44 research outputs found

    Analisis Bahaya dan Resiko Bencana Gunungapi Papandayan (Studi Kasus: Kecamatan Cisurupan, Kabupaten Garut)

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    Risk assessment is an important step to be carried out for disaster management. It provides information for decision makers and communities in pre-disaster, during disaster and post disaster event. Nevertheless, risk assessment in Indonesia, especially on active volcanoes is still limited. This paper presents the risk assessment of Mt. Papandayan (2.665 m), the most active volcano in West Java. The unit of analysis in this study follows the administrative boundaries of village so that the identification can be applied at village level using GIS. Hazard analysis refers to the official hazard map produced by PVMBG while the vulnerability analysis is carried out in 3 sub-analysis, physical vulnerability (7 indicators), social vulnerability (7 indicators), and economic vulnerability. The hazard and vulnerability were overlayed in order to produce the risk which is subsequently made into risk map. The findings indicate that the villages located near and on the direction of the crater have relatively higher risk compared to other villages. The risk map can be incorporated as one of references for spatial planning that integrates disaster mitigation

    Benefits of Rural Biogas Implementation to Economy and Environment: Boyolali Case Study

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    Selo, a small agricultural-based village in Boyolali, Central-Java, Indonesia has initiated small-scale rural biogas adoption as it presumably reduces the consumption of LPG, firewood, chemical fertilizer and (women’s) overall workload, which especially suitable due to the relatively high use of cattle in that area As environmental problems such as global warming from fossil fuel consumption and land degradation from deforestation and overuse of chemical fertilizers, and socio-economic problems as gender empowerment and self-sufficiency are becoming more pressing, it is useful to analyse the benefits of biogas as an alternative renewable energy technology (RET) provision in rural areas. This paper aims to assess the benefits of rural biogas adoption from an economic perspective, through calculating the direct and indirect benefits obtained from biogas adoption in Selo. For this, a field survey was carried out in Selo to ask questions to biogas users (N=21) and non-users (N=5) on their energy and fertilizer consumption, as well as emissions reductions resulting from biogas adoption. Based on the analysis, oon average, a household with biogas saves 490 kWh month–1, 20,000 IDR month–1,185 kg CO2e month–1.Chemical fertilizer consumption remains remarkably high, which may due to a lack of awareness on the potential of digester slurry by the farmers, for indeed, reduction of chemical fertilizer use would help address some environmental problems. Biogas quality of one household has also been determined by comparing its heating value to that of methane; the methane percentage (MP) was approximately 31%. The quality is considerably lower than expected from the literature (i.e. around 60%), which may be due to the farmers neither mixing nor supplying water to the dung. Trainings providing methods for improving digester overall effectiveness to particularly the women-folk may enhance digester management and thus biogas production, as they form the main primary operatives. Despite the room for improvement, the existing results clearly show that biogas adoption significantly reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, household energy costs, workload, improves environmental conditions and generates income through carbon credit exchange. Therefore, under the notions of sustainable development, environmental preservation and self-sufficiency, policy makers and NGOs should expedite their support in biogas development, e.g. by providing subsidies and awareness raising

    Bandung Urban Dense Built Environment: Its Contribution on Microclimate and Living Quality

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    Urban village (kampong) becomes the city morphology phenomenon, its growth is organic and has no land use planning adequate. The tendency of increasing local temperatures in various metropolitan cities with high density has led to urban heat island. This article is a comprehensive study aimed at describes micro-climate aspects of the urban built environment. Detailed discussion on aspects morphology of the urban village will describe its implications for the formation of the microclimate that affects residential quality. Nine locations of kampong in Bandung with was then taken into samples, namely: Sukajadi, Tamansari, Sukapada, Cigondewah Kidul, Cigondewah Rahayu, Cicendo, Babakan Ciamis, and Cihaurgeulis. Detailed and specific discussion on aspects of mass and building shape, distance between buildings, height of buildings and availability green open space provides particular information of the influence of physical aspects of morphology on the microclimate, especially the most important to the average radiation temperature (Tmrt), others, such as air temperature (Ta), humidity (RH), and wind speed (v). The quality of the living environment as indicated by the PET index (Physiologically Equivalent Temperature). The final result shows Cigondewah Rahayu with 31.2∘C; 50.6%; 0,33m/s obtained PET = 35.9∘C with hot sensation. Based on the field measurement also find out that most of the nine kampongs are offering “warm” sensation living area, none of them have the “neutral,” “cool” or even “slightly cool” sensation.     Keywords: emergency medicine, instructional methods, Suda

    Interaksi Aktor dalam Rekonstruksi Rumah Pasca Bencana Gempa Bumi

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    This research aims to provide the understanding of stakeholders' interaction process in housing reconstruction in Pangalengan Sub-District after the 2009 West Java earthquake. This research took qualitative approach and was focused on describing patterns which the actors took in particular roles and exploring their interaction pattern. The actors' interaction was presented in statistic measurement and social network analysis. Through the visualization of actors' networks and the quantitative measurement of the networks, it was resulted that the density of network was relatively low. We found that 41 actors were involved in housing reconstruction in Pangalengan Sub-District which 18 actors became the central actors.The actors in the network comprised from four elements, including government, community, business and donor, and external actors. The increasing of interaction intensity in the network by arranging such mechanism and enhancement of actors' capacity are recommended in this study

    Species Distribution of Styrax sumatrana in North Sumatra using Maxent Modelling Approach

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    Styrax sumatrana is the prestigious tree from North Sumatra. The resin which is a product from this tree has high demand and take a role as the primary income for farmer around the forest. However, the climate change along with the land conversion, threatens the species distribution . This paper aims to analyse the variable that contributes to Styrax sumatrana distribution and predict the potential distribution area of the species in North Sumatra Province . Several variables, such as elevation, slope, aspect, climate condition and land use land cover (LULC), were used to analyse the contribution for Styrax sumatrana distribution. The analysis uses the Maximum entropy model to examine the variable contribution for species distribution. The result shows that the mean temperature of the coldest quarter has a higher contribution for species distribution followed by elevation and LULC. The climate condition has a great impact by 28.5% than the other variable. The potential area that is suitable for Styrax sumatrana distribution was 8.91% or around 663,221.94 ha from a total of region

    Behavior and Preparedness to Fire Hazard in High Density Settlements in Bandung

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    Fire is one of the hazards that may affect urban areas with high density settlements. Thus, research on fire mitigation is important to be conducted. This paper examines the behavior and preparedness of occupants in high density settlements towards fire risks in urban area. The case study is located at Kelurahan Sukahaji, Kecamatan Babakan Ciparay, Bandung that has very high density settlement as well as prone to fire hazards. This study assess 232 respondents in the study areas on information related to demography, understanding about fire, behavior and preparedness. The respondents understanding on the types of fire sources are still low. Similarly, the behavior related to the activites using fire are still dangerous because some activities are conducted with other activities which make people less aware of the fire hazards. Nevertheless, their knowledge on how to extinguish fires are quite good. This paper recommends more trainings on knowledge of fire source and behavior to be conducted to occupants living in high density settlements in order to reduce fire disaster risk

    Analisis Bahaya dan Resiko Bencana Gunungapi Papandayan (Studi Kasus: Kecamatan Cisurupan, Kabupaten Garut)

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    Risk assessment is an important step to be carried out for disaster management. It provides information for decision makers and communities in pre-disaster, during disaster and post disaster event. Nevertheless, risk assessment in Indonesia, especially on active volcanoes is still limited. This paper presents the risk assessment of Mt. Papandayan (2.665 m), the most active volcano in West Java. The unit of analysis in this study follows the administrative boundaries of village so that the identification can be applied at village level using GIS. Hazard analysis refers to the official hazard map produced by PVMBG while the vulnerability analysis is carried out in 3 sub-analysis, physical vulnerability (7 indicators), social vulnerability (7 indicators), and economic vulnerability. The hazard and vulnerability were overlayed in order to produce the risk which is subsequently made into risk map. The findings indicate that the villages located near and on the direction of the crater have relatively higher risk compared to other villages. The risk map can be incorporated as one of references for spatial planning that integrates disaster mitigation

    Identifying Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation Efforts for Children into the West Java Development Planning

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    West Java is an Indonesian Province which has a high risk of climate change impacts particularly in terms of increased exposure from many natural disasters. A natural disaster occurs frequently in the West Java Province, making the region vulnerable due to the biggest population in Indonesia it belongs to. Children are the most vulnerable population facing climate change impact because their physiological condition is not fully developed yet. They have a low adaptation ability towards the predicted changes. Therefore, mainstreaming climate change adaptation for children into development planning is important. It is also critical in order to induce more effective adaptation program. This paper analyzes how far the current development plan in the West Java Province reckons child adaptation mainstreaming to climate change. Data collection methods used in this research are the secondary method through the related development plan and the primary method through an in-depth interview to the related government institutions. Based on the analysis results using a content analysis, the region has a potential entry point to mainstream the adaptation of climate change into the development plan, involving seven government institutions. The opportunity of entry point from the West Java development plan is found in Badan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup Daerah/BPLHD (the Regional Environmental Management Agency) work plan. However, among these institutions, it is only BPLHD and the Health Department which almost fulfill all of the institutional capacity components to mainstreaming the adaptation of climate change for children into the West Java development planning. Therefore, both institutions are potentially recommended acting for initiators to induce coordination between the seven government institutions to mainstream the adaptation of climate change for children into the West Java development planning