11 research outputs found
Esteatosis hepática no alcohólica en pacientes con síndrome metabólico
Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Cirugía. Fecha de lectura: 18-09-201
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and cardiovascular risk factors in primary care
Varias circunstancias motivan el creciente interés por la esteatosis hepática no alcohólica (EHNA): la elevada
prevalencia de la enfermedad en el mundo occidental, su capacidad de progresión a formas histológicas más
agresivas y su asociación con enfermedades que incrementan el riesgo cardiovascular. Objetivo: analizar la
relación de la esteatosis hepática no alcohólica con los factores de riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes con
criterios de síndrome metabólico. Método: fue realizado un estudio descriptivo transversal con una muestra
de 100 pacientes, con 2 o más factores de riesgo cardiovascular, con nula o baja ingesta de alcohol, que
acudían a consulta de atención primaria. A los seleccionados se les solicitó analítica completa e interconsulta
para ecografía de abdomen completo. Se evaluó si tenían esteatosis hepática; en caso de ser afirmativo, se
estratificaba en 3 grados. Se recogieron las siguientes variables tanto cualitativas (sexo, antecedentes personales
y familiares de diabetes, hipertensión arterial, dislipidemia, entre otros) y cuantitativas (edad, peso,
talla, índice de masa corporal, tratamiento farmacológico, cifras de distintos parámetros analíticos, cifras de
tensión arterial y perímetro abdominal). Resultados: participaron 100 pacientes, 56% de los cuales eran
mujeres, con una edad media de 61,84 DE ± 9,5 años. Del total de sujetos del estudio, el 23 % no tenía esteatosis
hepática no alcohólica; un 29% tenía esteatosis hepática leve; otro 29%, esteatosis hepática moderada;
y el 19% restante, esteatosis hepática severa. En los hombres, el 82% presentó esteatosis hepática. De las
mujeres, el 28,57% no presentó hígado graso. Un 22% tenía sobrepeso y un 38% de los pacientes eran
obesos. Solo un 22% y un 18% tenían alteradas las cifras tensionales sistólica y diastólica, respectivamente.
El 60% tenía una glucemia basal alterada. En cuanto a los parámetros lipídicos, el 36% tenía hipertrigliceridemia;
el 41%, hipercolesterolemia, con un 65% de colesterol LDL alto y un 16% de colesterol HDL bajo. El 83%
de los pacientes tenía 2 o más criterios de síndrome metabólico. Conclusiones: hay una estrecha relación
entre la aparición de esteatosis hepática no alcohólica y los factores de riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes
con síndrome metabólico, por lo que se recomienda que, ante la aparición de estos, se analice el hígadoSeveral factors motivate the growing interest in this disease. They include the high prevalence of the disease
in the Western world, its ability to progress to more aggressive histological forms, and its association
with diseases that increase cardiovascular risk. Objective: The objective of this study was to analyze the
relationship of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) with cardiovascular risk factors in patients with criteria
for metabolic syndrome. Method: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study of 100 patients who had two or
more cardiovascular risk factors, who did not consume alcohol or consumed only small amounts of alcohol,
and who came to the primary care clinic. The patients selected underwent complete analyses including abdominal
ultrasound. They were evaluated for hepatic steatosis, and, if they tested positive, it was stratified
into three degrees. Among the qualitative variables used were sex, personal and family history of diabetes,
hypertension, dyslipidemia, and the quantitative variables included age, weight, height, body mass index,
pharmacological treatment, numbers of different analytical parameters, blood pressure and abdominal perimeter.
Results: There were 100 patients, 56% of whom were women. Patients’ mean age was 61.84 SD ± 9.5
years. Of the total number of subjects in the study, 23% did not have NASH, 29% had mild hepatic steatosis,
29% had moderate hepatic steatosis and 19% had severe hepatic steatosis. Of the men in the study, 82%
had hepatic steatosis. Of the women, 28.57% did not have fatty livers. 22% were overweight and 38% obese.
Only 22% had altered the systolic blood pressure and and 18% had altered diastolic blood pressure. 60% had
altered basal glycemia. 36% had hypertriglyceremia, 41% had hypercholesterolemia including 65% with high
LDL cholesterol and 16% with low HDL cholesterol. 83% of the patients had two or more criteria for metabolic
syndrome.Conclusions: There is a close relationship between the occurrence of NASH and cardiovascular
risk factors in patients with metabolic syndrome, and it is advisable that the liver be analyzedEstudio financiado en parte por la Comisión de Investigación de la Gerencia Integrada de Albacet
Starkeya nomas sp. nov., a prosthecate and budding bacterium isolated from an immunocompromized patient
Strain HF14-78462T is an environmental bacterium found in clinical samples from an immunocompromized patient in 2014 at Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe (Valencia, Spain). Phenotypically, strain HF14-78462T cells were Gram-stain-negative, aerobic, non-spore forming and non-motile small rods which formed mucous and whitish-translucent colonies when incubated at 20-36 °C. Phylogenetic analyses based on the 16S rRNA genes and the whole genomes of closest sequenced relatives confirmed that strain HF14-78462T is affiliated with the genus Starkeya. The strain was oxidase, catalase and urease positive; but indole, lysine decarboxylase, ornithine decarboxylase and DNase negative, did not produce H2S and was able to utilize a wide variety of carbon sources including acetamide, adonitol, amygdalin, l-arabinose, citric acid, glucose, mannitol and melibiose. Unlike Starkeya novella and Starkeya koreensis, strain HF14-78462T failed to grow in thiosulphate-oxidizing media and had a narrower temperature growth range. Its genome was characterized by a size of 4.83 Mbp and a C+G content of 67.75 mol%. Major fatty acids were C18:1 ω7c, cyclo C19 : 0 and C16 : 0, its polar acids were diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol and an aminophospholipid; while the ubiquinones were Q9 (1.8 %) and Q10 (98.2 %). Digital DNA-DNA hybridization values were 41 and 41.4 against S. novella and S. koreensis, respectively, while average nucleotide identity values were around 84 %. Phenotypic, average nucleotide identity and phylogenomic comparative studies suggest that strain HF14-78462T is a new representative of the genus Starkeya and the name Starkeya nomas sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is HF14-78462T (=CECT 30124T=LMG 31874T).Financial support was obtained by the IIS project 2013/0437.S
La ecografía, técnica diagnóstica en esteatosis hepática no alcohólica
Objective. To analyze the ultrasound as a diagnostic test for non-alcoholic liver steatosis.
Method. Observational, descriptive and analytical study, of cross section. For 12 months, 100 patients were selected, with 2 or more cardiovascular risk factors, with no or low alcohol intake, who attended Primary Care. Determinations made. Demographic and biochemical variables: Age. Gender. Alcohol intake. History of diabetes, systemic arterial hypertension. Weight, height, body mass index (BMI). Blood pressure measurement Basal glucose levels, glycosylated hemoglobin. Total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, AST, ALT, bilirubins and alkaline phosphatase. Personal and family history of diabetes, HBP, dyslipidemia, drug treatment, figures of other analytical parameters and abdominal perimeter were also collected. Hepatic evaluation by ultrasonography. Once they met the selection criteria, they were cited for the realization of the ultrasound of the entire abdomen, prior information on the purpose of the technique to be performed and providing the signed informed consent. The ultrasound was performed with the patient on an empty stomach and, if possible, with a bladder replenished, in order to perform the technique in the best conditions of preparation of the patient, in order to reduce the ultrasound devices and to assess all the abdominal structures correctly. Statistical Analysis with SPSS program 23. The qualitative variables are shown as exact value and in percentage, the quantitative variables as mean and standard deviation (SD). The comparison between means was made through the Student t test for independent groups or the Mann-Whitney U test if the normal conditions (application of the Kolmogorov-Smirnoff or Shapiro Willks test) were not met. In qualitative variables, the chi-square test.
Results. 100 patients participated: 44 men and 56 women, with a mean age of 61.84. 71% of subjects are obese. 23% of the subjects do not have steatosis, and in 58% it is mild and moderate in both genders (p <0.003). 19% have grade 3 steatosis. The most prevalent risk factors of the patients studied are obesity, which is presented by 78% of them, hypercholesterolemia 73%, DM 62% and HT 59%.
Conclusions. Ultrasound is the modality of choice for the qualitative determination of steatosis, but it is a subjective and operator-dependent test: it only detects moderate to severe fat infiltration.
Objetivo. Analizar le ecografia como prueba diagnostica de la esteatosis hepática no alcohólica.
Método. Estudio observacional, descriptivo y analítico, de sección transversal. Durante 12 meses se seleccionaron 100 pacientes, con 2 o más factores de riesgo cardiovascular, con nula o baja ingesta de alcohol, que acudían a consulta de Atención Primaria. Determinaciones efectuadas. Variables demográficas y bioquímicas: Edad. Género. Ingesta de alcohol. Historia de diabetes, hipertensión arterial sistémica. Peso, talla, índice de masa corporal (IMC). Medición de presión arterial. Niveles de glucosa basal, hemoglobina glicosilada. Colesterol total, colesterol HDL, colesterol LDL, Triglicéridos, AST, ALT, bilirrubinas y fosfatasa alcalina. También se recogieron antecedentes personales y familiares de diabetes, HTA, dislipemia, tratamiento farmacológico, cifras de otros parámetros analíticos y perímetro abdominal. Evaluación hepática por ultrasonografía. Una vez cumplían los criterios de selección eran citados para la realización de la ecografía de abdomen completo, previa información del propósito de la técnica a efectuar y aportando el consentimiento informado firmado. La ecografía se realizaba con el paciente en ayunas y a ser posible con vejiga repleccionada, para poder efectuar la técnica en las mejores condiciones de preparación del paciente, con el fin de disminuir los artefactos ecográficos y poder valorar todas las estructuras abdominales correctamente. Analisis Estadístico con programa SPSS 23. Las variables cualitativas se exponen como valor exacto y en porcentaje, las cuantitativas como media y desviación estándar (DE). La comparación entre medias se realizó a través de la prueba t de Student para grupos independientes o la U de Mann-Whitney si las condiciones de normalidad (aplicación del test de Kolmogorov- Smirnoff o de Shapiro Willks) no se cumplían. En las variables cualitativas, la prueba de Ji al cuadrado.
Resultados. Han participado 100 pacientes: 44 hombres y 56 mujeres, con una edad media de 61,84. El 71% de los sujetos tienen obesidad. El 23 % de los sujetos no tiene esteatosis, y en el 58 % es de grado leve y moderado en ambos géneros (p< 0,003). El 19 % tiene esteatosis grado 3. Los factores de riesgo más prevalentes de los pacientes estudiados son obesidad, que la presentan el 78 % de ellos, hipercolesterolemia el 73 %, DM el 62 % e HTA el 59 %.
Conclusiones. La ecografía es la modalidad de elección para la determinación cualitativa de esteatosis, pero es una prueba subjetiva y dependiente del operador: sólo detecta infiltración grasa de moderada a grave.
Alteración de los parámetros hepáticos en la esteatosis hepática no alcohólica de pacientes con síndrome metabólico
The interest of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is growing due to several reasons: high prevalence of the disease in the
Western World, its capability to progress towards more aggressive histological forms and its association with diseases that increase
cardiovascular risk.
Objective: To analyze the alteration of liver parameters in NAFLD in patients with metabolic syndrome.
Methods: A transverse, descriptive study of 100 patients with two or more cardiovascular risk factors was conducted. All patients
signed informed consent. Patients selected were among those attending our Medical Office of Primary Attention and who had very little
or no alcoholic consumption. A complete battery of analysis was performed including total abdominal ultrasound. Steatosis was
evaluated and, if determined positive, patients were stratified in three degrees. The following determinations were collected: sex,
personal and familial history of diabetes, arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, age, weight, BMI, present pharmacological treatment,
analytical parameters, blood pressure and abdominal perimeter.
Results: 100 patients were included in the study, 56 (56%) women and 44 (44%) men, with an average age of 61,84 + 9,5 years
23% of all patients did not have NAFLD; 29% had mild NAFLD, 29% had moderate NAFLD and 19% had severe NAFLD. 82% of men
presented NAFLD. 29% of women did not nave NAFLD. 22% were overweight and 38% were obese. Blood pressure was altered in
22% of men and 18% of women. 60% had altered fasting blood glucose. 36% had hypertriglyceridemia, 41% hypercholesterolemia
with 65% high LDL cholesterol and 16% of low HDL cholesterol. 83% of patients had two or more criteria of metabolic syndrome.
Average transaminases were: ALT 24.98 u/i; AST 32.19 u/i; GGT 55,65 u/i; ALT/AST ratio: 0.77. Lactate dehydrogenase 255.30 u/L.
Alkaline phosphatase 82.80 u/L and bilirubin 0.78 mg/dL
Conclusions: We did not find correlation between liver steatosis and alteration of liver parameters in our study.Varias circunstancias motivan el creciente interés por esta enfermedad: elevada prevalencia de la enfermedad en el mundo occidental,
y su capacidad de progresión a formas histológicas más agresivas y su asociación con enfermedades que incrementan el riesgo
Objetivo: Analizar la alteración de los parámetros hepáticos en la Esteatosis hepatica no alcohólica de pacientes con síndrome
Método: Se realiza un estudio descriptivo transversal con una muestra de 100 pacientes, con 2 ó más factores de riesgo
cardiovascular, con nula o baja ingesta de alcohol, que acudían a consulta de Atención Primaria. A los seleccionados se les solicitaba
analítica completa, y se les citaba en consulta para ecografía de abdomen completo. Se evaluaba si tenían esteatosis hepática Y, en
caso afirmativo, se estratificaba en 3 grados. Se recogen las siguientes variables tanto cualitativas (sexo, antecedentes personales y
familiares de Diabetes, Hipertensión Arterial, dislipemia, etc.) como cuantitativas (edad, peso, talla, índice de masa corporal,
tratamiento farmacológico, cifras de distintos parámetros analíticos, cifras de tensión arterial y perímetro abdominal).
Resultados: Han participado 100 pacientes, 56% mujeres, con una edad media de 61,84 DE +/- 9,5 años. Del total de sujetos del
estudio, el 23 % no tenían Esteatosis Hepática No Alcohólica, 29% tenían esteatosis hepática leve, 29 % esteatosis hepática
moderada y 19% esteatosis hepática severa. En los hombres, el 82 % presentaba esteatosis hepática. De las mujeres, el 28,57% no
presentaban hígado graso. Un 22% tenían sobrepeso y eran obesos un 38%. Sólo un 22% y un 18% tenían alteradas las cifras
tensionales sistólica y diastólica respectivamente. El 60% tienen una glucemia basal alterada. En cuanto a los parámetros lipídicos
36% tienen hipertrigliceremia, 41% hipercolesterolemia con un 65% de Colesterol LDL alto y 16% Colesterol HDL bajo. El 83% de los
pacientes tienen dos o mas criterios de síndrome metabólico. Las media de transaminasas ALT: 24,98 u/i AST: 32,19 u/i GGT: 55,65
u/i . Cociente ALT/AST: 0.77. Lactato deshidrogenasa 255,30 u/L. Fosfatasa alcalina 82.80 u/L y Bilirrubina 0,78 mg/dL
Conclusiones: En nuestro estudio no existe correlación entre el grado esteatosis hepática y la alteración de los parámetros hepáticos
Characteristics and laboratory findings on admission to the emergency department among 2873 hospitalized patients with COVID-19: the impact of adjusted laboratory tests in multicenter studies. A multicenter study in Spain (BIOCOVID-Spain study).
Identification of predictors for severe disease progression is key for risk stratification in COVID-19 patients. We aimed to describe the main characteristics and identify the early predictors for severe outcomes among hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Spain. This was an observational, retrospective cohort study (BIOCOVID-Spain study) including COVID-19 patients admitted to 32 Spanish hospitals. Demographics, comorbidities and laboratory tests were collected. Outcome was in-hospital mortality. For analysis, laboratory tests values were previously adjusted to assure the comparability of results among participants. Cox regression was performed to identify predictors. Study population included 2873 hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Nine variables were independent predictors for in-hospital mortality, including creatinine (Hazard ratio [HR]:1.327; 95% Confidence Interval [CI]: 1.040-1.695, p = .023), troponin (HR: 2.150; 95% CI: 1.155-4.001; p = .016), platelet count (HR: 0.994; 95% CI: 0.989-0.998; p = .004) and C-reactive protein (HR: 1.037; 95% CI: 1.006-1.068; p = .019). This is the first multicenter study in which an effort was carried out to adjust the results of laboratory tests measured with different methodologies to guarantee their comparability. We reported a comprehensive information about characteristics in a large cohort of hospitalized COVID-19 patients, focusing on the analytical features. Our findings may help to identify patients early at a higher risk for an adverse outcome
Harmonized D-dimer levels upon admission for prognosis of COVID-19 severity: Results from a Spanish multicenter registry (BIOCOVID-Spain study).
Coagulopathy is a key feature of COVID-19 and D-dimer has been reported as a predictor of severity. However, because D-dimer test results vary considerably among assays, resolving harmonization issues is fundamental to translate findings into clinical practice. In this retrospective multicenter study (BIOCOVID study), we aimed to analyze the value of harmonized D-dimer levels upon admission for the prediction of in-hospital mortality in COVID-19 patients. All-cause in-hospital mortality was defined as endpoint. For harmonization of D-dimer levels, we designed a model based on the transformation of method-specific regression lines to a reference regression line. The ability of D-dimer for prediction of death was explored by receiver operating characteristic curves analysis and the association with the endpoint by Cox regression analysis. Study population included 2663 patients. In-hospital mortality rate was 14.3%. Harmonized D-dimer upon admission yielded an area under the curve of 0.66, with an optimal cut-off value of 0.945 mg/L FEU. Patients with harmonized D-dimer ≥ 0.945 mg/L FEU had a higher mortality rate (22.4% vs. 9.2%; p