915 research outputs found

    Management and the Financial Crisis (We have met the enemy and he is us …)

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    The financial crisis of 2008-9 has revealed that our broad model of corporate governance is broken, independent of the shortcomings in the regulatory system. Managers and boards of directors in scores of systemically important firms failed to protect employees, customers, or shareholders, and placed the global financial system at risk. I assert that the root cause of the crisis can be found in five related systems: incentives; risk management and control; accounting; human capital; and culture. The worst firms had lethal combinations of strong incentives, weak control and risk management, flawed internal and external accounting, low skill and/or low integrity people, and corrosive cultures. Piecemeal attempts to fix elements of corporate governance will fail. The problem, to illustrate, is not just the structure of compensation. Nor will increasing required capital prevent problems at companies with strong incentives and weak controls. I believe that we may need a new kind of external agency for systemically risky firms that would take a holistic look at the five systems to identify weaknesses, make recommendations to managers and boards, and set regulatory policies, including assessing charges for insuring against losses. Without such a comprehensive assessment and improvement plan, boards cannot do their jobs, and the system will remain as subject to calamitous events as it was before the crisis.

    Sharing Economy as Disruptive Innovation: Consumer Viewpoint

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    The increase in technology-based social platforms has led to new ways of consumption. Therefore, the importance of the traditional way of owning is giving way to the concept of sharing economy (SE), where consumption occurs through peer-to-peer networks. This sharing consumption fundamentally changes the way we act which is why it can be considered as a disruptive innovation (DI). However, despite its popularity, there has been a lack of studies focusing on the motivations for sharing economy participation. Given this, for this literature review I developed two frameworks that tackle this issue based on existing literature. The first lists four main motivations for SE participation whereas the second ranks them on a SE motivation line considering their power to affect consumers’ behaviour. The findings of these two frameworks truly highlight the motivations and their significance and act as a base for future research

    Things CIS People Say: Mechanisms of Moral Disengagement in the Justification of Anti-Queer Communication

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    Despite advances gained by LGBTQIA+ people the issue of discrimination against the queer population continues. Recent events surrounding comments made by alt-right leaders have continued the conversation regarding homophobia and transphobia. The followed study built on previous understandings of moral disengagement theory and communication. 15 semi-structured, in-depth interviews with queer students were conducted in order to explore the role of self-cognitive mechanisms and their potential justifications for anti-queer communication. Findings suggested that not only were mechanisms of moral disengagement present in incidents surrounding anti-queer communication, but the carried with them a range of personal and societal implications. This study offered new understandings in moral disengagement theory, its application to interpersonal communication and its possible explanation for discriminatory behavior

    Lasten kasvuhormonihoito ja IGF-1:n yhteys hoitovasteeseen

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    The Entrepreneurial Venture -2/E.

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    Newly updated, this comprehensive text covers basic concepts and emerging issues on entrepreneurship. Emphasizing that new venture creation requires planning and skill as well as inspiration, these readings portray the entrepreneur as the ultimate general manager, responsible for orchestrating the relationships among all parts of the organization. Profiles and examples from variety of companies and fields illustrate the diverse, imaginative ways in which entrepreneurs think and act. These readings provide a practical-oriented grounding that can function alone or be interwoven with case studies and other material. The accompanying questions will provoke new ideas and fuel discussion. For entrepreneur, this book can be used as both a handbook and an authoritative source of reference. The readings cover every phase of entrepreneur’s experience: generating and assessing ideas, preparing a business plan and enlisting stakeholder support, raising capital, and managing the operations and finances of the growing venture

    Radioiodine-treatment (RIT) of functional thyroidal autonomy

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    Since 1942, therapy with radioiodine (RIT) has gained a major role in the treatment of benign thyroid disorders, notably hyperthyroidism caused by Graves&#8217; disease or toxic multinodular goitre (thyroid autonomy). In iodine deficient areas thyroid autonomy accounts for 40-50% of all cases with hyperthyroidism. RIT has become a cost-effective first-line procedure in autonomy-patients with latent or overt hyperthyroidism, especially in the absence of a large goitre, after thyroid surgery and in elderly patients with associated conditions who carry a high intra- or perioperative risk. Decisions concerning the definitive treatment of thyroid autonomy should take into account previous episodes of hyperthyroidism, objective parameters of risk stratification in euthyroid patients as well as concomitant diseases and the probability of iodine exposure in the future. In Central Europe the majority of investigators prefer to estimate the therapeutic activity individually by a radioiodine test. TCTUs (global 99m-Tc-pertechnetate thyroid uptake under suppression) - based dose concepts have been proven to be highly effective in the elimination of autonomy and carry a low (< 10%) risk of postradioiodtherapeutic hypothyroidism. Radioiodine therapy for autonomy has been found to be both effective and safe and without major early or late side effects. The most frequent complication is hypothyroidism requiring lifelong follow-up

    Globalt pelletsprisindex

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    Idag förändras energimarknaderna väldigt snabbt. För att kunna nå kommande målsättningar om minskade växthusgasutsläpp, fortsätter behovet av förnybara energikällor att öka. Fram tills år 2020 ska EU ha minskat sina koldioxidutsläpp med 20 % och andelen av förnybara energikällor ska uppgå till 20 % av den totala energiproduktionen. Biobränslen och särskilt förädlade sådana har visat sig vara kostnadseffektiva substitut till de fossila energikällorna. Den globala marknaden för dessa energikällor är dock relativt ung och de har till för inte så länge sedan mestadels handlats på lokala eller regionala marknader. Handeln med energipellets, som denna studie inriktar sig mot, har de senaste åren visat en exponentiell tillväxt och beräknas nu att uppgå till ca 2/3 av den totala globala marknaden på ca 25 miljoner ton. Trots den snabba utvecklingen inom pelletshandeln är idag prisbildningen inte helt transparent vilket skapar osäkerhet för nya aktörer, handelsbarriärer och risk för bakslag. Syftet med uppsatsen är därför att göra marknaden och prisbildningen för pellets mer öppen för att handeln med biobränslet pellets ska underlättas. För att kunna bidra med relevant information för detta syfte är uppsatsens forskningsdesign utformad som -och antar en inriktning av så kallad flermetodsforskning. Forskningsmetoden är dels av kvantitativ art i form av en statistisk insamling av befintliga priser och volymer men har även en kvalitativ dimension i form av intervjuer med marknadsaktörer. Teoretiskt användes metod enligt Laspeyres teori för att konstruera index. Uppsatsen argumenterar för att det råder bristande transparens på marknaden vilket är problematiskt. Resultaten visar att flera av marknadsaktörerna använder sig av olika prisindex i sin dagliga verksamhet. Uppsatsen resulterar vidare i att ett globalt pelletsprisindex konstrueras genom att vikta insamlade nationella priser mot estimerade produktionsvolymer. Resulataten indikerar även att prissvängningarna för olika kvaliteter av pellets är korrelerade. Däremot är priserna på olika nationella pelletsmarknader inte med nödvändighet korrelerade. Det globala pelletsprisindexet jämfördes mot oljeprisindex, utan att någon korrelation mellan priserna på dessa båda energibärare kunde spåras.Today energy markets are transforming quickly due to policy goals. This study aims to increase the transparency in the wood pellet market by gathering and compiling pellet price information from a number of important national markets. National price series were weighed and transformed into a global pellet price index. The study was designed as multi-methodology research, which combines the application of both quantitative and qualitative research. The research was developed to achieve an index construction that should be usable for market actors. The quantitative research included a statistical gathering and analysis of both existing prices and production volumes for countries where they are publicly available. From this information a global pellet price index was created, which was compared to the oil price index. The qualitative research was based on interviews with different market participants. The interviews gave input to the index creation, and from the additionally received information the thesis argues that there is a lack of transparency in the market, which is problematic. The conclusions of the thesis are that the market prices for energy pellets are rather volatile, which, according to theory, could indicate a lack of transparency. The completion of the index also illustrated that there is no correlation between the fluctuation of the oil and pellet prices. Furthermore, the thesis confirms that the movements in price for different pellet quantities are correlated. National prices on the other hand are not always correlated and the market participants see the index as a valuable asset for business decisions

    Digital Music Distribution Channels for Independent Bands

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    The main purpose of this thesis is to map different available digital distribution channels for independent bands and also to scrutinize how to utilize them effectively. The sub-objective is to interview music professionals. The thesis consists of introduction, theoretical framework, different available digital music distribution channels, research methodology, the collection and analysis of empirical data, empirical results and conclusions. The theoretical framework discusses the different available digital music distribution channels for independent bands and it also opens up different business models for them. This thesis was initiated as a result of the author’s long time music interest and being part in an independent band. The empirical data was collected by arranging theme interviews with carefully selected long time music professionals. Four music professionals were interviewed. These recorded interviews where then transcribed and after that the answers were categorized under themes. Based on the findings, digital distribution channels for independent bands were introduced. As a result, it can be said that these different digital distribution channels for independent bands can be utilized as a promotional tool. The high importance of marketing was also related to the easy access and low cost structure of these distribution channels, which has led into an oversupply situation in these market areas. As it can be seen from the digital distribution channels for independent bands, social media is a crucial factor in distributing digital music. Succeeding at gaining media coverage of oneself in social media might be the key factor for the overall success of independent bands. Being able to differentiate in the oversupply situation of the markets is especially important and this can also be seen from the digital distribution channels for independent bands. The author has gained many various important new aspects through the writing process of this thesis in being part of an independent band and distributing its digital music. The author also hopes that the results from the interviews with music professionals would also give good hints and advice for other independent band members.Digitaaliset musiikin jakelukanavat independent-yhtyeille Opinnäytetyön tutkimusongelmana on kuvata erilaiset digitaaliset musiikin jakelukanavat independent-yhtyeille sekä selvittää, miten näitä jakelukanavia voidaan hyödyntää tehokkaasti. Tavoitteena on löytää ajankohtaiset digitaaliset jakelukanavat, jotka ovat independent-yhtyeiden saatavilla. Lisäksi tavoitteena on haastatella musiikin ammattilaisia. Opinnäytetyön rakenne koostuu johdannosta, teoreettisesta viitekehyksestä, erilaisten saatavilla olevien digitaalisen musiikin jakelukanavista, tutkimusmenetelmistä, tutkimustulosten analysoinnista ja työstämisestä, tutkimustuloksista sekä johtopäätöksistä. Teoreettinen keskustelu keskittyy independent-yhtyeiden saatavilla olevien erilaisten digitaalisten musiikin jakelukanavien kuvaamisesta ja lisäksi käsitellään myös erilaisia businessmalleja esiteltyihin jakelukanaviin liittyen. Opinnäytetyön idea on lähtöisin tekijänsä pitkäaikaisesta musiikin harrastuksesta independent-yhtyeen jäsenenä. Empiirinen aineisto kerättiin valitsemalla teemahaastatteluihin neljä pitkäaikaista musiikin ammattilaista. Nämä nauhoitetut haastattelut purettiin sanasta sanaan ja kategorisoitiin tiettyjen teemojen alle. Tuloksiin perustuen kehitettiin digitaalisen jakelun palvelumalli independent-yhtyeille. Opinnäytetyön tuloksista voidaan todeta, että näitä erilaisia mahdollisia digitaalisen musiikin jakelukanavia independent-yhtyeille voidaan hyödyntää promootion työkaluna. Markkinoinnin roolin tärkeys liittyi näiden jakelukanavien helppoon pääsyyn ja matalaan kustannustasoon, mikä on johtanut ylitarjontaan näillä markkina-alueilla. Digitaalisista jakeluteistä independent-yhtyeille voidaan todeta, että sosiaalinen media on keskeinen tekijä digitaalisen musiikin jakelussa. Independent-bändin kokonaismenestyksen avaintekijänä on oman tunnettuvuutensa lisääminen sosiaalisessa mediassa. Erottautuminen on myös tärkeää ylitarjonnan tilassa. Opinnäytetyön tekijä on saanut tärkeitä uusia näkökulmia independent-yhtyeen jäsenenä olemiseen ja sen digitaaliseen musiikin jakeluun tämän opinnäytetyön myötä. Tekijä toivoo, että tämä digitaalisen jakelun palvelumalli independent-yhtyeille antaisi myös muille independent-yhtyeiden jäsenille hyviä vinkkejä ja ohjeita

    Eesti ja eestlaste kujutamine Helsingin Sanomates aastatel 2006 ja 2009

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    The Image of Estonia and Estonians in Helsingin Sanomat in 2006 and 2009 The goal of this bachelor’s thesis was to find out what and how was written about Estonia and Estonians in newspaper Helsingin Sanomat in 2006 and 2009. Thesis’ theoretical basis was social space and representation and stereotypes. Social space in this thesis was in the context of what kind of image has been created through one of the most read newspapers in Finland. I wanted to find out what kind of picture will form through HS. The part of representation and stereotypes for example showed the meaning of language and culture for this research. Language made it possible to both read and analyse the articles. The cultural aspect comes from the fact, that the author is familiar both Finnish and Estonian cultures. The relevance of stereotypes in this thesis is how people see some nationalities and countries with a help of certain stereotypes, whether acknowledging that or not. In this case it is done by both the readers of HS, but more or less by the authors of the articles of HS. Review of relationship between Finland and Estonia gave thesis a background. When characterising countries relations it came clear, that the countries have a long shared history in both national and personal level. That helped seeing why this research and its theme could be essential and interesting. The review of Helsingin Sanomat was important because you couldn’t assume, that the newspaper would be known and familiar by all the Estonians. When comparing this thesis to the earlier researches it came clear, that the research done five years ago by Katri Sipilä was similar with this thesis, but there were found some differences too. First difference was in the time period and the second from the fact, that Sipilä concentrated on paper version of HS and this thesis concentrated on the online version. Use of online articles in this thesis turned out to be useful to find various aspects. For example in the year 2006 HS still used same articles in their paper version and online version. Use of the quantitative content analysis turned out to be useful in this thesis. That was the most effective way to analyse such big amount of articles, that existed for this research. Especially the decoding instruction helped a lot while doing the analysis. The author finds that the decoding instruction could have been even more extensive. Maybe through that it could have been possible to find even more accurate and clearer results. At the same time it could have changed the research more unclear. While doing the qualitative content analysis it helped a lot, that the quantitative content analysis had done a lot of needed pre-work. It made the qualitative content analysis and finding the discourses a lot easier. While finding the discourses the most helpful thing among other criteria was, that the articles were already familiar to the author, thanks to the quantitative content analysis. Author already had some kind of overview of the articles, so the research didn’t has to start from zero. There became a preparatory picture of Estonia and Estonians in HS after the quantitative content analysis. Some parts of decoding instruction’s results didn’t directly give much to the research except for basic statistics. It for example came clear, that there are lots of articles in the theme of Estonia and Estonians and the perspective was mostly from the angle of Finland and Finnish people. That was seen for example in spatial context and the subjects of the article. It was also found in the results, that Estonia is close and important to Finland. The results of the discourse analysis gave deepened the image of Estonia and Estonians. The found discourses gave a picture, where it was possible to see the co-operation between Finland and Estonia – in sickness and in health. It was also found that the relationship between the two countries is not without conflicts: bad behaviour of Finnish tourists in Tallinn, Estonian workers in Finland taking the Finnish jobs and the criticism against the neighbour country by both Estonians and Finnish. Those were the problems that were found while doing the analysis. There wasn’t found any big difference between the two years. Although economic crisis and other things effected the results, both years had certain themes similar. The relationship between Finland and Estonia is definitely close and both of the countries has a lot of interest towards the other.http://www.ester.ee/record=b4037717*es