27 research outputs found

    Economic Analysis and Willingness to Pay for Alternative Charcoal and Clean Cook Stoves in Haiti

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    Conventional charcoal and firewood are the main source of energy in Haiti. They provide up to 90% of the country’s energy for domestic and industrial use, resulting in severe environmental and health issues. The present study is initiated to better understand the reasons why two promising alternative technologies (improved cookstoves and alternative charcoal briquettes) have experienced low adoption in Haiti. The research was carried out in two districts in southern Haiti where the improved stoves and briquettes production units exist and where households benefited from a program distributing the improved stoves. This project contributes to the literature by gauging interest in the improved stove and briquettes, as well as their specific characteristics. It helps understand factors that affect the adoption and dis-adoption of the technologies. Additionally, the research measures tangible benefits for households that adopted the improved stoves. The study reveals that the use of the improved stoves lowers fuel expenditures by 14.6 cents/day to 23.6 cents/day. Haitian consumers are interested in both the stove and briquettes, but their willingness-to-pay depends on their personal characteristics such as location and income. The study has revealed two surprising results as well: Unnecessary dis-adoption of the stoves occurs because the two technologies were needlessly marketed together. Despite the target audience, which is poor and rural consumers, the improved stove is perceived as a rich, urban user’s technology


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    Limited access to financial services is known as a major constraint to agricultural development (FAO, 2002). Farmers need liquidity to face agricultural expenses throughout the production cycle but mainly at the beginning. Mainstream financial institutions are reluctant to serve the agricultural sector for several reasons. First, they consider the sector to be highly risky with low performance. Also, agricultural activities depend on the weather, they take place in remote rural areas, and commodities prices are volatile. All these aspects make it hard for standard banks to reach their profit goals when lending to farmers. Since microfinance was conceived, it has generated a lot of hope for alleviating poverty in low-income countries. Microfinance provides the poor with access to affordable capital by granting low-income individuals with loans they would not otherwise have access to, because of economic and geographic constraints. The goal of the dissertation is to examine the role and the importance of microfinance in the agricultural sector of developing countries. A survey took place in October 2017, in both rural and urban areas of Benin and involved 750 agricultural households. Three different agricultural zones were selected: the North-East (cotton zone); the Center (tubers and cashew nut zone) and the South (a region with special crops such as vegetables, pineapple, palm tree, exotic plants). The study focuses on agricultural loans. It includes clients of the major microfinance institution in Benin: FECECAM - Faîtière des Caisses d’Epargne et de Crédit Agricole Mutuel. This research contributes to the literature in several ways. The study allows shedding light on the effects of agricultural loans, specifically, on households’ efficiency and labor employment, which are mostly overlooked in the microfinance literature. To overcome selection bias in microcredit evaluation, the research employs a pipeline design. Control and treatment groups consist of individuals who have chosen to participate in the microfinance program. The loan treatment considered is the experience with loans which includes program entry timing, loan take-up frequency, and the average amount of loan obtained over the 2012-2017 period. The study employs a cluster analysis technique to create reliable comparable groups. Multiple variables and indicators are analyzed. A descriptive analysis of loan impact on farmers’ labor input choices shows that past loans have residual effects on both hired and family labor use. Farm loans, especially those obtained for farm machinery significantly reduce expenditure on hired labor but more family labor is employed using machine loans while other loan categories reduced the use of family labor. The evaluation of the whole-farm efficiency of borrowers in the presence of agricultural loans reveals significant technical and allocative errors leading to profit loss in all studied regions. However, experience with loans significantly increases farmers’ whole-farm efficiency, particularly in the North. Finally, the assessment of well-being indicators suggests that those farm loans have a significant positive impact on sampled recipients’ net farm income, food security and food quality statuses. Agricultural loans also have a positive impact on women’s empowerment. The monitoring and implementation mechanism of FECECAM played a crucial role in the success of its loan programs


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    Pests are a menace to production of tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) in sub-Sahara Africa. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of oil extracts of selected common plants for control of pests of tomato in Benin. The study was carried out on the Togba market garden sites in Benin. The botanical pesticides ( Tephrosia purpurea , Ricinus communis , Thevetia neriifolia and Cashew Nut Shell Cold Liquid (CNSL cold) were compared with a biological insecticide (Topbio), a synthetic insecticide (Lambda cyhalothrin) and an untreated negative control. The fish model and the generalised linear mixed or fixed effects model were used to explain the number of caterpillars per plot as a function of the products tested during the different plant phases. Tephrosia purpurea oil, cold CNSL, Topbio and lambda cyhalothrin treatments significantly reduced H. armigera, S. littoralis and T. absoluta populations. The average yields of marketable tomato ranged from 7.20 \ub1 0.89 t ha-1 for the controls and 21.14 \ub1 3.56 and 20.46\ub11.98 t ha-1 for the plots treated with Tephrosia purpurea and CNSL cold on tomato, respectively. Plots treated with the synthetic insecticide lambda cyhalothrin gave the best yields (31.15\ub13.20 t ha-1). Of all the extracts tested, cold extracted CNSL and T. purpurea oil showed very high larvicidal activity at doses of 10%, compared to R. communis and T. neriifolia oil on the farm. The larvicidal activity of the extracts observed at low doses on H. armigera and S. littoralis larvae seems to offer an alternative advantage for the control of tomato pests.Les ravageurs sont une menace pour la production de tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) en Afrique sub-saharienne. L\u2019objectif de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait d\u2019\ue9valuer l\u2019efficacit\ue9 des extraits d\u2019huile de Tephrosia purpurea, Ricinus communis, Thevetia neriifolia et Cashew Nut Shell Cold Liquid (CNSL cold) pour le contr\uf4le des ravageurs de la tomate. L\u2019\ue9tude a \ue9t\ue9 r\ue9alis\ue9e sur les sites mara\ueechers de Togba au B\ue9nin. Les pesticides botaniques ont \ue9t\ue9 compar\ue9s \ue0 un insecticide biologique (Topbio), un insecticide de synth\ue8se (Lambda cyhalothrine) et un t\ue9moin n\ue9gatif non trait\ue9. Le mod\ue8le poisson z\ue8bre et le mod\ue8le lin\ue9aire g\ue9n\ue9ralis\ue9 \ue0 effets mixtes ou fixes ont \ue9t\ue9 utilis\ue9s pour expliquer le nombre de chenilles par parcelle \ue9l\ue9mentaire en fonction des produits test\ue9s lors des diff\ue9rentes phases de la plante. Les traitements \ue0 l\u2019huile de Tephrosia purpurea, au CNSL cold, au Topbio et \ue0 la lambda cyhalothrine ont significativement r\ue9duit les populations de H. armigera, S. littoralis et T. absoluta. 20,46\ub11,98 t ha-1 pour les parcelles trait\ue9es respectivement avec Tephrosia purpurea et CNSL cold sur tomate. Les parcelles trait\ue9es avec l\u2019insecticide de synth\ue8se lambda cyhalothrine ont donn\ue9 les meilleurs rendements (31,15\ub13,20 t ha-1). De tous les extraits test\ue9s, l\u2019huile de CNSL cold et de T. Purpurea extraite a montr\ue9 une activit\ue9 larvicide tr\ue8s \ue9lev\ue9e \ue0 des doses de 10% par rapport \ue0 l\u2019huile de R. communis et de T. neriifolia \ue0 la ferme. L\u2019activit\ue9 larvicide des extraits observ\ue9e \ue0 faible dose sur les larves de H. armigera et S. littoralis semble offrir un avantage alternatif pour la lutte contre les ravageurs de la tomate

    Design and implementation of deformation algorithms for computer assisted orthopedic surgery: application to virtual implant database and preliminary results

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    Fractures around the joints are more common cases in routine trauma surgery where the surgeons have to bend the osteosynthesis plates to fit geometrical boundaries of the specific patient. This is a complicated, time consuming, and technically demanding procedure. The average time for bending a single plate requires as long as twenty minutes. This paper presents the first trial to design and implement the deformation algorithms for computer assisted orthopedic surgery system to assist surgeons in this procedure. Our preliminary results are presented

    Immunoglobulin response to Plasmodium falciparum RESA proteins in uncomplicated and severe malaria

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    Background: The three members of the ring-infected erythrocyte surface antigen (RESA) proteins family share high sequence homologies, which impair the detection and assignment to one or another protein of some pathogenic processes inherent to Plasmodium falciparum malaria. The present study was intended to determine if the antibody and inflammatory responses of children living in a malaria-endemic area varied depending on the RESA-1, RESA-2 or RESA-3 proteins and the severity of the disease, two groups of severe and uncomplicated malaria cases being considered. Methods: Two synthetic peptides representing predicted B cell epitopes were designed per RESA protein, all located outside of the 3' and 5' repetition blocks, in order to allow an antibody detection specific of each member of the family. Recombinant rRESA-1B and rRESA-3B proteins were also engineered. Two groups of Beninese children admitted to hospital in 2009 for either uncomplicated or severe malaria were compared for their plasma levels of IgG specifically recognizing each recombinant RESA protein or synthetic peptide, and for their plasma inflammatory cytokine levels (IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha and IL-10), taking into account host and parasite genetic factors. Results: The absence of IgG cross-reactivity between rRESA proteins and their protein carrier as well as between each RESA peptide and a non-epitopic RESA control peptide validated the use of the engineered recombinant proteins and peptides for the measurement of plasma IgG. Taking into account age, fever duration and parasitaemia, a multiple logistic regression performed on children clustered according to their antibody responses' profiles concluded to an increased risk of severe malaria for P2 (representative of RESA-1) responders (P = 0.007). Increased IL-10 plasma levels were found in children harbouring multiclonal P. falciparum infections on the basis of the T1526G resa2 gene polymorphism (P = 0.004). Conclusions: This study provided novel tools to dissect the seroreactivity against the three members of the RESA protein family and to describe its relation to protection against malaria. It suggested the measurement of plasma antibodies raised against specific peptides to serve as predictive immunologic markers for disease severity. Lastly, it reinforced previous observations linking the T1526G resa2 gene mutation to severe malaria

    The impact of improved clean cookstoves on households in Southern Haiti

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    The present paper evaluates the effects of the use of improved cookstoves (ICSs) on household fuel expenditure in Southern Haiti. It takes advantage of the fact that approximately 80 households received ICSs, a novel technology, in the aftermath of the 2010 Haitian earthquake. Survey work in 2014 permits a comparison of fuel expenditures between ICS-using households and non-using households. The effect of ICS use on fuel expenditure is estimated using a simple t-test and propensity score matching methods. Ultimately, understanding the effect of ICS use on fuel expenditures will help promoters of ICSs to improve their marketing plans and increase adoption

    Evaluation d’un protocole de traitement des mucites dans un Hopital Pediatrique du Maroc

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    Introduction : La mucite est une inflammation des muqueuses de la bouche et/ou du tractus digestif due au traitement anticancĂ©reux. Elle est l’un des effets secondaires les plus frĂ©quents dans la prise en charge des patients en oncologie. Sa prise en charge est difficile et fait appel Ă  des protocoles thĂ©rapeutiques variables et consensuels.Objectif : Evaluer le suivi et l’efficacitĂ© d’un protocole expĂ©rimental de prise en charge des mucites dans le service d’hĂ©matologie et d’oncologie pĂ©diatrique de l’HĂ´pital du 20 AoĂ»t 1953 au Maroc.MĂ©thode : Il s’était agi d’une Ă©tude prospective descriptive qui s’était dĂ©roulĂ©e du 15 novembre 2016 au 16 avril 2017 en deux phases : une phase 1 d’état des lieux et une phase 2 d’évaluation du protocole expĂ©rimental. La population d’étude Ă©tait constituĂ©e de tous les enfants hospitalisĂ©s pendant la pĂ©riode, ayant prĂ©sentĂ© une mucite quel que soit le grade. La saisie et l’analyse des donnĂ©es avaient Ă©tĂ© faites Ă  l’aide de MicrosoftExcel 2016.RĂ©sultats : La frĂ©quence de la mucite Ă©tait de 31,5% (12/38) au cours de la phase 1 et de 29 % (9/31) au cours de la phase 2 ; le sex ratio Ă©tait respectivement de 1 et 0,8 au cours des deux phases. Les pathologies associĂ©es Ă  la survenue des mucites Ă©taient essentiellement les hĂ©mopathies malignes (85% et 66%) avec une prĂ©dominance des leucĂ©mies aigues myĂ©l oĂŻdes. La majoritĂ© des enfants (58,3% et 55,5%) avaient un antĂ©cĂ©dent de mucite (aux cures de chimiothĂ©rapies antĂ©rieures). Après la mise en route du protocole, tous les enfants avaient eu la prĂ©vention comme proposĂ©e (sauf pour le brossage) et la mucite Ă©tait diagnostiquĂ©e au grade 1 d’évolution de l’OMS. La durĂ©e moyenne de guĂ©rison Ă©tait de 5,8 jours Ă  l’évaluation de la phase 2 contre 9,45 jours au cours de la phase 1.Conclusion : Le nouveau protocole de traitement de la mucite Ă©tait suivi et son application a permis de rĂ©duire la durĂ©e de sa prise charge Ă   l’hĂ´pital. Mots clĂ©s : traitement mucite, chimiothĂ©rapie, grades OMS, Maroc   English Title: Evaluation of a protocol for the treatment of Mucositis in a Pediatric Hospital of Morocco  Introduction : Mucositis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and / or the digestive tract due to anticancer treatment. It is one of the most common side effects in the management of oncology patients. Its management is difficult and uses variable and consensual therapeutic protocols.Goal: To evaluate the follow-up and the effectiveness of an experimental protocol of management of the mucositis in the department of  hematology and pediatric oncology of the Hospital 20th August 1953 in Morocco.Method: It was a prospective descriptive study that took place from November 15, 2016 to April 16, 2017 in two phases: a phase 1 inventory and a phase 2 evaluation of the experimental protocol. The study population consisted of all children hospitalized during the period with mucositis regardless of grade. Data entry and analysis was done using Microsoft Excel 2016.Results: The frequency of mucositis was 31.5% (12/38) during phase 1 and 29% (9/31) during phase 2; the sex ratio was 1 and 0.8 respectively in both phases. The pathologies associated with the onset of mucositis were mainly hematological malignancies (85% and 66%) with a predominance of acute myeloid leukemias. The majority of children (58.3% and 55.5%) had a history of mucositis (with prior chemotherapy treatments). After starting the protocol, all the children had had prevention as proposed (except for brushing) and mucositis was diagnosed at grade 1 of WHO's course. The mean duration of healing was 5.8 days at the Phase 2 evaluation versus 9.45 days in Phase 1.Conclusion: The new protocol for the treatment of mucositis was followed and its application reduced the duration of its load in the hospital. Keywords: mucositis treatment, chemotherapy, WHO grades, Morocco   &nbsp

    Efficacy of vegetable oil extracts for control of insect pests of tomato in Southern Benin

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    Pests are a menace to production of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) in sub-Sahara Africa. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of oil extracts of selected common plants for control of pests of tomato in Benin. The study was carried out on the Togba market garden sites in Benin. The botanical pesticides (Tephrosia purpurea, Ricinus communis, Thevetia neriifolia and Cashew Nut Shell Cold Liquid (CNSL cold) were compared with a biological insecticide (Topbio), a synthetic insecticide (Lambda cyhalothrin) and an untreated negative control. The fish model and the generalised linear mixed or fixed effects model were used to explain the number of caterpillars per plot as a function of the products tested during the different plant phases. Tephrosia purpurea oil, cold CNSL, Topbio and lambda cyhalothrin treatments significantly reduced H. armigera, S. littoralis and T. absoluta populations. The average yields of marketable tomato ranged from 7.20 ± 0.89 t ha-1 for the controls and 21.14 ± 3.56 and 20.46±1.98 t ha-1 for the plots treated with Tephrosia purpurea and CNSL cold on tomato, respectively. Plots treated with the synthetic insecticide lambda cyhalothrin gave the best yields (31.15±3.20 t ha-1). Of all the extracts tested, cold extracted CNSL and T. purpurea oil showed very high larvicidal activity at doses of 10%, compared to R. communis and T. neriifolia oil on the farm. The larvicidal activity of the extracts observed at low doses on H. armigera and S. littoralis larvae seems to offer an alternative advantage for the control of tomato pests

    Caractérisation physico-chimique et microbiologique de l’eau de process à la société Béninoise des brasseries (sobebra)

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    L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer l’efficacité d’un système de traitement de l’eau de distribution adapté aux conditions financières et techniques des entreprises agroalimentaires du Bénin. A la SOBEBRA, l’eau de distribution (eau de la société nationale des eaux du Bénin) est traitée par un système mixte en trois temps : la désinfection par le chlore, la floculation-coagulation-décantation par le sulfate d’aluminium et la filtration avec un filtre à sable et un filtre à charbon actif. Les résultats des analyses physico-chimiques ont révélé que l’eau traitée (eau de process) est plus stable que l’eau de distribution. La turbidité de l’eau traitée est en moyenne 0,1 NTU ; la teneur en chlore libre, en chlore totale et en aluminium est 0,0 mg/L ; le TAC, le TH, le pH, et la conductivité sont régulés et maintenus à des valeurs recommandées par les normes internationales. Les analyses microbiologiques de l’eau traitée révèlent une absence totale des coliformes totaux et Escherichia coli, des streptocoques fécaux et des spores de Clostridium sulfito-réducteurs.Mots clés : eau de process, coagulation-floculation-décantation, filtre à sable, filtre àcharbon actif