahman-Jl. Johan Idrus-Jl. Putri Candramidi Pontianak City has not comply of manual MKJI 1997. It can be seen from the value of capacity (C), degree of saturation (DS), delay (D), long lines(QL), respectively (East: 1505 smp/hours; 0876 ; 45.56 det/smp ; 111.13 m), (West: 1019 smp/hour ; 0.957; 71.23 det/smp; 84.99 m), (South; 1186 smp/hour ; 0.930 ; 44.68 det/smp ; 70.51 m) , (North: 2195 smp/hour; 0431; 9:00 det/smp; - m). Based on the results of improvement alternative that provides the best value alternative form of mounting three wide median and the addition of closers. Alternative 3 can improve the performance of the intersection, the increase can be seen from the value of capacity (C), degree of saturation (DS), delay (D), long lines (QL), respectively (East: 1407 smp/hour; 0714 ; 41.92 det/smp; 42.44 m), (West: 1274 smp/hour; 0766; 41.41 det / smp; 50.32 m), (South: 1186 smp/hour ; 0.477; 40.22 det/smp; 36.72 m), (North : 2195 smp/hour; 0431; 9:00 det/smp; - m), an alternative overall has comply of MKJI 1997, then these alternatives may be applied in a stagger signalized intersection of Jl. Sultan Abdurrahman-Jl. Johan Idrus-Jl. Putri Candramidi Pontianak

    Cyclic AMP deficiency, modifier-mutations, and instability of the cr-1 phenotype

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    Cyclic AMP deficiency, modifier-mutations, and instability of the cr-1 phenotyp

    Study on Changes of Sperm Head Morphometry and Dna Integrity of Freeze-dried Bovine Spermatozoa

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    Changes of sperm heads morphometric and DNA integrity of freeze-dried bovine spermatozoa were investigated. Freeze-dried spermatozoa had stored in the refrigerator at 4°C for 2 years. Computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) was used in this study to identify sperm head morphometry, while for DNA integrity analysis using acridine orange staining. Samples were smeared on glass slides, fixed for 2 h in acetic alcohol and stained with acridine orange solution. After staining, each slide was examined at x400 magnification in a fluorescence microscope with axio vision (Zeiss Company, Germany). Proportion of fluorescence red and green emissions of the sperm head were examined and scored. These results indicated that sperm head had enlarged significantly (P<0.05) after freeze-drying process. However, freeze-dried sperm heads morphometry significantly (P<0.05) decrease after incubation for 3 and 6 hours. Changes of DNA integrity of freeze-dried spermatozoa significantly (P<0.05) decrease after incubation for 6 hours. In the present study concluded that (1) freeze-drying spermatozoa caused sperm head morphometric enlarged, whereas incubation time caused sperm heads decreased, (2) DNA integrity of freeze-dried sperm head is still intact during incubation 3 hours, and decreased DNA integrity occur in incubation for 6 hours

    Modelling the Combustion of Explosives

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    When an explosive burns, gaseous products are formed as a result. The interaction of the burning solid and gas is not well understood. More specifically, the process of the gaseous product heating the explosive is yet to be explored in detail. The present work is aimed towards filling that gap using mathematical modelling: this aims to track the temperature profile in the explosive and the gas’s response. This work begins by modelling single step reactions using the simple Arrhenius model. An alternative asymptotic approach is also employed. There is close agreement between the results for the full reaction-diffusion problem and the asymptotic problem. The model is then extended to include three step reaction kinetics, where we again apply asymptotic analysis in addition to direct computation. Further work outlined briefly at the end includes the motion of gas being incorporated in the existing model with temperature and pressure distributions considered

    Modelling, computation and analysis on combustion of explosives

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    The study of the effect of intake valve timing on engine using cylinder deactivation technique via simulation

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    There are many technologies that being developed to increase the efficiency of internal combustion engines as well as reducing their fuel consumption. In this paper, the main area of focus is on cylinder deactivation (CDA) technology. CDA is mostly being applied on multi cylinders engines. CDA has the advantage to improve fuel consumption by reducing pumping losses at part load engine conditions. Here, the application of CDA on 1.6L four cylinders gasoline engine is studied. One-dimensional (1D) engine modeling work is performed to investigate the effect of intake valve strategy on engine performance with CDA. 1D engine model is constructed based on the 1.6L actual engine geometries. The model is simulated at various engine speeds at full load conditions. The simulated results show that the constructed model is well correlated to measured data. This correlated model is then used to investigate the CDA application at part load conditions. Also, the effects on the in-cylinder combustion as well as pumping losses are presented. The study shows that the effect of intake valve strategy is very significant on engine performance. Pumping losses is found to be reduced, thus improve fuel consumption and engine efficiency

    Identifikasi Kesulitan Guru dalam Mengimplementasikan Kurikulum 2013 Denganpendekatan Saintifik di Kelas Tinggi Gugus Mangga Kecamatan Jaya Baru Banda Aceh

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    Perubahan kurikulum 2013 bertujuan untuk memperbaharui kurikulum menjadi lebih baik, namun dalam mengimplementasikan kurikulum 2013, guru masih mengalami kesulitan seperti dalam menerapkan Pendekatan Saintifik. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah apa sajakah kesulitan guru dalam mengimplementasikan kurikulum 2013 dengan pendekatan saintifik di kelas tinggi Gugus Mangga Kecamatan Jaya Baru Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apa saja kesulitan guru dalam mengimplementasikan kurikulum 2013 dengan pendekatan saintifik di kelas tinggi Gugus Mangga Kecamatan Jaya Baru Banda Aceh.Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif jenis deskriptif.Data bersumber pada guru yang mengajar.Subjek penelitian ini adalah seluruh guru kelas tinggi yang ada di Gugus Mangga Kecamatan Jaya Baru Banda Aceh.Pengumpulan Data di lakukan dengan angket, observasi dan wawancara.Data angket diolah dengan deskriptif persentase.Data wawancara dan observasi diolah dengan reduksi, display dan verification.Berdasarkan hasil analisis data yang telah dilakukan bahwa dalam menerapkan pendekatan saintifik guru masih mengalami kesulitan dalam menanya sebanyak 33,% dan kesulitan dalam menalar sebanyak 33%.Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah guru kelas tinggi di Gugus Mangga Kecamatan Jaya Baru Banda Aceh masih kesulitan dalam menerapkan pendekatan saintifik, khususnya pada langkah menanya dan menalar. Sehingga proses pembelajaran tidak sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Disarankan untuk para guru agar lebih banyak lagi menekankan kegiatan-kegiatan yang berkaitan menanya dan menalar, namun dengan cara yang dapat membuat siswa merasa tertarik, termotivasi, serta berlomba untuk memberikan gagasan/ide (menalar)