746 research outputs found

    Prinsip Kerja Sama dalam Wacana Dialog

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    Bahasa sebagai salah satu alat menyampaikan pesan dalam sebuah wacana dialog berupa kata-kata yang berisi ide, informasi, dan nasehat. Kelancaran sebuah wacana dialog, bisa dilihat dengan ketercapaianya sebuah prinsip kerja sama yang termuat di dalamnya. Prinsip kerja sama mencakup empat prinsip, yaitu (a) kuantitas, (b) kualitas, (c) korelasi, dan (d) cara. Jika semua prinsip tersebut ada dalam sebuah dialog, maka bisa dikatakan wacana dialog tersebut berhasil dan bersifat informatif. Penggunaan prinsip kerja sama tersebut harus juga melihat kajian pragmatik

    Media Sosial untuk Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab pada Masa Pandemi: Kajian Kualitatif Penggunaan WhatsApp pada Sekolah Dasar di Indonesia

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    Learning in the era of 5.0 society has experienced rapid mediation, especially in educational program. Teachers began to innovate using various media, especially using WhatsApp in learning Arabic Language. Arabic language has been considered a very difficult and tedious subject for islamic elementary school children. Efforts and high creative power continue to be done to foster fun learning of Arabic language. The purpose of this study besides want to see how the process and application of WhatsApp social media in learning Arabic language is also to increase knowledge and insight for Arabic teachers in utilizing the development of technology and information at the islamic elementary school level. This research method uses qualitative research by using descriptive analysis. Data collection techniques in this study using observations, interviews, and document notes. The results of this research concluded that WhatsApp social media can facilitate learning and long distance communication between teachers and students when they are in a pandemic, create fun learning, train students' independence, and also have more values, an environmentally friendly. This research suggests that there is more supervision of students in applying WhatsApp social media to learning Arabic language at the islamic elementary school level

    Pelaksanaan Promosi Melalui Media Cetak Brosur Pada Obyek Wisata Balai Kerapatan Tinggi Kabupaten Siak

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    Siak Sri Indrapura has tourism potencial as nature tourism, cultural tourism, religious tourism and history tourism. Therefore, this research was conducted to find out the implementation of promotion trough media brochure by Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Siak to attract tourists coming to Balai Kerapatan Tinggi of Siak Sri Indrapura.The reseacrh aims to find out how responses the implementation of promotion through media brochure in Balai Kerapatan tinggi, Kabupaten Siak. This research used a descriptive quantitative method to examine problems in the lift. The samples in this study were 75 respondents, who were taken by using simpel random sampling. While data collection techniques in this study using observation, interview, questioner, and document. By using a Likert scale as a measure to determine the length of the short interval. From the results of research that's been done, the result is the implementation of promotion through media brochure in Balai Kerapatan Tinggi less satisfying

    Muzara'ah (Perjanjian Bercocok Tanam) Lahan Pertanian Menurut Kajian Hukum Islam

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    Di Desa Alur Nyamuk Kecamatan Birem Bayeun bahwa muzara’ah yang dilakukan antara pemilik tanah dan petani penggarap tidak sesuai dengan akad perjanjian. Dalam perjanjian sebelumnya pemilik tanah sudah membuat suatu perjanjian dengan petani penggarap, bahwa memelihara dan merawat kebun atau tanaman serta bibitnya itu ditanggung oleh petani penggarap. Sampai tiba saat panen atas tanaman, terjadilah ingkar janji atas bagi hasil yang sama yang bahwa lebih diuntungkan oleh pemilik tanah atas tanaman tersebut. Keuntungan pemilik tanah tersebut mencapai 60%-70% dan tidak berdasarkan atas pembagian hasil sama sebagaimana dalam perjanjian sebelumnya. Namun dengan demikian akad muzara’ah yang dilakukan antara pemilik tanah dan petani penggarap yang ada di Desa Alur Nyamuk Kecamatan Birem Bayeun tidak sesuai dengan syari’at Islam. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sistem muzara’ah dalam hukum islam, muzara’ah lahan pertanian yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Desa Alur Nyamuk Kecamatan Birem Bayeun, serta pelaksanaan muzara’ah di Desa Alur Nyamuk Kecamatan Birem Bayeun tidak sesuai dengan perjanjian

    Keuntungan Pembesaran Sapi Peranakan Simmental melalui Perbaikan Pakan di Kabupaten Semarang

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    Usaha peternakan sapi di Jawa Tengah merupakan USAha ternak sapi rakyat dengan sistem pemeliharaan tradisional sehingga produktivitas daging rendah. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan produksi daging sapi ialah membesarkan pedet melalui perbaikan pakan. Pengkajian dilaksanakan dengan tujuan mengetahui Pertambahan Bobot Badan Harian (PBBH) dan keuntungan USAha pembesaran sapi yang mendapatkan perbaikan pakan dibandingkan pakan model peternak. Pengkajian dilakukan di Desa Polosiri, Kecamatan Bawen, Kabupaten Semarang, dari bulan Oktober–Desember 2012, menggunakan 16 ekor sapi peranakan Simmental umur 6–8 bulan yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, yaitu kelompok yang mendapatkan perbaikan pakan (rumput gajah, jerami fermentasi dan konsentrat dengan jumlah sesuai dengan bobot badan) dan kelompok model peternak (rumput gajah, jerami, ubi kayu dan bekatul. PBBH dihitung dengan mengurangi bobot badan akhir dan bobot badan awal dibagi waktu pembesaran. Keuntungan didekati dengan kelayakan finansial USAha dianalisis dengan membandingkan keuntungan dan biaya (BCR) dan rasio Perubahan keuntungan dan biaya (MBCR). Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa PBBH pada pembesaran anak sapi yang mendapat perlakuan perbaikan pakan sebesar 0,66 + 0,17 kg/ekor/hari lebih tinggi dibandingkan model peternak 0,43 + 0,39 kg/ekor/hari. Hasil analisis BCR memperoleh nilai 0,13 dan 0,09 untuk pemberian pakan perbaikan dan pakan peternak dengan keuntungan masing-masing Rp7.733.550 dan Rp4.999.950. Perbedaan pemberian pakan menghasilkan nilai MBCR = 1,40. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembesaran sapi peranakan Simmental dengan pemberian pakan perbaikan berupa rumput gajah, jerami fermentasi dan konsentrat mampu meningkatkan PBBH

    Potentials of solar power plant in Waru Tua

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    Penajam Paser Utara Regency is located on the coast of East Kalimantan Province. This regency has a huge solar resource potential, but the agreement in this regency still lacks electricity networks and can be resolved by the people in this regency still in dire need of electricity for street lighting, and daily electricity needs. One of them is in the village of Waru Tua, where this area is in great need of lighting in the dock area because it requires residents to make Aliving as a fisherman. Waru Tua really needs electricity for lighting at night Waru Tua Pier because it has to be a gathering place for residents before going to sea to prepare everything that must be prepared before going to sea. Discussing the research carried out examining the potential of solar power in Waru Tua. Based on existing considerations, and the potential proposed by the area, the method used is to measure the sunlight at Waru Tua Pier using Luxmeter, then the data is processed using the Simulink applicationin MATLAB to obtain the value of the amount of sunlight in the area, which is 16 KW with a total solar cell of 250 Wp

    Analisis Motivasi Berkunjung Wisatawan Dan Tingkat Pengetahuan Wisatawan Tentang Produk Industri Kreatif Sektor Kerajinan (Studi Pada Wisatawan Domestik Di Kota Batu, Jawa Timur)

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    Batu City has a lot of tourism potential to be developed either potential natural tourism, artificial tourism (man-made attraction) and local community based educational tourism as creative industry products of handicrafts sector. This Research used explorative or exploratory with mix-methods approach. This research's purpose is to know and identify the dominant motivation convincing tourists to visit Batu City and knowledge rate of tourists about creative industry products of handicraft sector in Batu City. The findings in the field of dominant motivation (factor) driving tourists to visit Batu City was rest and relaxation for push factor and the pull factor of tourists to visit Batu City was recreation facilities (including tourism modes, accommodation, transportation, etc). While, the result of research on knowledge rate of tourists about creative industry products of handicraft sector show tourists still low knowledge related to the wide range of creative industry products mainly from the handicraft sector. The lack of tourist knowledge aligned with a bit of information obtained about the creative industry products of handicrafts sector in Batu City, East Java. The tourist more information on the products famous tourism in Batu City based artificial tourism (man -made attraction)

    Early second trimester twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome in monoamniotic twin pregnancy: The cause and management–a case report from resource limited settings

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    Monoamniotic twin pregnancies are the least common type of twin pregnancies, associated with high foetal death rates. In addition, twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome is a rare event in monoamniotic twins. The expectant management of early single-twin foetal demise is challenging due to risk to the surviving co-twin, and psychological impact on the mother. The authors report the case of early second trimester single-twin foetal demise, likely due to twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome in monochorionic twin pregnancy. The 22-year-old primigravida presented with vaginal bleeding in monoamniotic twin pregnancy. She then had sudden single-twin intrauterine demise at 16 weeks of gestation that ended with the delivery of viable growth restricted female neonate by caesarean section at 34 weeks

    Inventory of Potentially Allelopathic Plants in Laut Dendang Village and Their Effects on Mustard Greens (Bransica juncea l.)

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    Allelopathy comes from the Greek words allelon, which means "one another", and pathos, which means "to suffer". This research was conducted in October 2022 in the village of Lau Dendang, Percut Sei Tuan District. The method used is a combined method where direct surveys are carried out first, observations are made using the plot method and later experiments are carried out on other plants. In an inventory of allelopathic plants in Laut Dendang Village, there are several different species, namely Ageratum conyzoides L, Mimosa pudica, Rumohra adiantiformis, Pyrrosia eleagnifolia, Blumea balsamifera, Cyperus haspan, Ludwigia peruviana (L.) H. Hara and Imperata Cyperus rotundus. The most common of Cyperaceae
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