1,950 research outputs found

    Non-Newtonian gravity or gravity anomalies?

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    Geophysical measurements of G differ from laboratory values, indicating that gravity may be non-Newtonian. A spherical harmonic formulation is presented for the variation of (Newtonian) gravity inside the Earth. Using the GEM-10B Earth Gravitational Field Model, it is shown that long-wavelength gravity anomalies, if not corrected, may masquerade as non-Newtonian gravity by providing significant influences on experimental observation of delta g/delta r and G. An apparent contradiction in other studies is also resolved: i.e., local densities appear in equations when average densities of layers seem to be called for

    Numerical solution of optimal control problems with constant control delays

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    We investigate a class of optimal control problems that exhibit constant exogenously given delays in the control in the equation of motion of the differential states. Therefore, we formulate an exemplary optimal control problem with one stock and one control variable and review some analytic properties of an optimal solution. However, analytical considerations are quite limited in case of delayed optimal control problems. In order to overcome these limits, we reformulate the problem and apply direct numerical methods to calculate approximate solutions that give a better understanding of this class of optimization problems. In particular, we present two possibilities to reformulate the delayed optimal control problem into an instantaneous optimal control problem and show how these can be solved numerically with a state-of-the-art direct method by applying Bock’s direct multiple shooting algorithm. We further demonstrate the strength of our approach by two economic examples.delayed differential equations, delayed optimal control, numerical optimization, time-to-build

    Serving Many Masters: Public Accountability in Private Policy Implementation

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.In recent decades, the introduction of market principles has transformed public service delivery into a hybrid. However, little is known about how these changes are reflected in the attitudes of private implementing agents: The hybridization literature neglects individuals, and street-level bureaucracy research has disregarded hybridization. This article extends Hupe and Hill's (2007) accountability regimes framework to introduce the market as an additional accountability regime alongside state, profession, and society. Using a configurational approach, the article explores how public and private food safety inspectors in Switzerland perceive the multiple norms for behavior stemming from their environment. Results suggest that the plural accountabilities of for-profit street-level bureaucrats can increase the dilemmas involved in their work. Under certain circumstances, for-profit street-level bureaucrats have particular difficulties reconciling rule pressure with market incentives and client demands. The extended accountability regimes framework fruitfully captures such dilemmas and helps identify suitable governance responses

    Engineering verification of the biomass production chamber

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    The requirements for life support systems, both biological and physical-chemical, for long-term human attended space missions are under serious study throughout NASA. The KSC 'breadboard' project has focused on biomass production using higher plants for atmospheric regeneration and food production in a special biomass production chamber. This chamber is designed to provide information on food crop growth rate, contaminants in the chamber that alter plant growth requirements for atmospheric regeneration, carbon dioxide consumption, oxygen production, and water utilization. The shape and size, mass, and energy requirements in relation to the overall integrity of the biomass production chamber are under constant study

    Thermo-rheological-kinetical Study of Compression Molding of Fibre-reinforced Composites

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    International audienceTo improve the modeling of fiber reinforced composites, we present in this work numerical methods able to compute both fiber-reinforced composites deformation in squeeze flow and thermal-kinetic evolution. The rheology is given by an homogeneous orthotropic model for fiber composites which describes the anisotropy of the in-plane fiber. The thermics is then extended accounting for the reaction here formulated by the Bailleul's model. Both physics are related since the kinetic evolution as well as the temperature profile modify the rheology of the composites, giving raise to the thermo-rheological-kinetical coupling by means of the viscosity temperature dependence. A study case is presented, where the mold temperature is set to 150 • C with a composite sample at 40 • C. Thermal transfer begins as well as sample compression at constant speed. We present the evolution of the reaction, temperature and viscosity at the core and the surface. Reaction in the core of the material is much quicker than in the surface. Which means that a mapping of viscosity values is presented during the reaction modifying the mechanical response

    What contributes to an effective mannose recognition domain?

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    In general, carbohydrate-lectin interactions are characterized by high specificity but also low affinity. The main reason for the low affinities are desolvation costs, due to the numerous hydroxy groups present on the ligand, together with the typically polar surface of the binding sites. Nonetheless, nature has evolved strategies to overcome this hurdle, most prominently in relation to carbohydrate-lectin interactions of the innate immune system but also in bacterial adhesion, a process key for the bacterium's survival. In an effort to better understand the particular characteristics, which contribute to a successful carbohydrate recognition domain, the mannose-binding sites of six C-type lectins and of three bacterial adhesins were analyzed. One important finding is that the high enthalpic penalties caused by desolvation can only be compensated for by the number and quality of hydrogen bonds formed by each of the polar hydroxy groups engaged in the binding process. In addition, since mammalian mannose-binding sites are in general flat and solvent exposed, the half-lives of carbohydrate-lectin complexes are rather short since water molecules can easily access and displace the ligand from the binding site. In contrast, the bacterial lectin FimH benefits from a deep mannose-binding site, leading to a substantial improvement in the off-rate. Together with both a catch-bond mechanism (i.e., improvement of affinity under shear stress) and multivalency, two methods commonly utilized by pathogens, the affinity of the carbohydrate-FimH interaction can be further improved. Including those just described, the various approaches explored by nature to optimize selectivity and affinity of carbohydrate-lectin interactions offer interesting therapeutic perspectives for the development of carbohydrate-based drugs

    E-selectin ligand complexes adopt an extended high-affinity conformation

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    E-selectin is a cell-adhesion molecule of the vascular endothelium that promotes essential leukocyte rolling in the early inflammatory response by binding to glycoproteins containing the tetrasaccharide sialyl Lewis(x) (sLe(x)). Efficient leukocyte recruitment under vascular flow conditions depends on an increased lifetime of E-selectin/ligand complexes under tensile force in a so-called catch-bond binding mode. Co-crystal structures of a representative fragment of the extracellular E-selectin region with sLe(x) and a glycomimetic antagonist thereof reveal an extended E-selectin conformation, which is identified as a high-affinity binding state of E-selectin by molecular dynamics simulations. Small-angle X-ray scattering experiments demonstrate a direct link between ligand binding and E-selectin conformational transition under static conditions in solution. This permits tracing a series of concerted structural changes connecting ligand binding to conformational stretching as the structural basis of E-selectin catch-bond-mediated leukocyte recruitment. The detailed molecular view of the binding site paves the way for the design of a new generation of selectin antagonists. This is of special interest, since their therapeutic potential was recently demonstrated with the pan-selectin antagonists GMI-1070 (Rivipansel)

    Coprological study on intestinal helminths in Swiss dogs: temporal aspects of anthelminthic treatment

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    Coproscopic examination of 505 dogs originating from the western or central part of Switzerland revealed the presence (prevalence data) of the following helminthes: Toxocara canis (7.1%), hookworms (6.9%), Trichuris vulpis (5.5%), Toxascaris leonina (1.3%), Taeniidae (1.3%), Capillaria spp. (0.8%), and Diphyllobothrium latum (0.4%). Potential risk factors for infection were identified by a questionnaire: dogs from rural areas significantly more often had hookworms and taeniid eggs in their feces when compared to urban family dogs. Access to small rodents, offal, and carrion was identified as risk factor for hookworm and Taeniidae, while feeding of fresh and uncooked meat did not result in higher prevalences for these helminths. A group of 111 dogs was treated every 3months with a combined medication of pyrantel embonate, praziquantel, and febantel, and fecal samples were collected for coproscopy in monthly intervals. Despite treatment, the yearly incidence of T. canis was 32%, while hookworms, T. vulpis, Capillaria spp., and Taeniidae reached incidences ranging from 11 to 22%. Fifty-seven percent of the 111 dogs had helminth eggs in their feces at least once during the 1-year study period. This finding implicates that an infection risk with potential zoonotic pathogens cannot be ruled out for the dog owner despite regular deworming four times a yea
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