3,193 research outputs found

    Poem: Qoriga u garwaaxshey asagoon sagalkii galin

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    Analisis Usabilitas Sistem Informasi Administrasi Sekolah Terpadu (SIASAT) Menggunakan Model Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Pada SMK Nasional Makassar

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    Analisis sistem informasi sangat penting dilakukan untuk menghasilkan sistem yang mudah, efektif, efisien, dan tepat guna bagi pengguna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan model analisis sistem informasi dengan konsep Human Computer Interaction (HCI) dengan kriteria usability Jacob Nielsen yaitu learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors, dansatisfaction. Model analisis sistem informasi human computer interaction (HCI) dengan lima kriteria usability dapat digunakan sebagai standar untuk menganalisa konsep Human-Computer Interaction sudah diterapkan dalam sistem sehingga dapat diketahui kelemahan sistem dan dengan demikian dapat dilakukan perbaikan terhadap sistem. Penerapan model Human Computer Interaction dalam analisis Sistem Informasi Administrasi Sekolah – Terpadu (SIASAT) menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa sebagian besar konsep Human Computer Interaction telah diterapkan dalam SIASAT. SIASAT memiliki kemudahan untuk dipelajari70%, diingat dan efisiensi 82.22%, namun SIASAT belum memiliki penanggulangan kesalahan yang baik karena hanya memiliki prosentase 40%. Para pengguna cukup puas dengan hasil yang diperoleh melalui SIASAT sebesar 70%namun fasilitas yang disediakan SIASAT dianggap belum seluruhnya mengakomodir kebutuhan para pengguna di SMK Nasional Makassar. Kata Kunci :Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Usability, Sistem Informasi Administrasi Sekolah Terpad


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    Degradasi Carmoisine Oleh Reagen Fenton: Optimalisasi Parameter Degradasi

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    Carmoisine adalah zat warna azo sintetis yang menghasilkan warna merah untuk makanan. Kehadiran gugus sulfonat dalam Carmoisine membuatnya polar dan larut dalam air. Zat warna ini dapat menyebabkan asma dan alergi pada banyak orang. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya metoda yang tepat untuk menghilangkan Carmoisine dari limbah yang mudah dioperasikan dan berbiaya rendah. Penelitian ini dirancang untuk menyelidiki degradasi Carmoisine dari larutan dengan proses oksidasi menggunakan reagen Fenton. Proses degradasi zat warna dipantau menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Efek dari parameter operasi yang mempengaruhi efisiensi degradasi seperti H2O2, Fe2+, konsentrasi zat warna, serta pH dipelajari dan dioptimalkan. Kondisi optimal dicapai pada saat Fe2+ 0,1 mM, H2O2 0,5 mM, konsentrasi zat warna awal adalah 10 mg/L, serta pH = 3,5. Semua percobaan ini dilakukan pada suhu ruangan yaitu 27 oC. Dalam kondisi optimal, efisiensi degradasi zat warna mencapai 93,25% dalam larutan yang dicapai setelah 60 menit reaksi. Oleh sebab itu, reagen Fenton adalah metode yang baik untuk menghilangkan zat warna Carmoisine dari larutan

    De novo metagenomic assembly of microbial communities from the lower convective layer of the Red Sea Atlantis II brine environment.

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    The lower convective layer of the Red Sea Atlantis II brine pool (ATII-LCL) is an unexplored environment that is characterized by harsh conditions of high temperature (68ºC), high salinity (26%), high concentration of heavy metals and very low oxygen content. Microbial communities inhabiting this extreme environment are expected to have unique structural and functional adaptations to survive such harsh conditions. These adaptations can be expressed by novel genes or new metabolic pathways. The recent advances in the next generation sequencing technologies have increased the size of the generated reads (500 bps in 454 pyrosequencing) and lowered the sequencing cost per gigabase. As a result, research efforts became more feasible to reveal the mystery of such an interesting environment and to discover novel proteins that might have a useful biotechnological application. This study is the first attempt to establish a metagenomic assembled dataset of the environmental sample taken from the ATII-LCL. Three successive runs of 454 random shotgun sequencing were performed producing a large size dataset of 1.5 Gbs and 4.4 million reads. This approach has been used to increase the sequence coverage of metagenomic datasets in order to overcome the high diversity of some microbial communities. De novo assembly of the pooled reads from all sequencing runs resulted in a 40,693 contigs with maximum contig size of 350 kb. The comparison of different assembly versions of individual runs showed that we have not yet reached a complete coverage of the genomes contained in the metagenomic sample. Also, this metagenomic dataset has shown a high complexity concerning the community structure due to the absence of a dominant taxonomic classification. The taxonomic classification of the assembled dataset has been distributed between three major bacterial orders, Burkholderiales, Rhizobiales and Pseudomonadales and one Archaeal class Euryarchaeota. The newly established dataset has been used to annotate an operon for mercury resistance genes. The annotated Mercuric reductase gene (MerA) has been synthesized and expressed in the lab showing a high enzyme activity compared to its terrestrial peers

    The Contribution of Diaspora on Household Poverty Alleviation: Zanzibar Urban West Region

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    The main objective of this study was to examine the contributions of Diaspora on household poverty alleviation in Unguja Urban West Region Zanzibar. The results indicate that the people living in Diaspora contribute greatly to their household members in terms of improving their income. The Diaspora brought to the home population between TZS 1, 000,000 up to TZS 5,000,000 which mark 64% of the income. About 44% of the total income brought by Diaspora is coming in the holy month of Ramadan. While 33.3% of the income is coming in the holydays and only 23% of the funds are coming in other months when needed by household members. Furthermore, the results show the positive effect on the contribution of Diaspora on supporting social services to the household members. Whereas 59% of the income brought for social services from the Diaspora is being used for education development,  26% is being used for the development of health and15% is for other services like paying for electricity and water bills. Zanzibaris in Diaspora are increasingly making contributions to the establishment of investments. The statistics on investment by Diaspora show that investment in car ranks top (28.2% ) followed by investment in running shops (18%) building schools (15.3%), establishing stationary, (15.3%)  opening dispensary (13%) and 10.2% are invested in other areas. General findings reveal that members living in Diaspora established Information Technology Centre and Education Centres in Unguja Ukuu which help the member of households and other people in the society in Unguja. The study conclude that Diaspora is important in the poverty reduction to the extent that their contribution in improving peoples income, provision of social services like education and health services are the major indicators in the improvement of living standards to the people. It is recommended therefore that the Zanzibar government should increasingly recognize the contribution they make in poverty alleviation and economic development of their home country and has to take some positive steps to engage in Diaspora. Also the government is recommended to know where Diaspora lives, their numbers, level of education and their occupation the case that will be easily to utilize them in their country of origi

    Dekolorisasi Malachite Green oleh Reagen Fenton: Optimalisasi Parameter dan Studi Kinetika

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    The study of the decolorization of Malachite Green in solution using the Fenton reagent has been investigated. The effects of different reaction parameters such as hydrogen peroxide concentration, iron ion concentration, pH of the solution, and initial dye concentration have been carried out. In this study the experimental range for H2O2 concentrations varied from 0.2 mM to 4 mM and Fe2+ ions were 0.01-0.1 mM. All experiments were carried out at room temperature of 27 oC. Furthermore, the optimal oxidation condition with the concentration of MG dyes of 20 mg/L was with H2O2 0.5 mM, Fe2+ 0.05 mM, and pH at 3. The dye decolorization process of MG was also observed kinetically, it was found that the degradation process took place with first-order reaction rate. Under optimal conditions, the dye solution with a concentration of 20 mg/L completely decolorized within 60 minutes at 27ºC, and 76% of the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) was removed. This proves that MG was not only decolorized but also mineralized

    "Let women keep silent" : an interpretation of 1 Timothy 2:11-12 from an Oromo perspective

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    Master's thesis in theology. VID Specialized University, Stavanger, May 2017MV 17 S

    Pemakaian Jilbab DI SMP Negeri 2 Pace Nganjuk:: Analisis Fenomenologis Terhadap Pemahaman Siswa Terkait Pemakaian Jilbab dan Pembelajaran PAI

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    Penelitian ini di bingkai dalam topik besar Program Pencegahan Narkoba yang secara khusus melihat program pencagahan yang ada di MTs Darussalam Kras Kabupaten Kediri dari program perencaan madrasah samapai pelaksaaan yang ada dapat atau bisa meningkatkan mutu madrasah.Fokus yang diajukan peneliti ini meliputi : 1) Program pencegahan narkoba di MTs Darussalam Kras Tahun Pelajaran 2016-2017, 2) Pelaksanaan program pencegahan penyalahgunaan narkoba di MTs Darussalam Kras Tahun Pelajaran 2016-2017. Penelitian ini berhasil memperoleh temuan sesuai dengan fokus permasalahan yang pada garis besarnya dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut. 1) Program pencegahan narkoba dilakukan dengan cara sosialisasi, entah itu dari pihak internal sekolah sendiri ataupun dari pihak luar atau dari ahlinya. Secara internal MTs Darussalam Kras memberdayakan dewan guru untuk mentranfer ilmu pengetahuan, dan juga mendidik. 2) Dari segi perencanan yang mengkhususkan untuk pencegahan penyalahgunaan narkoba di MTs Darussalam Kras belum ada, sehingga otomatis untuk pelaksaan pencegahan penyalahgunaan narkoba di MTs Darussalam Kras belum terlaksana. Akan tetapi ada beberapa kegiatan madrasah sudah mengarah ke dalam program pencegahan narkoba