8 research outputs found
Road management in the era of local autonomy is considered still face problems in terms of regulation which negatively impacts to its implementation. The regulation of the authority to administer local governments with the broadest principle of autonomy has apparently been narrowed at the level of its implementation in line with changes in relevant laws. As a consequence, the regional authority, which was originally very broad, has changed to become narrow again, so that certain functions are not optimal. One indication is the reversalof road management from the province, district or city to the central government, so this has become an anomaly in the current era of localautonomy. This paper will try to discuss three important issues relating to road management from a legal perspective. First, the arrangement of the division of authority in the management of roads between government level in legislation. Second, the implementation of road management by the central, provincial, district and city governmentsin the era of local autonomy. Third, efforts to optimize the function of roads as a means of regional development and promotion in the era of local autonomy.Pengelolaan jalan di era otonomi daerah dianggapmasih menghadapi masalah dari segi pengaturan yang berakibat negatifkepada pelaksanaannya. Pengaturan kewenangan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan daerah dengan prinsip otonomi seluas-luasnya ternyata mengalami penyempitan di dalam tataran pelaksanaannya seiring dengan terjadinya perubahan undang-undang terkait. Sebagai konsekuensinya, kewenangan daerah yang semula sangat luas berubah menjadi sempit kembali, sehingga urusan tertentu menjadi tidak optimal. Salah satu indikasi adalah penyerahan kembali urusan dalam pengelolaan jalan dari provinsi, kabupaten, atau kota kepada pemerintah pusat, sehingga hal ini menjadi anomali di era otonomi daerah saat ini.
Tulisan ini akan mencoba mendiskusikan tiga hal penting terkait dengan pengelolaan jalan dari perspektif hukum. Pertama, pengaturan pembagian kewenangan dalam pengelolaan jalan di antara satuan pemerintahan di dalam peraturan perundang-undangan. Kedua, pelaksanaan pengelolaan jalan oleh pemerintah pusat, provinsi, kabupaten, dan kota di era otonomi daerah.Ketiga, upaya optimalisasi fungsi jalan sebagai sarana dalam pengembangan dan pemajuan daerah di era otonomi daerah.
Kata kunci:kewenangan, otonomi daerah, dan pengelolaan jala
Telaah Kritis Politik Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Penerapan Sanksi Pidana Minimum Khusus Dalam Tindak Pidana Korupsi
Temuan penelitian ini memberikan rekomendasi: (i) penggunaan dapat menghilangkan kesenjangan dalam tindak pidana korupsi yang menggabungkan sanksi pidana minimum tetap khusus, (ii) meneruskan untuk memasukkan aturan / pedoman hukuman dengan kriteria tertentu, dan (iii) sebelum menjatuhkan hukuman mati. keputusan, hakim harus menghormati doktrinnya.Kata kunci: Sanksi pidana minimum khusus
Tren Riset Pelanggaran HAM Berat: Analisis Bibliometrik dan Agenda Riset Masa Depan
This study aims to analyze research trends related to human rights, identify countries, organizations, and authors who contribute significantly to the aforementioned research. Furthermore, this paper identifies related articles that strongly influence these scientific publications. VosViewer collects data from Scopus Database Journal and analyzes it using bibliometric analysis. As a result of the study, the United States has the highest number of publications. Furthermore, the Department of Epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland, is the organization that has focused the most attention and influence on the issue of resolving gross human rights violations. Aside from that, Professor C. Beyrer of the United States is the most prolific and influential researcher on the topic of resolving gross human rights violations. Bibliometric analysis and content analysis show that the trend of resolving gross human rights violations in several countries since 2015 has been more toward resolution with non-judicial mechanisms. However, the results of the research show that several relevant articles do not provide a clear definition of gross human rights violations. Therefore, further research from other databases, such as the Web of Science, is required.Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tren penelitian terkait hak asasi manusia, mengidentifikasi negara, organisasi, dan penulis yang berkontribusi signifikan terhadap penelitian tersebut. Selanjutnya, tulisan ini mengidentifikasi artikel-artikel terkait yang berpengaruh kuat terhadap publikasi ilmiah tersebut. VosViewer mengumpulkan data dari Database Journal Scopus dan menganalisisnya menggunakan analisis bibliometrik. Penelitian tersebut menunjukkan Amerika Serikat memiliki jumlah publikasi tertinggi. Selanjutnya, Departemen Epidemiologi di Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health di Baltimore, Maryland, adalah organisasi yang paling memusatkan perhatian dan pengaruhnya pada masalah penyelesaian pelanggaran HAM berat. Selain itu, Profesor C. Beyrer dari Amerika Serikat adalah peneliti paling produktif dan berpengaruh dalam topik penyelesaian pelanggaran HAM berat. Analisis bibliometrik dan analisis isi menunjukkan bahwa kecenderungan penyelesaian pelanggaran HAM berat di beberapa negara sejak tahun 2015 lebih mengarah pada penyelesaian dengan mekanisme non-yudisial. Namun, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa beberapa pasal yang relevan tidak memberikan definisi yang jelas tentang pelanggaran HAM berat. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut dari database lain, seperti Web of Science
Population data is essential for development planning and policy formulation. This observation is focused on finding the data of the population affected by the construction of the Cisumdawu Toll Road, the factors affecting population data collection due to the construction of the Cisumdawu Toll Road, as well as efforts made in the implementation of population data collection due to the construction of the Cisumdawu Toll Road. Thus to know it, the authors filled into the title “IMPLEMENTATION OF POPULATION DESIGNS BECAUSETHE DEVELOPMENT OF Cisumdawu TOLL ROAD IN THE DEPARTMENT OF POPULATION AND LISTING CIVIL REGENCY OF WEST JAVA PROVINCE (Study of Population Movement in District Pamulihan). The method used in this study is a qualitative research method using an inductive descriptive approach that aims to create a description, description or painting systematically, factually and accurately about the facts, traits and the relationship between the phenomena being investigated. Further drawing conclusions, general problem solving by using primary and secondary data is through interviews, observation and documentation as an instrument of data collection. Based on research conducted by the authors, that the implementation of population data collection due to the construction of Cisumdawu toll road in the Department of Population and Civil Registration Sumedang, as a whole not optimal. However, the efforts made by the Department of Population and Civil Registration as the Implementing Agency of the Implementing of Population Administration, to the land acquisition area, especially the Pamulihan sub-district has been implemented well, in accordance with the laws and regulations. The implementation of population data collection due to Cisumdawu Toll road construction there are still obstacles, that is still the lack of public awareness of the administrative administration of population, from that the Department of Population and Civil Registration Sumedang District continues working to realize the orderly administration of population is by increasing socialization to the community.
Keywords: population data collection, Implementatio
This tudy aimed to describe Role of Village Government in Empowering Village Sukamulya Pakenjeng Sub district Garut District, based on the fact, most of livelihood’s Sukamulya Villagers is farm and level of public education in the productive age tends to below. In this study the authors use descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques were observation interviews and documentation. Based on the research that has been done can be concluded that the village government of Sukamulya can empower people through several development program are; The first is activation of the institution, the second is increasing public participation in the implementation of communal work activities, the rsse village musrenbangdes and physical development. The third is increase in productive economic with activity training of black smiths and embroidery. But, in the implementation of an empowerment society, village government Sukamulya had some constrains such as lack of community participation, lazy culture and the of facilities available to support development activities. Keywords: empowerment, village government
Penyelesaian Sengketa Batas Daerah menggunakan Pendekatan Regulasi
One of the increasing trends in the era of regional autonomy is the regional extension both at the provincial level and at district/city level. However, such situation in some cases has emerged some new problems, such as; social conflict, conflict on natural resourses and conflict in the regional boundaries. This study examines the broblems, first, what factor are causing the dispute on the boundaries in the extension of new autonomous region? Second, how is the pattem of the settlement of boundary dispute provided in the Indonesia legal sistem?Third,what is the role of the Government in solving the boundary dispute? This is a juridical-empirical research. The study concluded that; First, the boundary dispute has been triggered by the area extension processnot requinting the border as a legal requirement in the area expansion. The requirements fulfilled were more technical, physical and political. Second, the pattem of the boundary dispute resolution generally is through two ways; the non-legal border dispute resolution, and legal settlement. In non-legal resolution, it was mediated by MOHA and Govemors; while, in the legal dispute resolution it reached through a judicial review to the Supreme Court or the Constitutional Court. Third, in the dispute of area border, the governments role was the facilitator in accordance with the level of its dispute case
Implementation Of Special Autonomy Policy In Papua Province
Abstract – The phenomenon that is used as the object of research is the implementation of the special autonomy policy in Papua Province on increasing the Human Development Index (IPM) in Papua Province. The research objectives are (1) to analyze the implementation of the special autonomy policy in increasing HDI; (2) Analyze the obstacles to the implementation of the special autonomy policy in increasing the HDI; (3) Formulate a strategy for implementing special autonomy policies in increasing the HDI. Utilizing a qualitative approach, this study gathered data from four informants identified via the snowball technique, with additional information obtained from literature and direct observation. The collected data was then analyzed descriptively, refined through observer triangulation. This study explores the implementation of the special autonomy policy in Papua Province and its less than optimal impact on the Human Development Index (HDI). Key impediments include policy limitations in meeting stakeholders' interests, the types and extent of benefits conferred, change rate, decision-making, execution, and resource commitment. Further challenges arise from a weak anticipation of stakeholders' strengths, interests, strategies, institutional characteristics, compliance, and responsiveness. Given these constraints, current implementation has not effectively improved Papua's HDI as suggested by persistently low index scores. Obstacles to the implementation of the special autonomy policy in Papua Province on increasing HDI include structural constraints, cultural constraints and conditional constraints. The Special Autonomy ASOCA Strategy Model is a strategic approach derived from examining the special autonomy policy's impact on Papua Province's HD